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What is a God Roll Riven Mod?


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There is no singular set of stats that define a god roll. It's simply a set of stats that benefit the weapon in question.

+400% crit chance on a Nukor riven for example would be worthless, it would have a grand total of 5% crit chance.

On the other hand +400% crit chance on something like the Dread is as sexy as all the women in Baywatch put together... And then some.

Just now, (Xbox One)PrintCascade1 said:

first of all the riven needs to have 4 positive modifiers.

No such thing.

Edited by DeMonkey
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I'd say it depends on the weapon. For some weapons crit stats are completely useless. I would say it's a good roll that compliments that weapon the best with a negligible negative effect. So for example maybe a vectis riven that has + crit chance and crit damage with - projectile speed.

Honestly though I'm pretty sure it's just a token term used by traders to get people interested in their stock.

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1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

There is no singular set of stats that define a god roll. It's simply a set of stats that benefit the weapon in question.

+400% crit chance on a Nukor riven for example would be worthless, it would have a grand total of 5% crit chance.

On the other hand +400% crit chance on something like the Dread is as sexy as all the women in Baywatch put together... And then some.

No such thing.

the negative modifier can be a positive one for certain weapons(less zoom can be neutral on certain weapons but the games considers them a negative modifier)

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7 minutes ago, nickelshark said:

Honestly though I'm pretty sure it's just a token term used by traders to get people interested in their stock.


I'd suggest simply ignoring the term to be honest, don't let people tempt you with something that's nothing more than 'embroidery'. Decide for yourself whether a Riven is a good one or not, don't let others tell you.

6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)PrintCascade1 said:

the negative modifier can be a positive one for certain weapons(less zoom can be neutral on certain weapons but the games considers them a negative modifier)

And then you go to the plains where you want a bit more zoom and your Riven is back to having a negative again. It's arguably a positive.

My issue with your post however is that it's misleading, you don't state that a negative modifier can be positive in some situations.

Edited by DeMonkey
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It's more of a term used by traders to pump the price on their trash rivens. Most of the time you see term like "god tier" in a trade chat it's with conjunction with mediocre riven and ridiculously high price tag.

Crit chance and crit damage are rarely the best possible stats, even on crit weapons, usually crit chance + multishot + damage pulls ahead. And it's useless on status weapons like Kohm which needs 120% status + multishot to be even considered worthy.

Usually the best possible roll contains 2-3 stats the weapon needs most + some meaningless negative like -zoom on shotguns to pump values of the positive stats.



Edited by saradonin
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"WTS Best GOD Riven you've ever Seen!......Not gonna link it in the Sales Post though....THAT'S how you can Tell I'm so Serious!!!"

Basically, God Riven tags should be ignored by shoppers. Play with the weapon (current culprit, Baza), find out what you like about it, find out what could be better on it, then set out to find a Riven with THOSE stats or buffs on it. Supra Vandal? Maybe you just want Multishot and Fire-Rate to give you that Step Up you want. Ignis? Again, maybe you just some Multi-shot, and a tad bit of Crit Chance, and just a bit more Ammo Pool so you can spew that fire forever. It all depends on a Player and their Play Style.

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There are 2 kinds of "god tiers"

- Only 2 good stats and useless 3rd stat or bad negative, ask for 2k+

- 3 good stats and 1 good negative but demands >7k plat because it is said to have been once sold for that price.

Sadly that's the majority of people using the god-tag so you can pretty much ignore those posts or read them for entertainment purposes. I'm not saying they wont find buyers, but only desperate fools or impulsive rich people will fall for those.

Jokes aside, I have bought rivens for 1-3k plat because I constantly use the weapon and they must have 2 positives 1 negative/ 3 positives/  3 positive 1 negatives all good. And since I use the weapons and refine my build constantly I know exactly what stats are good and bad.

If you want to make the best use of your money when buying rivens here are some tips:

- Look up the person's profile. Are they constantly spamming trade? By right the trade forum rules say only 1 post per 24 hrs and close the previous ones if it's the same items.

- Use the search function and look back at least 10 different offers for the weapon. Sometimes difficult when people don't close their old posts of the same items.

- Stats wise Damage & Multi Shot will always be best unless Base Crit chance is >25% or base Crit Damage is >2x or you get CC+CD together. Then there are alot more specific things like >54% on tigris, Elemental scaling on pure elemental weapon, range on high disposition melees.

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"God roll" doesn't exist, it's just a clickbait to make you pay high for a mod the owner think it's good.

Take the Aklex as an exemple: It has great crit, great status, great damage, but terrible reload speed and a huge recoil. People often say that a "god" Aklex Riven is something with CC/CD or CC/MS or something like that. For me, my Aklex Riven is a "god" riven, bocause it has enough CC to go over 100% and Reload Speed enough to be faster than a Lex to reload. I don't need more damage, I need to not sit there for 3s waiting every 16 shots I make.

