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Best and Worst types of players to play with?


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Warframe, is a game i love. Even though it's basically farming simulator, i like it. But the problem is, the farming isn't simply planting seeds and waiting for them to grow. It's planting seeds, then hoping that they actually grow. That brings salt. Whenever i start up Warframe and i enter my orbiter, i strangely smell immense amounts of salt (yeah apparently salt has a smell now... i'll just say that it smells like the salt in your sweat after farming all day, or a workout at the gym. It doesn't smell good). Not the "I HATE RNG" salt, It's more of the "Tenno vs Tenno" salt. 

I think the best type of player to have n a squad is the totally chill higher level player. They don't care what level you are, they will treat you well.

My personal favorite type of player, is the "Slow reviver". I was once on Hydron, and i go down, because i was using a low level frame, with all of my survivability abilities locked. So i go down, and i'm totally isolated. I was still in affinity range, but i doubted that anyone would come to pick me up. But then, i see another player, they were using an uncolored Oberon, they're somehow procced with cold. I see then slowly, slowly "sprinting" down the stars, and i see them slowly running towards me. I just see their frame's arms swinging back and forth really slowly, and they revive me. It was kinda humorous, watching them slowly run towards me, and i imaged them yelling "OBERON TO THE RESCUE" while slowly running towards me. It was humorous, but at the same time, i felt loyalty.

Worst type of player? The players that don't bother reviving anyone. It's annoying in normal missions, but it's worse when leveling stuff. I don't know what goes on in their heads. I revive MOST players, except well.. guess. Like... really? Even a kill hoarder like me revives other players.. I love getting kills, every time i don't get the most kills in the squad when using Ash prime, i just develop this severe salt aura around me. And even players like me, are willing to stop beheading, and pick up other players.I understand not everyone uses Rush, and i understand that not everyone can parkour so well that they can like triple their movement speed. But at least try. You do realize, that by not reviving other players, you're hurting the chance of everything working out. Maybe one player decides that he isn't going to get revived no matter what, so he decides to just camp, and stay away from danger. And that make them develop a salt aura around them. Even in safe situations, where you're traveling, and one squadmate accidentaly bullet jumps into an explosive barrel, and they go down, some players just decide not to help them up. 

Real situation, I was in a sortie, and all but 1 player moved really slowly. me and my 3 speedrunners were closing in on the objective fast, and my slow teammate that's way behind, suddenly goes down. And by the time that i realized that this sqaudmate was down, i was really far away from them. Another player was moving really fast, like REALLY fast. And i thought, if he ran to that player, they could make it in time, and revive them. My insanely fast reaction reflexes kick in, and i instantly do a back hand spring, i turn around, then start running in that downed player's direction. And no one is following me. It's just me, hesitantly bullet jumping and rolling through the corridors. I finally get to them, but i'm too late. "(Player name) has died" And i get that "bruh really" aura around me. That player revives himself, walks left to right 1 step, then freezes for a few seconds, then starts to run again. I am sure that when he stopped moving, he thought "Yeah, thanks for the REVIVE, TEAMMATES. This squad has such great teamwork."  Then immediately, i felt a little bad for this dude, not because he wasn't revived, but because he pretty much got left to die by his teammates. TEAMMATES. I also felt a trickle of salt running down my face.

There's too many of these people, just stop.

So, what do you think? What types of players are best and what types of players are worst?

And the rule is, no mentioning Warframe users, so no saying "Limbo players are the worst" or something. No weapon users, either


Interested to see what everyone thinks :)

Edited by (PS4)PS_90210
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for me :

best - players who understand how each frame works and try to work together for best posible team play ( no limbo doesnt suck you just dont know how to play with him in the team )

worst - people who dont get the jokes and get offended by whem ( what or my sence of humor is prety bad )

Edited by bad4youLT
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Lol +1

For me, the best type of player is the one that tries his/her level best in the game, even if they are a mr 3 excalibur with a skana. For me the best type of players are those that help you get through stuff, and not just rush and expect you to do it. For example, a few months back, when I was n00b, I did an obstacle course on Lua and got stuck somewhere(couldnt figure out the way out of a room). I asked for some help, and noone cared. I repeated and finally someone among the 3 players said. "If you don't know how to play, then don't even try"

Then the others chimed in

"Git gud n00b"


I got fed up and went afk until they extracted.

So salty eh? Yeah I hate those guys. Now there are a few people that like to help, and I love really cool high level vets.

Like with good auras. 

The ones I hate are those mentioned ^ and those who can do something but will not do it

I've run into many A)(*SDholes and many nice dudes

Point is, warframe is a nice balance of players

Most of them are amazing people but then you always have idiots not willing to step out of their comfort zone and just bash other players.

My motto? Ignore, forget, rinse repeat.


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7 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

for me :

best - players who understand how each frame works and try to work together for best posible team play ( no limbo doesnt suck you just dont know how to play with him in the team )

worst - people who dont get the jokes and get offended by whem ( what or my sence of humor is prety bad )


So true

just because people have experienced bad players using limbo wrong

He's called *faeces*


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7 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Lol +1

For me, the best type of player is the one that tries his/her level best in the game, even if they are a mr 3 excalibur with a skana. For me the best type of players are those that help you get through stuff, and not just rush and expect you to do it. For example, a few months back, when I was n00b, I did an obstacle course on Lua and got stuck somewhere(couldnt figure out the way out of a room). I asked for some help, and noone cared. I repeated and finally someone among the 3 players said. "If you don't know how to play, then don't even try"

Then the others chimed in

"Git gud n00b"


I got fed up and went afk until they extracted.

So salty eh? Yeah I hate those guys. Now there are a few people that like to help, and I love really cool high level vets.

Like with good auras. 

