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I'm not really looking forward to playing as the operator


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1 hour ago, UmbraCorporation said:

I'm glad you're optimistic, but I'm afraid that operators will only become even more annoying after PoE comes out. 

It's been proven that most players don't like operators, except the ones who are total DE fanboys who love everything they do blindly and don't even give the kind of helpful feedback DE desires. 

I like how people have been pointing out this game is called WARFRAME, not OPERATOR, or "angsty teenager who mind controls ancient space ninjas" for that matter. 


You're doing that thing.


You know. The thing.



Where you assume that everyone agrees with you, and therefore you speak as though you're speaking for the majority of the player base, when that is not in fact the case.


With a generous helping of ad hominem too, which is why I feel broadly ok with pointing out that based on your own thread about preparing for Plains, you seem to have paid barely any attention at all to the information being shared with us about the expansion.

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33 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

That should be insisting, as long as they are you know, fully grown adults. 

Same here, tho the only "Head" cannon I had was each warframe was its own being and person. Just a bit...Infested and cybernetic, then..normal?

Pretty similar. Those are basically was for me mercenaries like in strategy game the units. I choose the best or the optional - liked ones to missions and controll each. The kids are made these things pretty broken for me but I still use my head canon to everything what possibly an answer for me. I would not have problems with them if they do this in the beginning and not add them long later the game released. Back in 2013-2014 early noone thought this will be a thing and now they can be turn into an alternative which is not bad but my canon idea was better for me and I liked the game much better with that.

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16 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

With a generous helping of ad hominem too, which is why I feel broadly ok with pointing out that based on your own thread about preparing for Plains, you seem to have paid barely any attention at all to the information being shared with us about the expansion.

Hey, at least he is not placing community bans due to playing toggle cast frames. 

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52 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Hey, at least he is not placing community bans due to playing toggle cast frames. 

I mean, judging by the community reaction, people are broadly meh about Operators, would like them to be more functional in both gameplay and writing/customisation, but really don't seem to view them as being this awful thing that ruined the game.


People are way more pissed about Energy Overflow.

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On 17.09.2017 at 4:25 AM, hazerddex said:

i always find it funny how immature people act about the tenno being kids. 

like suddenly that some how makes warframe not mature anymore.

They don't "act immature". They act as if you were given some serious thing and then it turnet into a clown fiesta and a bad one with that. Most media portait "kids" in reality teens here as some dumb little shts that crack some stupid jokes all the time and barely have any brains. Which is hard to stomach. Want it or not, you're telling people a story. If you can't make you protagonist appelaing ins ome way you failed. Often they don't even have to talk to make a good protagonist or tory (see half-life or mad max fury road). If you give them personality it should be likeable - which doesn't equal "being perfect in every way". The worst thing that can happen to your charcater is that people will find it annoying.


even though it makes it even more mature as its dealing with some very serious issues like child soldiers. the fact that the Orokin used children as weapons makes them seem more corrupted and more understandable of why the tenno rebelled.

Funny thing the whole story reminds me or Raiden from metal gear. Also a 'child - soldier' aslo a character that replaced the main charcter in the series out of nowhere at the time, also an immature whiny emo sht that no one takes seriously and also someone that you remove from the series and no one will even notice because game isn't about him, never was. Also majority didn't care about him and didn't find interesting in any way.

Just because your character "suffers" doesn't magically make your story interesting. And little kids add nothing to the universe, Ordis' story for example was ten times more interesting and even worse sht has happened to him if you're into angst. On top of that we also have warframes, infested, regular people, orokin and dozens of things that are *way* more interesting than child soldiers and more unique. Hell if Warframes were just meat suits with remnants of their human personality (like in soma) it would be no less interesting than whatever the operators are. So don't make it sound like some kind of revilation. It's not the worst theme but it's done so meh that you also feel nothing but meh about them.

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4 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

I mean, judging by the community reaction, people are broadly meh about Operators, would like them to be more functional in both gameplay and writing/customisation, but really don't seem to view them as being this awful thing that ruined the game.


People are way more pissed about Energy Overflow.

But those are two very different topics.

While I certainly have my own gripes with the Operators it annoyed me that they refused to show any combat during the stream, a little bit more context than "we are going to focus on the operators, but we won't show anything besides Teshin Junior", would help a lot.

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1 minute ago, phoenix1992 said:

But those are two very different topics.

While I certainly have my own gripes with the Operators it annoyed me that they refused to show any combat during the stream, a little bit more context than "we are going to focus on the operators, but we won't show anything besides Teshin Junior", would help a lot.

Now that's a fair point. Also, there is a worrying sign that they have not in fact improved Operator movement:


Rebecca still crouched to enter Void Stealth. That means (most likely) no parkour, no rolling, no nothing. It would, sadly, be just like DE to play a big fanfare about how awesome this new Warrior Operator is, and then reveal that they didn't fix their movement at all.

