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Plains of Eidolon


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17 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

She didn't exactly have top tier weapons. They can't do a hard reset, not now and probably not ever honestly. People have spend hundreds of hours farming and tens, hundreds some even thousands of dollars in order to create their arsenal, taking that away will kill the game because of the uproar. 

Until they implement a dynamic difficulty system, we can't expect them to balance all new content around a 800% damage buff Chroma with a 7 forma Tigris Prime, they balance it for new to mid players.

Well, those things will still work in existing content, but yeah, it will surely create an uproar. But there's going to be one either way. People will complain that there's nothing to do once they cheese through everything that Plains have to offer within a week of release.

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14 hours ago, Redthirst said:

I hope that they will do a hard reset with this new update. Disable all the existing mods from working inside the Plains, rebalance/remove some of the most broken weapons, add a new, balanced progression system. I feel like that is the only way they can make Plains a meaningful piece of content. Start anew and balance the game from scratch. Otherwise, it will just be cheesed like every other piece of content that we have and become stale in the first week.

I hope that this new crafting system and the fact that Rebecca didn't kill everything in one hit is a sign of things to come.

I can only get behind this idea if the current mods/loadouts we have still work with the current mission nodes set up we have now. I thoroughly enjoy the game as it is and over half of what they showed of The Plains of Eidolon looked boring. Up until the giant monster came out of the water I was thinking this looks cool I guess but where is the mass killing that I come here for.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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Just now, blackheartstar_pc said:

I can only get behind this idea if the current mods/loadouts we have still work with the current mission nodes set up we have now. I thoroughly enjoy the game as it is now and over half of what they showed of The Plains of Eidolon looked boring af. Up until the giant monster came out of the water I was thinking this looks cool I guess but where is the mass killing that I come here for.

As I mentioned, people that enjoy pressing one button to kill everything around them will still be able to use existing loadouts in current mission nodes.

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1 minute ago, Pizzarugi said:

Can you choose who will be in the plains with you, like you can in missions? If I choose solo, for example, only I will be on this instance of the plains.

Well obviously you should. Makes no sense for anyone to just run along and take your friends' slots.

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14 hours ago, Redthirst said:

As I mentioned, people that enjoy pressing one button to kill everything around them will still be able to use existing loadouts in current mission nodes.

lol right on, not what I was saying but whatever. I forget that the general population here hasn't wrapped their head around the fact a lot of us don't run meta/min maxed equipment. Just wanted to state I didn't want to start over from scratch as the op was hoping for.


Edit: You're saying that to the guy who criticized the buffing of both the Attica and Harpak because I used them pre buff effectively in sorties and hour long runs with no power spam. If you mean the trigger button on my gun then yes press one button to kill but I think you're trying say something else.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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as the title says,where are we hoping to find plains eidolon? will it even be in the origins system?

from the looks of it ,it looks like mars but a greener version of mars with that little vegetation there is and off course water, but this is a planet in the origins system.........

since it is literaly a sentient battle ground grave, are there any chances of it being in the tau system? i highly doubt it since it is supposed to be densly populated with sentients and from what we know, theres no life there apart from sentients , but only time will tell

what are your ideas of its possible location?

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)kamil_demon said:

as the title says,where are we hoping to find plains eidolon? will it even be in the origins system?

from the looks of it ,it looks like mars but a greener version of mars with that little vegetation there is and off course water, but this is a planet in the origins system.........

since it is literaly a sentient battle ground grave, are there any chances of it being in the tau system? i highly doubt it since it is supposed to be densly populated with sentients and from what we know, theres no life there apart from sentients , but only time will tell

what are your ideas of its possible location?

It's on Earth. 

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21 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

lol right on, not what I was saying but whatever. I forget that the general population here hasn't wrapped their head around the fact a lot of us don't run meta/min maxed bs. Just wanted to state I didn't want to start over from scratch as the op was hoping for.


Edit: You're saying that to the guy who criticized the buffing of both the Attica and Harpak because I used them pre buff effectively in sorties and hour long runs with no power spam. If you mean the trigger button on my gun then yes press one button to kill but I think you're trying say something else just to be a...

