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Mastery Rank Discrimination


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I've met this player while farming on Gabii. 

I told him to camp with us so the drops are contained and are easy to pick up and that he needs to get inside my desecrate range (I was using Nekros). He told me to check how high his MR, and to check his profile to show the "keys" he got and told me that he can easily solo lv100 sorties so Gabii is simply nothing to him.

That wasn't even the point as to why we want him to camp with us. In the end, we only lasted 15min because no mobs were heading our way for some reason. We tried going near him but he just ends up going away saying he can handle it. So we had life support problems.

If they are this "pro", they should set their party settings to solo and go alone. 

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2 hours ago, Spartan336 said:

I want to thank all of you for your wonderful comments. I'm glad the non-toxicity translates to the forums as well. This kind of community is a large part of why I still play Warframe. (That and space ninja's.) 

And yeah. I've only encountered 2 instances of this kind of behavior. It's really rare. 

Thankfully they are fairly far and few between. I had taken a long break after the beta because I just wasn't enjoying the movement system at the time and the stamina just erked me.

Now go back two year to November just before Second dream was released and Parkour 2.0 was put in, my friends had discovered Warframe and got me to try it again. Even at low MR since I hadn't really played since just after beta ended I was playing better than most of those Mr14 plus and was already more knowledgeable than a lot of them too whom would occasionally be complete $&*^s.....

Well I learned what Draco was a bit later and suddenly understood why there were so many of these "Draco babies" and refused to be taxied there not wanting to end up as bad as them. I never touched Draco till MR 15.

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I've ran into a player a while back while doing sorties. It was a MR23 that was constantly ragging on an MR8 with an Excalibur and continuously blamed them for every little thing that had gone wrong. I had tried to defend the Excal and in the end I commented about the deplorable behavior exhibited by a fellow MR23. After that I was messaged by the guy asking if the comment was meant for him or to the other player and was promptly ignored. That would be the most severe case I've seen.

I haven't bothered with making a new account on PC, but I haven't run into that issue yet on PS4 with an MR1 account that has little play time.

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Some weapons and items are 'mastery locked'. So depending on the missions in question that people recruit for, such as raids (which require players to be able to switch between a range of frames to play a role in a team), mastery may play a key factor. However any requirement above MR13 would be unfair as after that mastery level almost everything can be unlocked and built by a player.

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while I do believe that other people shouldn't be so toxic, refusing to rank up stuff is essentially gimping yourself of much of the games content. @Spartan336, how do you know you don't like certain weapons etc. if you've never tried them? the situation you're in of being abused by others is mostly because of them and their narrow mindset, but also slightly because of yourself, do you see? if you took the time to try new things, your MR would be a bit higher and you might find less people want to call you out.

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I've been playing since early access, and I'm only MR8. This was actually something I was thinking about earlier. I think there should be a way, no matter how slow, to earn mastery rating outside of just leveling weapons and warframes. Tie it to the Focus System, even. I just don't bother leveling frames or weapons that I have no interest in using long-term. I wouldn't even care about my Master Rating if weapons and Riven Mods weren't locked behind the system.

I started as Loki, back when Loki was one of the 3 starting frames, and used him (with a bit of Rhino) all the way until Loki Prime released, and then Loki Prime (with a bit of Frost Prime) up until last night when I finished my Oberon Prime. I've seen more of this game than most people have, but it looks like I just started playing a couple weeks ago. From a veteran player's standpoint, that just isn't right. There definitely needs to be something done about mastery progression. Outside of Riven RNG, it's practically my only complaint with the game.

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In most games your level is usually the easiest thing to look at to determine if a player "good" or has experience. I think everyone takes that mindset into warframe without really thinking about what MR actually is.

Also any time you are playing with an unknown entity you try to find something to classify them so you know what you are working with. So when recruiting or going into pugs people either have a requirement or a certain expectation using the only visible metric - MR.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

while I do believe that other people shouldn't be so toxic, refusing to rank up stuff is essentially gimping yourself of much of the games content. @Spartan336, how do you know you don't like certain weapons etc. if you've never tried them? the situation you're in of being abused by others is mostly because of them and their narrow mindset, but also slightly because of yourself, do you see? if you took the time to try new things, your MR would be a bit higher and you might find less people want to call you out.