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On 9/16/2017 at 8:53 AM, Hypernaut1 said:

 The thing is.... at this point, I still care more about the warframes than I do the operators.  Whereas it seems like DE is kind of forcing this operator thing on us. I don't dislike operators,  but I was fine when they were basically regulated to a focus menu screen. 

You may not like the operator switches, but just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they have to  stop and cancel what they are doing immediately. Me personally, I really do like operator mode but never used it since it had no uses exept kuva farming. We don't even have the rework in our hands yet, so instead of saying let's leave it the way it is, let's wait and see what will happen to the system first.

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16 minutes ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

You may not like the operator switches, but just because you don't like them doesn't mean that they have to  stop and cancel what they are doing immediately. Me personally, really do like operator mode but never used it since it had no uses exept kuva farming. We don't even have the rework in our hands yet, so instead of saying let's leave it the way it is, let's wait and see what will happen to the system first.

I never said they need to stop what they are doing immediately.  It's their game and they've already done what they're going to do.   Doesn't mean I can't express my opinion. 

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20 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I never said they need to stop what they are doing immediately.  It's their game.  Doesn't mean I can't express my opinion. 

You can express your opinion, but saying that they shouldn't do it is another thing. We don't have Plains yet nor the operator/focus rework. We got to play the waiting game and wait until the update comes out to see if it will be good or not and then we can say what we don't like about it etc. People are going ape shiz crazy about it, we just got to wait until it's in our hands.

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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

You can express your opinion, but saying that they shouldn't do it is another thing. We don't have Plains yet nor the operator/focus rework. We got to play the waiting game and wait until the update comes out to see if it will be good or not and then we can say what we don't like about it etc. People are going ape shiz crazy about it, we just got to wait until it's in our hands.

TWW was my "wait and see"... and I don't like the direction of operators as warriors.  They should've remained the battery to our WF, only protecting themselves as ghost on the battlefield.  That was awesome,  now it feels cheesy. 

I'm not saying that what DE is doing is going to be terrible,  ill still enjoy it,  but a WF focus would've been so much better. Our WF going "avatar" mode and building on that was an awesome concept.  The operator warriors feel like a step back in power.  They went from powerful protections to fragile scrawny kids scampering about trying not to get hit. Now DE is trying to make them on par with Was, web we already have powerful WFs. 

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My major gripe with the Operator, and the thing I want DE to fix, is that the Operator just isn't "worth it". Why would I use the Operator when doing poorly hurts me, and playing well just hurts me less?

Sure, there's nothing in principle preventing me from playing an entire mission as the Operator, but why would I ever want to? It's not even that the Operator is weaker than any frame; playing as the Operator not only deprives me of focus and mastery for my normal gear, it doesn't even make the Operator any better. At least playing Archwing can improve your Archwing experience, even if it feels like a separate game mode. Operators can't even claim that.

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On 9/16/2017 at 9:38 AM, Naftal said:

That's like saying "I like riding a motorcycle, so I don't see any problem riding a tricycle."

No matter how well they can kill, unless they turn their gameplay including mobility system and everything similar to frame gameplay, it's not comparable in any way.

Then again this is a video game. While some companies will sell you 17 sequels of the exact same motorcycle because they know you'll pay for it if they pretend its new, others want to sell you the tricycle, and then sell you a motorcycle that lets you shoot tricycles, and then a tricycle behemoth that shoots motorcycles while also riding a gigantic mortocycle.

DE falls into the latter category, they can't stand reselling the status quo, and they intend to continue changing their game in distinct ways over time. This is hardly the first time they've made radical changes to systems that fractured a portion of the playerbase. And yet despite that Warframe player activity seems to have only climbed or at least stayed strong.

Whatever they do I'm in the camp of enjoying the ride, its the reason I keep coming back and stick with this game over the years.

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On 9/16/2017 at 10:15 AM, JSharpie said:

I play this game because I wanted to kill things, operators will now be better at killing things apparently.

I fail to see any problem with operators.

Because we have over 30 WFs to choose from. I want to be able to choose which Warframe I want to kill things with. I don't want DE to say, well to kill THESE things (the number of which are now growing) you will have to use just this one warframe that we picked for you called "the operator". Sure since we require it we will let you take it on every mission, but you still have to use this and only this, even if you hate the warframe.

I hate octavia, I hate limbo. If DE setup a mission type that REQUIRED either one on a regular basis (like Kuva, and Eidelons) I'd be quitting. I like that i can never use an Octavia or a Limbo.

I'd like to have the choice to not use the operator as well. I think DE not giving me that choice is the wrong direction for Warframe.

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14 hours ago, mstriker said:

i dont see why you just want everyone to play as a warframe just because the game is called warframe; let players choose.

The game is called WARFRAME, duh. 

