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Does anyone here actually like the Operator?


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33 minutes ago, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

That leads me to the question of what would be the best business thing to do in this case?  The answer I can think of is, replace warframes with operators totally.

In the bizarro universe where DE commits financial harakiri, my alternate self would be uninstalling WF so fast there would probably be a sonic boom...

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

In the bizarro universe where DE commits financial harakiri, my alternate self would be uninstalling WF so fast there would probably be a sonic boom...

But in this scenario the majority of the player population have already moved over to using operators exclusively as the primary playable character, so the loss won't be as great as you think.

Think about this right now, the new cosmetic content, the decoration room, is tied to operators. You have to finish The War within to gain access to the new room. This means that with this content they have forced the remaining players who might not have developed their operators(like me, I wasn't interested in finishing War Within right now) to go through the content to gain access to new items. I really want a decoration room, so now I HAVE to play War within and use a playable operator.

This to me seems like a sign that they are committed to having operators be a important part of the game, not another accessory item. Else why lock away monetized content behind operators? And so nothing stops them from putting more and more content into operators than warframes.

I can even see a scenario where they fold the warframes into operators and unify everything into a single, playable character. Imagine a equip-able lense which allows the operator to use warframe powers and ditch the suit altogether? So you'd still have to farm and build a warframe, then you convert it so that you operator has access to the warframe powers. Then just make the Focus tree/abilities be purely buff and bonus base. The operator has modular armor and weapons, which can be infinitely expanded upon; and now a catalog of powers to choose from and focus school to modify their base stats.

Just like that DE converts warframes to operators, still retain the core essence of what warframes were, but now instead of having to come up with a new warframe from the ground up every time, they can just design power mechanics to bolt onto a simpler character model design system.

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On 1/23/2018 at 7:34 AM, Ham_Grenabe said:

This is where I think the wheels come off -- in my opinion, the operator should never be the equal of even the weakest Rank 0, unmodded frame. The entire point of the Warframes is to be the weapons that allow the operators to survive the steep odds they faced. Hell, releasing control of the warframe should send it feral -- maybe something you want from time to time, but it's just as dangerous to you as it is to others (I realize that's not the lore; I'd have made it the lore). 

If I'd been in the design team, the operators would never have left their chair, nor even been fully conscious. Blood-tinged fever dream side quests? Sure, absoultely. Passive abilities that are unlocked with focus and imbue the warframe? Sure. But being able to like, be out there in the real world? Nah. Bad idea. 

But the story is unfolding.  That was the past, they are growing in power.  Things forgetten are being remembered, this doesn't bother me. 


Still enjoying my operator.  I've made the investment and never would use in place of Warframe, but certainly supplement when in trouble.  


While the utility is awesome, I completely agree the childlike phases they say / way they act needs to be updated.  It breaks the flow of game and makes it less mysterious.  Worst case, give us a choice of personalities with the existing one being the brainwashed child Nazi profile (liked post above), neutral, etc.  


Better yet, just leave them a mystery and allow us to age bodies using special space ninja void magic. 


I hope DE continues to invest in operators and not discard like archwing.  While I love the fact they try new things, I want DE to stick with this.  They have so much potential.


Ignore the kid "Jar-Jar" aspect of operators and embrace the utility they bring.  I use them in almost every mission now!

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2 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

But the story is unfolding.  That was the past, they are growing in power.  Things forgetten are being remembered, this doesn't bother me. 

Is that really the case though?  In the story they have been in stasis since the fall of the Orokin Era. It's hinted that In Vor's Prize Lotus is now just utilizing tenno sleeping on Lua because both the Grineer and Corpus are starting to harvest Orokin tech to fight their wars. So in a sense they have been on pause the entire time. For the tenno waking up they have not either physically nor mentally grown since they went to sleep. and since they wake up with no memories they have 0 experience to draw from. I mean that's just accounting for the fact that in the game itself the operators are largely emotionless and have no personality to speak of.

It's being set up that they are growing at this moment, it's not that they are going to remember who they are and draw from that, they are learning new thing right now. It's kinda like the 1st season of Dark Matter the TV Show, if you ever saw it. Except they aren't even exploring the mental anguish of waking up not knowing who you are, what you are, or why you can wield near godlike powers and everyone is immediately trying to kill you.

Still enjoying my operator.  I've made the investment and never would use in place of Warframe, but certainly supplement when in trouble.  