That is the great thing about Rivens, there is no "right" stats, you can work around and find something that fits your playstile or your taste, that is why there is no such thing as an objective "god" roll, that is only a subjective thing

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generally a "god"roll is an opinion, its not an official term but more something to describe the "best" or at least something close to it. that still is an opinion hence the "abuse" of that term in trade chat to sell better. generally i would say there are 2 ways to have a godroll:

1.: 2 positives 1 negative - on some weapons its good to just have 2 stats but as high as positive, boltor prime with +damage /+multishot /-pointless would be a nice example, but generally many weapons are really good with a satiata/visican riven, even if its hyped as a crit weapon if someone was to do math sometimes a visican/satiata is better overall. not on every weapon we could use as an example now but on more than many people might think. generally u want 2 very very good stats and 1 pointless negative for this example to apply but "very good" is also an opinion so it should be something thats rly hard to argue about. pointless negatives are also very subjective, personally i dont mind -reload speed but generally people dislike it so this would be something up for discussion/taste on most weapons. other than that -zoom is probably the best negative to have since it does nothing really in terms of weapon functionality. -status duration is also such an example up to a certain amount and depending on the weapon, some dont want it. same goes for +recoil, its 100% pointless on any weapon without such. -magazine on vectis would be a positive for those using primed chamber or on weapons not affected by it too much or not at all, like tigris prime.

2.: 3 positives 1 negative - this is probably the typical setup but it should be noted that usually the individual stat values are lower than on a 2/-1 riven. in terms of slot efficiency its the better choice in any case but as mentioned above sometimes u want to focus on 2 stats alone and then it doesnt matter if there is a 3rd positive which arguably wastes valuable amount on the other 2 stats. on some weapons clearly 3/-1 is always better due to riven disposition or the weapons base stats but thats dependant on the roll and the weapon ofc and lastly surely taste too. generally the same applies here: u want stats u can hardly argue about, same goes for the negative. it can be a god roll even with an annoying negative but accepting that is opinion/taste yet again and it should be worth the sacrifice in any case. if u have -status chance on a status/hybrid weapon it better be worth it and it shouldnt completely ruin the status aspect, like putting 1 dual elemental to out balance it should be fine for example. wouldnt be too big of a problem then.

the important part always is the "pointless" negative, without that u have a top tiered riven at best, at least thats what its usually called.

generally its hard to have "the best" since its always RNG and opinion/taste in the end, even if numbers can be an argument u will find pros and cons for most stat combinations unless they are totally garbage. if u have force these arguments tho its not a godroll. a godroll is something u can hardly argue about in my opinion, so the stats are amazing for a weapon enough for everybody to see the awesomeness, kind of. hyped stats do not apply though in my opinion. sometimes people hype stats and they are good, but actually not the best mathematically. elemental/physical damage is kind of underrated from what i can tell generally, but more often than not it adds more overall dps than +damage for example, mostly tho when u have a build with enough +damage already, heavy caliber being the prime example here i guess.


positives u can look out for u have +crit dmg/ crit chance/ damage /multishot/ elemental/ physical (IPS) /fire rate/ status chance, firerate is highly weapon dependant, generally if a weapon has high dmg per projectile but hence lower fire rate then +fire rate is really good since the ammo efficiency also alows it. something with 20 fire rate doesnt really benefit from it, quite the opposite since its usually bad on dmg/projectile and will just make it even more ammo hungry. generally only +damage/multishot are always good/acceptable no matter which weapon, not saying they are always best but they are never bad because the others kind of depend on the weapon and build in most cases.

negatives as mentioned depend all on the weapon except for -zoom. negative u dont want are -damage/-multishot/-crit damage. if a weapon has a good base crit chance -crit chance too, same goes for -status chance. -flight speed is bad on anything with fall off or travel time, hitscane doesnt care.

as u can see its highly dependant and its hard to straight up answer it since u also need to know the weapon and builds for it to really see what a god roll is. generally saying crit stats are good for example doesnt really work since some weapon just dont have the base stats for it. other weapons are status weapons at 1st glance but due to riven disposition they can be turned into legit hybrid monsters.

if u have a hard time telling then dont put it out for sale, be patient and ask others who might know without having second thoughts of snatching something good from u. best would be to ask multiple people and be patient, sometimes impatiently WTSing something is bad and u end up selling something for a silly underprice, if u plan to sell that is.

hope it helped u.




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Every single weapon is different. You have to really look at the weapon and decide.

Crit/crit dmg are actually completely trash on a weapon with 5% crit or lower and a trash modifier. You aren't pushing the crit high even with a huge crit chance, and to do so you're wasting way too many mod slots.

Crit/crit dmg on high crit/crit dmg weapns.

