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Retaining Female Players: Request


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I joined Warframe because a friend wanted me to try this with them. Warframe has done so much right. I'm mostly happy with the gameplay, the intelligence of the different AI, and mission types. It's all very enjoyable. 

What I find lacking though is that there is nothing really to identify with. I started the game, didn't understand the menu system, and so found myself playing a male character. Confused I logged back out, restarted and paid close attention to get Mag. Then the friends I joined with wanted a healer for the clan so we put go Trinity Prime for me. I got two others - Mag Prime and Nova Prime- for myself. Then... stalled out. 

The game is really wanting for some girly characters. Most of the female primes are some version of ugly mashed into grotesques before being doused in acid. It isn't exactly like the male primes have turned out any better, but not every single female prime needs to be beaten to death with ugly stick then released as a decomposing horror. 

Trinity Prime was really the first time it clicked for me just what was causing me to not want to log in. That lobster-cockroach butt is pretty horrific. I suppose that helps you make $$ because I couldn't stand it enough I went to the store and got an actual female skin. The nice one with the Halo and a less appalling everything on below the hip. 

You need some girlier frames in this. Not every single frame needs to be Brunhilde or She-Hulk-the-Swamp-Thing. 

I tried Nezha to escape this. That seems a pretty androgynous frame. Didn't work. It is very, very, easy to have immersion just die when the character you are trying to play as female runs like a man. He has all of the female quality, too. That makes it that much more frustrating. Tons of circles and a big hoop weapon. Hair (for once) and tassels. He heals, cleanses, has low shields, but can dash around all quick and agile. Classical female traits flipped over into a male frame.

Meanwhile female frames are generally a copy-paste of the Mag Warframe (which I like) with "bits added to" their hips, legs, shoulders, and face. I have ended up deleting more warframes than I am keeping just because they're all the same thing. Same body. Same height. Same fail-around like the world is burning to accomplish the pushing of four buttons. This might appeal to some niche of the population, but you're really missing the point of why women are going to try this game out to begin with. We joined because, usually, a guy says, "Hey, come play this with me." We say, "Okay," and then realize, "This is really stressing me out. All I want to do here is help out the team." But there isn't much here that involves team building. You just got out at super speeds and flail against something. Lots of booms and flashes. Lots of scrambling to get your Energy Vampire on something, anything, before it is dead. Then off to the exit. Repeat, repeat. A girl wants to sit back and watch the group's health. She wants to have her eyes on her team and be sure they're okay.

For defense, sure we want want to be able to some outstanding damage, but you have that covered. There are just a ton of weapons to choose from. Unfortunately most of them are LOUD. That's about it. You can describe a huge swath of the weapon list is more noise and flash. I'm only half way through it, but most of it is clearly meant to be for the bangs. I've deleted every single one of them that is like that so far. I have to level them for Mastery, but after that I hit the delete button. 

Again, this bend towards ugliness as your game aesthetic isn't helping you. Other than the Attaca and Daikyu your archer weapons are an assortment of ugly spiked things. Again, there's nothing to identify with. There's no way to personalize any of the options in the weapons to come around to a more feminine or even just chill aspect. You can't quiet them, you can't personalize them beyond some color swapping, and you can't get the spikes off them for some curves so as to say, "Soothing". 

I can't stress how much all of this actually stressed me. I got so disgusted with the lack of aesthetically appealing warframes that by the second week I was done with this game. I ended up be relieved from this by discovering the Skins in the Market. Again, I got the Trinity outfit that is actual female instead of shark-bug-gag-inducer skin. For Mag and Nova I'm waiting for the Graxx skins on Steam. And for Valkyr I got the VR (flashlight in eyes) facemask with hair bits as tubes and mermaid body (discarding the mask) skin. At least then there was something about her that was female. She's still a hulking mass of man-muscle with breasts, but I discovered if I dyed her completely black my eyes would train more towards her outline. The she-man-ness was more forgettable that way.

What I have found that I enjoyed was decorating the Dojo. There are still too few color options and the floors and ceiling lights can't be changed, but I did actually enjoy doing it. Even there the fact that everything reduces to prerendered polygons once placed was a huge turn off. How are you supposed to know if the whole room looks good if it is a glowy green pre-render? Let us see what we are working on and how it turned out BEFORE we put a ton of resources into it. Possibly, somewhere in the future, go for smaller rooms as well. These things are huge, monotone, and samey.

I finished the Dojo decorating in a few hours of one evening. Then it was back to confronting the huge let down that is the want for a variety in the female warframes. 


