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[Update 21.4.0] Hydroid Revisited Feedback


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Gonna have to try hydroid out later with puddle but it still hasn't fixed the issues for me which is his 1st and 4th. With both of them being so rng based, I personally feel they need to do more scaling damage on health. Or even have the 1st do what his augment does, and change the augment to something new. As for 4th, as long as it does scaling damage  im fine with that. The wave/dash is fine. I personally don't use it much except if I were playing in puddle. As for puddle I think it just needs one more thing, being able to drag enemies along with you. If the team can constantly shoot the enemies in the puddle which I need to check out, I don't think this will be an issue at all. 

But last but not least... change the passive. Idek what to do with it, change it to  the 4th augment and change the 4th augment to something totally new. Or make the passive something totally different.... hell maybe something for more synergy with the puddle since you're going with the puddle theme or even extra damage to machetes or dual swords?  Maybe you'll see more machete wielding pirates and it would also work with the incoming Nami skyla prime. I'm certain  someone can figure something out for his passive, but right now his passive is not as useful as it should be and you never see anyone use it or straight up focus on it. At least I haven't seen anyone do so.

im looking forward to trying the new buffs, but I'm cautiously going to look forward to it, as  I wasn't a fan of the "revisit" doing nothing much for him, at least in my opinion.

Edit: The massive damage with his 1st and his puddle is amazing ( unsure if you must use corroding barrage or not)   I'm honestly hoping this is not a bug, but an actual feature. But if it's a bug, I'm going to stand by what I said. If it's  not a bug, two thumbs up from me.

Edited by Terawr
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Please DE... no more buffs. Make people learn to play him. As of right now you'll just have a bunch of kids sitting in puddles at chokepoints casting abilities. He really has no weaknesses at this point

Beats grineer because he shreds armor, can avoid bombard and napalm rockets with 2 invincibility spells, and does scaling percentage hp damage

Beats corpus because he has one of the few skills in the game that destroys nully shields, destroys sapping osprey bombs, and has skills that work through scrambus effects

Now beats infested, because of how puddles scales. Ancient disruptors dont lower his cc duration, ancient healers (his old counter enemy) essentially "supercharge" his puddle now, because it'll give enemies damage reduction until it dies, allowing more enemies to gather there, making it do more damage. 

And of course he beats the void because of all of the reasons stated above.

All of his skills enable stealth melee damage because of how alertness mechanics work

There is really nothing he cant manage now. Of course you'll have players that run low level missions where he's not optimal, so they'll still say he needs work, but abusing stealth mechanics, he still can do well with the general speed tidal surge and the stealth multiplier that undertow gives..

Please. No more buffs. Dont eliminate the skill cap from my favorite frame. 

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)Fenrushak said:

My bad on that one, however within the context, I am still right. The player I was addressing is a press 4 to win player who doesnt want to move slower or act tactically.

Sorry, am I the supposed "press 4 to win player" here? The same that never uses 4 abilities and likes to kill things with weapons?

Besides this making absolutely no sense whatsoever, just why exactly are you trying to insult me anyway? Is the fact that I find sitting there as puddle for extended periods of time boring really that offensive to you? That is literally all I ever said...

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Passive: Hydroid is dripping wet and leaves a trail of slippy water (like nezha's firewalker). Enemies that walk over water have their friction reduced to 0%

1st: Hydroid sends out waves of water in a pizza shape. Enemies get knocked down and dragged. Tapping lets him ride along the wave (can jump off the wave with jump button) Holding the ability transforms the pizza shape into a circle over time. 

2nd: Hydroid creates a maelstrom which pulls enemies to its center (enemies are only half submerged. you can still see them and shoot them)

3rd: Hydroid creates a protective water bubble around allies in affinity range. It provides damage reduction, cc immunity and lets affected allies leave water trails behind. (I'd like if this would put you into sharkwing, but you prolly wouldn't like that xD)

4th: Literally Tempest Barrage (Current 1st) as a toggle ability. Pretty much like World on Fire

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Ive playin him more. I can agree with the previous poster. Hes quite good now. Hope he gets more energy with prime version... And maybe a passive that allows better efficiency or increases crit damage while using crossbow type weapons.


Otherwise, im happy with him. Im definitely buying hydroid prime access.

