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Why do people hate Mag?


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People hated Mag back when she was the best Corpus nuker in the game.  Multiple times I brought her into Corpus sorties and was ridiculed for doing so - one of those players even laughed at me when I told him to go ahead and bring any frame he wants to a Corpus mission and see if he can out-damage my Mag.  After I got 85% of damage dealt, he still hated Mag.

Haters gonna hate.

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I'm my experience, it's best to tune out certain people. If you enjoy mag, play her and kick everything in the teeth with your awesome self. 

To stay on topic, most of the mag hate is from everything that gets a change:  she went from being a single faction nuke (Press2toWin) to an all rounder that puts more emphasis on your game knowledge. Yes, you can still build Mag for one ability, but you gimp yourself doing so because of the sheer amount of utility you end of ignoring.

I'm pretty consistent in my performance with mag, and play using all abilities. She fits my style, which are caster characters, and I kind of like that she's underappreciated. Makes her more unique for the players that can actually play her. My only gripe is her low energy pool, but I've found ways around that.

Tl;Dr Play what you like to play, ignore meta sheep, and continue being awesome. 

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To me, Mag just clicks. I understand how to use her, I've built her in a way where I can use her effectively, and she's honestly my go-to frame if I don't want to play anything else. I will admit, she's not in the absolute best place right now, but she is far from being a bad frame, and light years away from being useless.

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Every time I play mag, I always come out on top of the squad with most damage dealt. However, the killing is coming from my weapons and not the frame itself. I tried to understand her rework but I am still skeptical on my build. I see these players stripping enemy armor at level 70 or 80 so I'm guessing that's based on power strength?

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I feel people who hate on her fall into 1 or more of the 3 catagories:

1) They spammed her polarize to nuke in end game and/or used greedy pull+ nekros to bot the game.

2) They are meta nerds who value anything that isn't objectively the best as a wasted option.

3) She's the weakest/hardest starter frame to use.

Her entire kit is still really good.  They moved her scaling ability from polarize to magnetize.  Which works well as both a boss shredder for certain bosses, great and locking off choke points, and used as a personal survival bubble.  Her polarize while it doesn't give as much shields back anymore is still decent for lower level.  and at higher levels it's great for pulling off bits to boost your magnetize bubbles damage. Her 1 is very cheap CC that lets you bring more enemies into her bubble.  Or pull an enemy magnetized to do more damage to them.  And her 4 is great as it's one of the few abilities left that effects a large area that doesn't require LoS.  Though I will admit that you honestly need to pick up fracturing crush to make it remotely useful in stuff like sorties.

That being said she does have some legitimate issues.  Her primary source of survival is shields.  and even when shield gating gets added in it's still not going to help her for things that bypass shields.  As a cast heavy frame she has a small energy pool even with her prime version.  and the damage of her ultimate is all magnetic.  which is bad.  If they ever go back to her i'd suggest a few things:

1) give her a much bigger casting pool. I think she should be sitting around 450-500.

2) Not specific to her but when shield gating arrives make it so if shield gate is popped any negative status effect is removed and you're status immune for a few seconds.  This would only by a few seconds for shield reliant frames.  But it would help them from being insta deleted.  Wouldn't be a big deal for health reliant frames as plenty of mods already help.  they wouldn't notice it.

3) Change her damage on her ult to either due a flat damage to all factions.  or make her do increased damage to any enemy who has been polarized by her.  I don't want it to be a nuke ability.  But if it's going to be coupled with a high animation cast time basically requiring natural talent along side a hefty cost it needs to be more worth using.  So either do as above.  or reduce the cost on her ult and decrease the cast time and slightly bump the time it takes for effected enemies to stand up.

All that being said if they never come back to her she'd be fine. fracturing crush build with high range and a slova and enemies will literally never stand up.  and if you're doing some sort of defense you can just drop magnetize in choke points and nuke people.  I didn't give her much thought till post rework.  So I never experienced her godhood.  But I can say that I deff enjoy the way she works now.  Just let your skill speak for yourself.  If you do well in a mission I severely doubt people are going to be upset with your choice.

