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Umbra warframes [Discussion & Appreciation][*spoilers*]

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1 minute ago, CaptainStrawberry said:

I see. This quest will be expanding on the relationship between the Operator and The Warframe. Perhaps we will actually see the emotional outline between them, the Operators thoughts on HIS Warframe. And the Warframes thoughts on HIS Operator. In other words, we have to save our Warframe in a tragic yet sad atmosphere.  

you think its possible to sacrifice ourself to save our frame and vice versa ?

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

you think its possible to sacrifice ourself to save our frame and vice versa ?

Here is my guess: The early section of the quest is Operator sacrifices his life for his Warframe. The Warframe is the protagonist/main character of that arc and he will try to his Operator. Perhaps in a bitter and vengeful way even? Kinda of poetic considering the TWW of the reversed situation. The Warframe will do whatever it takes to save his operator. Even if it means Sacrifice. Sounds epic to me. 

Edited by CaptainStrawberry
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just saying but where did zariman dead adult bodies went, i think thats asnswer for rhino prime codex, all those dead bodies where made to warframes they didnt used tenno bodies becouse they are not big looking at the size of it, so i am guesing that we are getting awnswer for why warframe was able to pull sword at the end of second dream, 

here is the rhino prime codex


Red lights flashing on stark, white walls. Davis is running ahead of me, dropping his notes. We're running for our lives. The fear gives me a strange perspective - I'm out of my body. I've forgotten how I got here. I don't recognize this place. 

Davis and I slam pinned against a cell door and he shouts at me. I give him a dumb look. I can't hear him, the sirens, anything, only the muffled throb of terror in my head. I turn away from Davis down the hall and I see it. The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood. Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes. They do no good. The beast surges forward and the security men become crimson mist and gore. 

I'm a statue, a cornered animal. A gate opens inside me and recognition floods in. I have seen this monster before. I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it. But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints. I have never seen it... free. 

I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance. The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth. It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done. It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness. I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead. I close my eyes and stand ready to pay. 

I feel the pull on my arm and realize Davis got the cell open. He tugs me into the cell beyond and I fall on my back. I see Davis standing at the open door, waiting, as the monster tears towards us. 

Suddenly I could live through this I shout, "Davis, close the goddamn door!" - But he shakes his head eyes wide as moons. He shouts, "Watch!" over the roaring and rending of metal. 

Then silence. Davis is panting, laughing? The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence. It stands there, looking at its hands. Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me." 

I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door. I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves. A morgue? "Where are we, Davis?" 

"This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman." I'm thrown, what was the Zariman? The ship that never returned? "Davis, what's going on?" 

Davis turns to me, a smile forming - "What's going on is..." he turns back to the beast now silent and calm. 

"...big, fat promotions."


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21 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

Maybe. I admit colourblindness is making it hard for me to note specifics.

So in light of that, I'm currently contemplating the narration, and the respirator in the back ground.

"If you could trade, would you? Surely.
But all miracles require sacrifice.

For their life...yours."

At the moment, it feels like Ballas is offering a kind of 'Deal with the Devil' almost. Not quite sure what...but the respirator does stop after the final line. Was someone's plug pulled...or did they no longer need breathing assistance. Certainly fittingly Ballas, though, as it feels like an abuse of power; here's a chance to breathe freely...but it'll cost you. Of course he knows someone in that state would take it...I bet he's counting on it.

Course. That's my interpretation at this time. I could well be wrong and this may be the one time Ballas is legit not using those around him in some way.

So it is essentially a deal like the one he offered Ordan Karris, but instead of converting someone into a Cephalon, he converts them into a Warframe. It's a rather dark thing of them to do and not out of line for the Orokin. We know that they gave a 'flaw' to their creations to ensure their servitude and to deter uprisings, i think Ordan even said he himself had a terminal illness that was kept a secret from him.

The Orokin could have possibly took people that were on their last breathes, made them some grand offer, and then infected them with the Technocyte strain that creates Warframes. Something they were not expecting.