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1 hour ago, Buddhakingpen said:

Please DE... no more buffs. Make people learn to play him. As of right now you'll just have a bunch of kids sitting in puddles at chokepoints casting abilities. He really has no weaknesses at this point

Beats grineer because he shreds armor, can avoid bombard and napalm rockets with 2 invincibility spells, and does scaling percentage hp damage

Beats corpus because he has one of the few skills in the game that destroys nully shields, destroys sapping osprey bombs, and has skills that work through scrambus effects

Now beats infested, because of how puddles scales. Ancient disruptors dont lower his cc duration, ancient healers (his old counter enemy) essentially "supercharge" his puddle now, because it'll give enemies damage reduction until it dies, allowing more enemies to gather there, making it do more damage. 

And of course he beats the void because of all of the reasons stated above.

All of his skills enable stealth melee damage because of how alertness mechanics work

There is really nothing he cant manage now. Of course you'll have players that run low level missions where he's not optimal, so they'll still say he needs work, but abusing stealth mechanics, he still can do well with the general speed tidal surge and the stealth multiplier that undertow gives..

Please. No more buffs. Dont eliminate the skill cap from my favorite frame. 

Maybe Share your build, (i haven't played this update) but before this latest fix (21.5.0)  Hydroid was still Hydroid to me but just... more 'fluid' to use. (yes, a pun)

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Dang, those damage buffs on Undertow really threw Hydroid far into the endgame. Allies being able to contribute damage is wonderful, and the scaling stacking damage is great for solo players too. Aside from bosses, there's no fodder or heavy units Hydroid can't kill with his puddle.

I'm torn for the slow flailing tentacles. It's great to be able to aim and shoot captured enemies, but the tentacles move slowly therefore they can't pick up new enemies as fast (I guess that's where Tempest Barrage comes in to buy your tentacles some time). But the interaction for tentacles and Undertow has now improved somewhat, since tentacles tend to lift enemies out of the pool and drown them as they slam them down, slower flailing results in captured enemies drowning for slightly longer, allowing the scaling stacking damage to work its magic.

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Right, having taken Hydroid for a re-test, the damage is....acceptable. Still annoying that they felt the need to remove the finisher damage, and still completely shut down by Nullifiers or Ancients, but it can at least kill enemies provided they don't have those support units with them.


However, the range on his abilities is poor, he's extremely dependent on having Corrosive Barrage in order to do damage to high level enemies, and critically, his mobility in Undertow is completely terrible. In fact, the entire rework kinda hinges on that.


That said, here's my main bit of feedback:


If you want to go all in on Hydroid being the Battle Puddle, then do it. Go all in. 

That means fixing the problems with the Battle Puddle. Now, you're very clearly not going to revert the reduction of range. That's one of those things where you guys would probably classify it as a feature, not a bug. Therefore, the Battle Puddle is not going away, and its range is not coming back. It works now by being more focused, having the ability to use its click-and-drag function to snare enemies and use Barrage and Tentacles to murder enemies even harder while they're drowning. Ok. I'm labouring this point to make it clear that I get it, I do. 

That said, it's got two things wrong with it right now which are so glaring that I can only suspect that they are undiagnosed bugs or overlooked design glitches.

- Using Tidal Surge to move while in Undertow results in completely draining Hydroid's energy pool. It's quite obvious what's happening: Tidal Surge costs energy to use, then Hydroid moves, and as he's moving the energy cost for moving as Undertow kicks in, and since you're moving so relatively far and quickly, it immediately guzzles your whole energy pool. Fix that, and it will help hugely.

- If you want players to be even remotely interested in ever, ever actually using the new mobility feature of Undertow, you've got to stop this thing where moving while in Undertow causes all trapped enemies to be left behind. As it is, it's expensive and slow to move the pool, and its range/radius is small. Rilly, rilly small. Allowing Hydroid to scuffle around a room collecting enemies to drown and grind to death will not be overpowered, or if you feel that it would be then simply implement a limit to the number of enemies Hydroid can be eating at once.



EDIT: To voice this another way which came up in General Discussion!

Right now, we can do something with Undertow which we could not do before: We can move.
   However, to actually use this ability is a completely terrible idea which the game punishes you for doing.


If you move in Undertow, you lose any enemies which you have swallowed, you leave them behind.
Also, you are either extremely slow, or you use Tidal Surge to move...and then immediately have to leave Undertow form because right now using Tidal Surge causes your entire energy pool to drain in one go. (To be fair, that looks like an unintended interaction, where Tidal Surge causes you to move several meters, and then Undertow says 'Hang on, moving that far must cost 200 Energy!' and then your pool is empty and you tap out.)