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15 hours ago, (Xbox One)OTF SERENiTY said:

Every time I play mag, I always come out on top of the squad with most damage dealt. However, the killing is coming from my weapons and not the frame itself. I tried to understand her rework but I am still skeptical on my build. I see these players stripping enemy armor at level 70 or 80 so I'm guessing that's based on power strength?

to an extent power strength can help polarize but since its just a flat amount it will never work against sortie level enemies.

What you are most likely seeing is either players using the armor stripping augment for her 4.

or players like me using pox with magnetize.

it takes 2 pox throws to compleatly strip a level 145 heavy gunner without magnetize.

with magnetize stripping and killing 8 of them takes less then 10 sec.

of course that is in a controlled enviroment.

far to many people dont understand how powerful range is for mag

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On 7/6/2017 at 5:43 PM, AlphaSierraMike said:

That would assume another angle would be possible, or practical. A magnetize in a doorway, no. Moving away from the defense target, no. Magnetizing a target next to an enemy capping an interception point, no. And the bubble taking care of the enemies would assume they actually walk close enough to the bubble, nothing about the enemies that aren't. Not everyone make kills at a close range.

Sure it might kill, eventually, but in most cases it's just pointless delay that can be avoided if someone else just outright killed the target. Killing 15 in an instant but having to wait for 10 seconds for the ability to expire is the same as killing 15 within 10 seconds.

I'm not really complaining about nuking, even though I wouldn't really choose magnetize as a nuking ability... I'm bothered by it blocking my shot.

But yes, I get that sometimes not taking damage is the more important aspect, like Defense, as with Frost Globes and Limbo Stasis, so I don't mind that. Even though Magnetize is a less consistent version of Frost in that manner.... What I do mind is when it is more important to rack up kills as fast as possible, like survival, and the bubble just delay kills. It's a hindrance, just as much as Stasis. Oh sure it can kill multiple enemies in an instant, but the time to reach that point pretty much negates itself.

Mag works well by herself, and the player that knows what they're in for. But just as with a lot of the frames, it doesn't work well with others.

But whatever, I can't change the way that people play. It's barely a co-op game in the first place, contrary to what the tag says on the Steam page.

except that usually once they walk into the bubble they instantly drop dead meaning any point on an intercept or defense where theres a bubble is handled enemies just walk in and drop like flies. also if its on a doorway obviously theyd walk in and in an open space its also just as effective as it just means theres more room for more bubbles (as lifeofrio said, in an open space shes just as good as she can make choke points in those spaces with magnetises) also if the mag was good theyd pull enemies into the bubbles, so your assuming the enemies have any choice but to enter it. as for killing quickly, its a trade off, slowly kill one guy now but kill 20 later while your killing guys 1 by one. ive never had a moment as mag where i didnt get more kills than anyone else (this could mean that either im just very good or most mags suck). As for your comments about survival, ive never had problems with mag nor has any of my team mates as i usually carry us up to an hour in fissure survivals, and ODS (can do much more but i usually want to do something else after an hour or so of the same mission) i also usually rack up the most kills in these even when paired with saryn or an equinox ( maim equinox and magnetise is disgustingly OP). So in all it is not the hindrance you make it out to be and mag is a valuable asset to any team in any situation as long as the mag player knows what they are doing. It might be a hindrance to you but to others its a complete miracle. BTW with its augment you can end magnetise early to nuke faster and if anything survives, it has a high chance of being disarmed so hopefully it will be less of a hindrance "to you".

Edited by YandereWaifu
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On 7/6/2017 at 9:20 AM, HerpDerpy said:

She has like 0 scale-ability, her magnetize can be pretty annoying to other players, she got too gimmicky with that whole "armor chunks falling off and adding extra damage" thing which feels like DE reduced the overall usefulness of Polarize for that gimmick, and her Crush is only good a low levels, since at higher levels its just a very expensive CC that only last for 4 seconds.

