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The Tusk Ogma (Grineer Bomber) is the most broken enemy in the game.


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Agree. Grineer aircraft gain absolutely absurd amounts of Hp and armor past approx lv 20 to the point where they are effectively invincible to anything but a chroma with an armor stripper+nuke loadout.

Unfortunately I highly doubt this is high on the "to fix" list so for now a set of corrosive 100% status akbroncos + a nuker weapon like the opticor or lanka is a workaround that should make this issue somewhat bearable.

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Dodging an Ogma is relatively easy, they move in predictable patterns and aside from the completely BS AoE that lets them hit through walls and cover (but that applies to ANY AoE attack in this game) they're not that bad. It's their health and armor upon reaching high level that makes them cancerous. Yes, you can mod your weapons to deal with them relatively easily, but when there's one enemy that's so powerful everyone is EXPECTED to mod and gear SPECIFICALLY to kill that one enemy? There's a problem.

Its weakpoints need to be weaker, especially the engines, which should have its own health/armor that's a LOT weaker than the rest of the ship, but killing the engines kills the entire Ogma, or at least forces it to retreat and despawn. Reward accuracy and allow them to be reliably taken down by people who aren't modding for high status corrosive and using a high damage hitscan sniper as long as they have the aim for it. If there's different ways for different weapon types to counter Nullies then there's no reason the same shouldn't apply for the Ogmas.

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2 hours ago, ADirtyMonk said:

Agree. Grineer aircraft gain absolutely absurd amounts of Hp and armor past approx lv 20 to the point where they are effectively invincible to anything but a chroma with an armor stripper+nuke loadout.

Unfortunately I highly doubt this is high on the "to fix" list so for now a set of corrosive 100% status akbroncos + a nuker weapon like the opticor or lanka is a workaround that should make this issue somewhat bearable.

see my previous comment

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21 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

Then, plainly, those people aren't modding their weapons effectively or using weapons that are especially powerful against it. Maybe your loadout is supposed to have a high-damage crit weapon in the mix somewhere to go with your fast-firing armor peeler.

lol i'm using some of the most OP and broken builds in  the game in fact outside of maiming strike i dont think i am missing any mods... and my Hema for example can shred level 100+ heavy units in literal seconds with its viral/corrosive build i can strip the armor off an ohma in a single clip if that, but damage past that is SUPER low. Because its actual HEALTH is so very very high. My Sybaris Prime can pretty much kill most 100+ units in a couple of shots with its dual status/crit build with a good head shot. My Opticor can pretty much one shot anything on the ground in the plains... so why is it there is a SINGLE enemy on the plains that has 10x's the hp and armor of any other enemy? Why is it this ONE unit is giving so many people issues. and yes i'm aware of certain set ups that allow people to kill these bastards in a couple of seconds, but ABUSING warframe damage buffs just to deal with one unit is @(*()$ absurd.

It's not that they are tough, because as a bomber they SHOULD be tough but they are statistically miles and miles and miles beyond any other unit on the plains. It's about consistency and comparisons when you have an area, and a single unit is 30-40x's more powerful then anything else you face, when a single unit is actually tougher then most bosses are and is NOT even level 100 or close. When a single unit couold probably be considered a sortie level enemy in fact i'd wager he has more EHP then most sortie enemies do, and while i wouldn't say he's sortie boss levels he's certainly close.

The consistency is off, he makes bursa's look like an effing joke,  a level 100 bursa is easier to kill then this thing, and you don't think that's weird or off or a mistake? 

Well i do... and as a long time player, as someone has every freaking mod and some of the most powerful builds in the game... if i have issues killing a non-end game enemy then that's a problem, because that means new players, and people who only have a couple hundred hours are going to find this guy IMPOSSIBLE to deal with. 

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Tusk Bolkor are far more dangerous, Tusk Ogma can be affected by your warframe power when Bolkor can't, and it's change everything (slow  with Nova, Nyw 1st pover, mag magnetisme, and many more). Ogma come alone, when we can have 2 or 3 Bolkor at the same time if we are unlucky. And the gun of Bolkor take you down before you notice it.