Basically, the main reason for ever being in Undertow is to eat enemies. We can now move in Undertow. But if we move in Undertow, we lose the enemies we are eating. There is no benefit to moving in Undertow other than using Undertow to eat enemies while remaining unaffected by their weapons....but you cannot combine [Mobile Undertow] with [Eating Enemies]. If all you want is to move across the room, the faster and more efficient way to do it is to leave Undertow and bullet jump there. 

Effectively, you've given us mobile Undertow, and then made it punishing to ever use it.


That could be fixed by simply allowing Undertow to keep swallowed enemies while you're moving, and if DE are concerned that that would be overpowered, you could simply put a limit to the number of enemies to be eaten at once.


Right now, though, it feels like you guys are paralysed by the fear of making Hydroid 'too good', so you've struck this terrible compromise of making Undertow really small, but giving it scaling damage, and allowing it to move, but making it suffocatingly slow and cripplingly expensive, and giving it the ability to click and drag to eat enemies, but making it so that if you move, you lose all those enemies, and allowing you to cast your abilities while in Undertow, but if you move with Tidal Surge you automatically lose all your energy.


It really feels like you have solid ideas about what you'd like it to do, but are terrified of making it overpowered by making it, you know, actually functional.


Fix these things and I'll call the rework perfectly fine. Make it so that Hydroid can use Undertow to traverse surfaces and I'll call the rework completely masterful. Making Hydroid an unexpectedly great choice for Spy missions by virtue of him being able to literally seep into the vault would be hilariously amazing.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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Have played him after Update 21.5.0 and I've really enjoyed him.

Only one thing, when I've played him find a bug - he lose his invulnerability in Undertow and enemies can shoot, pull and throw back me. But it was only once and I don't know how it has happened.

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Tidal Surge is currently bugged. (U21.5.0)

When cast while undertow is active:

  • Barrage has self damage/proc (including the augment)
  • Curative undertow no longer works 
  • mini Hydroid returns
  • Swarm isn't affected AFAIK
  • I'll add more if I find anything else

These only effect hydroid during undertow, everything works otherwise. This was done in a public game. Rank does not matter as I was leveling him at the time. This can be temporarily fixed by dieing.

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28 minutes ago, achromos said:

Maybe Share your build, (i haven't played this update) but before this latest fix (21.5.0)  Hydroid was still Hydroid to me but just... more 'fluid' to use. (yes, a pun)

All honesty, build is irrelevant. Just dont have negative range or duration. 

Thats what i always liked about hydroid. He was more about a players skill with him and knowledge of game mechanics than just having a strong build to dumpster all the content 

But my current build is max efficiency, primed continuity,a rank 6 narrow minded, overextended, stretch, vitality, and corroding barrage, Aura is enemy radar so that i can always know which checkpoints need managing. Also, you always want a gun with radiation damage (if playing against void or infested. Healers kick him in the nuts) and a melee weapon modded for gas. I prefer the serro since it has a huge slam attack radius and very long range, allowing easier stealth melee attacks. 

Power strength is a little more important because of puddle scaling, But since it also scales with the number of enemies in the puddle, and hydroid already does armor shredded stealth multiplied melee damage, i probably still wont build for it.

37 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

Right, having taken Hydroid for a re-test, the damage is....acceptable. Still annoying that they felt the need to remove the finisher damage, and still completely shut down by Nullifiers or Ancients, but it can at least kill enemies provided they don't have those support units with them.

Nullifiers really dont. You can literally sit in puddle and throw tempest barrages at them as their shield gets chipped away. As far as i've seen they dont even destroy tentacles ife they walk over them.They get too close? tidal surge away. He's one of the elite frames that actually ISNT bothered by nullifiers whereas 90% of the cast is. And ancients are easy to turn off with a quick radiation proc. 


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Some quick feedback on the recent wave of changes:

  • Improved the targeting of Hydroid’s Tempest Barrage liquid fury. (From 21.4.2)

The projectiles seem to target an enemy directly or hit a random spot within the target area, with the direct hit occurring for roughly a third of the the projectiles. A nice change that improves the reliability of his 1.

  • Hydroid has received the PBR treatment!


  • Hydroid’s base Energy has been increased from 150 to 188.

That's 425 to 531 with Primed Flow. It'll help a bit, but again, the larger energy pool will likely come with the Prime.

  • Tempest Barrage now has a charging sound to indicate when the ability is being charged.

