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Function or Fashion?

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Which is more important to you?

I state a brief "hypothetical"

Say a New Warframe makes its way onto the scene. It's not OP buts it's really really good. It's really powerful and has great survivability, down right amazing synergy (Think of a cross between Nidus and Saryn done perfectly),  but there's only one problem... Its skills have next to no flash or visual appeal. Not only that but its Frame is really fugly... Take the ugliest frame in your opinion and triple it fugly.

Would you be able to play it regularly if you loved the way it plays?

Edited by (XB1)YouBitePi11ows
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I'd use a frame that has a good balance of fashion and performance where all 4 powers are useful. Nidus is an example. He looks really good with his infested looks(though probably ugly to some). And his powers have good damage scaling with variety and usefulness(1 for damage, 2 for CC, 3 for tank/buff, and 4 for  mild CC/Support)

Edited by Knightmare047
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5 hours ago, Knightmare047 said:

I'd use a frame that has a good balance of fashion and performance where all 4 powers are useful. Nidus is an example. He looks really good with his infested looks(though probably ugly to some). And his powers have good damage scaling with variety and usefulness(1 for damage, 2 for CC, 3 for tank/buff, and 4 for  mild CC/Support)

What if said WF was horrible to look at?

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10 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

Which is more important to you?

I state a brief "hypothetical"

Say a New Warframe makes its way onto the scene. It's not OP buts it's really really good. It's really powerful and has great survivability, down right amazing synergy (Think of a cross between Nidus and Saryn done perfectly),  but there's only one problem... Its skills have next to no flash or visual appeal. Not only that but its Frame is really fugly... Take the ugliest frame in your opinion and triple it fugly.

Would you be able to play it regularly if you loved the way it plays?

No.  See Equinox.  

All frames are OP and DE makes sure that you can complete and obtain all necessary content within 30 minutes, let alone 60...

Fashion-Frame is endgame for most...

I'm not interested nor do I care if your loadout can go 120 minutes and 1-shot level 150 bombards...and mine starts to struggle around the 90 minute mark.

Truly old-school arcade-style "high score" mechanics are a GREAT addition for a segment of the player base that is motivated by numbers, but not vital.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Equinox is one of my favourite frames, yet I can't use it for more than a few missions at a time because of how difficult it is to do proper fashionframe.

Wukong is an immortal tank. Yet he is one of the ugliest frames in the game. One of the main reasons why hardly anyone uses him.

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All I care about is how it plays, what makes it tick and what have you. Let me make my inevitable cosmetic adjustments so it looks like it came from a certain Faction for each of it's paint-jobs, let Digital be the ones who makes the fella function well.

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12 hours ago, V45H said:

no probably not a frame has to appeal to me visually why do you think now one wants to use atlas bacon is hard to make fashionable

No, because atlas is useless. I could care less what a frame looks like, as long as it benefits my team in my mission. Atlas, Oberon, and Titania are frames I never use because they are useless for what I play.

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7 hours ago, (Xbox One)YouBitePi11ows said:

What if said WF was horrible to look at?

Then I'd mess around with its appearance to make it bearable with my tastes. If not, then I guess I'll find another frame. For me, there's no point in killing things when you're not looking good while doing it.

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Function generally comes first for me, but I can be deterred to use something if its "fashion" is too hard to handle.

Example of fashion being too hard to handle:
Quanta - Good, efficient and powerful. But MAN is it ugly! If it didn't look like some kind of pogostick, I'd definitely use it way more.

Example of function winning over fashion:
Wukong - I can use Wukong, despite him being kinda meh in looks and having rather bleh-looking and boring abilities. Why? Only because of Defy, which make him insanely "functional".

However, I HATE (and thus don't use) his ultimate. Why? Because it looks SO bad, broken, clunky, stiff and unfinished. It's far too much for me to handle. Add to it that its functionality is also quite subpar (especially since I almost always run with Orthos Prime...). So it's BOTH generally a waste of energy AND an eyesore.
I also almost never use Iron Jab either, but that's mainly because it is generally useless (not that it's particularly flashy either, but for me, that's a much lesser concern).

I would say there is a third factor too: Fashion, Function and then plain old FUN
Sure, fun is often highly affected by a mix of fashion and function, but still, I'd put it as a seperate factor.

Anyway: As a contrast, something that is fun can also pursuade me to use somewhat more subpar stuff (unless it is REALLY subpar).

Even before Panthera was buffed, I simply loved using the Panthera, due to how gorey it was, and because of how it felt to use. I liked it to the point of getting a Riven for it. After the buff... well, now it is both a pleasure to use AND it's really powerful! Great for me! :D

Likewise, Convectrix is lots of fun, but sadly quite subpar for tough stuff (sees far less use than the Panthera, due to that). I do take it out for a spin from time to time though, simply because it's fun. After all, it still functions well on the basic starchart missions.

Then there's the case of something being TOO functional (a.k.a. "overpowered"). Even if it is "fashionable" enough, this kind of thing tends to only be fun for a short while, then it gets boring. And sometimes (but not necessarily always, as can be seen with Wukong for me) when something get's TOO boring to use, that can make me stay away from it too.

A good example of that is the Tonkor. Very strong, not ugly or anything like that, and fun in the start. But the overpoweredness became boring. Thus -> Not used anymore. Can't even care to pick it up after its nerfs.

As a decent counterexample to that: The Tigris weapons. It's also very strong (borderline boringly strong, just like Tonkor), but since it requires a bit more effort to use it well, I can still use it. It then becomes "fun enough", despite being something quite overpowered. Here, function won over fun, kinda similar to Wukong.

So, if I had to put an order to the factors:
1) Function
2) Fun
3) Fashion

But they all matter, of course, and a good balance of all of the 3 is the most preferred.
And people say balance doesn't matter (in a PvE-game), huh?

Edited by Azamagon
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