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Warframe needs challenging content.


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Personal Opinion Time (oh boy!)

I get where you are coming from. I grew up on fighting games with single-frame links, knowledge, and execution reigning supreme. As I got older I found myself to be an anomaly in not only interacting with but *enjoying* execution heavy trials and steeper challenges. Warframe definitely isn't that, but take it or leave it that is probably why it has become so popular. In general if I'm pressing a button over and over and watching loot happen I don't feel like I'm playing a game, but others enjoy it en mass.

There are (a handful of) games out there that satiate the need for challenge, but WF probably isn't one of them and I doubt it ever will be or could be without turning a lot of players away. This is the fun game you don't take too seriously and have fun in voice chat with friends.

Edited by Frosthaven83
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5 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

Ehh, yes and no. It's true that staying in the mission didn't give you anything special outside of the rotation. But key farming sucked, so people would usually stay in one T3/4 endless as long as they could survive to maximize the rewards earned on each key. Triton got pretty old, lemme tell ya. Especially with that awful key rerolling bug that went unpatched on consoles for over a year... At one point, I went a full month of key farming without getting a single T3 ext. Every single one rerolled into defense or MD.

But that was one chance EVERY 20 minutes.

The new system is far more rewarding. You get 4 chances every 5 and boosters, traces to improve chances, harder enemies. And every 20 you get guaranteed relics.

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I have no idea why DE still haven't implemented a single endless survival node that starts at lvl 100 with Elemental Enhancement, Eximus Stronghold, Reduced Energy set of additional rules.

Each 5 minute generate one additional rule, spawn Juggernaut of respective lvl and reward Vitality or 15 endo.

It should not yield any affinity though.

Edited by Tachibana_Hibiki
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5 minutes ago, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

I have no idea why DE still haven't implemented a single endless survival node that starts at lvl 100 with Elemental Enhancement, Eximus Stronghold, Reduced Energy set of additional rules.

Each 5 minute generate one additional rule, spawn Juggernaut of respective lvl and reward Vitality or 15 endo.

It should not reward any affinity though.

Because that would still pose no challenge. We can cheese to absurd levels and not blink.

Before the enemy rework we had players going on 8+ hour endurance runs facing and killing level 9999 corrupted.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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Just now, SilvaDreams said:

Because that would still pose no challenge. We can cheese to absurd levels and not blink.

Before the enemy rework we had players going 8+ hour endurance RU s facing and killing level 9999 corrupted.

DE knows only 2 kinds of challenges: absurd scaling and RNG grind - that's it.

First I suggested, second is already available. 

Don't know what else one could expect from them after all these years. 

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1 minute ago, Littleman88 said:

The first step to being challenged is to stop building for power spam. Specifically room wide CC and damage spam. It would be the first thing DE would have to address after all.

Exactly this. I've told many "There is no challenge" whiners how to find challenge.

Remove your mods. Guess how many have had the balls to try it?

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If its a pointless grind for you maybe you should try your hand at a new game until they release something new that you want. It doesn't seem to me that the issue is that the game doesn't have challenging content really its just you've obtained all the content you want making everything else useless grind. Or thats what I took from it meh. 

11 hours ago, Chitanda.Eru said:

Tbh in my case it dosnt even need to be both challenging and rewarding. just challenging. If its able to get my blood boiling, drive me in a corner not because of some scaling BS 1 hit delete level 999, Just getting my adrenaline running is enough. like the good old bosses in other video games that makes the air around you chill making you feel like you're having a cold sweat the closer you are to beating him. everything is oh so quiet and you hear your Heart Beating and Racing, a fight that makes you feel exhausted the moment its over despite all you've been doing is sitting on your chair mashing buttons.

Also I'm with this. <3 murder me again senpai

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4 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

Click the loadout Randomize button and do sorties/rifts that way.

I'm not joking, it revived the game for me a while back and it's pretty much the only way to have spontaneous fun *and* challenge.

I wish we had a bit more control over this. I love randomized loadouts..... But I hate that It draws from my mastery fodder weapons that I refuse to delete, or my unprimed WFs

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I don't understand complaints like this.  The game is literally just as challenging as you want it to be.

If the game is too easy, take some mods off.  Challenge yourself to play with as few mods as possible.


I mean, seriously, are we completely incapable of making our own decisions on such things?

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21 hours ago, Onyx_Warframe said:

I've been playing Warframe on and off for the past year or so, and my main problem with the game is the fact that there's no challenging content i can test my setup agaisnt. It just feels like an endless grind with no end goal (except maybe getting all the items). The thing i loved in the past was endless missions since they gave awesome rewards and were a reason to get stronger but now they don't profit nearly as much. What i would love is something to challenge my warframe and be rewarding at the same time so i have a reason to get stronger because right now, it feels like you can do everything in the game with minimal investment.