If a weapon has high status then typically something with status modifiers. Say it's an IPS weapon with insane slash and you get +slash, dmg, multi with -zoom as the negative pushing the positives higher...that's really great.

I could go on but you really have to research the weapon. 90% of the self proclaimed GOD TIER WORLD ENDING TIER ones going for 4k I wouldn't pay 200p for because they are actually TERRIBLE for the weapon. I honestly pray that people don't fall for the trap and spend money on those.

Here is an example of a very good tier riven that I have personally farmed my butt off for (because I love the weapon). I wont list actual numbers just the basics:

Ignis Wraith



+crit chance


The crit I could argue could be better, but ignis wraith actually has decent enough crit chance for me to push it up with this and make it consistently crit. If I was nitpicky I could continue rolling praying for the first 2 and a 3rd elemental dmg or something but i'm ok with this one.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)LovesLost13 said:

So I am curious what truly counts for God roll. I know crit chance and crit damage I believe are high contenders but there is also drawbacks. So what true stats put together would be considered a God Roll?

One thing I have not seen anyone mentions is Stat Grade.

I use 2 things to define a "Godly Riven"
1) Stat Set (the 2-4 stat types that are relevant to the weapon the riven is for)
2) Stat Grade (this is the range each stat type can be, Godly obviously being on the high end for Positive or Low of Negative)

The Stat Set is a little relative, depends on the weapon and the typical loadout for the weapon, so it's a little subjective.
The Stat Grade is not relative however, it is the number within a given possible range.

Here are two of my Graded mods, both are good and the Amprex one is close to Godly, but I do not consider either Goldy, and I am yet to see a Godly Riven, People on the chat are full of BS when they say their Riven is godly, I run it through the WF Black Market and check the Grades, you can also use a Riven Grade Calculator.


The Multishot and Damage is Good in the Stat Set Catagory, The Multishot alone is Godly for this weapon with an A+ (max 71.7%), But for this Riven to be truly Godly, it would need ~119.4% Critical Chance and ~95.5% Critical Damage in place of the Ammo and Damage.

This Riven is very subjective for Stat Set, and average for Stat Grade. I already had a channeling build for my Reaper Prime on my Necros, so for that specific build the Stat Set is very good, but it could have up to 289.2% Melee Damage and 263.9% Channeling Damage.

As I said, I'm yet to see a Godly Riven, if you Grade run any of the "Godly" Rivens being sold around, you'll never see any real ones, they are as rare as divine intervention...

So yeah, to get a truly Godly Riven it needs the correct Stat Set, and for each of those Stats in the Stat Set to be of High (A+) Stat Grade.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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'godly' is subjective.


Damage, multi-shot, element.  Are all non-objectively good stats.

The problem is that people don't actually set aside the term 'godly' for rivens that are truly powerful.  For example people would undoubtedly market my riven as 'godly'.  Truth be told though, to make it truly 'godly' I'd want to replace the Heat with Crit chance or Crit damage (for latron W).  Because if you did simple math you'd find that CC or CD would result in a higher damage capability.

Despite the fact that there could undoubtedly be a better version of this mod, people will still attach the term 'godly' to it.  This ultimately deflates the value of the term and it is merely a marketing tactic now.

Edited by zehne
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3 hours ago, Callback said:

-zoom or -magazine on snipers can be a "positive" modifier, so it kinda is a thing?

Why make me repeat myself?

12 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

And then you go to the plains where you want a bit more zoom and your Riven is back to having a negative again. It's arguably a positive.

My issue with your post however is that it's misleading, you don't state that a negative modifier can be positive in some situations.


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It needs high rolls that cater to the weapon's strengths and requires a negative stat that either helps it or doesn't hurt it. Most people who claim they have a god Riven actually don't and are just trying to ask for an excessive price.

Crit Chance + Crit Damage on a weapon that can reach 100% with it is often one, yeah. If it's Crit Chance is useless (like Supra) then +Pure Damage and Multishot or Elemental/Slash/Puncture/Impact whatever it uses is a good choice. Good negatives are stuff like -Zoom or -Slash on a weapon that doesn't use Slash and etc and -Status Duration. Faction damage (both positive and negative) is never godly and I hate seeing that. -Magazine/Ammo is terrible. -Fire Rate can be okay for some weapons that are beams or don't shoot often anyways.

Melee weapons = Melee Damage + Attack Speed for the most part imo. Crit Chance if it can reach 100 or close to it. Maiming Spin is a boring gimmick at this point but some people still buy it. I cringe when I see it though and hate when it skyrockets the price of something I wanna reroll. +Range is amazing for some weapons if it comes with +Melee Damage too. Good negatives again are -Slash/Impact/Puncture~ whatever the weapon doesn't use and potentially -Status Duration.

I have one Riven I consider perfect enough to be a "god riven." I wouldn't sell it though as I use it all the time.




Edited by Wolfdoggie
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