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Ember's Deluxe Skin Feedback


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55 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

I've been a friend of Ignus' for at least 10 years, so I think it's very safe to say that I know far more than anyone else here as to what transpired - in fact far more than I'm willing to talk about here, so I'm leaving it at that. What I said is based on what Ignus had told me personally and what I've been able to observe about him and Mynki - and I believe the points I made are objective and as accurate as the information I have allows.

If that isn't good enough for you, I'm sorry but too bad.


This is the opposite of objective. You have, at best, half the information from someone personally involved in this. You have other info... but you can't tell. I would say more... but I'll have to leave it at that. You're telling a story, why even say anything at all.

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On 19/08/2017 at 10:18 PM, Hypernaut1 said:

Where are people getting all these detailed facts about the drama from? Was it made public?

Yes, Ignus made a post apologising to the community and explained to a degree that there was a disagreement, that he said some things he probably should not have and as a result DE had ended their agreement.

People had somewhat concluded (from bits of info from Ignus himself) that the disagreement was over DE changes to his Ember Delux concept art, but it's a bit unclear.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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On 8/18/2017 at 2:06 PM, Archistopheles said:

Or I could be wrong and @AM-Bunny could have the inside scoop

Not exactly an inside scoop, there was a big thread about it last year from Ignusdei. It is most likely the controversy over Ember deluxe with Ignusdei, is the reason why they scrapped it. At least they kept his concept for Mag Deluxe though.  They seem to have realized that the fans have more time to make better skin designs than their spread thin art team, but still want to maintain an iron fist in design input which is to be expected, just wish something could have been worked out between Ignusdei and the art team.

Their seemingly spread thin art team and less than flattering reception of the likes of Nova deluxe, seems to be partly why they have not been so quick with the deluxes they themselves have made for a while. Hell, they have been working on Zephyr deluxe for like 2 years now? Nearly 3 years? Stuff like the Chroma skin was not as bad as Nova's but I can't help but feel it looked cheap next to Ignusdei designs or the beautiful Saryn deluxe(especially those auxillary wings.), yet it seems the artist who did Saryn's is so busy with so many other designs with environments or items, that he can't just keep cranking out beauties like the Saryn deluxe. Now we got the Nekros deluxe that looks pretty meh outside of some suggested wispy particle effects he will have. Here is hoping following deluxes will be better at least.

Edited by UrielColtan
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9 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Yes, Ignus made a post apologising to the community and explained to a degree that there was a disagreement, that he said some things he probably should not have and as a result DE had ended their agreement.

People had somewhat concluded (from bits of info from Ignus himself) that the disagreement was over DE changes to his Ember Delux concept art, but it's a bit unclear.

Ignus confirmed disagreement was about ember deluxe head "knife" DE put on his design, both he and community as a whole wasnt fine with it because it didnt fit the design, it felt extremtly tacked on, Ignus was fine with all other changes to his designs DE did, he even given them ideas himself with how can they change his designs, for example banshee shoulder vinyl disc was his idea that he given DE. 

quoting IgnusDei from his thread:

"As people already assumed, my main issue was with the blade that had been added to Emblem Deluxe's helmet, and I started an argument over it. It got settled with an email telling me that my services will no longer be needed.

Once again, I understood that this was likely to happen. Legally speaking, DE has every right to do whatever they liked to what I submit to them, and the only thing I could do to prevent them from doing what I thought was a grave mistake was to voice my concerns. I could have done that better, I admit."

6 hours ago, UrielColtan said:

Not exactly an inside scoop, there was a big thread about it last year from Ignusdei. It is most likely the controversy over Ember deluxe with Ignusdei, is the reason why they scrapped it. At least they kept his concept for Mag Deluxe though.  They seem to have realized that the fans have more time to make better skin designs than their spread thin art team, but still want to maintain an iron fist in design input which is to be expected, just wish something could have been worked out between Ignusdei and the art team.