Actually I'm ranking things up right now, hence why I'm MR 10 instead of 9 at the moment. I do my research (Via watching video's and wiki.) and if a weapon/frame interests me, I'll get it. If it doesn't, then I'll probably never pick it up. Most things fall into the second category. 

And besides, the last thing I really care about is my MR. It's just the people who do care about MR that bug me. 

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10 minutes ago, Spartan336 said:

And besides, the last thing I really care about is my MR. It's just the people who do care about MR that bug me. 

I mean, until you're MR 31 you're trash so... 

Honestly, watching videos shouldn't cut the cheese. Remember how Gas damage was the strongest element with melee for something like a year and youtubers didn't make too many videos on that so no one knew? 

I mean, there are a ton of undisclosed, very overpowered combinations of weapons, equipments, and elements that you just don't know of right now because a Youtuber didn't make a video on it, or the person who knew wants to keep it to themselves so that the devs don't figure it out for another year or so. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:

I mean, until you're MR 31 you're trash so... 

Honestly, watching videos shouldn't cut the cheese. Remember how Gas damage was the strongest element with melee for something like a year and youtubers didn't make too many videos on that so no one knew? 

I mean, there are a ton of undisclosed, very overpowered combinations of weapons, equipments, and elements that you just don't know of right now because a Youtuber didn't make a video on it, or the person who knew wants to keep it to themselves so that the devs don't figure it out for another year or so. 

It's more about how the weapon/frame functions. For instance, I love the Latron Prime because it is pretty much the definition of marksman rifle. Never mind that it doesn't kill anything above level 70, it's a fun gun to use. Besides, I already have weapons that melt enemy's. And yes, I experiment in-game with things as well, but I'm afraid that if the weapon as a whole doesn't interest me, I'm not going to go out of my way to mod it and make it good. It's just how I am. 

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17 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

There are always those people who need to be above everyone else for their ego. Just leave them be. The people that do that are usually the ones to have Rejuvination on trinity or Steel Charge on Rhino :wink: 

While rejuvenation is useless, steel charge or the other damage amp auras can be good choices.  You can go with weapon procs that do the same basic thing as the auras, and be equally effective in a different manner.  Especially now with factions getting mobs with different strengths and weaknesses than their standard counterparts.


The reality is, there are few situations outside of the raids and endless missions where very specific loadouts make them far easier.  Most missions, including most of the tier 3 sorties, are very easy to do without maximizing your entire loadout.

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18 hours ago, Spartan336 said:


Regarding the first case. Understandable when you consider that maybe the guy has lost a few million plat in high risk because of low MR players who wanted a free ride. You have to admit that there is no real way to determine player skill but you can make the assumption that a high MR player has cleared enough missions to hold his own on high risk index which is honestly difficult for even high MR players. I myself never do high risk because all it takes is some over confident ally who literally drops the ball to loose all those creds for you no matter how godlike your performance. Trust was the issue here and he went with his gut. 

Regarding the second case. That was all you man. It has absolutely nothing to do with your MR rating. You basically went into the trade without knowing what junk trading is. 

Selling prime junk on warframe is specifically selling any prime items for 1-3p or 5 parts for 8-20p. Just because you want to be paid in full, does not justify breaking this trading style. His understanding is that you will sell any 5 prime items for 12p which is a better deal than what I myself usually make.

ANY means you can sell 20 paris prime grips or other worthless items for the same price. If you wanted to sell Latron Prime stock at its market price, then you have to advertise as such. The reason why they are considered junk despite some market value of 10-20p is because nobody needs it and finding a legitimate buyer for those takes days if not months(Most likely selling to a newbie as well).

I myself have encounter a player like yourself who claims entitlement because of your ideologies on the matter. The problem is that you are going into a junk trade without any intention of completing it as is understood. False advertising basically. Junk trade is you the seller selling only junk. If you do not consider it junk, don't sell it. If you think the deal is unfair, don't do it. But don't go into a trade expecting your ideologies to work out the trade just because you think it is fair.

