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Anybody who bought the new Ember skin?


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1 hour ago, Ker-Blammo said:


Yep, just need to re color and you're good to go. 

Eh, still looks unappealing even in a different color. And even the fire effects people said it was going to have were made up? Or did Steve and Geoff just change their mind? I didn't personally read Steve's alleged tweet so I can't verify how accurate people were with referencing it in the first place.

Edited by UrielColtan
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most people don't like it and I think DE are getting a little butthurt at that. 

even though everyone told them it was a bad idea before they released it. 

honestly, it wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't know that there was a previous design (which most people loved) so we would have nothing to compare it to, so fewer issues with it. 

it's not the skin designers fault, its DE as a whole for not listening to their customers, and altering it. 

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I was still considering it before, even though it seemed lacking, since she's still a frame I use often but after previewing it in-game it was even more lacking than I expected. Ember deluxe barely looks different from Prime version and really does nothing special for her so I skipped it. :v

Not very impressive when other skins completely alter a frame so vastly that it can make an ugly disaster like Chroma into an object of pure majestic beauty. 

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8 hours ago, morningstar999 said:

most people don't like it and I think DE are getting a little butthurt at that. 

even though everyone told them it was a bad idea before they released it. 

honestly, it wouldn't have been so bad if we didn't know that there was a previous design (which most people loved) so we would have nothing to compare it to, so fewer issues with it. 

it's not the skin designers fault, its DE as a whole for not listening to their customers, and altering it. 

Nah, its giving me Nova deluxe vibes, which had no prior deluxe design to compare with either. Even without a prior deluxe skin to compare, this Ember deluxe  still looks inferior next to the Tennogen skins, and not even great on its own. The rooster look is tacky, and the way the shaders for it take to colors, makes it look even more tacky. I also don't know what the team's deal is with making uncolorable muted gray parts on a deluxe of all things, Nova Deluxe had a bit of that too. Makes the skin look like an unfinished model.

Edited by UrielColtan
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I decided to take it upon myself to do what i usually do when i come across a new skin and make it as awful as possible. But i cant bring myself to using the helmet that's just going to far

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Ember is far and away my favorite frame, so I bought it and managed to make it look not entirely awful with a fire/molten sort of color scheme.  But overall I'm not a fan of the design and haven't been since it was revealed.

And I think the pistol skin is bugged.  The video they released for these new deluxe skins shows Ember using it with one of the dual-wield secondaries but I can't find a single pair of guns that it can actually be applied to.

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4 hours ago, LightningAWG said:

And if yes, why?

Nope. Not worth it to me. The standana is meh, the gun skin is meh, and the helmet on the skin is so ugly. The skin itself is also really meh. I much prefer using my tennogen ones especially the emperor one

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It really just seems like someone at DE decided that at all costs, Ember must be a chicken, and that person or group have put their foot down. The result is that DE are not being fair or rational about this. As Heatnix put it, this is not the skin the community and the players of Ember wanted, this is the skin that DE wanted her to have. Now, that's fine, that is a decision which DE have the right to make.


However, they do not get to combine this decision with their other statement that they are always open to community feedback. Something's got to give, and it turned out to be DE's willingness to listen to their players. Just look at how it's played out in the forums. How many threads have you merged, DE? How many threads moved? How many posts and threads deleted and hidden?

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45 minutes ago, Heatnix. said:

Funny, there was a conversation with the Server (some GM or something) earlier about it. No matter how many brought valid points as to why the design feels ugly and over developed, the only answer we got (from a conversation started by the Server) was "you don't like it? don't buy it". The entire point of the conversation was for nothing.

The lack of professionalism in that answer is mind blogging. It is like people should be thankful and adore everything that they make. I constantly hear from developers in every game I've played how they listen to feedback and consider everything the players says, but how they act upon this is the opposite. The feel I get from them is that they ignore absolutely everything, will do whatever they please and the players should just blindly accept everything and open their wallets. Any criticism is received with that dumb answer. It is the same everywhere until it is too late to actually start listening.




When you look at this bird, see how that first white feather is the only one diffent....


And then compare to the actual skin....



You can say, without a shadow of doubt, that that bird is the one on which DE based the skin.

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It might just be one of, if not the best Skin DE has come up with, I mostly only use the Head on the Prime body, but I use Reaper Prime also, so the scythe skin and all the danglies he comes with are just epic, I'm so happy my Main got such an epic looking Delux skin, bought that shizz in a second.

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The issue isn't the skin itself but more that is the only deluxe skin that ember will have. So when don't like the only skin that changes the warframe shape completely with possible complimentary special effects is what makes it frustrating for people.

Take League of Legends for example you get plenty of different skins on different quality levels to pick from. Your favorite character came out a crappy skin? Oh well next time. While here you get only one with maybe texture changes and patterns.

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