Ever since operators came out I have had a question. From a business standpoint creating playable operators is an added complexity on top of Warframe and level design. Why would DE commit to such an action and try to create Warframes and Operators in tandem?  They certainly haven't been able to do so with Archwings or Conclave. When you look at operators from a design point of view you realize it's alot easier to design for operators than for warframes, since everything designed for operators only have to work for 2 models, meanwhile you have to create a warframe from the ground up, work out it's gfx and animation, and see how the cosmetics work against the others(something they largely gave up on, hence why alot of cosmetics seems fit for only a few types of frames).

My thought is operators are the future of warframe, All the new content is designed around operators. the new cosmetic options REQUIRES completion of War Within to access. From a design point of view it would be alot easier to create content for operators than to maintain a growing stable of different characters that Warframes represent. So they will become less and less of an suppliment and more and more of the essential part of the game.

While the utility is awesome, I completely agree the childlike phases they say / way they act needs to be updated.  It breaks the flow of game and makes it less mysterious.  Worst case, give us a choice of personalities with the existing one being the brainwashed child Nazi profile (liked post above), neutral, etc.  

This has been my biggest gripe about operators. Before second Dream came out there was a big camp of people who believed something like Transferrence was happening and that a being was "possessing" the frames. But no one ever thought they were children. We all assumed we were adults, raised from childhood to be the perfect weapon. That's why all the Clan/Dojo/School motif and setting made sense, these were the structures and systems that was used to indoctrinate and train tenno to use Void Powers and Warframes. Waking up still children is a bit jarring for me, and I never wanted to play a child.

Better yet, just leave them a mystery and allow us to age bodies using special space ninja void magic. 

I so wish they would do that. If I have to play a human character I'd prefer to play as an adult, not a child.

I hope DE continues to invest in operators and not discard like archwing.  While I love the fact they try new things, I want DE to stick with this.  They have so much potential.

Ignore the kid "Jar-Jar" aspect of operators and embrace the utility they bring.  I use them in almost every mission now!

And I can respect the fact that you enjoy them. I  have been playing for a long time, long before the Second Dreams was released. It was different perception and while nothing DE released was bad or horrible I felt they changed the tone and the direction of the story largely on their own whim. I am more invested in Warframes than operators, nothing about them seem interesting to me. But I feel in a short period of time this game will be unplayable unless you use them. While I won't immediately leave the game, they are going to have to come up with something alot cooler than warframes to replace them as the focus of the game, and so far operators just don't seem to do it for me.

I mean I haven't even started War Within until recently because I want a decoration room. If it wasn't for that I would still have never started it. I had no interest in doing that quest as i already know the story and I had no desire to play as an operator yet, I still had plenty to collect and do.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

Is that really the case though? 

Its how I rationalize it.  I have been playing so long, I remember all the weird theories of people wondering what they were.  I liked the sandbox and not knowing.  When they finally told this part of the story, I liked it.  I didn't say its perfect, but it is finally in an enjoyable state compared to prior versions.  I anticipate DE will further grow and alter operators taking feedback into consideration.  Gotta give it to DE for being open to community suggestions.  I've never played another game with such good communication.  


1 hour ago, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

From a design point of view it would be alot easier to create content for operators than to maintain a growing stable of different characters that Warframes represent. So they will become less and less of an suppliment and more and more of the essential part of the game.

I wouldn't worry about that.  Warframe is all about the frames.  The operators are basically a utility tool and gives players additional min/max, synergies to discover, etc.  I like having a common base that can be altered to fit the Warframe.  I still think many QoL features need to be added such as a Operator School lock on the Warframe A, B, C tabs so we can build certain Warframe builds to synergize with schools without having to go to arsenal and operator.  For example, with Volt, I can play as a caster with Zenerrik or as melee with Naramon.  I like the tabs at top and once I setup a Warframe, I like to be able to change immediately the school and build depending on my mood/mission.  I can see these type features and more being added to operators but I never see DE stopping the release of new frames.  It is their bread and butter.  