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4 hours ago, babywrath said:

Regarding the first case. Understandable when you consider that maybe the guy has lost a few million plat in high risk because of low MR players who wanted a free ride. You have to admit that there is no real way to determine player skill but you can make the assumption that a high MR player has cleared enough missions to hold his own on high risk index which is honestly difficult for even high MR players. I myself never do high risk because all it takes is some over confident ally who literally drops the ball to loose all those creds for you no matter how godlike your performance. Trust was the issue here and he went with his gut. 

Regarding the second case. That was all you man. It has absolutely nothing to do with your MR rating. You basically went into the trade without knowing what junk trading is. 


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Selling prime junk on warframe is specifically selling any prime items for 1-3p or 5 parts for 8-20p. Just because you want to be paid in full, does not justify breaking this trading style. His understanding is that you will sell any 5 prime items for 12p which is a better deal than what I myself usually make.

ANY means you can sell 20 paris prime grips or other worthless items for the same price. If you wanted to sell Latron Prime stock at its market price, then you have to advertise as such. The reason why they are considered junk despite some market value of 10-20p is because nobody needs it and finding a legitimate buyer for those takes days if not months(Most likely selling to a newbie as well).

I myself have encounter a player like yourself who claims entitlement because of your ideologies on the matter. The problem is that you are going into a junk trade without any intention of completing it as is understood. False advertising basically. Junk trade is you the seller selling only junk. If you do not consider it junk, don't sell it. If you think the deal is unfair, don't do it. But don't go into a trade expecting your ideologies to work out the trade just because you think it is fair.



You can call it a misscommunication if you want. I was trying a different method were i would show the buyer what i had, then ask them if they saw anything they liked. By that very broad defintion of junk trading, a person could asume i was attempting to junk trade when i had a fair amount of vaulted stuff. The latron prime stock was just one example of those items, and the item that was up when he started giving off angery vives. MR or misscommunication, however, this doesn't excuse has behavior. 

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1 hour ago, Spartan336 said:

You can call it a misscommunication if you want. I was trying a different method were i would show the buyer what i had, then ask them if they saw anything they liked. By that very broad defintion of junk trading, a person could asume i was attempting to junk trade when i had a fair amount of vaulted stuff. The latron prime stock was just one example of those items, and the item that was up when he started giving off angery vives. MR or misscommunication, however, this doesn't excuse has behavior. 

If that is the case, then it was a definite miscommunication. Junk in my vocabulary, and apparently his vocabulary as well, is any prime part, no matter the market value, that is sold in bulk of 5 parts for the buyers wholesale price ranging, in my experience, 7-20p(i may have seen 25p but i digress). I however do not blame the guy for losing his temper and blocking you in that occasion because by his point of view you were attempting to rope him into a trade he was not willing to accept to begin with. Call it what you will but it was a sketchy transaction. 

I can assure you that MR had no part during the second incident. As a general rule, plat is plat no matter what MR the players are. The only possible relation between plat and MR that I can think of is a low MR player who still has his/her free 50 plat, that is not trade-able, attempting to trade.

I once had a trade wherein the person was confident he had 200+?? plat to trade with but the system blocked him stating he did not have enough plat. Apparently he still held onto his first 50 plat since he started and was attempting to trade with it. No party at fault in this story but it is the only example of MR relation i can think off.   

Anyone else who may insult low MR players of incompetence when trading, do not have any supporting arguments because it also applies to high MR players who do not normally trade. It also does not apply to low MR players who have focused their time playing on just trading(myself as an example a few years ago).  

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1 hour ago, babywrath said:

If that is the case, then it was a definite miscommunication. Junk in my vocabulary, and apparently his vocabulary as well, is any prime part, no matter the market value, that is sold in bulk of 5 parts for the buyers wholesale price ranging, in my experience, 7-20p(i may have seen 25p but i digress). I however do not blame the guy for losing his temper and blocking you in that occasion because by his point of view you were attempting to rope him into a trade he was not willing to accept to begin with. Call it what you will but it was a sketchy transaction. 

I can assure you that MR had no part during the second incident. As a general rule, plat is plat no matter what MR the players are. The only possible relation between plat and MR that I can think of is a low MR player who still has his/her free 50 plat, that is not trade-able, attempting to trade.

