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I see why ppl dislike riven


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I wasn't all that mad about having to reroll and pay to get chance for better stats but just had a sorta annoying roll.  I had 122% crit chance + 127% status chance then rerolled it to 121% crit chance + 136% status chance.  " Luckly" this was just costing me 2300 but if that happen at high cost rerolls that would really annoy me.

I guess the rng gods can't bless you all the time but getting the exact same stats back is kinda bad.

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Well since we can choose the "better" one i dont see much of a problem. And the highest kuva roll is fix 3500/ roll after rolling it 9x.

What I dont like about riven mod is how it is dominate the tradechat nowadays.

And i personally would like alternate way to obtaining kuva, maybe at endless mission on kuva fortress otherwise not many players play at kuva fortress despite a great design the tileset is.

Edited by Avynire
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5 minutes ago, Emolition said:

I wasn't all that mad about having to reroll and pay to get chance for better stats but just had a sorta annoying roll.  I had 122% crit chance + 127% status chance then rerolled it to 121% crit chance + 136% status chance.  " Luckly" this was just costing me 2300 but if that happen at high cost rerolls that would really annoy me.

I guess the rng gods can't bless you all the time but getting the exact same stats back is kinda bad.

That is not what people are disgruntled about Rivens with. Arguably that kind of idle "just play the game" kind of stat increase changing is exactly the ideal way Rivens should be working. What people get frustrated with is a Riven for a weapon that can't really make use of it (example Seer pistol rolling +Crit%) or just getting a Riven for a weapon they really do not like or can't really be helped with any Riven.

Rivens should have been functioning in an analogous way to the old Mod 1.0 system, where every Mod on the weapon had randomized stats. And you'd slowly over time find better ones to load in. Which cost Credits to Reslot those mods.

Sadly Rivens don't quite do that. And they aren't even a good Resource Sink that they could have been.

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I like the riven system.

I'll often try out weapons i'd not bother even modding if I get a riven for it, being a MR 22, I've levelled basically every weapon in the game so going back to them because I've rolled a sweet upgrade on a disposition 5 weapon I take as an interesting 'new' powerful weapon opportunity, at this point in the game I'm refining all my builds, making them unique, trying not to have the same weapon set on every frame, so I enjoy this possible addition to my arsenal.

I also think it achieves what the system set out to do, which was make a great number of otherwise average weapons be worthy of sortie level missions.

As an example, one of my top 3 frames is my Nekros, I use a build I refined for about 1-2 months, in short it's a melee channelling build to drain both NRG and HP so it always picking up every single HP/NRG orb the drops from Desecrate/Despoil with equality.

With this build I need a really good Melee weapon, I was using Ack and Brunt for a long time, but then I got my hands on Reaper Prime, a perfect weapon for Nekros, however it was underwhelming in higher level missions, and I'd have to compensate with Galatine prime. Until I got my 1st melee Riven which thankfully was for Reaper Prime, on my 5th roll on this Riven I hit 246.4% Channelling Damage and 274.6% Melee Damage, This made my Channelling build Reaper Prime just insane (it has -30% damage to Grineer also, but it's barely noticeable even as a final negative stat).

Sure, I've had a bunch of Rivens I've dumped because I didn't like the weapon or whatever, but every so often I pick up a good one (bought or RNG) that makes all the difference.

I feel like people take the system as a whole in the wrong manner, farming Kuva for hours on end so they can try roll good on a Tigris Riven is a pointless undertaking IMHO, Rivens are not suppose to make OP weapons better, Farming the crap out of Kuva is always going to be boring and I think DE need to step in here at the Kuva Farming point, not the Riven end of things. I don't bother to really Farm Kuva, and I'm not going to try get a specific set of stats on a weapon, I'll only farm Kuva on a double drop, and always go with the 'it will do for now' riven until I get more in a few weeks time.

Getting a good Riven should be a long term goal, not a short term rush to the end, if you take your time to get a Riven in the general area of stats you want, and not take it too seriously the riven mechanic is perfectly fine for what it's suppose to do.


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8 hours ago, Emolition said:

I wasn't all that mad about having to reroll and pay to get chance for better stats but just had a sorta annoying roll.  I had 122% crit chance + 127% status chance then rerolled it to 121% crit chance + 136% status chance.  " Luckly" this was just costing me 2300 but if that happen at high cost rerolls that would really annoy me.

I guess the rng gods can't bless you all the time but getting the exact same stats back is kinda bad.

It can be an absolute pain but at least it's not like it was in the early days where once you rerolled you had no choice but to lose your previous stats and inherit the true. I wonder what todays market would be like if that was still the same.

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There's literally nothing I like about Rivens; I hate the RNG involved in what Riven you get, I hate the unveiling process, I hate the RNG involved in what the stats are, I don't enjoy Kuva Siphon and I especially dislike that the system seems like some sort of band-aid for fixing weapons that don't scale into late game (whereas we've some fantastic weapon rebalances that have breathed new life into these weapons). Riven disposition had to be added to stop already powerful weapons pushing power creep to new levels and the way they've implemented that only reinforces the fact that Rivens exist to give the weaker weapons a boost.

It must have seemed a like a good idea initially, randomly generate mods that relieve the development time (instead of rebalancing every weapon or introducing more weapon specific mods). But it's added issues like database bloat to DE's end, saturated trading and frustrated players. Frankly I don't think it's a system that should ever have been implemented but it's going to cause even more trouble to remove it. So I guess it's here to stay.

Ultimately for me Warframe has always been about grinding, and for me the satisfaction of that comes from making and meeting goals. If there's something I want in the game I can work towards it and eventually get it. Satisfying. Rivens are the antithesis of this. The amount of work it would take just to grind a Riven for a specific weapon is phenomenal, and I do not want to sink cash into the game just to buy a mod (there's better uses for plat IMO) from another player. Plus however long it would take to roll the correct stats. It goes way past the amount of work I find satisfying as there's no guarantee of any pay off at the end of it.


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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

People hate the part where you reroll 10 times and the stats are still bad, then you sit there thinking how much more kuva you have to farm to get a good roll, when it costs 3500 and you only get about 600 for a normal siphon with no boosts...

That's a fast lane to burnout!

Only if you obsess about it.

Most of my Rivens rolled decent stats that can replace another mod within 10 rolls. It's not the games fault if a player obsesses over having a perfect roll. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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