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Are you liking PoE so far?


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1 hour ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

"Well don't grind then" is not an answer. Also you clearly misunderstood my post. I said I don't mind grinding as long as the grind isn't excessive and the rewards are totally worth it. Right now they are not. I only want to grind for something if the rewards are obviously worth the time. Simply just dismissing the grind problems doesn't do anything and only makes sure this update remains a chore, when you are supposed to be having fun.

Not by much. They've still got a lot of things to do with this update. 

This is just shifting the problem, not addressing it. Even if I was farming relics outside of the Plains, which defeats the purpose of the place, it wouldn't change the fact that the area itself is a glorified mega-grinding arena, like Destiny. Simply saying "go grind somewhere else" does not fix any problems whatsoever. I want to be able to grind in the plains, but the rewards are just not worth it. Either make the rewards better, or tone down the grind to match the mediocrity of the rewards.

If you want to do repetitive farming, it's your fault. Try to understand what I say.


You're not forced to stay in the plains h24, but if you want, you can. That's the main thing with WF, do what you want.

But seems the only thing you want is complaining.

"I want to grind here, but the rewards are not worth the grind" Why do you want to "grind" then ? Just play, ffs

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8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

-Too much grinding. Resources and what not. Eh.

The issue is that all this grind is single-purposed. The resources you find in the wild can't be used anywhere except there, so they are separated from the rest 90% of the game.

8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

-The art style of the bazaar is boring and just... heart breaking. Who knows how many years into the future and their bazaar looks like a place 2000 years ago. it's disgusting.

I ceased looking for any traces of logic in DE's content

8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

-The map itself is ok. It's not gorgeous, it's not hideous. It looks fine.

With age, I learned the significance of relative comparisons. The open map is, subjectively, better than randomly generated mission "dungeons". It is a nice change and diversifies the main gameplay since CQ skirmishes are absolutely different from open-field combat tactically-wise.

8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

-The main quest made me vomit a little in my mouth. *bad accent* ONKO! ONKO! ONKO! ONKO!!!!

I cringed so hard that I nearly broke my back. Probably the worst "love triangle" story I have ever seen.

8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

-Characters are extremely unappealing and not memorable. I just remember they are old and ugly looking.

DE can't into face design. I doubt there are any artists on their roster who specializes on faces. 

8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

-Fishing is the one true savior of this patch.

This is subjective... but I think it is nice that people find it enjoyable.

8 hours ago, Heatnix. said:

But who cares anyway... the operators are taking over, the story is now a simplistic "chosen one anime"

Yep. Sadly. Very, very sadly. But again, I ceased looking for any traces of logic in DE's content

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11 minutes ago, Teloch said:

The issue is that all this grind is single-purposed. The resources you find in the wild can't be used anywhere except there, so they are separated from the rest 90% of the game.

I ceased looking for any traces of logic in DE's content

With age, I learned the significance of relative comparisons. The open map is, subjectively, better than randomly generated mission "dungeons". It is a nice change and diversifies the main gameplay since CQ skirmishes are absolutely different from open-field combat tactically-wise.

I cringed so hard that I nearly broke my back. Probably the worst "love triangle" story I have ever seen.

DE can't into face design. I doubt there are any artists on their roster who specializes on faces. 

This is subjective... but I think it is nice that people find it enjoyable.

Yep. Sadly. Very, very sadly. But again, I ceased looking for any traces of logic in DE's content

They have some face designer in their team but they are works on their newest game on the > The amazing Eternals - aka Keystone.

Btw that is not a ridiclously hard to make a normal face when there is mirror option so if they just make a half good looking face then they can mirror it then done. The characters are copy pastes and sadly there is no variety in it. At least the citizens and the vendors could have normal faces but they just cannot make a normal looking humans. Nor a surprise warframes haven't faces and the relay citizens haven't too.