To address other concerns, I never liked archwing because they took away our Warframes.  I made posts many times at least our #1 and #2 abilities need to be usable on archwings and have ability to use all the time (like on PoE).  It was shot down by so many people, never really understood why.  Archwing is literally a separate game with a completely different development path and missions to use (other than PoE now).  Conclave is also separate.  You cannot use (except a few) mods and even the mods require different forma, so you have to have multiple copies of same weapon!  Not to mention they change the movement.  Then there is the fact guys that are attracted to PvE games are typically not the guys yelling at the screen PvP guys.  It takes commitment to be good in PvP.  I'm always good in the easy PvE game I love :)

Operators are not separate but intertwined.  I don't think adding unique skills to operator schools is any more different than creating a new warframe skill, weapon, etc.  I imagine overtime animations and skills will continue to evolve to make each school truly unique.  


2 hours ago, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

feel in a short period of time this game will be unplayable unless you use them. While I won't immediately leave the game, they are going to have to come up with something alot cooler than warframes to replace them as the focus of the game, and so far operators just don't seem to do it for me.

Perhaps.  I hope they stay utility with a few niche roles where they are required.  Certainly more customization so we can play a fat middle aged bald operator if we wanted to...


I was lucky enough to have acquired enough focus over time to completely unlock all waybounds immediately on 2.5.  Figured out the edilon fight and added a few tricks (with easy 150K+ per night cycle) to dashes and having a lot of fun.  Unarui (especially with ardaza cat) can make operators very powerful using a status arcane + amp.  With Zenurik you can build a very strong melee / channel / caster build.  Naromon allows quick leveling frames with 45% XP boost and good focus farm with right setup.  Getting in trouble and allowing frame to heal briefly while jump out, status proc bullet attracter while opening finishers/reducing armor/knocking down/etc., then getting back into fight.  I don't know, I just like the dual nature of operators and have a lot of fun finding synergies and the required interactions.  It does take more effort to use properly.  The typical press 4 to win is not going to like it.  


I do admit -

A.)  I bypassed much of the grind feeling by playing slowly over time and  

B.) I ignore the childish behavior and goofy things they say and imagine them as battle-hardened warriors instead of goofy children with bad haircuts

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22 minutes ago, Educated_Beast said:

bad haircuts

good thing better ones are in the works with what they showed in the devstream. Was still not top of the line, but it shows great progress. (and next up for development is a long har style so will be interesting to see where that goes.

The updated base suit also looked pretty good. So that entire early line is getting an update.

(also... gendered body types incoming? Geoff said they were updating male and female body meshes... there currently is no difference)

Edited by Airwolfen
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Just a couple two-cents input on how DE might make Operators more fun to play

1. Give them Parkour 1.0 from the old days. I think the ninja trained kid has learned how to run on walls and S#&$, after surviving a 100 foot drop into Rells chamber.

2. Get rid of the wierd "blast" thing they do when we press E. Give em cool Void-swords, or arm-blades, or /something/. Something unique.  We already have "weak force push" on Banshee, and it isnt fun.

3. Keeping the special firing modes of the Amps is cool, but they don't do enough damage to justify use aside from niche powers. I'd like to see the Void Beam, personally, used as a "1-2-3-4" ability style thing, where power 1 is to fire the beam. Power 2 is to go invisble, power 3 is to Void Dash, etc. Alternatively, treat the void powers as a "stance" where if the player holds down the "swap weapons" key as an operator they go into the stance that gives them current operator access.

4. Let Operators use secondaries. At least, most secondaries (dont give them dual grakata)

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i have completely maxed arcane for health and armour, all waybounds and maxed zenurik, sure fighting the teralyst is just optimal, but when running normal mission void dash slowing enemies, providing energy, creating shock buddy and shocking the ground. i found my operator out damaging alot of kill frames because there being tasered to death first from my army of little balls traveling through the air. i do think they are a little under powered when it comes to fighting teralyst, but the rest of the game melts against them including the other types of sentients. 

i like the operators but i would like the rest of the passives to be waybound able so we can make our frames stronger too with focus rather then it only affecting the operators since focus was meant to be end game for making your S#&$ even better, but moft into operator stuff with the revelation of the children.

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I think that the operator should be the will of the warframe and warframe is their hand, as on the operator's quote. Making operator combat focused is just not making sense, for anyway they can't beat the warframe at all and much weaker than them so what we expect for them is supporting warframes.

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3 hours ago, Talonflight said:

Just a couple two-cents input on how DE might make Operators more fun to play

1. Give them Parkour 1.0 from the old days. I think the ninja trained kid has learned how to run on walls and S#&$, after surviving a 100 foot drop into Rells chamber.