It really sucks because 3-4 years ago when Warframe was early in development she was my favorite and made the game a cake walk, but now the game has evolved and she didnt evolve with it.

zero scalability yet magnetise scales with enemy damage, just saying.

polarize was nerfed and then given a slight buff in that it wont 1 shot corpus anymore, but it will at the same time be usefull against other faction where as it used to do absolutely nothing to them.

crush with some efficiency also its augment which improves its CC a bit (not by much but i admit the move itself could use some attention from DE) and lets it strip 50% armor. As for higher levels why not just magnetise, also crush is actually pretty effective vs alot of enemies which is why some people do crush builds for bere. 

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Months of no posting on the forums just to post on this kind of topic. Yay me....

Alright. I've used Mag since the beginning of my time playing Warframe, January 2013. I got her literally my 2nd day of the game using the starting plats to rush her.


Lets go with how I see her playing today. "I love it." I bring my Mag against enemies around level 150 all the time for most of my weapon combo testings. I go for long survival runs when I just feel like resource farming, 1-2 hours long. I love the recent change to making some abilities not rooting Mag to the ground, though it took me a while to adjust my playing style because I use to jump to avoid the root problem. I think she's great for handling any and all situations in Warframe currently. Though in public games, especially in some events I played the last half year, I've noticed some people saying they've never seen a Mag player that OP. Do people just listen to region chat all the time or what? It's as bad as that one time when I used Hydroid for long excavation runs against Grineer. People expect me to do terrible.


Lets go through time real quick. Here's a brief summery to all versions of Mag I can call from memory.

  • 1st version: Mag's abilities were all single target except Crush. Mag could Pull teammates(a feature I still severely miss though trolly). Mag's Bullet Attractor worked on Teammates(Troll thing). Polarize was by far severely useless. It only restored shields at the time and never your own. When Defense was in the most earliest of stages people wanted Mag to refresh the shields on the Defense target. Yes really the Defense target was severely that weak and had maps where enemies spawn severely close to it and just fire over hand rails. Defense was hard. Crush only had 1 instance of damage... At the end of the animation only and only to enemies initially grabbed.
  • 2nd-3rd version: After the severity of someone's Warframe Tiering list Mag use to be considered, "The Most Useless Warframe." I still mainly played Mag at this time but more for a supportive roll. Her abilities got some severe changes. Pull now AOE pulls. The first version of this rework didn't knock enemies down and literally pulled about a full 360 degrees around Mag, all of which were directly next to her in a huge crowd. Mag players actually died because the no knockdown and enemies pulled just instantly shoot because no ragdolling or knockdown. This got changed about a few weeks later. Thus the next new OP Broken thing that existed... Killing all enemies through walls on the map. People were spamming Pull in Mobile Defense since it use to be the place to be for leveling. This existed for a couple months before they finally add a form line of sight to the thing. At this stage Polarize became the Nuker everyone loved before the latest change. It basically instant killed Corpus because it was using a % based on enemy shields before exploding everything. However before people started using it for that purpose people were obsess with Pull killing everything through walls. When enemies suddenly had much higher scaling shortly after this update... Ya... Polarize became the cheese ability VS Corpus. Bullet Attractor was way too situational or just useless to do when playing with groups. But when I wasn't fighting Corpus at this stage I used the Bullet Attractor + Glaive combo against Heavy Gunners and Bombards. I learned to jump and spam Pull only to reduce overall damage. Augments allowed me to play higher content easily with Fracturing Crush. The very original Shield Transference augment was a bubble if I remember right. It was great. Then it turned into overshields. Which was kind of meh.
  • Current version: Mag is lovely right now. There isn't really a bad match-up anymore. Pull feels good, Bullet Attractor actually stays on enemies even after they die and you can cast multiple. Polarize is actually pretty nice for removing armor and shields. Not instant kill but I don't really care about that as much. I use Bullet Attractor Magnetize for that! Crush still doesn't feel all that great without using an augment for teamplay, I still rarely use it at all since using it at lvl 150 pretty much means instant death if enemies are able to shoot at you.