And I have never noticed it have so much HP, I have always kill it faster than bolkor or the other transport ship.


Edited by Messkoo
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It takes me a few shots with my rubico to take these guys out (like 1 or 2). I actually like when they show up, even though they hit you while in the rift and knock you down even when using frost's globe. They are interesting. When I am doing those bounties over and over again, to get the set mods and when I get relics which i don't want in any capacity. I like it when they pop up and then quickly disappear; which makes me feel good. The Tusk Bolkor are the true evil of plains(anytime i see one i stop and kill it). Tusk Bolkor is like doing a defense mission and then seeing 4 of them silently approaching overhead and then picking you and your teammates off in .03 seconds.  

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If you can't kill them, just try and avoid them. As some people have said here, the Ogma has a pattern to its attack. It basically just goes in a straight line when its attacking. Just watch out for it go into void mode or move out of the way. The only difference between the teralyst and the ogma is that when dealing with ogma's you are dealing with other things and you couldnt focus on it too much, but they are they to pose a threat to warframe. 

People keep asking for a challenge and when it finally comes, they go crying on how hard it is to deal with. 

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The ogma unlike the bolkor is actually killable without needing complete and utter brutality. The only gripe i have with the ogma is how it's not letting go and seeking out for you until the end of your life. Like seriously, i certainly don't need to deal with any more annoyances and deaths or knockdowns rained on me while i try parkouring (even at full speed) back to cetus, after i get already pissed off by that 1 relic "reward" from a t5 bounty. Once bounty is finished and upon tenno retreating, it should let loose of me and not frustrate me when i don't even wanna fight. Because when i want to fight, this thing's not gonna survive anyway...

PS: Even if you're at Cetus gates, it still flies over you and bombarding you. Ogmas never stop. They're really THAT crazy.

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Soloing Ogmas on their own, assuming you have the right weapon + mods, are doable. Annoying and ammo consuming, but doable. Ogmas that turn up as part of a bounty or an incursion are a nightmare. You can't focus them cause otherwise you'll lose the objective, but they keep throwing some more blast nonsense on top of the half dozen Mortars, Bombards and Napalms (+ mortar turrets) that are chucking bombs your way in addition to everything else.

It would seem to me that the main complaint with the Ogma is that you need a rather specific set of weapons modded out to a particular specification to deal with this particular enemy type. Now I always try to take a corrosive something into a Grineer area with me, but not everyone is going to have the weapons and mods, even long time players (I started messing around with the Astilla the other day and realised how few shotgun mods I have) for maximum efficiency against the Ogma.

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I have to agree with the complaints about the Ogma. It's a highly maneuverable enemy with a very powerful AOE attack, with a pretty surprising range and duration. weak points on it require you to be in a good spot and vulnerable to its attack run, and shooting its weapons is a coin toss in terms of success rate. While it's true certain builds are awesome for dealing with it (e.g. Ice Chroma), it's not exactly a well-designed enemy if the only solution to fighting it is to use one of four pre-approved builds. DE reducing its health was a great first step, but between the enemies spawning with it, its very unusual speed/maneuverability (seriously, I never saw it move like that in freespace missions), and the fact that it can and will follow you across the map, it needs some tweaking.

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Not to seem like the Devil's advocate, but while I agree with alot on the original post about how this enemy unit is terrifying, I kind of like it. It's actually quite refreshing to get my Tenno butt kicked in only to look up into the sky with utter disdain and swear my eternal ire towards that monstrosity in the sky. It makes the Grineer seem much more formidable seeing that they can apparently carpet bomb the planes anytime they'd want to.

Also, while agree it could be a pain to deal with for newer players, it's not terribly difficult to take one down (even on Bounty #5, where i'm normally at).

Edited by --CoB--Rooshi
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I have to agree, these enemies just exemplify the ridiculous scaling problems Warframe has with some units, especially where Armor is concerned.