2. Get rid of the wierd "blast" thing they do when we press E. Give em cool Void-swords, or arm-blades, or /something/. Something unique.  We already have "weak force push" on Banshee, and it isnt fun.

3. Keeping the special firing modes of the Amps is cool, but they don't do enough damage to justify use aside from niche powers. I'd like to see the Void Beam, personally, used as a "1-2-3-4" ability style thing, where power 1 is to fire the beam. Power 2 is to go invisble, power 3 is to Void Dash, etc. Alternatively, treat the void powers as a "stance" where if the player holds down the "swap weapons" key as an operator they go into the stance that gives them current operator access.

4. Let Operators use secondaries. At least, most secondaries (dont give them dual grakata)

Parkour 1.0 was terrible and I don't want to go back, but that's the case of the WARFRAME. Operator, who have the young human body unlike metal cased warframes, may claim the inferior version of wall climbing or something, sure. It makes operator quite playable and make them more like to their warframes. Perhaps they can use their body much better and able to mimic warframes as they controls it. Good catch.

Void Blast itself is not that bad, but a melee weapon for a pinch seems not a bad idea. Perhaps a light dagger or something? Else, press e(quick melee) as the swing the dagger, and keep press e(charge attack) making Void Blast is an option as well.

Yeah add something on the 1234 ability slots seems good too. It makes more options to the operator.

At least for one handed semi-automatic handguns.... It is unlikely that they ever use akimbo pistols or thrown weapons, and automatic triggers cause too much recoils to use for the childs, but semi-automatic triggers and one handed sidearms seems not that bad.

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16 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

I wouldn't worry about that.  Warframe is all about the frames.  The operators are basically a utility tool and gives players additional min/max, synergies to discover, etc.  I like having a common base that can be altered to fit the Warframe.  I still think many QoL features need to be added such as a Operator School lock on the Warframe A, B, C tabs so we can build certain Warframe builds to synergize with schools without having to go to arsenal and operator.  For example, with Volt, I can play as a caster with Zenerrik or as melee with Naramon.  I like the tabs at top and once I setup a Warframe, I like to be able to change immediately the school and build depending on my mood/mission.  I can see these type features and more being added to operators but I never see DE stopping the release of new frames.  It is their bread and butter.  


To address other concerns, I never liked archwing because they took away our Warframes.  I made posts many times at least our #1 and #2 abilities need to be usable on archwings and have ability to use all the time (like on PoE).  It was shot down by so many people, never really understood why.  Archwing is literally a separate game with a completely different development path and missions to use (other than PoE now).  Conclave is also separate.  You cannot use (except a few) mods and even the mods require different forma, so you have to have multiple copies of same weapon!  Not to mention they change the movement.  Then there is the fact guys that are attracted to PvE games are typically not the guys yelling at the screen PvP guys.  It takes commitment to be good in PvP.  I'm always good in the easy PvE game I love :)

Operators are not separate but intertwined.  I don't think adding unique skills to operator schools is any more different than creating a new warframe skill, weapon, etc.  I imagine overtime animations and skills will continue to evolve to make each school truly unique.  

I think you are downplaying how much more prominent operator have become in such a short period of time. Archwings have been out for 2 years with little to no major updates. As I mention previously you have to finish War Within to access new cosmetic options for you ship, something that has never been done with archwings or conclave. And unlike archwing, operators represent a core aspect of the game tied to lore. So I think alot of people have this idea that operators aren't a main thing or doesn't have the potential to replacewarframes.

I will point out that it would be alot easier to create a mechanic to roll warframe powers into operators than create warframes in tandem with operators.  You have to consider the logistical and developmental constraint DE operates under. They are not  huge gave dev and they do not have unlimited budgets and time to create content. Why would they complicate the game with 2 completely different types of playable characters?
Just consider the issue that it's going to get harder and harder to create unique characters the more warframes their are, let alone unique power mechanics. So for simplicity sake I can totally see them moving over to operators as the main playable character ecause it would be alot easier to develop for one female and male character model.

If they follow their previous history, I think the alternative would be even worse, and operator goes the way of archwings and people spent alot of time and effort developing yet another abandoned aspect of the game. I think that would piss off even more players.

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I'll be honest.....i never liked the idea of being the operator of an operator who operates a warframe. I can only hope that the Umbra update will give us fully autonomous and free willed frames as seen in the second dream's, end cinematic. As a matter of fact i treat the operator as a pet to my Warframe. I don't want to be a "Kiddo" but a mighty Tenno and operators have taken that away ,at least in part. So to the pit with them i say.