Their seemingly spread thin art team and less than flattering reception of the likes of Nova deluxe, seems to be partly why they have not been so quick with the deluxes they themselves have made for a while. Hell, they have been working on Zephyr deluxe for like 2 years now? Nearly 3 years? Stuff like the Chroma skin was not as bad as Nova's but I can't help but feel it looked cheap next to Ignusdei designs or the beautiful Saryn deluxe(especially those auxillary wings.), yet it seems the artist who did Saryn's is so busy with so many other designs with environments or items, that he can't just keep cranking out beauties like the Saryn deluxe. Now we got the Nekros deluxe that looks pretty meh outside of some suggested wispy particle effects he will have. Here is hoping following deluxes will be better at least.

Problem is that DE said themselves that they hired Ignus because they wanted someone with fresh design ideas, they wanted someone who would create designs different then theirs, so he made designs different then theirs and....then someone from DE(Mynki probably) decided to change his design to be more like theirs which counters the whole purpose of hiring Ignus, this feels like out right sabotage because someone felt threatened by Ignus designs

I am not saying Ignus didnt do anything wrong since as he said himself he did, but its not like he demanded his designs to be completly unchanged, he said he was fine with all the changes DE did to his designs but one that not only he but most community as a agreed looked horrible.



DE's version:


If DE really wanted they could have asked artist to make head crest that actually fits the design, like I mentioned before burned half of skin has "armor" look to it(you can especially see it on leg), so why not head crest based on roman empire helments ? it would fit much more

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7 hours ago, Culaio said:


They did not hire him, they gave him a contract. A good way to end a contract is to think you are more important than the actual employees whose livelihood depends on the game.

What about the design says "Roman"? I saw someone suggest that Roman-style helmet but that doesn't even say "Ember" let alone match the rest of the deluxe's design.

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15 hours ago, UrielColtan said:

Not exactly an inside scoop, there was a big thread about it last year from Ignusdei. It is most likely the controversy over Ember deluxe with Ignusdei, is the reason why they scrapped it. At least they kept his concept for Mag Deluxe though.  They seem to have realized that the fans have more time to make better skin designs than their spread thin art team, but still want to maintain an iron fist in design input which is to be expected, just wish something could have been worked out between Ignusdei and the art team.

I appreciate the info.

I didn't personally find the skin appealing, but it bums me out that there was a falling-out.

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27 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

They did not hire him, they gave him a contract. A good way to end a contract is to think you are more important than the actual employees whose livelihood depends on the game.

What about the design says "Roman"? I saw someone suggest that Roman-style helmet but that doesn't even say "Ember" let alone match the rest of the deluxe's design.

Sorry english isnt my native language so I may have used wrong word to describe it, but there was nothing hinting that he thought he was more important then actual employees, and most importantly DE contracted him to make designs with their minimal input, they said they wanted art different then theirs and then they gone against it by making pretty big change to his design to make more like theirs with goes against everything they said they were doing, this is why some people are siding with artist, currently evidence makes DE look bad since DE firing the artist was direct outcome of what they said they wouldnt do(modify artist design in meaningful way, yes some changes are always needed, like to make design fit the model but that was change that wasnt needed). What this means to community is that if DE kept their word about minimal input then artist wouldnt be fired and game would get more deluxe skin designs by him, this is reason why so many people are criticising DE.

I personally dont know what to think about this, but I wont lie, I do find it VERY weird that DE gone against reason they contracted the artist.

You most likely saw my previous post about roman helmet, of course I didnt mean ember has roman feel to it, what I meant was that roman(they werent only one who had something like that but they are easiest example for people to know what I mean) helmets had "mohawk" that would fit much more the deluxe skin, since burned 'half' of ember deluxe skin had "armor" look to it.

if you want non-roman examples of helmets with "mohawks" here are some other examples:








and many, MANY others


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On 8/19/2017 at 11:50 PM, KokoroWish said:

You can make the Nova Deluxe skin work even with a bit of minor effort (except for maybe the helmet. I don't like that thing).