Yeah, sorry about that. I just tend to assume that most people that enjoy current content are the ones that spam the most meta builds they can find and just enjoy the completely brainless experience that min-maxed builds provide.

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What exactly do you think we will be facing? Id expect the sentient units we fought with are going to be rebalanced since anything but cheesing them is the only possible way to kill them at the usual level we face them.
Will that exosuit teased many moons ago be here? Will we be able to go killy on crowds of sentients like they according to lore are fought[large numbers]
Will we see those transports in the tombs of the sentients trailor even more moons ago on top of the unique long necked variants shown in the tomb of the sentients launcher backround/and in a devstream a few months back?
What the hell is that thing at the end?

Will we actually get a better idea of the sentients as a enemy faction and be able to slaughter them like a normal enemy? For a unit with duel staff it would have been cool if we could parry and duel them instead of jumping to a spot they cant get to and shoot/operatorboom them to death.
For a faction that seemingly after so many years is reviving itself what hope do we have of killing them off seeing how they have a entire solar system dedicated to their terraformed planets?

Other than the immense poor level of grammar[excited], I do hope we have a good chunk of sentients to explore. As a faction that has been teased and highly likely to be in the development pipeline for a considerable amount of time it would be nice to experience what they have to offer other than the 1 shot weapon hits they often have right now

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First and foremost, let me say that I have played since Update 6 and I very much trust DE to deliver a wonderful expansion to us, as always! And might I say, this is a big one! I'm sure quality assurance teams working at DE covered most of these, and if so, I'm glad! If not, well, it never hurts to be prepared, Tenno!

How much stress will this put on the Host in a multiplayer squad? How will Host Migrations work? A Host might have good internet, but if his computer is having to handle information that is potentially kilometers away from him, it might cause some very untoward effects on his squadmates.

Affinity range? At least a few of my friends like to wander off and do their own thing, and that's just how we play games together. With 9km2 gameplay space, we might get seperated alot, even while trying to stay together. Not just XP should be considered here: Warframes like Harrow and Trinity see most of their usefulness when within affinity range of their team. This is going to be a major concern when we starting fighting Eidolons.

Ammo? Energy? For the former, it'd be nice if there were supply caches around the area. There's Grineer outposts, right? After we clear them, it'd be nice to replenish our supplies. There might not be enough enemies, and I get the feeling the Eidolon might take more than a few magazines to combat.

Enemy scaling? In the gameplay trailer, we saw the Day cycle, which we know is meant to be the entry level for the place with Night being the Big Frame's time to shine. During the day, it didn't seem like enemies were terribly threatening, though granted Rebecca was forced to play without UI and without using too many abilities to prevent confusing new/prospective players. Will we have any way or option to scale enemies to a level of our choosing, perhaps a lower version of what we do with the Simulacrum?

Arsenal/inventory management and trading in Cetus? Maybe Foundry for crafting those Archwing deployables? A minor concern, but if we're to treat this place as a central hub, I think it'd be for the best. Also, if the new resources found in the Plains are tradeable, it'd be nice to localize the trade, rather than relying on trade chat, Maroo's or Warframe.market for our grocery shopping.

Information? Direction? Large scale map? No need to hold our hands, but having a bit of an idea would be nice. Do some fish only appear at nighttime? Is that special weed I'm looking for actually a nightbound, cave dwelling fungus? These are the sorts of things I'd like to be told, rather than spending an entire day cycle pounding my head into the dirt to find a specific crafting/questing resource. And with a 9km2 large play area, it'd be nice to have vague markers on a large map in town. A circled area with an area pointing to it, accompanied by a grineer mask and a '?' to mark a possible outpost, crude drawing of a fish or herb if that's the only palce it can be found... Simple, flavorful things that can guide us without leading us by the nose with the UI. For reference, The Surge uses maps displayed in game as the only means of navigation... most players tend to completely pass them by.

Keeping track of an Ostron weapon's configuration? I promise you, 2 months from now, I'm not going to have a clue what parts I used to make my polearm, 'Hell's Divide' when someone comes asking me. It'd be nice if there was a place to see, maybe in the mod screen, what parts were used to make Ostron weapons.

