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Mastery rank 9 test making me quit Warframe


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Learn to hold "angles" or vantage points far away from walls. This can expand your vision as to where targets currently are.

In other words, don't stick to walls or you miss out on field awareness 

In theory, enemy map radar may help?  I don't know but install and see if it does. 


Edited by (PS4)Chel-El
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4 hours ago, Bravely_Casual said:

I hope OP didn't make this post expecting sympathy, because he isn't going to get any. 30+ million players have gotten past that test just fine and OP can too. And if he thinks that test was too challenging, then OP is in for a very rude awakening.

nah i wasnt looking for sympathy, i was looking to blow off some steam and hopefully get some motivation and advice. and so far it has helped out a lot, thanks.

knowing im still gaining xp even though my rank is capped at 9 will keep me going for a while longer. i will try the higher angle approach, standing on those pillars, but im not sure if that will work. i've seen a youtube video where a person sits crouched at the start of test3 and didnt get detected, i on the otherhand get detected even on the higher up ledge before the test3 area. which makes me believe this test went trough at least 3 patches that changed the mechanic, making a lot of those videos obsolete (and posted advice as well since a lot of people went trough a different patch version doing this test. the one where abilities still worked for example)

Edited by GrandTickler2
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I helped my finance just do this mission. I played it wleasy mode when redeemer was silent, it is definitely harder now. 

Ivara and enemy rader will help. Glaive or any thrown weapon plus range and speed. Add explosive with status or channel.

In area 3: I found taking the first left enemy, then the enemy who comes to investigate, the first middle and the first right, the next two are easy. It took 3 tries to get it, and yes RNG did screw up a few times.

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 This video helped me a LOT, follow it as best as ou can (he used Rhino, I used Ivara for her passive which does work, her powers don't but her passive does) and it gives the proper method for passing the test, just practice a bit before doing it and follow it to the bone. MR.10 test just use Titania.

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13 hours ago, GrandTickler2 said:

from what i understand this test got patched multiple times. and you cannot use powers, also you cant use primary nor secondary weapons either

true, you cannot use your powers.

Here are some tips:

use a character that can move fast and small in size.

Use a melee weapon that has max range.

Use animal instinct and enemy radar and all the mods that can help you identifying their place on the mini map.

Keep your eye on the mini map, you will be able to see the close and far enemies at the same time.

Take your time.. don't rush your moves. Remember, you can monitor the enemies on the small map.

Good luck

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Seems like it mostly just requires patience, I just tried it again with Saryn and Hirudo for my melee weap, no radar, first try.

Then again, I had an ungodly amount of difficulty with the MR19 test due to enemy sight cones apparently tripling in all directions, and ended up cheesing it via sniping with my Redeemer, so maybe there's some errant code.

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I remember that test. Found it easy, because early on I loved playing Warframe in the exact style this test demands - no stealth skills, just watching where enemies are and picking them off one by one while the rest aren't looking. I did it with a melee weapon, not a glaive. A few tips - kill enemies while they're far away from each other and with their backs to one another. Enemy field of vision seems to be slightly higher than 180 degrees. Enemies can never hear a stealth finisher, but they will react to the dead body. Don't rush it, too. Take your time to learn their patrol patterns. It's an easy test.

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On 10/14/2017 at 11:29 AM, lightdragon64 said:

Use a glaive or other powerful throwing melee weapon. (maybe a gunblade? i don't remember if those produce sound or not) either way distance is key in that mission.

that's how i got through if i remember correctly.

Gunblades used to work, but, sadly now they do produce sound, at least for the charged shot.  Unless, of course, one uses a banshee, and utilizes her passive.

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As said a few times, bring Banshee and Redeemer. Banshee's passive silences the Redeemer's shots, and its channeled attacks tend to one-shot MR test enemies while also disintegrating their corpses so they can't be detected. It makes the whole thing much more bearable.

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Everyone trying to find a way to "cheez" these tests instead of learning the game, its super easy with just a normal skana. Spending so much time trying to use gunblades and glaives when its really not needed, just learn alittle situational awareness and field of view the enemy has.

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On 10/14/2017 at 11:26 AM, GrandTickler2 said:

from what i understand this test got patched multiple times. and you cannot use powers, also you cant use primary nor secondary weapons either

Go figure.

Dear DE:

This isn't a stealth game. It lacks tools and systems for Stealth. In a game where Invisibility is the ONLY reliable method to avoid aimbots detection, you can't remove the power and then Require 100% stealth.

Stealth in your game is broken. You NEED to remove it as a condition for anything.

Also: who in your office thinks TAKING TESTS is fun? Cause...maybe stop letting that person influence design.. 

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1 hour ago, SandSquash said:

Everyone trying to find a way to "cheez" these tests instead of learning the game, its super easy with just a normal skana. Spending so much time trying to use gunblades and glaives when its really not needed, just learn alittle situational awareness and field of view the enemy has.

Yeah, no...

This test has problems.  I've been spotted through walls by the last guy on the map.  I've gotten a successful stealth and was still noticed, by the guy I was killing.

Sometimes it is the player simply not being aware and others, the test is bugged.

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my banshee setup:



my build is abit excessive. all you really need are : Enemy Radar and Enemy Sense. I have Stealth Drift for that slight increase in seeing where the enemies are, but its not necessary. the rest of the mods are just for quicker movement and i would not recommend if you aren't good at moving your warframe.


Anyway, Since DE decided to make redeemer a loud weapon, I abused Banshee's passive that silence every weapon in her arsenal. from there, i just snipe the enemies from a safe distance or in cover.




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