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How do we want Warframe to end?


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2 minutes ago, KelsierSurvivor said:


I think that the first part of that would be a great way to end it. We destroy both major threats to the Sol System. Maybe in the Sacrifice, the Warframes will gain their full consciousness? I hope so. If they do, then I have an idea that I personally think would enhance yours.

The Warframes are the hand, the Operator is the will. I personally think that the two together make the Tenno, I don't really see the Operators as the Tenno. I mean, aside from being called, "Void demons", "Devils from that hell", and "The ones from the Zariman", the Tenno didn't really have a name for themselves before the Warframes came along. 

Since the Warframes have gained consciousness in the Sacrifice, they fully interact with the Operators and make plans together. The two bond, everything goes well pretty much from there on out. You know, aside from lethal Hunhow attacks and such. The Man In the Wall may or may not reveal more abilities to the Tenno and the new ones are kinda just quality of life at this point. The Tenno mainly use these in alternative ways to make living easier and more comfortable. 

After several years of bonding with our Warframes, the Sentient get into a prime attack position (For us) and threaten to destroy, something. I don't know what. We try to attack with our Warframes like in the Old War, but it doesn't work out. We make one final plan with our Warframes; use the Void to kill the Sentients once and for all.

This event will be purely catastrophic for the Tenno side as a whole. The Man In the Wall knows the nature of the Void and says that it will no longer be available for use by anyone, including the Tenno. This would mean that the Warframes would cease their existence, and the Tenno would have to live as normal humans from there on out. When the Void gets destroyed, it explodes in a massive supernova kind of end that finishes off all, and I mean ALL Sentient life. (Sentient being the machines) This includes the Lotus, but she says it is ok with her for her story to end here so long as her children and the rest of the Sol System are safe. The Warframes are ok with sacrificing themselves for what they have been fighting for ever since the beginning. The Tenno are ok with living as normal people. This could stop their nightmares, stop the dreams of the endless blood on their hands. Maybe they could try to regain their righteousness (Hoping that's the right word) by living as solid citizens of the new peaceful system? It would allow the Tenno to have kids, tell them stories of great battles, and get to have families other than each other and (To me, more than) a machine. 

In my mind, with the Tenno having killed all the majorly evil Corpus throughout the game's runtime (I mean, we have to have killed all of them several times), the Corpus would probably become normal merchants and engineers without their evil leaders. In The War Within, we took the staff from the Grineer Queens. Since we are now the wielders of the Kuva Scepter, we technically control the Grineer. But based on what the different outcomes of the final decision in the quest, I would say that the Grineer actually followed the Kuva, not the scepter. Either way, the Scepter is no longer in the hands of the evil. So either the Grineer are now free and would rather be peaceful than try and attempt system domination, or they would rather end their lives and cease their nightmares of being twisted monsters. 

Anyway, there's what I got. Most of that was based on SPARTAN-187's entry. So credit to him/her.




What I was imagining was the culmination of two events, Corpus prospectors on the ragged edge of the Solar system are prospecting the few remaining icy bodies of the Oort Cloud. As it is a vast area in their tiny ship, they are using Ultrasonic Sonar to ping potential mining sites to tag and bring to a processing center near Pluto.

So one day they being to gain an unusual, yet faint signal of some sort of mass far off in the distance. At first the crew thinks its a malfunction as nothing been's spotted there before, maybe just another hydrogen cloud, that the solar system passes through as it moves through the cosmos. As the weeks go by the signal gets stronger and stronger until the objects are close enough to get a more defined silhouette of whatever is out there.

Suddenly, an old Corpus warning system begins to sound an unusual automated alarm that they've never heard before, speaking in the Orokin Language. With the signal sent out, the crew find the circuits to turn off the alarm and continue searching for prospects. What the crew didn't know was the signal was a Death's Knell, one that would sound when Sentients are detected to be within striking distance of the old stalwart Solar Rail Network. A message that the Lotus has been monitoring all this time, preparing as best she could for this inevitable confrontation.

As this goes on, the mysterious entity from the Void becomes more interested in the happenings in the Sol System and begins to manifest more and more meddling in Tenno affairs and causing enough havoc with devastating Void Tears affecting innocent colonies and non-combatants, for the Tenno to decide to enter the Void and remove the threat once and for all.

In the course of facing down the entity, the Tenno learn about how their power works and what needs to be done to finish off this threat, as the Void Tears are a greater and greater part in the havoc occurring in the system.

So the Tenno have a choice to make, end the threat once and for all or find a way to contain the threat as Rell once tried to do. What I imagine is that they decide to serve the greater good and in the destruction of the entity once and for all, the Void burst spreads throughout all of the Sol system and inadvertently washing over the incoming Sentients and other ships in the system. So as the Sentients are about to descend on the Relay at the edge of the system, they get blasted and now have to decide if they move forward with their invasion or not, seeing that their one advantage is now gone, and they are uncertain of what awaits them, if Hunhow succeeded or not, since one of the earlier exposures they receive on their return, nearly cripples all or most of the Sentients now trapped in the Sol system.

And in this aftermath, all of the factions have to rebuild some with their fleets at least, with the Tenno also losing their seemingly endless source of Void energy.

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

They could take a lesson from Bungie and do what they did with Des-....





Warframe has much more in common with Subscription-based annuity models, but with the element of choice.

It would be a brilliant move to port existing content of this magnitude into a next-gen representation.

The player-base would THROW money at DE if they have the foresight and technological wherewithal to do this on some level.

DE: "Well, the day has finally come, and we are closing out the final chapter on Warframe.  But wait, we have news that will hopefully turn those tears of sadness to joy!