Drop rates? Spawn rates? DE has taken keeping up with this information upon themselves, and I'd hate to see them slack off in the endeavor. With the introduction of new resources, as well as their acquisition, it'd be nice to have some clarity here. Maybe I need 15 Floppy Fins to finish my next crafting project or quest; I'd like to know that the Floppy Fins are common, so I can get them all at once in a few minutes. The 3 River Sharks I need, however, I'd like to know that they are very rare, so I know that I should just check in the river every now and again, instead of camping that one spot for hours to try and catch one type of fish.

Inventory management? Currently, as is reasonable, we cannot check our inventory during a mission. Nobody needs to check how many Latron Prime Stocks they have back on their Liset while doing their 3rd Sortie. However, with new resources and crafting goals in such a large, expansive environment, I don't want to guess how many Stinkweeds I've gathered, just to be off by 2 when I return to my ship. Those Stinkweeds are like 2km away, and I really don't feel like walking that far to finish cooking Floppy Fin and Stinkweed soup for my Tenno.

Alarms? Detection range? If I'm wandering the Plains and decide to take out an enemy encampment, heavily fortified, I'm going to take my time and look around from the outside first. Okay, there's a rampart on the east side, and a bombard+ballista in the tower there... and suddenly gunshots. Some enemy from a previous encampment followed me at a leisurely pace of way-the-hell-behind-me and alerted the entire enemy encampment 50m in front of me solely by being alive and alerted. Wonderful.

Mapouts? Killboxes? /unstuck? Falling through the map on a defense mission, falling for about 80 seconds, then respawning 15m away from where you were is somewhere around mildly annoying. Falling for 4 minutes in Plains of Eidolon just so you can respawn back at the gate to Cetus, 5km away while you fighting the Eidolon, causing it to reset, with 10min until day time might cause a few broken keyboards. Obviously, these bugs will exist, but adjusting the killboxes and respawn points before release is rather preferable.

Squad Drop ins? Another small concern: Where do my friends spawn if they join me mid-Plains? Can you join someone mid-Plains? I'd like to hope so. Are there conditions that prevent a drop in, such as engaging the Eidolon, or being Skana deep in a Grineer outpost?

Resource availability/noticeability? Vestian Moss is a pain to find, and it only grows on rocks inside of a grineer base filled with small rooms and the like. I don't want to imagine trying to find a green plant that I've never seen before hidden among green grass on a light brown field spanning 500 meters in a race against the setting sun, which will cause the plants to despawn.

Sentinel/Companion deaths? We've seen Rebecca and Megan playing in the Plains rather briefly Without pets and that 'brief' experience was nearly 15m long and covered barely a fraction of the play area. We're going to explore the Plains, perhaps for hours on end. What do we do if our beloved helpers die along the way? Perhaps that pet trader in Cetus has some Gear that could alleviate the issue, but if not, maybe we can do something to help them in the field? A repair bench in a Grineer outpost, some Kavat Nip in the fields, Dogwood lying about...

Weapon falloff? There's not too many places where a +Zoom Seer or Sniper Riven comes in handy, but I'd wager the Plains will have a few such places. However, it might be worth noting if a weapon cannot fire beyond, say, a kilometer.

Well, that's all for now, and I'm sure most of you are tired of hearing me drone on. Do you have any concerns for the Plains of Eidolon, or any pet peeves you think will be further agitated on the expansive map? Let's hear what you hop to see and pray not to in the Plains!

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If you didn't see the Tennocon Plains of Eidolon reveal warframe has prepared a very large play space for us to explore!  



So the Itzal's speed and ability to blink great distances will be very useful! Maybe you'll need to go to a far away fishing spot or certain cave itzal will take you there. As you saw were going to be needing to grind materials to make our own weapons so these hidden away spots might be perfect for what the Itzal is capable of.




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Ah so flying archwings in regular maps is no longer a bug ! But a feature now ! :P
DE totally created Plains of Eidolon so that we can finally use my Archwing IN regular maps :P

P.S Velocitus sniping in the air is going to be so damn OP.

Edited by fatpig84
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2 minutes ago, Squalobo said:

I wonder how big the open world is. Steve said that you could go to the mountains in the distance. This is probably wishful thinking, but I hope that the open world goes farther than those mountains.


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