The charging audio is an improvement, but it could still do with some kind of charging indicator on the UI. Something like Harrow's Penance healing indicator would work nicely.

  • Allies can shoot their weapons into Hydroid's Undertow to transfer half of their damage and distribute it among all enemies in the puddle.
  • Undertow damage per second is now a % of the target's max Health.
  • Undertow damage per second now scales with the amount of enemies in the pool - more submerged enemies, more damage!
  • Undertow now deals Impact damage towards submerged enemies.

The damage of Undertow is really strong once the enemy armor has been removed, which Hydroid can do with Corroding Barrage. It does take some time to set up, but with the right combinations it could become really, really strong at killing anything unfortunate enough to be dragged under. I've only done very limited testing with allies firing into the pool, but it looks like status effects on the distributed damage are applied to each enemy in the pool, which could be really strong with high proc-rate Corrosive weapons. The Impact damage necessitates the use of armor removal to do damage to higher-leveled armored enemies (particularly Corroding Barrage for Hydroid, as he can't shoot into his own Undertow), but given the amount of damage that can be dealt by Undertow now, it is a reasoned change.

  • Tentacle Swarm’s tentacles now move at a slower rate when enemies are captured in their grasp to improve issues with hard to shoot flailing enemies.
  • Improved Tentacle Swarm’s cast sound to sound more aquatic and powerful when charging up.

The slowed movement is a great improvement. Enemies can sometimes 'flip out' when the tentacles press them against walls/floors, which makes them awkward to hit, but other than that, it works fairly well. It can be tricky to tell living and dead enemies apart, especially when large numbers are caught by the tentacles. Having the tentacles drop/discard killed enemies would alleviate this issue. The new charge-up sound is nice -- feels like cold ocean wind/storms.

My main feedback can be found here:



Edited by Prof_Blocks_007
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With all respect, if this is what you expected, you should not be surprised that the revisit did not meet your expectations. Even the most bold reworks have not come close to that level of change. 

You've basically made him into an entirely different frame. Almost the only thing that's the same is the water theme. 

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  • Allies can shoot their weapons into Hydroid's Undertow to transfer half of their damage and distribute it among all enemies in the puddle.
  • Undertow damage per second is now a % of the target's max Health.
  • Undertow damage per second now scales with the amount of enemies in the pool - more submerged enemies, more damage! 
  • Undertow now deals Impact damage towards submerged enemies.

DE you're touching the wrong ability. 

Undertow is not Hydroid's bread-and-butter. Its not what makes him fun to play. If anything, it completely goes against EVERYTHING in Warframe! 

You have made it better with allies being able to shoot at the puddle, which proves you are in fact listening to us in the community - but that's... not a fun mechanic? 

Why would you want to be shooting at a puddle of water when you can be viciously mowing down enemies over and over again. 

  • Tentacle Swarm’s tentacles now move at a slower rate when enemies are captured in their grasp to improve issues with hard to shoot flailing enemies.

Good, more listening to the community... And this change is actually really good.

  • Sentinel abilities are now disabled while in Undertow. This fixes vacuumed items blocking your view and you from pulling in enemies.

Wha- okay I understand vacuum but... This is a direct nerf. No longer can you panic-puddle and stay in puddle until you get a Medi-Ray from your Sentinel... Just disable Vacuum. Or better yet, allow people to pick up items in Undertow with Vacuum - will also help with the horrendous energy costs while moving around in puddle. Other Frames can pick up energy while channelling abilities - why can't Hydroid?

All in all, DE... Good changes - for what they are. 

But we're still not getting to the heart of Hydroid's issues. If you're so intent on making Hydroid work with his current skillset, you really need to work on his RNG issues.

Have Tempest Barrage track enemies. A 100% chance to knock down doesn't work if its not actually hitting anything. Change it from covering fire to a straight up artillery strike. 

Allow Tentacle Swarm to move (slowly) towards enemy units. Tentacles spawned are only useful if there are enemies within their reach. Nothing in their reach? Then there's no point in having them slap wetly against the ground like the saddest piece of spaghetti. If they can move, even slowly move, this would allow them to, at the very least, still be useful after being spawned in. 

If you're not going to actually tackle his core kit issues, then you might as well just scrap him and rebuild him from the ground up. Because right now he's an utter disappointment to the fantastic and versatile element of water.

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31 minutes ago, Buddhakingpen said:

Thats what i always liked about hydroid. He was more about a players skill with him and knowledge of game mechanics than just having a strong build to dumpster all the content 

I respectfully disagree. As someone with a lot of time on Hydroid (he's still my most used frame, with 25.4% usage), his kit doesn't revolve around skill so much as it does around luck. 

