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How to price Rivens...well how I am pricing rivens anyway.


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This will likely stir up some debate ...

#1 Price your sales any way you want. This is just opinion and this opinion is subject to change.

      Riven prices are all over the place and have annoyed the crap out of a lot of people.So much so that a lot of people do not even use them at all. To be honest they are not in anyway necessary to successfully participate in any part of the game. They do how ever exist and because they do, a lot of people are using them and invest in them. Buying and selling them though, is for myself, a nightmare.What a riven is worth is subjective .Below is a very basic formula I am going to be using that appears to be close to what the market seems to be unconsciously gravitating towards.At least in my experience it is what I see.

For critical chance on a mod I multiply it by 10% critical chance on the weapon

     ie.   Mod 100%   x   weapon 35%  = 350

Next I multiply the critical damage on the mod by the Critical damage on the weapon.

     ie. Mod  80%  x   weapon 2.= 160

For stats like damage% , heat% , cold%, Toxin%, Electricity% I just take the number and add it to the weapon

     ie Mod: 200% damage  50% heat     weapon: 75 heat    would be 200+50+75=325

For stats like damage vs faction I take 1/3 the stat

     ie Mod Damage vs corpus 90% would be 30

Then i add those numbers up and that is about the price mods seem to be traded at.

For status weapons it is trickier...If the weapon is a status weapon and the mod is Status chance I add up the damage of the weapon + the status chance of the weapon and the mod.Then if it is possible to hit 100% with normal modding I multiply that by 2.

     ie.Mod Status Chance 100%  toxin 50%     Weapon:Toxin 125  Status 35%  would be _50+125+100+35=310 x2 = 620


     This seems to work out decently though I am sure that will be debated.For example though I have a Cernos riven for my Rakta Cernos

Cernos Feva-critaton

102.6% Crit chance

70.6% Impact

32.2% reload speed


Rakta Cernos

Crit Chance 35%

Crit Multiplier 2

impact 225

puncture 12.5

slash 12.5


Crit chance_   102.6% x 3.5= 359

Damage_         225+12.5+12.5= 250

Total  _            250+359= 609


That is about what this mod is worth. In my opinion.

note:Though 600'ish is what I think this particular mod is worth.I would not sell it if I was offered 3000 plat an an Ember Prime.I love it...It is precious to me.


  As far as negative stats and quality of life stats go I would just add and subtract them as base numbers.The 32.2% reload on this mod I would just add to the price bringing it to 641 and I would consider it "wiggle room"in negotiations.

 Again this seems to work for all the mods I have tried it with.

I am not saying that this is what you should do.

I am saying this is what I am doing.

Try it, or, do not try it.


Edited by TenGaugeBoson
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2 hours ago, Nesodos said:


dunno where you can sell rivens for that prize but definitely no one (excluding noobs with too much plat that get prize robbed) in the EU market is willing to pay that much for any riven thats not for a meta weapon, EVER


I'm not saying OP's Riven examples are all that good, but the real scam is Meta Rivens for the reason you just outlined. Nobody bothers to consider just how mediocre most Riven stats are on weapons with a 1/5 disposition. Despite that, fortunes are traded for Riven Mods that really aren't worth that much when it comes to slot efficiency. This isn't true for all meta, but when talking about market mindset It's easier to invest in genuinely spectacular non-meta riven being sold at a steal of a price for a 5/5 disposition weapon that takes it from mehgame to endgame at 50-100 plat.

Edited by Beartornado
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50 minutes ago, Nesodos said:


dunno where you can sell rivens for that prize but definitely no one (excluding noobs with too much plat that get prize robbed) in the EU market is willing to pay that much for any riven thats not for a meta weapon, EVER


Don't know if they sold, but I've seen Riven asking prices at 1500-2000 in trade chat. I remember that because I remember thinking the seller was on some serious drugs.

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Man this is some grade A Kubrow dung..

While prices are (and always will be) subjective, your line of thinking is flawed on the following situations : 
a) Just because it is a good disposition and good stat distribution Riven, does not make the Weapon good - Mutalist Cernos
b) Just because of the good disposition and stat distribution does not make the weapon Acquirable - example Dex Dakra
c) Just because you think that if RNG decides that you acquire a riven with good stats, it means that it costs the equivalent of 10 dollars (with discount) , does not mean that the player base on mass will agree with you.
d) Even if the stars aligh and you get the uber rive for an uber fool that will pay 600-2600 plat, what happens if the uber fool is MR 10, the riven is MR 16?

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I believe this all started because some people started looking for very specific rivens for very specific weapons, saying that they are willing to pay 5k or more for them. A seller sees that and thinks that because he has similar (but slightly inferior) stats, he can sell his riven for the same price. 

