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War deserves to have a Prime


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War should deserves to have a prime cuz even if it's not an Orokin it should deserved to have it own prime and stronger than the original War I love War it's my favorite type of Melee weapon but I something more from War greater strength an reborn way for War but be forged in Idk like unknown or mysterious Orokin technology or parts to make it better and stronger but not overpowered cuz people complained my last idea for War Prime but all I'm saying that the game should deserves to have a Prime for War with a new prime Warframe like Excalibur if they made him sooner for the America cuz we deserve to have Excalibur Prime too but yea we the and game and us deserve to have War to be prime so what it's not a Orokin it would be thinking it can renewed without any doubts about it and I believe in War to be the best and will ignore any bad complaints about it it still wouldn't make a difference about it and tell this to other players how play this game too see ya.

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As xXDeadsinxX has said, it would interfere heavily with the lore.

The term "prime" has an actual meaning, and not just "oh shiny", as it refers to the warframe's/weapon's state of being the "first of its kind" made from orokin technology.

"War" is inherently consisting of sentient technology, and thus cannot be primed.

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As nice as that'd be, as others have pointed out, it's a Sentient weapon. So...probably not happening. However, that's not to say they can't make an upgraded version at some point (as unnecessary as that'd be--War is already an amazingly strong weapon)--it just wouldn't be able to have the prime tag attached.

Now that I think about it, I am a little interested to see if they do an alternate weapon lineup for Sentient weapons, in the same vein as the Vandal/Wraith weapons for the Corpus/Grineer. Time will tell I guess.

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I would love Grinlok and Marelok Prime ... But it's not going to happen ... Because they aren't Orokin made weapons
But I CAN hope for Wraith versions which are basically grineer primes, So maybe when more Sentient weapons show up in the game they will get their own Upgrade Prefix .. however I really Doubt the War or Broken War would be able to be Prefixed as they are storybound weapons .. like the Broken scepter

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9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

No need to be small minded and abusive.  

Anything can be retconned.  Sentients were created by the orokin.  Why couldn't Hunhow have based his warframe sized weapons on already exisiting prime items?

Sentient's were created by the corpus orokin way back, before they turned into a cult of money. And besides I was only $&*^ing around mate.

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I want to point out that for a very, very long time, War was outright the most powerful melee in Warframe and has since received exactly 0 nerfs. It is still an absurdly powerful weapon. Needs no upgrade.


Besides, sentient weapons don't have Primes. Mayhaps when DE makes more, they'll make a prime equivalent of some of them (similar to Wraiths and Vandals for Grineer and Corpus). But War itself is far from needing any kind of upgrade. 

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5 minutes ago, Domesticon said:

This attempt to get a stupidly op weapon is hilariously pitiful.

B... But Murica deserves War Priem (and excalibur prime, which is a new wurfrum!)


Damn... Haven't laughed because of WF forums for quite some time. Thx, op.

Edited by Teloch
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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

War will never ever be primed, just as much as you want it, it's lore breaking. It heavily interferes with the lore.

That's not a problem for DE... but I agree, it's a sentient weapon, why in the hell would it ever get a prime?

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2 hours ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

As xXDeadsinxX has said, it would interfere heavily with the lore.

The term "prime" has an actual meaning, and not just "oh shiny", as it refers to the warframe's/weapon's state of being the "first of its kind" made from orokin technology.

"War" is inherently consisting of sentient technology, and thus cannot be primed.

I agree that War will never be primed, but I always find myself disagreeing with the "the first of it's kind" argument. Makes no sense. Prime is a catch-all term used to identify anything that is build primarily from orokin era blueprints or contains orokin era components. Prime Frames themselves are BUILT now, using current era materials and manufacturing tech. The only thing that dates back to the Orokin eras are the blueprints. Weapons are cobbled together from orokin era parts. A true orokin era weapon and frame would be one you find intact and fully assembled. 

And I also think that most prime items came AFTER the normal ones. They are golden, mastercraft editions of standard issue weapons. Some are the original patterns for later versions (mostly to cut the costs, I'm sure), I know of only two, Burston and Ankyros. Quite a few more seem to be ceremonial in nature, in that case the Prime version COULD have come first, but I doubt it. 

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