Invest in Warframe 2's Beta now to help us launch a next-gen Tennoverse and we will port over your ENTIRE Warframe Library as a thank you for being such  loyal fan and member!"

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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A figure emerges from a Void wormhole, he/she have finally took control of and merged all Mega Eidolons from all 13 planets.
A planet sized beast, under the control of this final enemy is ready to unleash a super nova across the Solar System.
Before this though, he/she sends the surrounding area into the void, to charge the Mega-Eidolons power.

In a 40-Man Super Raid, you and fellow Tenno follow him/her into the void.
There, you and fellow Tenno must use their Arch-wings to fly across waves of all faction enemies.
Councilor Vay Hek, along with Capt. Vor both command various resurrected bosses who spawn throughout this stage of the war.
They, under complete control of the Final Enemy stop you from reaching the Mega Merged, planet sized Eidolon.
Once this mission has been complete, Lotus emerges through her own void portal, WITH THE F*CKING MOON AS HER SPACECRAFT!

Guess who's powering that thing up? FRAMES! The boss sends pods full of sentients. You must protect your frames while they power the cannon up.
The 40-Man group is spread out into 4 sectors of the Cannon, fending off waves of sentients and Umbra counterpart frames. 
The sentients and Umbras are defeated, the cannon, charged.

The enemy, seeing as they are against the ropes abandon their plan, and focus on the Cannon. They start charging a void blast of their own.
Lotus fires the Galactic Cannon, as does the Mega-Eidolon. HYPE. EXPLOSIONS. POWER STRUGGLE. GRUNTS. VOID ENERGY!!
The Tenno start to void charge their frames, which acts as a power source for the Rifle Cannon, and the Mega-Eidolons enormous energy battles it back.
The Cannon starts to fade, the Tenno charge their frames with void energy to the max! It works! But only for a moment.
They still tire from their previous fight with waves of sentients and the Umbra counter parts.

The Lotus, in the center of the the planet sized Rifle Cannon, acting as the super conductor of all flowing void energy within the cannon sends a message to all Tenno.
With some words said, she takes her head gear off. Her bright purple eyes glow, and her white hair flows, as if she's under water.
She begins to manipulate the void around her, pulling in an immense amount that's already freely flowing from within the void.
Sending waves of it to the Tenno, who send it into the frames, who power the Orokin Cannon weapon.
Void energy into the Tenno, into the Frames, into the Cannon, into the the Lotus, infinitely looping and storing through them.
With this amount of void energy condensed in a single spot, it starts to become heavy, maybe even water like in feel.
Lotus halts this loop after just a few seconds, before the energy could become too much to bare for the Tenno, but it's already enough.

With the overwhelming power withing herself and the Orokin weapon, Lotus tears open several void holes with ease.
Suddenly, all frames on the battlefield start moving on their own, grabbing the Operators and rushing them out of the void.
Most question what is happening, some knowing her attentions, others passed out from the previews sentient battle.

With the Tennos removed from the war in the void, and warped on Earth, one last transmission is sent to all Operators.
A pleasant, sweet and motherly voice comes from Lotus. "Your job is done here, Tenno."

Warframe 2: The 3rd War.
Coming 2025.

Sorry went HAM, I was feeling it.

Edited by Rentix
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It will not end until all the key people behind the game quits, retire or dies.

The concept behind the game based on Steve's vision is that it will keep updating and keep coming up with new content as though the game is alive.

It is frankly perpetual Beta which is something new in the market.

The product is technically never finished because new things will keep getting added and remove until the key people behind the game stops doing so or if the interest in the game wains off for a large amount of gamers.

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Just now, Tachibana_Hibiki said:

I see it eventually being sold to Chinese /Korean company when DE decides to move on. Then it will peacefully dissolve into nothingness under combined pressure of new cash shop and lack of updates. 

you mean sold again?

I think they should close all the loose ends in the warframe lore/past and make like in WOW and the tenno/frames starts dealing with the present events. 

But what I'd like to see the most  would be closure with the Orokin-Sentients-Grineer-Corpus-infested history then we can start new things in the warframe universe, there is so much possibilities. Another war, the tenno/frames travelling to others solar systems, a invasion from a different alien race.

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I want it to end after 2 events/quests.

The first event is the Second Great War, a 2 month long event where players fight off Hunhows forces with the aid of the Corpus and Grineer in multi tier battles taking place planetside and in space, on a different planet every week or so, if the players successfully destroy Hunhows forces and one of his Planet Busters (a dreadnaught that is a fusion of Orokin and Sentient with a cannon that can destroy a planet) the planet is successfully defended. Take a guess what happens if the players lose?

During the event when the Players lose they can then fly around the shattered remains of the Planet and the tileset and boss is gone forever.

Once the Event is completed a new Quest opens up for the final battle against Hunhow where the Tenno destroy Hunhow forever......but not without consequence since many planets and cities were destroyed by his planet destroyers.

After Hunhows defeat the Tenno are then tasked with resealing the "Man in the Wall" who is now trying to reach out from his prison and claim the system in its weakened state from the Second Great War. The Tenno while being successful in resealing TMITW had also cut their connection to the Void considerably, while being able to still transfer to warframes they no longer have access other abilities including immortality.

As the years go by a Grineer and Corpus factions put aside who they are and form a single system wide government and peace shines throughout the system.....but they are still getting ready for whenever they are threatened by another threat outside of Sol....possibly from Tau.

With their immortality severed the Lotus gives the Tenno a choice; to live their lives in peace or to go back to cryo sleep and await for when they are needed next........

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