I didn't mention Greedy Pull because I just wasn't one of those people who only used Mag for that severity of standing there and farming barely moving. I still have yet to use the new augment for Magnetize so I can't really judge it as I just like my current Mag build with zero augments right now.

If you're wondering why I care about making a post this large. I'm the person who kept on pushing to fix a bug with Mag's Bullet Attractor way long time ago. It killed everyone's sentinels for just being inside it. This redtext below will forever haunt me.




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On 2017. 07. 05. at 0:02 PM, Praxxor said:

Because she has lost her only two gimmicks and has some useless abilities instead of them now.

Whaat? Useless? My friend and Me easly killed enemies over level 500 with her. Her bubble is super op, You just spam a riven modded pox in the bubble and the enemies fckin melt away and when the bubble explodes It deals damage in millions. 1 hits everything. 

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Pretty much any status weapon with Radiation on Magnetize for late game works extremely well. I know people used Pox for the extreme damage ramp-up but I find myself using the Supra/Miter more lately. I keep my secondary a Furis with that healing mod for long runs.

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On 5.7.2017 at 1:19 PM, Helch0rn said:

Because, like Saryn, she now requires skill instead of mindlessly pressing one button over and over again. But you are rewarded with more damage compared to her pre-rework

Both Saryn and Mag are insanely good when their synergized abilities are well executed... People are just used being otp's, I pity for them. Lazy tenno...

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She went from spamming one ability to spamming another.

She's still a one-button wonder but now takes a lot more to be useful. 

So, eeehhhh. She's better of course, but not in the ways most wanted her to be. Her 1 doesn't let you pull enemies into Magnetize, her 3 doesn't shred Armor or Shield via percentage and her 4 still does abysmal damage while leaving her insanely vulnerable.

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a lot of people just salty about her instant kill corpus getting removed for a better skill for mutilple faction

or about greed pull.


she takes a fair bit of learning to get good with her some don't want to put in the time to learn her kit.

or shes just not there playstyle.


however i consider her one of the stronger warframes in the game. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 05/07/2017 at 11:48 AM, -Temp0- said:

Everything she does others do better. That's all.

What's with people saying that ^ on every thread regarding any frame? No matter what you say about any frame, someone always says "other frames do it better". You could say "Frame X looks good with red colours! :D " and someone would reply "Frame Y looks better." - Seriously, this mentality confuses new players. A lot.

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Some people latch onto some piece of "information," and will continue to believe it despite any actual evidence to the contrary.  When Harrow came out, I was leveling Harrow and the bundle weapons all at the same time.  I'm also MR 20, so I have the option to *start* with more mod capacity than some people will have at nearly max level, especially if it's something they consider "MR fodder" and don't plan to keep.  In any case, someone in a public, low or middle level Rift Defense actually took the time to start yelling at me for being a "leech" and that I should be in the "correct" missions to level up, not this one.  When the match ended, and I had the highest damage done and most enemies killed, despite starting with unleveled gear, he basically accused me of being a haxxor and threatened to report me.

I assume the same thing happens with Mag:  At some point, someone "who totally knows what they're talking about" declared Mag to be a "useless" frame.  Therefore she is a useless frame, forever, no matter what.  Because that's how the Internet works, sadly.

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Mag is primarily an offensive frame, and relies heavily on aoe power damage to be effective.

Unfortunately, there's no real way to increase the amount of damage your powers do, so after level 25ish they become increasingly useless, because they deal scratch damage against the massively increased enemy health and armor pools.


Polarize is still somewhat useful for it's armor stripping and shield recharge, but one decent ability is not really enough to make a frame good.


This is not a problem with Mag, per say; This is a problem with the game in general that affects a lot of frame: There is no power damage scaling.

If power damage scaled with the level of the enemy it was used on, then frames like mag and ember would be much *much* more useful.


Mag is a glass cannon with a cannon that is ineffectual against high level enemies thanks to the lack of damage scaling.

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