I once had a trade wherein the person was confident he had 200+?? plat to trade with but the system blocked him stating he did not have enough plat. Apparently he still held onto his first 50 plat since he started and was attempting to trade with it. No party at fault in this story but it is the only example of MR relation i can think off.   

Anyone else who may insult low MR players of incompetence when trading, do not have any supporting arguments because it also applies to high MR players who do not normally trade. It also does not apply to low MR players who have focused their time playing on just trading(myself as an example a few years ago).  

Trading is just two people trying to agree on a price. If he didn't like it, he could have just said "No thank you" and been on his way. Calling me a lowly simpleton was inexcusable. 

As to my trading, let's use this analogy. Most people play one way, since it's generally effective. I, however, play a different way, which also works. Some people who see someone not conforming to the regular play style, or meta as I believe it's called, will sometimes get irrational angry. I say irrationally because the way I play still works, and said person should not be telling me how to play the game if it works. 

And, see it how you will, but lowly simpleton that doesn't understand trading sounds a lot like an assumption based on MR. 

Now, to avoid further argument, which is something I'm not very fond of, let's call it at that. I know what I experienced, and you have a different take. No need to discuss this further. 

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Alright, let's debate then.

People evaluate you based on your frame, equipment or whatever criteria they have, it is not discrimination, it is an opinion. For example, if I see a Trinity with a Vazarin aura slotted, I label them as lame/nub/not serious Trinity player right away (because any more or less serious Trinity player switches aura slot for Naramon). Yet, it has nothing to do with discrimination ('cos I keep my opinion to myself and click ignore silently).

The player you tried selling Latron Stock to, was buying prime junk, which are prime parts bought in bulk for exchange for ducats. Such parts are usually bought in bulk 8-12p per 5 pieces, depending on the buyer. Yes, now and then the junk might bring some valuable items, which can be re-sold for plat instead of ducats, but it was your fault agreeing to sell Latron Prime Stock as prime junk in the first place. No discrimination involved again, just your lack of experience in the trade chat.

What is actually hilarious is that you go and actually label high MR players: they are high MRs, so they must be discriminating and mistreating you.


Edited by SeaUrchins
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Trade chat is....let's me put this delicately: Trade chat is insane. I was once blocked because of my stats on the forums. Yes someone went to their personal computer, looked up my stats on these forums, then blocked me because of it. "'Oh hey there Mr.Gold hunter over 1000 posts! Well trade this!' *blocked*" or that was the gist of it.

And people are d***s outside of mastery as well. I'm mastery 24 and got downed right next to my teammate. He stared at me until I died....that is until my sentinel rezzed me and I gave him the shrug emote. Yeah that's right, I didn't need your punk a** to help me.

But um yeah, if my teammates can take care of themselves, mastery doesn't matter. If they get downed a lot they probably brought the wrong build. If they AFK they're satan himself and deserve eternal torment in the swirling pitch at the very bottom of the nine hells.

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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11 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

Alright, let's debate then.

People evaluate you based on your frame, equipment or whatever criteria they have, it is not discrimination, it is an opinion. For example, if I see a Trinity with a Vazarin aura slotted, I label them as lame/nub/not serious Trinity player right away (because any more or less serious Trinity player switches aura slot for Naramon). Yet, it has nothing to do with discrimination ('cos I keep my opinion to myself and click ignore silently).

The player you tried selling Latron Stock to, was buying prime junk, which are prime parts bought in bulk for exchange for ducats. Such parts are usually bought in bulk 8-12p per 5 pieces, depending on the buyer. Yes, now and then the junk might bring some valuable items, which can be re-sold for plat instead of ducats, but it was your fault agreeing to sell Latron Prime Stock as prime junk in the first place. No discrimination involved again, just your lack of experience in the trade chat.

What is actually hilarious is that you go and actually label high MR players: they are high MRs, so they must be discriminating and mistreating you.


Dude, you don't have to be serious to get the job done. 

As for the second thing, see previous conversation about trading. 

I've met several nice high MR players. These are my only two encounters with this. 

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1 hour ago, Spartan336 said:

Dude, you don't have to be serious to get the job done. 

As for the second thing, see previous conversation about trading. 

I've met several nice high MR players. These are my only two encounters with this. 

Wait, you only encountered two negative players and this spawned a thread?


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