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More Twitch Prime Free Primes


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I seriously kind of wish that this was a sort of a...guaranteed thing.  Where those that have used up the Twitch Prime Trial to get Frost Prime ((Like me)) and all that other stuff, are guaranteed to get this pack..otherwise this is stupid.  I have bills to pay and everything, I can't afford to set aside money for Twitch Prime.

DE, stop it...get some help..

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27 minutes ago, --Q--Kyl0Ren said:

Giving away some prime items is fine but 2 vaulted stuff back to back? Well personally i think this increasing trend or gateway to lock more content behind twitch that is the bigger concern. Frost and now 2 weps and then there is the whole POE thing with twitch is even more frustration. Why would i want to watch a streamer play the game with the new update instead of me playing it to get exclusive stuff? It seems like these days we need to do stuff outside of the game to get items rather than actually playing it.

You don't have to watch the streamer, you only have to have his page open while he's streaming. That;s how marketing works these days, Twitch is big, very big, even if a fraction of its users come to Warframe it will benefit the game. These weapons are old, it's far from a loss to the game that people own them. 

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I have both the Soma and Scindo, I think Soma i got ages ago and recently bought the Scindo off someone in the market place. How do i feel about it being free for Prime? Meh i'm indifferent and don't really care. 

To be honest I quit playing Warframe like 2 years ago I can't remember why i exactly stopped but i think i hit a wall, frustrated at not being able to survive (all noob problems) so went to Destiny one. I came back because i saw a free Frost Prime and remembered I had a lot of Plat and because of that I decided to comeback and i am glad I did. I have been able to solo with Frost prime all the way to War Within, infact the only things i havent been able to solo is the higher tiered Interception, Deception and Void missions. 

The free Frost prime was a game changer for me it really peaked my interest and found myself seeking more information in regards to missions, mods and therefore making me a better player and allowing me to really enjoy the game more. 

I think what DE is doing is great especially for new players who like me at the beginning were overwhelmed didn't know where to get information. Giving them high tiered weapons so they can have a good chance to not get stomped all over, peaking their interest so they want to know more and seek out the information.

The Soma is excellent unmodded for low mission but for it to be any good in later higher tiered stuff it should be modded properly. I think its a great idea to hook a new player in and keep them interested enough to stay. 

I do see the point of those who are against though, especially those who paid money for the Soma Prime or worked their butts off to get it. But i think if it brings in new players or players who gave up ages ago, its a good thing these new players might then go on to purchase plat which in turn supports DE which helps everyone out n the long run.

My 2 cents

Edited by (PS4)VaNiDgE
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13 minutes ago, Latiac said:

It wouldn't be a big issue if it wasn't vaulted equipment, that's what alot of people are currently annoyed about, not the fact that it's given out for free.

So they were vaulted, now they aren't. No one is saying "sell your hard earned sets" of soma and scindo.  The promotion will end and the prices will go back to where they were before. No big deal. 

I'm sure the objective is more business. More business is better for trading and plat sales. Its all good in the hood. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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Just now, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

So they were vaulted, now they aren't. No one is saying sell your hard earned sets. The promotion will end and the prices will go back to where they were before. No big deal. 

I'm sure the objective is more business. More business is better for trading and plat sales. Its all good. 

I'm sure it is in the long term, but alot of people are voicing their concerns, what could DE do in the future involving twitch or another company?

It's completely understandable to be concerned when a game you enjoyed and supported for years does something like this - it's PROBABLY nothing serious at all and we're all blowing it out of the water - but it's alright to share those concerns.

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Just now, Latiac said:

I'm sure it is in the long term, but alot of people are voicing their concerns, what could DE do in the future involving twitch or another company?

It's completely understandable to be concerned when a game you enjoyed and supported for years does something like this - it's PROBABLY nothing serious at all and we're all blowing it out of the water - but it's alright to share those concerns.

True true

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2 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Free mid-tier Prime weapons is... bad?

Oh no, the market on Prime parts is crashing, new people joining the game. The horror. Going to Ikea to find a fainting couch, assembling it and then fainting upon it.

Dammitt! Lol  I just lost my root beer through my nose :crylaugh: and my wife thinks I'm crazy. Thanks for that. 

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19 minutes ago, Latiac said:

It wouldn't be a big issue if it wasn't vaulted equipment, that's what alot of people are currently annoyed about, not the fact that it's given out for free.

