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Would be happy to return Exilus Adapters if Rebecca doesn't get into Trouble


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1 hour ago, xxswatelitexx said:

Rebecca tried to do something nice for the community, Unfortunetly for her she seems to have twisted the wrong knobs and it blew up spectacularly in her face.
I would not be surprised if she currently facing a very sticky situation with the corporate share holders of DE. 

I my self got 30 Exilus Adapters and will happy to return the 29 mistake ones if it means she doesn't get into trouble for her mistake. 

After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.


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Just now, (PS4)Musicopia said:

At least it wasn't Catalysts, Reactors or Forma. 

People actually spend a ton of plat on those.


Let me remind to everyone that the Dex collection is a thing. If we are to evaluate the weapons, potatoes, slots and the syandana, they are easy over 500 (compared next to weapons you can buy from the plat shop). And this is given out for free to anyone that logs in during the anniversary each year.

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I doubt anything "bad" will happen to our beloved spacemom's voice actor.

That said, they gotta be careful with these giveaways! I love free stuff just as the next person but what if this was something extremely substantial? Someone earlier used Catalysts as an example. Those are big moneymakers. They attract both whales and everyone else since they're important and relatively cheap. If it was something like that, then we'd have a little cause to worry.

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Just now, phoenix1992 said:


Let me remind to everyone that the Dex collection is a thing. If we are to evaluate the weapons, potatoes, slots and the syandana, they are easy over 500 (compared next to weapons you can buy from the plat shop). And this is given out for free to anyone that logs in during the anniversary each year.

Ok sure, but I was just referring to this singular incident with the Adapters. The plat isn't necessarily lost if the people that got the Exilus were never going to buy them in the first place. How many viewers were there and how many had there accounts linked? Yea some players got upwards of 30 of them, but in the grand scope of the player base the number of people who received free Adapters is a tiny drop in the bucket.

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id return mine too if i would have gotten any eventho i was watching since the stream started :).

but honestly just here to say that u guys are awesome. it may be only potential but its still 700k. and we all love reb and she was only trying to do a nice thing :heart:

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1 hour ago, xxswatelitexx said:

Rebecca tried to do something nice for the community, Unfortunetly for her she seems to have twisted the wrong knobs and it blew up spectacularly in her face.
I would not be surprised if she currently facing a very sticky situation with the corporate share holders of DE. 

I my self got 30 Exilus Adapters and will happy to return the 29 mistake ones if it means she doesn't get into trouble for her mistake. 

After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.

700000 ajajajja ye sure . Not even close to 1% of that .

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2 hours ago, Ahcruna said:

Oh no you don't! no backsies, iz all mine!

Pore joking aside, they didn't do anything about the Legendary core spam on a past Halloween so I don't see anything here either.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

Legendary cores are not purchasable so it wouldn't have mattered. 
Exilus adapters on the other hand are. 


2 hours ago, Manhart01 said:

Yeah, giving who Rebecca is to DE, they would never punish her to the point of her leaving. Also, people have said before me, they can just run a script to remove them. It wasn't as costly a mistake if it was cat/reactors. 

They don't need to Punish her, as I said the new corporate masters.
They are owned by a Chinese Food Company 

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4 hours ago, xxswatelitexx said:

They are owned by a Chinese Food Company 


Not anymore. Leyou is completely out of the poultry business and has been for months now.

"To do more deals, he left Perfect World and acquired control of a shell company in Hong Kong. It so happened the shell company was a chicken meat supplier...He exited the chicken business, and he is fully focused on publishing triple-A games."



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I think it's very sweet that people would give up their loot to protect Rebecca.  I think that speaks well to the positive connection between the community and the developers, including Rebecca and the rest of the community team.

That said, I would be really surprised (and disappointed) if anyone got in any sort of trouble for this.  Humans make mistakes, and when software is involved those mistakes are called bugs.  Bugs are an inevitability in software development, and there's no doubt that Digital Extremes, a software company, is well aware of this.  It's a risk that comes with the territory, and you can't have a digital marketplace without risking a bug impacting your marketplace — and hence your bottom line — in any number of ways.  In this case, it sounds like there was a script that was supposed to run once that ran multiple times.  It's a totally understandable bug, and a totally understandable mistake.

Broadly speaking, a bad company punishes a person for making a mistake.  A good company recognizes mistakes as an inevitability and creates systems to prevent mistakes from propagating.  I have a good deal of faith that DE is a good company.