I've been worried about the loss of incentive to do endless since they changed to the relic system.  

The difficult thing is that endless wasn't really a good endgame (it was after all just a placeholder), and it skewed the way players think of builds in a particular weird direction.  But on the other hand, it was a kind of communal glue, and as you say a good challenge to get your teeth into, that was also rewarding.

I think the endgame DE are developing now is looking like it's going to be good.  The Eidolon fights are pitched nicely.

I would like to see something like "super sorties" that start at sortie 2 and go a bit beyond current sortie 3.  But the problem is always rewards.

I think maybe they should start giving out cosmetics as rewards to add to the reward pool.

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14 hours ago, Cifrer said:

If the game is too easy, take some mods off.  Challenge yourself to play with as few mods as possible.

The game pushes you towards acquiring the best possible stuff (Mods, Weapons,...) and then make it even stronger, improving gear is a central theme, and yet once you improved your gear to the max the game leaves you guessing what you could possibly do with that maxed out gear.

Removing that maxed out gear is clearly not a satisfying answer to that isn't it? 

Basically, the OP asks for nothing else than a reason to do endless missions again, and I 100% agree. There needs to be more than just "well if you want, then you can still do it for fun". It used to be there with the old Void but to date we're still waiting for a replacement, there are highlevel enemies that pose a challenge and require you to mod accordingly and plan your team composition etc, but they're only fought for fun, there's no actual reason or incentive to go there anymore, and the Void is pretty much abandoned at this point, an amazing tileset that could definitely use some improvement to make it relevant again outside of Argon Crystals. Maybe make all the missions there like MOT, have them start at higher levels and scale faster, and Fissures should appear more frequently in the Void giving boni for staying in the mission as long as possible. That simple change alone would make it an endgame territoy again. 

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Currently the only 3 things that seem to be targets as more of end game are Sortie, Raids and teralyst hunting.

They could however make some of the boss fights a lot more interesting\ and challenging.

Say that mutalist Alad V had a first stance you could burn through easily with really high damage weapons. Second stage he takes over everyone's warframe with the Collar and then you have to beat your warframe and Alad V in operator mode just to get parts for Mesa. Yes it would be locked behind War Within.

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On ‎11‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 5:30 PM, Cifrer said:

If the game is too easy, take some mods off.  Challenge yourself to play with as few mods as possible.

That solution doesn't work for WF. You're essentially telling a person to delete their playstyle or grind a bunch of Endo and hang onto partially upgraded mods for a "challenge loadout". People want a challenge that can match the investment they've put into their kit. There's nothing strange, entitled or sheepish about that.

"Just play one mission for 2 hrs to get to the fun part" isn't a suggestion either, so much as a slap in the face. There should be options for players who want a real challenge. Not just enemy stats cranked to the obscene, where every light breeze is a one-shot.

In most persistent games, challenging content is an assumption. Pretty much every MMO has raids that are designed to make players develop new strategies, and tune their coordination to an art. People often point to WF's raids and say, "WF players obviously don't want challenge". That's a loaded argument. People don't like LOR and JV because they are jankball af. It is true that WF has trained its players to veg out and gun on autopilot. But I would be surprised if people didn't love a difficult, fun, highly polished Sentient.

No one complains about enemies in POE. Know why? Because they're really well balanced. I would go into why, but it's been a long week and that subject is a thread unto itself. I'll just give you a hint and say it has to do with how the player and enemies interact at different ranges, and how each engagement range pressures the player into a different range. The system is so smart and fluid that you're not even conscious of it. It just feels nice. Take notice of it next time you're soloing in the plains and you'll see what I mean.

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I think most people here are saying things I can get behind.  I agree that part of what makes Warframe great is the OP-ness of the player.  I'm generally not looking for a challenge when I play; I came here to be anime.

But at the same time, I understand that Warframe is very unique, and I respect that some players want to play this fun game in a way that challenges them.  And I totally understand why a player wouldn't want to have to play an endless mission for an hour just to get to the part they find fun.

Honestly, I think most of these players would be satisfied if DE added an option to start endless missions at either the minimum level or a higher level of your choosing.  That would get a lot of mileage for a little work.  Not saying it's trivial work, but I think it would be a good way to serve a need that continues to be expressed by a non-trivial part of the player base.

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On 11/7/2017 at 10:40 PM, Penguinbuddy91 said:

once they bring something "challenging" we'll have ppl either cheese it or whine how hard it is.

I remember the one glorious week when Tusk Ogmas were challenging and fun to fight. The community was personally offended, and cried until they got the nerf hammer. We get what we deserve.

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