No, it still does not look very good(though her new Tennogen helmet makes it more tolerable at the very least), no matter what colors you use, the sculpt is still there. Even with the colors, you are limited in the parts you can color, which conveniently happens to be a large chunk of the skin.

Edited by UrielColtan
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  • 1 month later...

i only want the design we were shown. if they show us a concept of the new one and it is nowhere near the ember deluxe design we have already seen i hope players will riot and petition against the new design. i love ember shes one of my favorite frames and if they ruin her deluxe skin i will be pretty annoyed 

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5 hours ago, Grimm said:

i only want the design we were shown. if they show us a concept of the new one and it is nowhere near the ember deluxe design we have already seen i hope players will riot and petition against the new design. i love ember shes one of my favorite frames and if they ruin her deluxe skin i will be pretty annoyed 

See, people like you are exactly why DE is taking so long deliberating what to do with Ember's deluxe skin. They're worried about people like you frothing at the mouth and spewing hate and anger because your precious cosmetic won't be what you were shown in a rough concept, even though there are deep, real life reasons for it to be that way. You have to remember that the devs behind Warframe are still actual people, they're still hearing and seeing all of this. They're sticking their necks out, making content that they hope people will enjoy, and moments like what you had here make them hesitant to do so.

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You guys have to admit that compared to the first concept we should have gotten for Ember, the new one is incredibly disappointing to what we could have had.

This beauty 




It really is a pity the original creator of this skin got decommissioned by DE, due to "creative differences."  He was honestly much better at creating skins compared to the new guy.


Compared to what we are supposed to get now  this ....thingDS99-Ember-Deluxe-Model-1024x576.jpg

Edit: Added other image for clarity

Edited by Sonicbullitt
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I just spoke to a friend about this a moment ago, and the new one...It doesn't really look like Ember at all... Your new version though, that's one I could get behind. Maybe not the weapon, but the frame itself? Definitely.

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7 minutes ago, Cliff_Racer said:

Wouldn't go so far as to say it's "horrendous", but when I saw it first I thought it was supposed to be Zephyr, not Ember. Looks waaay too much like a chicken.

lol I also thought it was the zephyr deluxe, it really doesn't suit her at all the colour scheme is completely off too, green for a fire based frame ?

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Personally, I don't mind. I think it looks nice enough. Or at least, not worse than the original (can't really dig the whole "half-burned" look though).

2 minutes ago, Sonicbullitt said:

lol I also thought it was the zephyr deluxe, it really doesn't suit her at all the colour scheme is completely off too, green for a fire based frame ?

Uh.... green? I see no green on any of the pics. 

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3 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

To think, that dilemma with IgnusDei's design could have been easily resolved if they just made DE''s additions toggle-able auxillaries.

I have not seen the newest concept for the Ember deluxe though, pics?



1:02:21 in the stream, she looks like a frikken rooster....a male chicken, even colours match up.

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8 minutes ago, Sonicbullitt said:

lol I also thought it was the zephyr deluxe, it really doesn't suit her at all the colour scheme is completely off too, green for a fire based frame ?

Might want to adjust your color settings or something, there is no green in that image.  Just white/blue/grey/red.

And I like your version the best, but the entire concept is far from horrendous imo.

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1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

Might want to adjust your color settings or something, there is no green in that image.  Just white/blue/grey/red.

And I like your version the best, but the entire concept is far from horrendous imo.

It's red, white, green with a little yellow, my eyes are just fine thank you

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1 minute ago, Sonicbullitt said:

It's red, white, red and green with a "blue" that also kinda looks green. It's semantics whatever,  saying it is horrendous is a over exaggerated a little for sure, but that is kinda the point , to get people reading the post.

Ah, you're using exaggeration to get attention.

I'm out.

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