AND, it's not a choice. In order to fight the Eidolons, we WILL have to use operators. DE isn't giving us a choice, period. 

14 hours ago, mstriker said:

Ad ignorantiam fallacy; nothing has been proven, man, dont you think that calling everyone who likes the operator idea a blind fanboy (actually an ad hominem fallacy) is not a good idea? Its just ignorant and stupid to do that.

Prove me wrong. Take a @(*()$ poll and then come back to me, because I'm not making it up. And don't come at me with all that fallacy BS because at the end of the day, no one cares about logic theories because I'm well-informed about what you're talking about and it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Please don't be that person.

We care about WARFRAME and the fact that no one wants to admit the FACT and nobody really likes OPERATORS. PERIOD. 

Other than you, that is, and you're obviously in the minority. And even in your case, you didn't say you LOVE operators. You just defended the player's right to choose, which in and of itself is an illusion because we has Tenno do not have a choice, if we wish to compete in the endgame DE has created for us to strive for. Wake up to the truth Tenno. 

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14 minutes ago, UmbraCorporation said:

The game is called WARFRAME, duh. 

AND, it's not a choice. In order to fight the Eidolons, we WILL have to use operators. DE isn't giving us a choice, period. 

Prove me wrong. Take a @(*()$ poll and then come back to me, because I'm not making it up. And don't come at me with all that fallacy BS because at the end of the day, no one cares about logic theories because I'm well-informed about what you're talking about and it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Please don't be that person.

We care about WARFRAME and the fact that no one wants to admit the FACT and nobody really likes OPERATORS. PERIOD. 

Other than you, that is, and you're obviously in the minority. And even in your case, you didn't say you LOVE operators. You just defended the player's right to choose, which in and of itself is an illusion because we has Tenno do not have a choice, if we wish to compete in the endgame DE has created for us to strive for. Wake up to the truth Tenno. 

i like the concept of operator and warframe combo and im excited to see how DE fixes them up. also wtf is WARFRAME? thats up to DE to decide. they made the name, they made the game. if u dont like it, dont play it. bye bye.

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23 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

bye bye.

DE can say the same to all their players. Thank the Lotus that not everyone thinks like you because then only the minority would be a left and the majority would leave. Yes it's DE's game but it's also ours, too. DE made the game for us. That's business 101. 

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Was browsing through steam and decided to check out whats new on community hub saw this cool reference to BFG from doom for this new gun called arca plasmor. Got interested so decided to do more research if warframe has anymore cool stuff since I took a hiatus.

Only to find the new POE patch will be more about operators. I really REALLY hated the idea of the operator. I mean I was fine with it being a lore material but I hope it was only for lore and DE would not make much of it other then use it to explain background story and I would care less if DE just throw it in the back of our dropship and that be the end of the story. But with kuva farm and having to pop out as operator just to farm this insanely grindy power creep for the purple mod just killed the last patience I had with the game.

The game was beginning to grow stale with the long periods of lack luster op/fun guns and having to use your generic weak lame teen with special powers instead of your cool fully decked out lean mean space ninja killing machine that you payed tons of real life money to deck out really starts to grind your gears. Forcing us to use your operators really goes against the name of the game which is "warframe". I wanted to play the game so I can role play as a lethal war frame not some weak non war experienced emotional kid, it just doesn't fit no matter how DE splices it. If it is used to serve as another cosmetic revenue income that just tastes bitter on the tongue. I be much happier to pay money for more cosmetics of the warframe that I chose to play as.

I don't want to load into a game and have to be force to pop out as a teenager just to fight a certain mob then quickly pop back in to progress in the game. I want to choose my weapon load outs and my WARFRAME go into a game and wreak havoc as a war frame with lethal guns.

The back story could of also been handled better for the operators, it just feels weak in general instead of a highly trained lethal operator we get an operator that just has special powers, feels a little immature, and has bratty teen one liners. I mean before war within our warframes were already doing somersaults, running along walls killing tons of corpus and grinneers. But when we actually get the human behind the machine it doesn't match. It definitely kills the joy that you used to have as a warframe instead of reinforcing it.

The new enemy units looks like fun to fight against in poe but if I'm force to deck out my operator in order to fight one then I think DE should definitely take another look at the direction they are taking. Warframe was all about bad &#! space ninja machine stuff not about teenagers with special powers otherwise why call it warframe, why have another set of special powers that are so generic when you already have your warframe powers, why play the pilot when you can play the mechwarrior the pilot is operating.