If you get your tentacles to spawn in the perfect location, or barrage manages to hit every single enemy over the duration, then he's incredibly powerful, and has insane amounts of CC. Some of the strongest, in fact. 

But thats if you get lucky. 

Yes, if you have the ability of a highly skilled Hydroid player, you can work around bad tentacle spawn locations, or quickly take out high priority targets that aren't getting hit by your barrage, but... Why should you? And that's when we enter the core of his issues. 

Why play Hydroid and have incredibly powerful but inconsistent CC, when you can just be Ember and knocked everyone to the ground, repetitively, while killing them? Why play Hydroid when Inaros can lock enemies down almost indefinitely, in a way that lets allies kill them with ease, and while healing all allies within range? Why play Hydroid when Frost coldsnaps people in place with a single button, and has a defensive dome that can also coldsnap people? Even Frost has 50% freezing chance on his Snow Globe's augment, and that's still far more consistent than Hydroid's CC.

That's the big thing about Hydroid. Under the perfect conditions, he's extremely powerful - but unlike other frames, who gain their 'perfect conditions' through just being themselves, Hydroid has to rely on RNG to get those perfect conditions, and if RNG is not being kind to you, then you might as well have not cast Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm as you will be doing most of the work yourself.

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On 8/15/2017 at 5:07 PM, Buddhakingpen said:

If you've played him in high level void missions, you'd understand why this is a bad idea. That would be a guaranteed way to down yourself if you picked up an ancient healer, because none of hydroids cc ignores their mitigation. The current mechanics of undertow>tidal surge are the best way out of those types of situations where a healer is a around and you cant cc anything.

I have played him in Mot for 1 hr 30mins roughly. Missed this detail tho thx for pointing it out

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45 minutes ago, Prince-of-Space said:

I respectfully disagree. As someone with a lot of time on Hydroid (he's still my most used frame, with 25.4% usage), his kit doesn't revolve around skill so much as it does around luck. 

If you get your tentacles to spawn in the perfect location, or barrage manages to hit every single enemy over the duration, then he's incredibly powerful, and has insane amounts of CC. Some of the strongest, in fact. 

But thats if you get lucky. 

Yes, if you have the ability of a highly skilled Hydroid player, you can work around bad tentacle spawn locations, or quickly take out high priority targets that aren't getting hit by your barrage, but... Why should you? And that's when we enter the core of his issues. 

Why play Hydroid and have incredibly powerful but inconsistent CC, when you can just be Ember and knocked everyone to the ground, repetitively, while killing them? Why play Hydroid when Inaros can lock enemies down almost indefinitely, in a way that lets allies kill them with ease, and while healing all allies within range? Why play Hydroid when Frost coldsnaps people in place with a single button, and has a defensive dome that can also coldsnap people? Even Frost has 50% freezing chance on his Snow Globe's augment, and that's still far more consistent than Hydroid's CC.

That's the big thing about Hydroid. Under the perfect conditions, he's extremely powerful - but unlike other frames, who gain their 'perfect conditions' through just being themselves, Hydroid has to rely on RNG to get those perfect conditions, and if RNG is not being kind to you, then you might as well have not cast Tempest Barrage or Tentacle Swarm as you will be doing most of the work yourself.

Hydroid hasnt had inconsistent cc since they changed how his tempest barrage scaled with range. That was back in december when they dropped his corroding barrage augment.  Once they did that i was hooked. Even his tentacles, pre rework, could be controlled, even with range almost in the same way you do now, only clunkier. sit in puddle, collect enemies, leave puddle, aim at the group and cast. Even with maxed range most of the tentacles would spawn at the point you aimed at. 

So i'm sorry. But i'm just not seeing this inconsistency thing that I see so many people talk about. Literally every time i cast barrage it knocks down everything where i aim it repeatedly until its duration is up (of course unless i cast it through a doorway. Then things get wonky)And i can actually address all of the frames you brought up with logic and my preferred game mechanics. 