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14 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


I just want to point out, it's a potential $700,000 mistake. There is no guarantee those who received the Exilus Adapters would either now or some time in the future make a transaction of Platinum specifically for the sake of buying a few Exilus Adapters.

I know I wouldn't. Plus, I lot of players will have an excess of adapters they can't possibly use. 
If every single player had got enough adapters to fit every warframe currently available as well as future frames, that would be a much bigger screw up.

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11 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


Not anymore. Leyou is completely out of the poultry business and has been for months now.

"To do more deals, he left Perfect World and acquired control of a shell company in Hong Kong. It so happened the shell company was a chicken meat supplier...He exited the chicken business, and he is fully focused on publishing triple-A games."



It doesn't really matter, corporate publishers are usually not happy when such a major financial mistake is involved.
They expect to see returns for their purchase. 

If DE was independent it would be much less of an issue.

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18 hours ago, xxswatelitexx said:

Rebecca tried to do something nice for the community, Unfortunetly for her she seems to have twisted the wrong knobs and it blew up spectacularly in her face.
I would not be surprised if she currently facing a very sticky situation with the corporate share holders of DE. 

I my self got 30 Exilus Adapters and will happy to return the 29 mistake ones if it means she doesn't get into trouble for her mistake. 

After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.

Of course we're not talking about 700k. Many of those viewers will never get 29 extra frames, among those who will most probably don't spend plat on Exilus Adaptors and finally those who do spend plat on them would likely not had bought that many. They come in a steady stream from both login rewards, quest rewards and alerts/events.

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19 minutes ago, Golmihr said:

Of course we're not talking about 700k. Many of those viewers will never get 29 extra frames, among those who will most probably don't spend plat on Exilus Adaptors and finally those who do spend plat on them would likely not had bought that many. They come in a steady stream from both login rewards, quest rewards and alerts/events.

They don't come in a steady stream remotely. 

I have 1800 hours in the game.
Even getting free ones from Invasions and Alerts I might have gotten  a good 8 free within those 1800 hours. 

Most of the Exilus Adapters I bought 

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It's also worth noting that many players don't need many Exilus Adapters.  For an Exilus Adapter to even be worthwhile, your Warframe needs to have a potato on it and maybe even a Forma.

If a player is towards the hardcore end of the spectrum, I can imagine this kind of addition feeling like the bare minimum to be competitive.  But there are also a lot of players who aren't going to get this in-depth with many frames, if any.  I'm guessing that the bulk of players only trick out a handful of their favorite frames, and even then, they may not even find the benefit of using one more Exilus mod alluring enough to be worth the effort of platinum to get the Adapter.

And for the players who want an Exilus Adapter, you can get as many as you want from Cephalon Simaris just by playing the game.  They cost some reputation (which you can accumulate daily) and some Forma (which are abundantly available via relics).  I wouldn't say obtaining them is trivial, but it's certainly not outlandish.

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29 minutes ago, xxswatelitexx said:

They don't come in a steady stream remotely. 

I have 1800 hours in the game.
Even getting free ones from Invasions and Alerts I might have gotten  a good 8 free within those 1800 hours. 

Sure they do. First 3 fully build comes pretty fast from 2 quests and a login reward. Then later another from login rewards again. Besides that there are all the bp from invasions and such so people who was watching probably already had most build and would not had needed to buy Exilus Adapters in the future either.


If you want to compare personal anecdotes then I joined in 2016, got all the frames and I have never bought an Exilus Adapter even though I can afford it. I was missing 4, that in frames I barely play with and not because I lack the forma to build one. They lost no money on me from that bug even though I was one of the lucky watching.

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19 hours ago, xxswatelitexx said:

Rebecca tried to do something nice for the community, Unfortunetly for her she seems to have twisted the wrong knobs and it blew up spectacularly in her face.
I would not be surprised if she currently facing a very sticky situation with the corporate share holders of DE. 

I my self got 30 Exilus Adapters and will happy to return the 29 mistake ones if it means she doesn't get into trouble for her mistake. 

After all we re talking about an estimated $700,000 mistake.


Have DE release a Tennobet "L" Syandana and a little plat for cash only to recoup the loss and I'll PROUDLY drop my $4.99 and then corporate/shareholders can see how valued Rebecca and Meghan are to the brand.


I'll wear it PROUDLY.  We all $crew up from time-to-time in business, but integrity was never an issue here.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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