I've been enjoying trading rivens in the past few weeks, and the only rule I follow is "always try to get at least a little profit from it". I'm more than happy to sell a riven for 50 if I paid between 20-40 for it when it was still unrolled, specially if it is a weapon I don't use and I have few slots left.


And a quick comment on meta weapons: if your riven doesn't have absolutely perfect stats with a good negative, forget about selling them for the thousands some people are asking. You won't. And eventually that weapon will be replaced in the meta and the price will drop. 

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Just now, Chipputer said:

It's depressing how common it is for people to understand nothing about how a weapon works and then imply it's bad.

Stop being one of those people.

It's depressing how common it is for people to assume that "fringe builds" must make a weapon good.  This is not a case of Nikana VS Dragon Nikana (the riven dispo), it is a case of "why would I use a Bow for status, instead of something with faster rate"?  While also failing the appeal of the rest of the Bow family - not alering enemies and at least option for high crit potential.  100% status is good  make no mistake, but saying "you don't understand how it works, because you disregard it and its Rivens" is your own opinion.

But hey, let your memes be memes.  


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54 minutes ago, TenGaugeBoson said:

Again .regardless of the push back. this formula is working for me.I have sold a dread a drakoon and a pox all priced this way and they all sold easy. They were good mods for good weapons but the system worked for them.

I think part of the issue is the buyer too though.

You can price something however you like but youve then got to find someone who is going to pay that price, which is another matter entirely. What can also change your pricing and patience is riven limits. Not so much now as we finally got a boost, but it could definitely be restrictive if you wanted to both use/keep and sell multiple rivens on the side and were fortunate enough to be often rewarded with them in sorties.

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On 2017. 09. 18. at 2:08 AM, TenGaugeBoson said:

This will likely stir up some debate ...

#1 Price your sales any way you want. This is just opinion and this opinion is subject to change.

      Riven prices are all over the place and have annoyed the crap out of a lot of people.So much so that a lot of people do not even use them at all. To be honest they are not in anyway necessary to successfully participate in any part of the game. They do how ever exist and because they do, a lot of people are using them and invest in them. Buying and selling them though, is for myself, a nightmare.What a riven is worth is subjective .Below is a very basic formula I am going to be using that appears to be close to what the market seems to be unconsciously gravitating towards.At least in my experience it is what I see.

For critical chance on a mod I multiply it by 10% critical chance on the weapon

     ie.   Mod 100%   x   weapon 35%  = 350

Next I multiply the critical damage on the mod by the Critical damage on the weapon.

     ie. Mod  80%  x   weapon 2.= 160

For stats like damage% , heat% , cold%, Toxin%, Electricity% I just take the number and add it to the weapon

     ie Mod: 200% damage  50% heat     weapon: 75 heat    would be 200+50+75=325

For stats like damage vs faction I take 1/3 the stat

     ie Mod Damage vs corpus 90% would be 30

Then i add those numbers up and that is about the price mods seem to be traded at.

For status weapons it is trickier...If the weapon is a status weapon and the mod is Status chance I add up the damage of the weapon + the status chance of the weapon and the mod.Then if it is possible to hit 100% with normal modding I multiply that by 2.

     ie.Mod Status Chance 100%  toxin 50%     Weapon:Toxin 125  Status 35%  would be _50+125+100+35=310 x2 = 620


     This seems to work out decently though I am sure that will be debated.For example though I have a Cernos riven for my Rakta Cernos

Cernos Feva-critaton

102.6% Crit chance

70.6% Impact

32.2% reload speed


Rakta Cernos

Crit Chance 35%

Crit Multiplier 2

impact 225

puncture 12.5

slash 12.5


Crit chance_   102.6% x 3.5= 359

Damage_         225+12.5+12.5= 250

Total  _            250+359= 609


That is about what this mod is worth. In my opinion.

note:Though 600'ish is what I think this particular mod is worth.I would not sell it if I was offered 3000 plat an an Ember Prime.I love it...It is precious to me.


  As far as negative stats and quality of life stats go I would just add and subtract them as base numbers.The 32.2% reload on this mod I would just add to the price bringing it to 641 and I would consider it "wiggle room"in negotiations.

 Again this seems to work for all the mods I have tried it with.

I am not saying that this is what you should do.

I am saying this is what I am doing.

Try it, or, do not try it.


Okay im gonna list the problems with this:

1) The most important factor is the weapon. It doesnt matter how good is your riven if the weapon is garbage.

For example lets say you get yourself a fang riven.