I take hydroid>ember because HER cc is inconsistent. 1) she's not shredding armor. 2) the clusters of enemies that it chooses to knock down is entirely rng based. It wont always knock down who you want when you want it 3) you need an augment for the same area denial cc that hydroid already has, only its 3 times the cost  4)her knockdowns are rarely consistent enough to make enemies completely unalert, so she rarely gets stealth melee bonuses unless she can isolate enemies 

I take hydroid>inaros because (again) he's not shredding armor, has lower mobility, his duration based cc renders him unable to do anything, and his area denial also renders him unable to do anything.  Also his ult is that "inconsistent cc" youre talking about.  Not saying inaros isnt great, but he has cons that make me enjoy hydroid more once i learned to use him well. 

I take hydroid>frost because his armor shred is not only power strength based (I like max range/efficiency frost. No room to mod for str too), but also has a duration and turns off the ability to status proc enemies. All honesty, i'm annoyed when playing ANY frame and i end up with an ult spamming frost on my team. The inability to proc status potentially REDUCES dps even, esp if they're ult spammers and didnt even mod to completely strip the armor. Not to mention, frost has no way to do stealth melee damage outside of using a weapon with blast on it and then casting ice wave on top of them while they're unaware. Also. Everyone and their mama uses frost. You rarely need multiple frosts on a team. 

So umm... yeah. I havent had those rng problems in almost a year, He's the only frame with access to (permanent) armor shredding stealth multiplied melee damage while still having duration based cc. Thats why i like hydroid over most other frames (Banshee and mag are up there for me too, but hydroid is the homie)

Edited by Buddhakingpen
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      On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 1:30 PM, HawkFang022 said:

Hydroid-Tempest Barrage

Tempest Barrage damage should scale to the enemy’s level.  The higher the enemy level, the more damage Tempest barrage deals’. Tempest barrage will target enemies that are in its area of attack, knocking any and all enemies down that are hit by the attack.  When Tempest Barrage is cast from Undertow, shots from Barrage will hit enemies cot in Undertow, dealing additional damage to enemies.


o   Removing the chargeability from Tempest Barrage

The removal of Tempest Barrage chargeability will maintain the fast paced gameplay.  Therefore, Tempest Barrage would be an instant attack.  So Hydroid could assist, allies in a moment’s notice.  As not every ability needs to be a press hold, and release.

o   Augment mod- Tempest barrage

Should be changed, to allow the stripping of armour and shield.  Also removing enemy’s abilities once they are hit by the attack.


Hydroids-Tidal Surge

Tidal Surge should become a dome of water that move with hydroid as he surges into battle so does the tide, enemies that enter or get caught in it are slowed , so allies can kill them as well as hydroid, this covers a radius around hydroid and moves the same as a nullifiers does in the momentum. .this is effected by strength mods but is a set range in radius. some one reading this can add there size in comments and be part of it.Energy cost, drains 2 energy every 4 seconds.



Enemies that are caught in Undertow.  Should remain in Undertow while it moves, unless they are killed.  Also Undertow should not drain additional energy while moving and Undertow speed should be increased by 25% or 45%.

After casting Undertow Hydroid can now leave Undertow.  Undertow will remain, for an added duration of 20 seconds.  And so that the game feel does not become an ocean, only 3 puddles can exist at any time.  While attempting to cast a fourth Undertow before the duration has ended, on the first Undertow.  If the duration has not ended the first one will dry up.  Undertow duration, isn’t affected by duration mods.

Casting an ability from Undertow should give a damage buff to all abilities.

While in Undertow Hydride will regenerate a percentage of Health and Shields.


Hydroid-Tentacle swarm

The tentacles should ensnare enemies.  Holding an enemy in a single position, as it's grip the enemy is crushed to death.  Enemies killed by tentacles should have a 25% chance to drop energy.

Tentacles won't flail around in any random Direction.  Unless looking for an enemy. Once a tentacle has gripped an enemy, it will no longer move until the enemy is dead.  the kraken stays up peering searching for enemies to grab. once hydroid , puts the cursor on himself and hits the ability key again , when he moves the kraken starts to move with him grabbing enemies and killing along the way until duration time has ended.

For scaling the “Kraken” become stronger with every enemy, killed in its grasp.  This mean once an enemy is held by the Kraken regardless of how it dies, the “Kraken” still becomes’ stronger.  “Kraken” will remember the amount of enemies it has grip, even after the duration runs out.  So it's damage will continuously scale with each enemy it grips.

Unless they were cast on top of Undertow, in which case the tentacles will remain stationary.  Even after hydride comes out of Undertow.  They shall remain stationary, until their duration runs out, or Hydroid recast the ability.  Should Hydroid move as Undertow after casting the tentacles, they will follow him.

I made some changes that we discussed and I agree with this post.

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