Edited by -YoRHa-
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5 minutes ago, CaptainStrawberry said:

Here is my guess: The early section of the quest is Operator sacrifices his life for his Warframe. The Warframe is the protagonist/main character of that arc and he will try to his Operator. Perhaps in a bitter and vengeful way even? Kinda of poetic considering the TWW of the reversed situation. The Warframe will do whatever it takes to save his operator. Even if it means Sacrifice. Sounds epic to me. 

be fun

4 minutes ago, godila2 said:

just saying but where did zariman dead adult bodies went, i think thats asnswer for rhino prime codex, all those dead bodies where made to warframes they didnt used tenno bodies becouse they are not big looking at the size of it, so i am guesing that we are getting awnswer for why warframe was able to pull sword at the end of second dream, 

here is the rhino prime codex

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Red lights flashing on stark, white walls. Davis is running ahead of me, dropping his notes. We're running for our lives. The fear gives me a strange perspective - I'm out of my body. I've forgotten how I got here. I don't recognize this place. 

Davis and I slam pinned against a cell door and he shouts at me. I give him a dumb look. I can't hear him, the sirens, anything, only the muffled throb of terror in my head. I turn away from Davis down the hall and I see it. The hulking mass, flickering red, glinting like steel and fresh blood. Its skin changes, flowing like mercury when I'm blinded by the sudden muzzle-flashes. They do no good. The beast surges forward and the security men become crimson mist and gore. 

I'm a statue, a cornered animal. A gate opens inside me and recognition floods in. I have seen this monster before. I have cut its shell and eviscerated its brothers. I have given it pain and measured its response. I have crafted then rejected countless like it. But I've never seen this beast so close, without the shield, without restraints. I have never seen it... free. 

I know I will die so I just watch with curious acceptance. The beast squats down, shovelling a heap of gore into its mouth. It is watching me with vague eyes, a sense of recognition, ancestral memory. It knows who I am and what I've done. It rears up like a bear and roars, shattering the lights and casting us into darkness. I can hear it lumbering toward me, its metal fingers rending the walls, but I know I am dead. I close my eyes and stand ready to pay. 

I feel the pull on my arm and realize Davis got the cell open. He tugs me into the cell beyond and I fall on my back. I see Davis standing at the open door, waiting, as the monster tears towards us. 

Suddenly I could live through this I shout, "Davis, close the goddamn door!" - But he shakes his head eyes wide as moons. He shouts, "Watch!" over the roaring and rending of metal. 

Then silence. Davis is panting, laughing? The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence. It stands there, looking at its hands. Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me." 

I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door. I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves. A morgue? "Where are we, Davis?" 

"This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman." I'm thrown, what was the Zariman? The ship that never returned? "Davis, what's going on?" 

Davis turns to me, a smile forming - "What's going on is..." he turns back to the beast now silent and calm. 

"...big, fat promotions."


using our dead parents bodies weaponized for war...  but then we know these are derived from infested , its possible , but i dont know if parents for infested, or like with rell , they went ...negative? 

4 minutes ago, -YoRHa- said:

So it is essentially a deal like the one he offered Ordan Karris, but instead of converting someone into a Cephalon, he converts them into a Warframe. It's a rather dark thing of them to do and not out of line for the Orokin. We know that they gave a 'flaw' to their creations to insure their servitude and to deter uprisings, i think Ordan even said he himself had a terminal illness that was kept a secret from him.

The Orokin could have possibly took people that were on their last breathes, made them some grand offer, and then infected them with the Technocyte strain that creates Warframes. Something they were not expecting.

either it could create frames or its how stalker was made ... dying/sick people , 1 last shot at life, even if bound to servitude ...


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My thoughts:

It was previously speculated that umbra did not have an operator. I think that's true but not in the rogue Warframe sense but as in permanent transference.

The heart monitor sound and breathing machine sounds hint to someone unconscious or completely paralyzed. Whoever this was, was placed into umbra.

That is not the sacrifice that Ballas is talking about though. In order to gain umbra the old conscience has to be removed killing whoever is in it. "Your life(current umbra), for theirs(the tenno)." To save your operator and/ or all tenno by sacrificing their life to give you a powerful weapon.

So I speculate that umbra is a reluctant ally or someone who has always watched in the wings until we were ready. Umbra will sacrifice themselves to save us either directly from mortal danger or a coming threat.

Between this and the new area I'm really excited for later this year!

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11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

i think your right , its like the trailers hes not talking to us but to another

 talking to someone on the death bed and gave them .. a choice, sacrifice to grant life 

it would seem to me then that if we link it to umbra being orokin made... then we can assume that the frame types indeed require..a darker theme to be born .. life to breath life into the unliving flesh ? or to save the dying and bring them into a new body 

It certainly fits his style of control, at least; make it seem like others have a choice, but manipulate things so they choose in his favour. See Perintol's case.