I dislike the clunky switching between frame and operator, it also gives your frame immunity frames which can be abused, everything about it feels forced but I digress. After watching a couple of videos including one by agayguy plays on the acra plasmor I feel like the gun concept could even be better. They could make the gun actually feel a lot more like the BFG in doom with a big &#! ball of nuclear plasma, but after seeing the videos it sort of falls short. It reminds me of how a ton of guns already in warframe could of been awesome with a little more care but ultimately falls flat and uninsteresting. Like the opticor was such a cool concept but has so much limitations that your often reminded of the limitations then feeling how awesome this gun could of been. And the crossbows, it feels more like a gimmick then an alternative badass weapon that should give you a hard time on choosing what badass weapon to play on the mission. No rotating crossbow bolts like in vanhelsing no special feature that can make the crossbow bolt feel lethal and viable at high tier missions.

I guess DE is starting to make better improvements like the acra plasmor the concept is in the right idea. It's so easy to make cool appealing fun guns, there are tons of content to look for just by using google. You can just simply search for any favorite/top action movies and implement the idea and concept of their guns. Any iconic video games and their favorite weaponry. I don't think power creep is the problem with this game in my personal opinion, I mean we have rivens now. I just feel DE could of spent their resources better instead of focusing on this operator game play.

I first started to lose interest after the tonkor, it was a good gun, it made me feel powerful, feeling powerful was fun, in the end players just want to have fun. New guns, new powerful exciting guns were fun. New warframes were fun, new cosmetics for warframes was fun. More enemies, more diverse enemies, more enemy mechanics(not operator mechanics) was fun. I believe if DE just stuck to this route warframe would of stayed awesome. The ignis was a cool idea, there should of been more flame throwers, plasma thrower concepts. The pump shotty concept is a good thing to step towards( but what iconic pump shotty should the devs design), pump shotties should feel strong when you feel and hear that shot and reload. I just hope its not bogged downed by restrictions like long reloading time, fall off dmg. In real life shotguns still hurt from far away it just feels dumb that your futuristic space gun would act like a nerf gun. In the end users just want fun and not limitations and I feel the operator is just another limitation that shouldn't be part of the warframe world.

Sorry for long rant o/

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4 hours ago, UmbraCorporation said:

The game is called WARFRAME, duh. 

AND, it's not a choice. In order to fight the Eidolons, we WILL have to use operators. DE isn't giving us a choice, period. 

Prove me wrong. Take a @(*()$ poll and then come back to me, because I'm not making it up. And don't come at me with all that fallacy BS because at the end of the day, no one cares about logic theories because I'm well-informed about what you're talking about and it's irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Please don't be that person.

We care about WARFRAME and the fact that no one wants to admit the FACT and nobody really likes OPERATORS. PERIOD. 

Other than you, that is, and you're obviously in the minority. And even in your case, you didn't say you LOVE operators. You just defended the player's right to choose, which in and of itself is an illusion because we has Tenno do not have a choice, if we wish to compete in the endgame DE has created for us to strive for. Wake up to the truth Tenno. 

There they go again... Assuming that everyone shares their view so they can force DE to change the game to their selfish wishes... 

BTW, please tell me where the bad Operator touched you, because by the way you and other raging salty kids talk about it, it appears it has affected you somewhere. Just like someone else said, it feels like it's a personal insult, of monumental proportions, or something.

And please people, stop sticking to the stupid title as your reason of defense, don't be that narrow, I could also make a game called Star Citizen and have it focus on Ships only and forget the Citizens part, no character, NPC gameplay, etc...

If you're so deeply affected by Operators and "care" about Warframe, then you call the poll and prove us wrong, you are screaming so loud almost everywhere on these forums that you might be right, or are you afraid that you Operator ranging trolls are not the "majority" you so claim to be?

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On 2017-09-17 at 7:04 PM, Tesseract7777 said:

This is nothing more than your personal preference. 

The fact of the matter is that the majority of people like the operator or DE wouldn't have been steadily growing the game since they brought in operators and continued to increase their role.

You might as well just get over it. They are here to stay and will continue to be more important. 

You dont get it do you..

You have no hard evidence that the increase in player base is because of the operator just as little as i have hard evidence that prove the opposite. 

DE has had several major updates and changes to plenty of the core mechanics of the game since the operator was revealed. 

Any of them could be the reason for the increased playerbase. 

Heck a increased coverage overal and youtubers showing off the game could be the main reason the player base has increased for all we know. 

The players that visit forums official or otherwise do not in any way shape or form consist of the majority of the playerbase for warframe and as such you do not speak for the majority of players nor even a minority. 

You speak only for yourself. 

I have never claimed to speak for anyone but myself and present my own view on the operators. 

And as i have written before there are plenty of comments from all over the spectrum when it comes to the operators. 

Those that love them, like them, those that are neutral, those that dislike them and those that hate them with a passion. 

Just becasue X happens does not mean Y did it when it could just as well have been K or B. 

The operators will be in the game until DE decide otherwise. 

I will just make sure to minimize my interaction with them as close to zero as possible since they add nothing to the game in my opinion. 

I hope you have plenty of fun with them. 

Different tastes is a part of life. 

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