The only people who would care about them being vaulted are those who play Tradeframe and can no longer get absurd prices for sets of parts for mid-tier weapons.

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Everyone happily defends the free market and gladly charges amounts of platinum that equate to A LOT of real money. 

But whenever DE does any free giveaway with their game to attract new players, that lowers the value of an older item, people get upset with DE for lowering the value of said item. 

Free market means free market for everyone; it certainly doesn't mean DE makes their decisions based on not displeasing a few high roller sellers. Does it really make sense for people to boldly defend the most ridiculous trading practices, wherein we charge absurd amounts for temporarily vaulted items, that generally aren't even that great, while at the same time getting super upset anytime DE decides to reintroduce old items from the game economy which temporarily lowers the trade value? 

TL;DR: Everyone is in love with free market economics until the same principles hit them in their in game wallet, funny how that works. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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I'm not sure if the immediate effect on the market will be negative. Nobody is buying the Soma Prime right now, or the Scindo Prime for that matter. There's so many much better weapons that are way easier to obtain. Sure, the Soma is a great weapon, but it's not an AoE weapon and AoE weapons are the best. That's what makes melee so good - all melee weapons cleave. Nobody types "WTB Soma set" in trade chat, because why would you spend plat on a mediocre weapon. Sure, it's probably the best automatic rifle in the game, but automatic rifles are not all that good in general. It's all about weapons that can clear whole rows of enemies in one shot. 

It's also a 3 year old weapon and I don't think there's anything wrong with giving away 3 year old gear for free. The Scindo Prime is even older. It's not like they're giving something that was just released or something valuable. Just because something is good doesn't mean people will buy it. There's so many great weapons and frames that are hard to sell nowadays, because *everyone has them already*. If you want to make plat, you can't be sitting on 3 year old weapons and expect riches. Not in a game that's constantly adding new and objectively better weapons. 

The Tenora is at least equal if not better than the Soma Prime and it's objectively easier to obtain. This is why nobody's buying the Soma anymore. Get with the times. It's an outdated weapon. Both the Soma and the Scindo.

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48 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Everyone happily defends the free market and gladly charges amounts of platinum that equate to A LOT of real money. 

But whenever DE does any free giveaway with their game to attract new players, that lowers the value of an older item, people get upset with DE for lowering the value of said item. 

Free market means free market for everyone; it certainly doesn't mean DE makes their decisions based on not displeasing a few high roller sellers. Does it really make sense for people to boldly defend the most ridiculous trading practices, wherein we charge absurd amounts for temporarily vaulted items, that generally aren't even that great, while at the same time getting super upset anytime DE decides to reintroduce old items from the game economy which temporarily lowers the trade value? 

TL;DR: Everyone is in love with free market economics until the same principles hit them in their in game wallet, funny how that works. 

The difference is that in-game free markets are controlled by the players and changes result from supply and demand. What DE is doing is directly influencing the market not through gameplay, such as nerfs and buffs (which is fine), but by directly giving something away FOR FREE that was meant to be locked away for an indefinite amount of time. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for DE giving away some things here and there to support to player base. In fact, the whole reason I even got into this game was because of the frost prime access. I saw an ad, saw some free content for a free game, and decided to try it out. The problem, in my opinion, is that they're doing this twice in a row and are depreciating the efforts that players worked hard for. They either saved up a ton of plat to buy the weapons or worked hard to grind the prime parts to craft them before the vaulting. Doing this once is "fine," but doing this twice makes us wary about whether our primes even have value anymore if they will just be given away for free later. 

If DE is doing this to recruit new players, I think the best thing they could have done is to make the free weapons untradable. This entices new players without giving every already existing player free limited-edition items. 

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3 hours ago, AgentQthehomeless said:

Learn to adapt for once

I am a trader. I am a decently active one. I love this game for economy and how free market works. DE is influencing the market of these prime items outside of the game, and quite frankly it hurts someone like me who has spent a fair amount of credits + platinum + hours to grind vaulted items to make profits.

I have already adapted, by completely stopping farming vaulted items as there is no point. I will just hop to Arcanes and Rivens if DE is going to just dish out every decent vaulted item for free to a platform that rewards you for watching other people play a video game. You might as well watch someone else watch a movie at that point.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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