"Die now...forever...or swear fealty, and I'll grant you a body unmatched by any other" sort of deal.

Frames are certainly Orokin made. But the means...and what differences those means might cause, is another question entirely.

I mean...an act of benevolence can be considered an act of cruelty looked at or done for simple reasons. Just look at how sparing the Queen can be far more merciless than merciful.

8 minutes ago, CaptainStrawberry said:

I see. This quest will be expanding on the relationship between the Operator and The Warframe. Perhaps we will actually see the emotional outline between them, the Operators thoughts on HIS Warframe. And the Warframes thoughts on HIS Operator. In other words, we have to save our Warframe in a tragic yet sad atmosphere.  

Maybe...though I can't commit to Warframes and Feelings per those being very tied into the notion of Sapience, an ongoing question as of yet.

Sentience, I can argue to a degree. Sapience...too far a leap just yet. Need more information.

Though could prove an interesting dynamic to consider, especially with how they were talking about the idea of a kind of "combo tag team" during the stream. Certainly begs questions if half that Team is an inanimate automaton after all...

Rest assured, I'll concede the point if we get some further information to that end.

2 minutes ago, -YoRHa- said:

So it is essentially a deal like the one he offered Ordan Karris, but instead of converting someone into a Cephalon, he converts them into a Warframe. It's a rather dark thing of them to do and not out of line for the Orokin. We know that they gave a 'flaw' to their creations to insure their servitude and to deter uprisings, i think Ordan even said he himself had a terminal illness that was kept a secret from him.

The Orokin could have possibly took people that were on their last breathes, made them some grand offer, and then infected them with the Technocyte strain that creates Warframes. Something they were not expecting.

Possibly. Though the original deal for Ordan was to become an Orokin; to become Cephalon was his "Eternal Reward" in terms of punishment.

And people will do...many things if you can promise them one more moment, potentially. Can easily see the Orokin happily letting people swear fealty, if it means giving some select rewards. What's wrong with a little decision pressure of fingers on the life support, after all?

Make no mistake; if the Orokin want something, they sure as heck don't care for moral restraint from what we know.

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Just now, NovusNova said:

"PLAINS OF EIDOLON" has a 2017 release date.

Umbra + "The Sacrifice" quest is just soontm at this time.

that is still half a year at most and probably 2018 for umbra then :(

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From what I can see from the trailer we can surmise a few things: 

1. The quest or Umbra will involve the Orokin Moon for sure. 

2. We don't know what vehicle-looking thing is in the opening shot. Perhaps it's some old chamber to hold somebody? Maybe this has something to do with the ghosts on the Orokin Moon. 

3. That brand new Nikana...I'm thinking that actually might be the first official Umbra weapon - Nikana Umbra. 

4. The key is the word "miracle". What is the miracle? Wasn't that word used by Palantine during the Harrow quest? I think, as many of previously speculated, that the Umbra is an example of a Warframe where the operator has been fused into the frame itself to save the life of the operator, or to preserve its consciousness. If I understand correctly, this was the case of Rell wasn't it? Please correct me if I'm wrong. 



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2 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

"PLAINS OF EIDOLON" has a 2017 release date.

Umbra + "The Sacrifice" quest is just soontm at this time.

Well for umbra thats a DE soontm and that means anywhere from as early as next week to late next year or beyond. As for the Plains of Eidolon that's probably a good year and a half down the pipeline.

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3 hours ago, SpawnCraft--Spawnling123 said:

that is still half a year at most and probably 2018 for umbra then :(


Hell, 2017 is more than half over, so saying a "half a year from now" still means 2018. Given Eidolon had a year stamp, but Sacrifice didn't, I personally suggest (because pessimism is my only specialty) chilling back and enjoying what we have for now because 2018 seems like its release field. Then again, they gave no date for War Within either (but even so, look how that turned out, hoowa...).

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Some Websites are saying "late summer 2017" (which would be someday between now and the end of september) but I wouldn't get my hopes up that much. For now expect the PoE Update sometime around november/december until we hear something else. For the Quest there is definitly no timeframe so if PoE really releases "late summer" then I would say end of the 2017, if PoE releases later then I would say 2018.

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