The ones I hate are those mentioned ^ and those who can do something but will not do it

I've run into many A)(*SDholes and many nice dudes

Point is, warframe is a nice balance of players

Most of them are amazing people but then you always have idiots not willing to step out of their comfort zone and just bash other players.

My motto? Ignore, forget, rinse repeat.


Sometimes when i get salty playing Warframe, i think "What am i doing in this game, farming salt?!"

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Best players are understanding and working as a team


Worst are not those who live in their own world. But those who mistreat you because you are not "as good as they are". Also those who disregard lower rank players. It triggers me alot. 

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9 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

New, dangerous trend is born - self reviving even if teammates are like 10m away from you then complaining about running out of revives.

This is so true, its alarming, I almost always run to a person when they down, almost reaching only to realise they have self revived... TF?

Actually your post has inspired me to create another post about this :>


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Best is anyone that comes in and plays and has fun.

Worst is the trolls that come in just to cause problems. From going AFK the whole mission, to using Limbo's Banish or Frost's bubbles to annoy/harass players. Or the dreaded all unranked Frame/Primary/Secondary/Melee/Sentinel player that is going to stand in affinity range but not contribute at all (seriously, pick one item at a time to rank, lol).

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45 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

( no limbo doesnt suck you just dont know how to play with him in the team )

To me saying that he "sucks" would just imply that the frame is bad, while since the rework he isn't. 

While he's not a bad frame, he is a frame that can quite easily annoy other players. 

How do you do that? Use 4, use 2,, use 3 and either melee whatever gets inside his 4 just use 1 and constantly melee anything you manage to get with your aoe.

Great for you as the Limbo who prepared for this by bringing a good melee weapon, but what of the rest of the team who may not be avid melee users?

Only way to adapt would be to either tell the Limbo player to stop and hope they listen or actively avoid them and do your thing a fair distance away, which is what I usually end up having to do.

He also causes weird inconsistencies with the Zenistar, which I usually bring with me. (Also Saryn as it makes her unable to interact with Molt outside of manually popping it)

The argument isn't usually Limbo is a terrible frame, it's that even after the rework it's not hard to annoy other players using him.

Edited by Madway7
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4 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

To me saying that he "sucks" would just imply that the frame is bad, while since the rework he isn't. 

While he's not a bad frame, he is a frame that can quite easily annoy other players. 

How do you do that? Use 4, use 2,, use 3 and either melee whatever gets inside his 4 just use 1 and constantly melee anything you manage to get with your aoe.

Great for you as the Limbo who prepared for this by bringing a good melee weapon, but what of the rest of the team who may not be avid melee users?

Only way to adapt would be to either tell the Limbo player to stop and hope they listen or actively avoid them and do your thing a fair distance away, which is what I usually end up having to do.

He also causes weird inconsistencies with the Zenistar, which I usually bring with me. (Also Saryn as it makes her unable to interact with Molt outside of manually popping it)

The argument isn't usually Limbo is a terrible frame, it's that even after the rework it's not hard to annoy other players using him.

They shall suffer, Melee is the only way.

Edited by Nakrast
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"Hey guys I'm going to stasis the mobile defense objectives. If you rather I didn't, let me know :)"

I haven't been attacked for playing Limbo yet, and more times than not a simple heads up is all people really care about since it returns the power of choice to them and shows you aren't looking to troll.

With great power comes...

Edited by Frosthaven83
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Being a support player by default, i tend to go with a fully functional trinity, armor buffer oberon, and shield replenish mag, so most of the time i can hold myself on my own.

That said, i do enjoy whenever i find another support who actually does something for the team, like a roaring rhino, or elemental buffers and all that.

My most fav tho, has gotta go to the people who understands the frames. Just today, i was doing the sortie defense with a mesa, loki, and inaros. I was oberon, healing and also putting a thick carpet at center of the map. I think the mesa noticed that and immediately jumped into the middle and take out peace makers.

All that, while loki and inaros blinds and stuns the enemies entering. And just when me and mesa was running low on energy, someone put out a pizza, and the inaros just put on tornado mode while we replenish.

Probably a normal session for them, but it sure as hell played out like an action movie in my head.



Most hated? Laggy hosts that traps me with stuck doors. Yeah..

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Best Players: Handle their own S#&$ without getting in the way.  If I don't even know what frame you were at the end of a mission because you never went down and your power use wasn't obnoxious, that's a good thing.

Worst:  Impatient players.  The ones that start the timer before you can even switch frames before the next sortie or quit because they don't want to wait ten seconds for someone to get there and open a friendship door.

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I consider myself one of them chill high level players but I don't receive people who are afk in a mission and constantly go down. If the person is trying then I'll help them. 

But the worst type of players are those who join then expect me to carry because I'm MR 24. And when they go down because they're afk and they get salty at me I do everything I can to get them killed 

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6 hours ago, (PS4)PS_90210 said:

My personal favorite type of player, is the "Slow reviver". I was once on Hydron, and i go down, because i was using a low level frame, with all of my survivability abilities locked. So i go down, and i'm totally isolated. I was still in affinity range, but i doubted that anyone would come to pick me up. But then, i see another player, they were using an uncolored Oberon, they're somehow procced with cold. I see then slowly, slowly "sprinting" down the stars, and i see them slowly running towards me. I just see their frame's arms swinging back and forth really slowly, and they revive me. It was kinda humorous, watching them slowly run towards me, and i imaged them yelling "OBERON TO THE RESCUE" while slowly running towards me. It was humorous, but at the same time, i felt loyalty.

Mt first thought. 


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6 hours ago, RobWasHere said:

New, dangerous trend is born - self reviving even if teammates are like 10m away from you then complaining about running out of revives.

This is especially annoying when I'm playing Ivara. Not only can I rez you, but I can do it with little-to-no danger to us. 

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