Edited by Sziklamester
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6 hours ago, TwistedDee said:

You know some of us are not 12, some of us do actually have a job, some of us also have some experience playing games and some of us are capable of giving constructive feedback, it is to whom the devs should listen. You have to filter the criticism for what is unreasonable and what is justified, adult people usually manage, they know criticism is necessary to evolve because you can always do better, it is the less mentally capable, the dreamers, the NEETs who have a romantic view of things, of the game they use to flee reality, where they feel and experience accomplishment and where they feel that a huge grind is personally rewarding once you finish it because not everyone is willing or capable to deal with that grind so you finally can feel like you have accomplished something in life. So far I have not heard a single sane argument in favor of how the PoE grind was implemented, I have read plenty of well thought out and well brought forward valid criticism so I have to judge based on the social background of people and there are those who have a sense of how the world works and those who never leave their own four walls and therefore have an extremely limited view of things.     

You have it the other way round, it's the dreamers and NEETs who want everything NAAAOOOOWW and who aren't prepared to work for it.

If you're a former hardcore gamer, now a successful working person with little time to play the game, then you just accept it will take a longer time to achieve your goal - IOW, you just accept that you've become a filthy casual.

These games are all designed partly to keep players playing for a long time by offering them hamster wheels, and partly so that achievement in the game are hard-won and other players admire and acknowledge you for achieving that goal (because they know how hard it is to achieve it). 

That's why these are "virtual worlds" with a parallel system of toy achievement, toy risk and reward, to the real world, and a bit easier to achieve things in than the real world, but still requiring some effort, but with a more guaranteed outcome if you put in that effort than in the real world.  (If you think RNG in the game is bad, RNG in the real world is a *@##$.)

If this structure wasn't part of the game, we all would have stopped playing it years ago.  

"Grind" isn't grind if you're enjoying the gameplay.  On the other hand even the staunchest player burns out now and then.  The advantage of this game over MMOs is that it's easier to get back into after a break than MMOs.  "Coming back after a break" is a part of the Warframe experience, where you fall in love with the game all over again and play it obsessively again for a few months.  There's a rhythm to it :)

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6 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Exactly. There is a difference between criticism and straight up endless bashing of the content. 

I have many criticisms of the content too, but I can also recognize it's a great update. No devs in the business gets everything right every time. 

Or maybe I'm just one of the few players thats actually enjoying PoE a lot, despite it's flaws. I'm loving the open environment, the bounties, The new activities to do. I feel like far more was done great than there are missteps. I'm just not obsessed with the game conforming perfectly to my taste. 

Its not just these forums either I find in general people just can't consume and enjoy content for what it is anymore, everyone has become an extreme critic of everything. Holding things to a standard that's never been reached.


I think often it's just a fashionable, hipster pose to take a fixedly critical stance on everything these days (except the cult of political correctness of course, criticisms of that are strengst verboten). 

And get off my lawn ;)

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The system, I like. Mainly a few numbers I don't like. The map, town, fishing, and combat are great. 

The costs for Focus 2.0 are ludicrous. I have no motivation to try anything because I see no hope of unlocking anything without burning out like thermite. Despite how good it looks now. 

Archwing deployment and durability is slow and insulting. All my wings are multi formaed and using maxed mods, yet I lose them faster than when I was a total newb with stock unmodded starter archgear being taxied to the Ogma Elite Tactical Alert. 

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I'm less then thrilled with it.  An awful lot of it seems to not care about minimizing wasted time.  I don't mean grind - where a player has an objective, some possibility of difficulty achieving said objective, and a need to do it repeatedly, but rather the amount of needlessly empty time.

For example, after finishing a bounty, I have to actually walk back to Cetus just to save my progress.  Why?  It's just walking, and if you can complete a bounty, then simply walking from the bounty's final location to town is trivial, something you'll pretty much never fail.   But it costs time to do so - time spent with no reward for spending it, and not even a chance of a reward.

In the worst case scenario here, if my intention is to get back to my liset, in addition to the time it takes to walk back to Cetus, I have to deal with Cetus load times - despite not actually wanting to go to Cetus.  Now, I'm paying the time price of the commute from Bounty End to Cetus, plus the load time of loading into Cetus, just to be able to load into the Liset.  And both loading Cetus, and walking back to Cetus individually take far longer then loading the Liset.

It doesn't need to be that way at all - simply teleporting us back to Cetus or the Liset after a bounty is done is not technically impossible, and I'd prefer that to walking back.  The walk does not improve my experience any.  It's a time price I have to pay every time I do a bounty - to no benefit.  So it shouldn't exist.