You have a great game where the gameplay is concerned, but you aren't going to find women coming to this game on your own. If they do we're definitely not staying because of what is here by and large. There are niches like decoration, dying armor, one or two skins, and owning this or that Kubrow as a companion. Those things are very few and very, very, far between. The class roles are various versions of hectic flailing and jumping around. That appeals situationaly for us, but we prefer to have our eyes on the team. When we act it will be for the team. The way abilities work on most of these frames is selfish. The team is a second though and its just aggravating after awhile. In the same vein my Trinity character (or any of my female characters) don't need to look so darned aggressive when I'm in the Dojo or just having a walk around some other social area. It's more stress to a situation that doesn't need to be a continuous combat-ready posturing.  

To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. You won't retain us because there is barely anything here to identify with and as little that appeals. If you want to keep us look at more classical roles for us in the Trinity System or look at the game Evolve. We love playing a Huntress (a Tamer) - beauty and the beast, a Support role like Sunny from Evolve, a Bard from Dark Age of Camelot, a Priest from World of Warcraft. All classes with the role of Support as our primary role and high damage output as optional. Flailing around the map and making a lot of colors and noise ("Look at me!") is situation. Historically this pans out as well. The natural female heroine archetype is a Tamer. She is herself and her companion. Probably this has something to do with the whole being set up to have children. We are ourselves and our children. When we're younger than that then it is we are ourselves and our companions. So naturally swing more happily into an observant responsive role. Throwing us constantly into the combat role is really just putting us in reactive mode. Its stress-mode and leads to burn out. That's what I see this game as. All the right stuff for men, but really wanting for female roles. It's more than just having a warframe with the right animations. Equally, it is more than just being she-hulk (and certainly not that as our only option). 


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This has nothing to do with you wanting to identify with a female frame and everything to do with you not liking the aesthetic of the game.

Also, there's barely anything for a male to identify with, by the same logic you're using, so I don't exactly know why you're coming at this from, "I'm totally a girl and--"

Also Nezha (Ne Zha, Na-zha) is an androgynous male from Chinese mythology. Therefore the frame is an androgynous male.

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There are ample female frames but if you don't like the way they look, it's doubtful you ever will.  

7 minutes ago, AquaLogos said:

To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. You won't retain us because there is barely anything here to identify with and as little that appeals.

That's an odd comment considering I know several females who play this game solely because they enjoy it.  Please stop pretending your opinion on this matter is equitable to women's opinions everywhere.

Edited by (PS4)horridhal
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I've read the OP a few times now, and I have absolutely no idea what they are going on about. Can someone provide a Cliffs Notes version because the gist of what I'm gathering is "I don't like the female warframe aesthetic and I don't like killing things." Is there more or does that about cover it?

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I hate to be that guy but, there are MUCH more important things for the devs to be worried about than appealing to your personal tastes. (Like the upcoming Plains of Eidolon for instance!)


1 minute ago, (PS4)horridhal said:

There are ample female frames but if you don't like the way they look, it's doubtful you ever will.  

That's an odd comment considering I know several females who play this game solely because they enjoy it.

To add to this, I know of a few Twitch streamers who stream and play Warframe on the regular that are female. Please dont try and speak for an entire group of people. 

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This is some really well disguised bait. I almost thought you were serious till you implied that what you want out of a game is what females in general all seem to want out of a game. Oh and the she-hulk thing. That was a good one. Really drove home the idea that either your idea of feminine and masculine traits and body types varies hugely from most other peoples or that you havn't really looked very hard at the frames in general.

Honestly, this is better bait then the usual nerf or excal prime thread. The rampant sexism towards both men and women was the icing on the cake.

You tried OP, boy oh boy did you try.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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16 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

I've read the OP a few times now, and I have absolutely no idea what they are going on about. Can someone provide a Cliffs Notes version because the gist of what I'm gathering is "I don't like the female warframe aesthetic and I don't like killing things." Is there more or does that about cover it?

That's pretty much it, "I can't relate to anything in the warframe universe and I don't like it" is the vibe I got from it. But do allow me a few minutes if you want an actual summary.

