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I saw a post about Gara being nerfed recently


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Welcome to the forums. People whine when anything is better than something else until it gets toned down. This nerf just highlights what is wrong with frost. The only reason snowglobe works is because people spam to abuse a 3 second invulnerability period that resets with each cast. 

Gara was fine the way she was. She had a niche and this is going to kill it. I would have rather seen frost changes to make him contest gara, not the other way around.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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While even when at her best, I still think she was a poor man's frost, she had some QoL things that Frost doesn't have. Enemies being blocked by the wall and being able to shoot enemies inside the wall from outside.  They should have let her be and give Frost this QoL changes, or at least being able to shoot through the bubbles. 

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8 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

Welcome to the forums. People whine when anything is better than something else until it gets toned down. This nerf just highlights what is wrong with frost. The only reason snowglobe works is because people spam to abuse a 3 second invulnerability period that resets with each cast. 

Gara was fine the way she was. She had a niche and this is going to kill it. I would have rather seen frost changes to make him contest gara, not the other way around.


6 minutes ago, Whitestrake0 said:

I don't care if Gara is nerfed or not but she is pretty damn cheesy. Doubt she will get weaker everybody needs to calm down


its the bike meme dude. im sure reddit has picked it up by now


Edited by Wevi
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Lack of nerfs in the game is the reason why we have a cascade of damage multipliers that starts with raw damage output mods, goes through dama types, elements, procs, criticals, body part multipliers, specific weapon's bonus, abilities and the game ends up with a nonsense of damage scaling. I can honestly say that Warframe lost its appeal to me thanks to all the meta clusterfuck it turned into recently. Which is turn is thanks to the lack balance and nerfs that never came...

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well guess i don't need to stack duration anymore for gara since the glass wall will break under fire.

i can boost efficiency range and strength now and spam 2 4 1 to stack the pop rocks shield and damage reduction 

Edited by SilverRook
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Meanwhile DE doesn't nerf the infinitely scaling damage her FREE HUGS can do, instead nerfing her ulti which is an ALTERNATIVE to frost.

If they said they're not comfortable to abilities denying access to enemies then LIMBO, Banshee, Rhino, Vauban should also be nerfed then, since they also deny access.

Short-sighted nerf is what I see with Gara. She needs the synergy from her 2 taking infinite damage from 4 toned down, not nerf what made her 4 viable vs Frost. Hell, even in high level we abuse the INVULNERABILITY of the globe, also stacking the globe to 1 million health max. With Gara's 4 being non-stackable and duration/health based, gg it's useless in sortie defense now. Well, except the fact that now the only way her 4 is usable in high levels is to stack damage to her 2, which is the main problem.

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*Gosh* Something new gets reblanced because it was to strong and cheesy? What a suprise, not.Welcome to Warframe.

I never get people falling for the Meta, just play the game as it is and try your own stuff instead of go with the next best new thing.

You might have more fun and less to complain, playing with the less used things.

Irony aswell, people wanting a challange but then go with a cheesy loadout.

God i love this community never beeing happy. Spoiled at its best.

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12 minutes ago, AizenIchi said:

I have to agree with DE this time. Her 4th can't be broken atm., except Nullies, and this "OP". Every other ability as a "health bar". I see this change of her 4th as necessary and not sth. people should be concerned about.

You mean like Frost? And don't say Frost has health because he can: Stack globes, Invulnerablity timer, 1 MILLION HEALTH but poor OP Gara can't do that. Also Frost can push enemies from inside globe AND do infinitely scaling finisher damage.

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25 minutes ago, Mad_NOORS said:

Meanwhile DE doesn't nerf the infinitely scaling damage her FREE HUGS can do, instead nerfing her ulti which is an ALTERNATIVE to frost.

If they said they're not comfortable to abilities denying access to enemies then LIMBO, Banshee, Rhino, Vauban should also be nerfed then, since they also deny access.


All of these frames have downsides to counteract the advantages. 

Limbo can deny access, but he can't kill  if the enemies are not within his cataclysm while he's in there, he has to take risks or restrict himself to his melee for kills. 