Same with Cetus being a relay style massively multiplayer region, and a large one at that.  I'm wondering how exactly that improves my experience.  Make Cetus 4-player or solo, and it doesn't need to load data for every possible other player.  Having it set up as a relay has a time cost - and based on the load time, and significant one.   But it doesn't seem to actually have a benefit to do so. 

And those aren't the only two places there are time costs for little or no benefit.  Those little costs are all over the place in PoE.  And given that Warframe is based on mass repetition, even small amounts of wasted time add up quickly.  

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  • I have to fish to use my archwing.
  • I have to use my operator to kill an Eidolon.
  • I have to use consumables to use my archwing.
  • For some absurd reason, my archwing is extremely weak in PoE.
  • The rewards of the missions are insulting.
  • Mining is all about this game.
  • Fishing is a tedious mini-game. 


No, I do not like PoE. Another good idea, poorly implemented.

Edited by Awazx
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13 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

Brilliant idea terrible implementation. Like all updates lately.

I agree. if they fixed a few thigns, I thinkit would be amazing. still oging to have isshues, but right now its just kinda meh.

Love the fishing mingame thing. I just think it shouldnt be required for most crafts.

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Armed with a fishing spear, I ran across the landscape screaming, "Fallout New Vegas!" 

I just need to turn these fruits into stimpacks ... trade these animal parts and ore for pet stuff ... oh, we can't forget the fishing dye ... and fish oil to fuel my archwing.

If I find a bottle cap in a footlocker, my head will explode.


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Many things need to be fixed and/or changed but so far I had fun with this update and finally something to do in WF. Let's just say it is a good base concept with lots of potential to be great if the community is willing to give constructive opinions about what needs to be done. We will see how PoE is looking a year from now but it was a step in the right direction since this game was in need of something fresh and new.

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17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

If you want to do repetitive farming, it's your fault. Try to understand what I say.

Are you going to actually answer sensibly or should we just stop talking?

17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

You're not forced to stay in the plains h24, but if you want, you can.

My friend, DE made this open world area for us to explore. They want people to explore it. They want people to talk about it in a positive way in order to attract new players who might be interested in the new open-world Warframe. Stop trying to dismiss the problems by saying "Oh you don't have to stay in the plains" solves nothing. Why should anyone bother going to the plains at all in that case? If all open world maps are going to have this insane grind for very little reward, then whats the point at all?

You very clearly just want to wave any criticism aimed at this update by saying it's other peoples fault for not liking the grind.

17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

But seems the only thing you want is complaining.

No. I want to make sure the update is as good as it was advertised. In case you didn't know, a lot of people are unhappy with the state of the plains at the moment. PC Gamer, which normally heaps praise onto this game, is telling new players to not bother with the Plains of Eidolon. Trying to flimsily dismiss people who offer genuine criticism only makes you look stupid.

17 hours ago, Xgomme said:

Why do you want to "grind" then ? Just play, ffs

Again you completely fail to understand. I like to grind if I know the rewards are worth it. That is what gives people a sense of accomplishment after investing time into the grind. But the rewards simply are not worth it at all in this instance. The grind is far too high for the mediocre rewards that are offered right now. So either lower the grind or make the rewards better. That is how you balance it out. The reward has to compensate the grind. PoE is supposed to be the next step for Warframe and yet you are suggesting that we go back and grind old content in order to bypass the problems in PoE, which defeats the whole purpose of this new place. 

You really do remind of those people who just accept anything a developer throws at them, no matter what it is.

Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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59 minutes ago, Neptlude said:

I like it, sure there are bugs but eh what game with a major update doesnt have bugs...

Yup, my earlier post probably looks pretty salty, but aside from a couple of things I am really enjoying PoE, even though there are bugs. I am confident the bugs will be fixed. 

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On ‎18‎.‎10‎.‎2017 at 11:11 AM, Hypernaut1 said:

It's disheartening that negativity is so popular on the forum. 

I'm having a blast with PoE. What's up with this obsession with perfection? It's never going to happen.  The game is still one of the best of it's type, yet people insist on bashing it like the devs are clueless as always underperforming. 

Parts of it I like, some I don't. I think the negativity in the forum is well earned, as you can't accept every crap that's thrown at you. I ignore technical issues and bugs for now and focus on the gameplay aspects.