Edit : Alright summary time :
1- I got confused and took the Gender route instead of the Skill route when beginning the game, went back to get my girly frame instead of my knight in armour/Living battery.
2- All female frames are too similar, always the same height, hips "Insert generic body trait here".
( I must be hella blind then since I always play female warframes )
3- I can't make my own personal decision and say no to my friends so I always stick with Trinity, which makes for a very boring game, I wish I could help more.
4- I don't know how to lower the volume in the settings so I delete all weapons because I don't like their sounds.
5- Weapons aestetics aren't "Fabulous" enough, guns should look... Like, totally vintage you know.
6- Steam TennoGen is holding my wallet hostage.
7- Decoration frame is the only thing I liked a lot about this game so far
8- I speak for all women in the community.

Take this with a grain of salt, It's just a humorous breakdown of what I read.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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9 minutes ago, AquaLogos said:

To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. You won't retain us because there is barely anything here to identify with and as little that appeals.

... I'm a girl and I usually play male frame... I like their abilities. I enjoy pretty much every frame. I don't care if it's male or female... I just want to shoot enemies.

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Thank you Emissary of Women. From now on, i will treat all women like the support characters that they are and remind them to get back in line as a child tamer or healer class if they ever try to go for anything else.

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2 minutes ago, Catacomb said:

Thank you Emissary of Women. From now on, i will treat all women like the support characters that they are and remind them to get back in line as a child tamer or healer class if they ever try to go for anything else.

If I wasn't 100% sure OP was a troll (and likely not even a woman) I'd just find it hilarious how much she WANTS people to hold sexist views towards women. 

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10 minutes ago, AquaLogos said:

To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. You won't retain us because there is barely anything here to identify with and as little that appeals.

Just now, Azzu-nyan said:

... I'm a girl and I usually play male frame... I like their abilities. I enjoy pretty much every frame. I don't care if it's male or female... I just want to shoot enemies.

I am girl as well, and even though my "main" is a female frame, I do enjoy a lot of male frames, and I have absolutely no problem with it.
More so, in a typical mmorpgs, I even prefer to play male characters over female.

I can sympathise with both male and female characters, and even non-human characters. Besides, lets be honest, if I only had to sympathise with playable female characters, I would not have played 80% of the games I played over 20 years, as mostly they have male protagonists.

Oh, and being a girl, I HATE playing healers.
Tanks and dps ftw!

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26 minutes ago, AquaLogos said:

The game is really wanting for some girly characters.

There are some very nice and powerful ladies in the game: nova (prime), banshee (prime) and miss butterfly titania are beautiful to look at and fantastic to play.

The "misshapen" look of the frames is the general art style. It is the aesthetics of the game and you either like it or dont like it. Male or female frames look weird to many outsiders. And dont get me started on male or female enemies. And for me Valkyr Prime is one of the most beautiful frames this game has to offer.

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3 minutes ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

Wait, why is this in Conclave Feedback now?

Maybe OP thinks general isn't girly or aesthetically pleasing enough for their thoughts? Perhaps its where all the bro-man dude-men post? You know, for bros only.

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25 minutes ago, AquaLogos said:

All I want to do here is help out the team." But there isn't much here that involves team building. You just got out at super speeds and flail against something. Lots of booms and flashes. Lots of scrambling to get your Energy Vampire on something, anything, before it is dead. Then off to the exit. Repeat, repeat. A girl wants to sit back and watch the group's health. She wants to have her eyes on her team and be sure they're okay.

Well we agree on this! I love being support, but being one in Warframe is not fun at all. But that actually is off topic.

Also, are you saying Mesa is not sexy enough for you???!?1 Saryn? Nyx, Ivara... Rhino...
I also like women characters, and those are perfectly good. If you were expecting Lollipop Chainsaw level of women, you wont get that here.

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What is this " Mass effect:Andromeda Syndrome"?

Anyway, I identify myself as a Saryn, RIPLE

I do not understand what the problem is.....relly....help..i can't...understand....

However, if you are looking for something to identify yourself go black and red, that helps.

Jokes apart, I can not understand, Since when Warframe became a RP game?


(Sorry my english)

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To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. You won't retain us because there is barely anything here to identify with and as little that appeals.

Can you not project your bs on other players? Thanks.

Most females frames already have too much stuff that don't belong to warframe. Not knowing what warframes are it's very weird to see heels and boobs in space as it is idk how you can even justify it from the lore perspective - maybe The Sacrifice will answer that question but sure as hell we don't need more of those things.

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4 hours ago, AquaLogos said:

To summarize, a woman or girl is going to join this game largely because a boy brought her here. When he leaves we leave. 

What kind of relationship you have ? Symbiotic ? 

I mean do u play a game for a boi and stay as long as he stays ?

Edited by Aeon94
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