+1000% damage and +800% crit chance

These stats make this weapon deal 360 base damage along with 40% crit chance.

While this will turn this weapon into a freaking monster you need to see that the same stats on any other weapon will vastly outshine the Fang.

If your weapon in itself is not useable no riven will change that.

2) Disposition, the second most important factor.

Unless you sell your riven with godlike stats the key to successfully selling it is the disposition.

Strong disposition on a good weapon can easily turn it into a monster but with faint disposition you can acC*** in the price of the rerolls.

3) Stats, aka not everybody wants to farm kuva.

To make a riven sellable you either need to have meta stats on it or stats to compensate the weapons problems or stats to empower whats strong in it already.

Meta stats: Damage, E damage, multishot, crit on slide and range. No matter the weapon these greatly increase the usability of them.

Empowering stats: Crit chance, crit damage, status chance. These are for empowering the weapons current stats.

Compensating stats: Firerate/attack speed, reload, ammo, magazine size, flight speed and so on anything what is here to make the weapon decent.

Fodder stats: These are the stats that dont specifically effect the weapon and its your own personal preference if you need them or want to remove them, aka: faction damage, zoom, etc...


One must keep in mind that this list changes for every weapon.

Just after you have checked all this 3 you can choose the price of your riven, for example:

Strun riven:

+300% multishot

+200% damage

+100% status chance

-100% zoom

This riven can easily get you 500p if you want to sell it extremly fast, but the avarage price should be around 1K


Tonkor riven:

+100% damage

+80% multishot

+50% crit chance

-100% flight speed

This riven is worthless as the bonuses are all ruined by the flight speed modifier, also because this weapon is in faint disposition its extremly unlikely you can get another roll hitting the maximum possible bonus stats again.

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Rivens are a really interesting concept from a sociological POV.
The way they induce greed,
the way people seem to think one needs them to make a weapon good,
the way they tap into gambling-addiction.

Used to be the answer to "is this weapon any good?"was "well, it depends on the situation/mission/frame etc". Now it seems the first answer is generally "if you have a good riven for it".

They are the closest thing we have toward loot-boxes. And these are a blight upon gaming as a whole (and will in the future warrant some unhealthy attention from legislators). 

The notion that OP went out of their way to device such an elaborate strategy and even figured it a good idea to post said strategy I find interesting on a very high meta-level. As in: wow, you actually made your mind come up with all this, that is SO cool that an element in a game can do that. Makes me wonder what kind of job you (aspiring to) have...

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5 hours ago, ComCray said:

Rivens are a really interesting concept from a sociological POV.
The way they induce greed,
the way people seem to think one needs them to make a weapon good,
the way they tap into gambling-addiction.

Used to be the answer to "is this weapon any good?"was "well, it depends on the situation/mission/frame etc". Now it seems the first answer is generally "if you have a good riven for it".

They are the closest thing we have toward loot-boxes. And these are a blight upon gaming as a whole (and will in the future warrant some unhealthy attention from legislators). 

The notion that OP went out of their way to device such an elaborate strategy and even figured it a good idea to post said strategy I find interesting on a very high meta-level. As in: wow, you actually made your mind come up with all this, that is SO cool that an element in a game can do that. Makes me wonder what kind of job you (aspiring to) have...

Warframe economy is basically everything wrong with humanity itself.It is a mirror to the our worst impulses. I try to rise above the crap if I can and have some sort of justification and structure to the the madness.I try to do the same for prime parts.

A prime part worth 100 ducats = 30-35 plat

 A prime part worth 45 ducats = 20-25 plat

A prime part worth 15 ducats= 5-10 plat

for Vaulted parts a double or triple that.

Again...this works for me.

Primed mods seem to market price out at around 25%-30% of ducat investment.

some more some less but it is a good way for me to do what I do.


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How about you price it with your gut feelings, you can't just pull out a price with something so mathematically simple. There are much more variables when it comes to riven trading that all you can do is analyze the existing riven prices for your current weapon and price it similarly to others.

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1 hour ago, Gryphticon said:

How about you price it with your gut feelings, you can't just pull out a price with something so mathematically simple. There are much more variables when it comes to riven trading that all you can do is analyze the existing riven prices for your current weapon and price it similarly to others.

This. There is a portion of the riven price that depends a LOT from the value perception of the buyer.

I have spent thousands on rivens that were the exact thing I wanted for my build and it was so specific that I knew that the chances to roll that were almost zero.

On the other hand some really good rivens take forever to sell.

I used to have a nasty riven for Grinlok, basically perfect. It took me months to sell at the price I saw as fair because the riven was amazing. Had to wait for one of the two Grinlok lovers in the game... 

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