The stuff I like:

  • Graphics & Design: The plains look fine and the lighting is absolutely gorgeous. The Grineer design fits in nicely and I like the mixed combat groups, I love those Grineer air drops, the mortar fire and the ship jumps. The battlefield feels rather vivid.
  • Bounty Hunts: if you ignore the technical issues, it's a nice change to the normal missions. I hope we see more mission types for the mix and maybe some special ones in the future. Some fights on the hardest difficulty deliver some nice intense action and even veterans have to be on their toes. This conceipt is the most promising part of PoE and well expandable.
  • Fishing: it's not as dedicated as in the Boyband-Simulator called FF15, but it can be fun when you learned the ropes (*hint* *hint*). It's nice to have something else to do for standing but killing in PoE.

The stuff I don't like:

  • Focus 2.0: Seriously why 2.0 and not 1.1? But for the abysmal grind-increase there are no tremendous changes with this update. Most folks still won't use Operators beyond activating their favourite passives and OP-exclusive actions. For more reasons to dislike Focus 2.0 check:
    Feel free to add more points.
  • Archwings: pretty useless and absolutely disappointing. It's the most obvious money (for the impatient) and resource sink this game ever has come up with. I could live with the horrible unintuitive controls and the lacking validation for combat if I had just to pay a gear use per entry into the plains, and not every time I call my archwing... for now I restrict the use to fast exit after a long bounty hunt and only if I'm far away from the entrance and not at all in public groups.
  • Eidolon: Ugly, boring, bugged. Aslong as way-bound focus skills ain't cross-school as soon they're unlocked this is mostly just a very boring, lengthy sponge-boss. And aslong loot drops issues and public grouping in PoE ain't fixed, I will ignore this ugly pile of sticks and stones.
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12 minutes ago, Toran said:

Parts of it I like, some I don't. I think the negativity in the forum is well earned, as you can't accept every crap that's thrown at you. I ignore technical issues and bugs for now and focus on the gameplay aspects.

The stuff I like:

  • Graphics & Design: The plains look fine and the lighting is absolutely gorgeous. The Grineer design fits in nicely and I like the mixed combat groups, I love those Grineer air drops, the mortar fire and the ship jumps. The battlefield feels rather vivid.
  • Bounty Hunts: if you ignore the technical issues, it's a nice change to the normal missions. I hope we see more mission types for the mix and maybe some special ones in the future. Some fights on the hardest difficulty deliver some nice intense action and even veterans have to be on their toes. This conceipt is the most promising part of PoE and well expandable.
  • Fishing: it's not as dedicated as in the Boyband-Simulator called FF15, but it can be fun when you learned the ropes (*hint* *hint*). It's nice to have something else to do for standing but killing in PoE.

The stuff I don't like:

  • Focus 2.0: Seriously why 2.0 and not 1.1? But for the abysmal grind-increase there are no tremendous changes with this update. Most folks still won't use Operators beyond activating their favourite passives and OP-exclusive actions. For more reasons to dislike Focus 2.0 check:
    Feel free to add more points.
  • Archwings: pretty useless and absolutely disappointing. It's the most obvious money (for the impatient) and resource sink this game ever has come up with. I could live with the horrible unintuitive controls and the lacking validation for combat if I had just to pay a gear use per entry into the plains, and not every time I call my archwing... for now I restrict the use to fast exit after a long bounty hunt and only if I'm far away from the entrance and not at all in public groups.
  • Eidolon: Ugly, boring, bugged. Aslong as way-bound focus skills ain't cross-school as soon they're unlocked this is mostly just a very boring, lengthy sponge-boss. And aslong loot drops issues and public grouping in PoE ain't fixed, I will ignore this ugly pile of sticks and stones.

IMO, even the flaws you mention pale in comparison to what you actually like. Are you not playing it anymore? 

I have gripes too, but I understand that nothing will be perfect and I'm so having a hell of a time. Its been a while since I've been compelled to play heavy sessions in WF. I'm enjoying the update overall. Yes, critiquing is good, but I don't think PoE is overall a negative addition to WF at all. If you read the forum you would think that the game was suddenly ruined by this update. Most of the complaints amount to people assuming the grind is going to take forever when the updates barely been out a week

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