Rhino only affects those in range and only affects enemies once per cast so it can't be refreshed until the duration on them is done. 

Vauban requires enemies to touch his wall, and they can still shoot from a distance. He has to use an augment and has to keep his pwr strength to 100% so that all enemies will always be caught in his ability. 

Banshee I kinda agree, I wouldn't mind if they strip this ability away and give her a brand new one. 

Gara on the other hand can create an invincible, impenetrable ,save for teleporters and nullies, fortress that can last up to 67 seconds and only uses one stat and nothing else ,which makes her invulnerable while casts, which freezes enemies in range, which can stop 99% of the enemies from entering, enemies which can be shot both from inside to outside, and from outside to inside. 

She has so much more upsides than the others have that it was innevitable for this nerf to happen. 

Edited by aligatorno
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1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

All of these frames have downsides to counteract the advantages. 

Limbo can deny access, but he can't kill  if the enemies are not within his cataclysm while he's in there, he has to take risks or restrict himself to his melee for kills. 

Rhino only affects those in range and only affects enemies once per cast so it can't be refreshed until the duration on them is done. 

Vauban requires enemies to touch his wall, and they can still shoot from a distance. 

Banshee I kinda agree, I wouldn't mind if they strip this ability away and give her a brand new one. 

Gara on the other hand can create an invincible, impenetrable ,save for teleporters and nullies, fortress that can last up to 67 seconds ,which makes her invulnerable while casts, which freezes enemies in range, which can stop 99% of the enemies from entering, enemies which can be shot both from inside to outside, and from outside to inside. 

She has so much more upsides than the others have that it was innevitable for this nerf to happen. 

A good limbo is a roamer, he banishes and kills high damage targets outside his 4. Due to how powerful melee weapons are currently being restricted to melee is NOT a disadvantage in coordinated teams. Zaws already are top tier and can be augmented with arcane to break enemy scaling.

Rhino 4 can be refreshed even with duration still on, enemies affected by last Stomp get their CC refreshed. Rhino max range and eff makes interceptions a joke. Bring Zenurik for infinite scaling and energy

Gara can be nerfed by making her 4 a channeled skill instead so she can't have 100% uptime, alternative to Frost who has 100% uptime and no channeling, also making 4 unique globes at 4 different places while Gara can only focus on 1.

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I can't comprehend at all how people think this'll "kill" Gara, using Mass Vitrify to defend points was by far the weakest aspect of it. It did deserve the nerf however as it completely invalidated the purpose of Frost and no Snowglobe does not deserve a buff to compensate that.


And it isn't even a case about the overall "strength" of Gara but that she might as well have been a direct upgrade to Frost. If it was a case about strength then Splinter Storn needed some heavy handed nerfs.


Gara is going to be exactly the same, if not better, after the change. The segment explosions of new Mass Vitrify will most likely stack with Splinter Storm meaning even more infinitely scaling damage.

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The problem with the change they are proposing is that Gara will really have nothing left after they make her ult ability impractical to use, sure she has a DR that scales badly but once once they turn her fourth skill into an inferior frost globe there will be little use in using her for anything other then MR fodder.

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1 minute ago, trst said:

I can't comprehend at all how people think this'll "kill" Gara, using Mass Vitrify to defend points was by far the weakest aspect of it. It did deserve the nerf however as it completely invalidated the purpose of Frost and no Snowglobe does not deserve a buff to compensate that.


And it isn't even a case about the overall "strength" of Gara but that she might as well have been a direct upgrade to Frost. If it was a case about strength then Splinter Storn needed some heavy handed nerfs.


Gara is going to be exactly the same, if not better, after the change. The segment explosions of new Mass Vitrify will most likely stack with Splinter Storm meaning even more infinitely scaling damage.

Look instead of giving Gara the health treatment why not just give her 4 affected by Range and make it channeling? Her 4 doesn't cover the top part of the objective so its very problematic in Void Defense and Kuva Defense, Limbo and Frost are already must haves in Defense and both of them don't invalidate each other, the problem with MV was it scales her 2 to the millions.

Warframe already has lots of damage dealers, a frame that can provide alternative to Frost wouldn't make Frost obsolete.

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