Honestly, the sheer amount of carpet bombing you have to endure during T5 bounties just pushed me towards cheese tactics. You want PoE T5 EZ mode? Here's the loadout I normally roll with.


Wukong with a Rage Defy build

Akstiletto Prime with a Crit/Status build and Corrosive

Galatine Prime with Life Strike on it somewhere.

and last but not least, a Lanka with a good Crit Riven on it.


Run around, give zero f***s, and when anything dares try to occupy the sky above you, strip it's Armor with Akstiletto, then the Lanka should be able to 2 shot an Ogma, and 3 shot a Bolkor. Outside of a fully modded Opticor with its own perfect Riven, it's the fastest way to delete them, and because you're immortal, it's stress free.


Normally I've not been one for cheese tactics, but after the Grineer carpet bombed a 10 mile radius around me and killed me with no chance to dodge for the umpteenth time, I decided to fight fire with fire. If DE's solution is to make the Plains difficult through artificial difficulty (and the most annoying version of it to date at that) then I will artificially remove that difficulty.


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I like these enemies alot, they add a new aspect to the game, Bombers doing strafe runs above your head... that is awesome, and they should be threatening. I don't think they're unreasonably hard at all, they require you to use the appropriate weapons to counter them, which is not a bad thing (and also has nothing to do with cheese, using the right gear isn't "cheese" that term is so overused it's quite funny and sad at the same time). 

Edited by Maercurial
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I hate the Ogma, it's one thing to have an airborne enemy that never loses aggro, but it's a totally different thing when you can't do anything to it unless you specifically gear yourself to kill them. Which is stupid considering that you shouldn't have to use weapons or whole loadouts purely to fight one Ogma. 30+ Ogma also seem to have this thing where they get excessively tanky for no reason to, especially that a level 29 is like butter, but god forbid if one shows up at 30 and up. As for being bombed to death, I do the stupid thing of bringing in low level frames for high level bounties because why not. But that does not excuse the bug the Ogma has where it endlessly bombs an area by circling the spot you're at.

All of this being said, yes they can be killed. But without the right gear for fighting them, higher levels are a nightmare and you spend most of your time with no ammo due to fighting the ground troops by the time one gets called in. (which I will also say that the chain turrets have broken damage as well and most of their shots are invisible) Now I know there are weapons and frames that help with taking an Ogma down, like a decently modded sniper. Thing is, I shouldn't HAVE to use a specific frame or weapon just to complete a bounty where the chance of having an Ogma called in is possible. Because at that point it boils down to that old player meta of "You HAVE to you use these things in order to enjoy the game and if you try to do anything else you are wrong and suck at the game, gtfo" and thats not fun for anybody.

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I kill high-level Tusk Ogmas fairly easily with my sidearm. It's an Akmagnus with a sick riven, corrosive damage and high status chance. Hitscan weapons are godly on the plains. Now, whether or not that should be the case is a matter for debate, but that's the way it is. I also stay moving, rolling and bullet jumping to minimize my time in the line of fire.

I'm there with you on the near-uselessness of archwings in the plains (except as taxis). It's fun to go invisible on Itzal and snipe with impunity, though. And enemies seeing and attacking you through terrain is obviously something that needs to be fixed. (I've also seen enemies dropping in from the sky and through the terrain to land in an underground cave.)

Also, as others have said, the high-level bounties, like sortie missions, are not intended for new or poorly equipped players. So, the "I can't be expected to have a heavily stocked arsenal from which to pick and choose the right weapons for the job" mentality is right out the window. If you haven't progressed far enough in the game (i.e. building your arsenal), you shouldn't expect to do very well in "end game" content.

(EDIT: Side note: I usually bring my favorite frame Nova Prime on the plains, and even with vitality and redirection, she's far from tanky. The best defense is never standing still. Even then, I still get creamed every now and then, but I just get back up and try again. Those shield lancers and their Mareloks, though. *shudder*)

Edited by VirtualViolet
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