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On 1/24/2018 at 3:13 PM, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

But in this scenario the majority of the player population have already moved over to using operators exclusively as the primary playable character, so the loss won't be as great as you think.

Think about this right now, the new cosmetic content, the decoration room, is tied to operators. You have to finish The War within to gain access to the new room. This means that with this content they have forced the remaining players who might not have developed their operators(like me, I wasn't interested in finishing War Within right now) to go through the content to gain access to new items. I really want a decoration room, so now I HAVE to play War within and use a playable operator.

This to me seems like a sign that they are committed to having operators be a important part of the game, not another accessory item. Else why lock away monetized content behind operators? And so nothing stops them from putting more and more content into operators than warframes.

I can even see a scenario where they fold the warframes into operators and unify everything into a single, playable character. Imagine a equip-able lense which allows the operator to use warframe powers and ditch the suit altogether? So you'd still have to farm and build a warframe, then you convert it so that you operator has access to the warframe powers. Then just make the Focus tree/abilities be purely buff and bonus base. The operator has modular armor and weapons, which can be infinitely expanded upon; and now a catalog of powers to choose from and focus school to modify their base stats.

Just like that DE converts warframes to operators, still retain the core essence of what warframes were, but now instead of having to come up with a new warframe from the ground up every time, they can just design power mechanics to bolt onto a simpler character model design system.

When it becomes Operator frame, add me to the Instant Uninstall group. My girl, too, for that matter; she hates them MORE than I do...

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Overall look: Who would you rather look at? Your operator or your chosen warframe/all the cosmetics associated with it? I'm sure SOMEONE out there loves the operator but come on, it's just no contest. I thought they could make armor for them themed after every warframe but that would be a bit.. redundant. 


The transition: Going from warframe to operator is very jarring and doesn't lend itself well with the chaotic gameplay. Along with the glitches associated with it (Sometimes unable to use any of my warframe abilities after triggering it or any button I press after it executing a random power until I go into operator again to sort of cancel it out. Suddenly being teleported to the last area I used the operator on for some random reason, possibly lag.) 


Abilities I: I use Loki a lot, normally to solo and go about my business after doing a mission real quick and as helpful as it is to go invisible as the operator... I just don't like it. I just feel that's a job or benefit of having loki or any other frame that can stealth, I think it's giving someone's gimmick to everyone and I just, something about it rubs me the wrong way.


Abilities II: A lot of the abilities you can unlock in focus just not fitting their particular tree or just not being useful at all. Not all focus trees are created equal still.


Energizing Dash: I hate it now. Sometimes I can execute it like I've been playing this game forever, other times I'll be sitting in the same place doing the dash and wondering why the hell it isn't generating that energy field and I can't tell if it's the game or user error. Second of all it just.. it doesn't seem fluid. Gotta jump into operator wait for the little delay to pass, even worse if there's a lot of stuff going on/lag.. I just, yeah. 


What's the point: What's the point of them? Something new to level up? They're not as developed as warframes. The most I've gotten out of them is the rapid void dash across the map. I don't see the goal behind having them at all. I purposely played as one with a maxxed focus tree and it was fun for 5 minutes because it was different but in the end, I'm not bullet jumping with them, I'm not using a great number of cool warframe powers, I'm not using that cool weapon I just got or my favorite one I always lug around.  So.. what's the point of them aside from busy work and to offer more cosmetics? 

Edited by (PS4)AllOrNothinDays
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On 1/27/2018 at 11:57 AM, Airwolfen said:

good thing better ones are in the works with what they showed in the devstream. Was still not top of the line, but it shows great progress. (and next up for development is a long har style so will be interesting to see where that goes.

The updated base suit also looked pretty good. So that entire early line is getting an update.


What would players prefer? A kickass Warframe? New weapon? Bug fixes? Or an interesting Operator hair style? 

Wow Operators are awesome!!!

On 1/25/2018 at 5:11 AM, (PS4)HurricaneHugo76 said:

Each warframe is a one off creation, meaning that is has to be designed from the ground up aesthetically and mechanically.


On 1/25/2018 at 5:59 AM, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

In the bizarro universe where DE commits financial harakiri, my alternate self would be uninstalling WF so fast there would probably be a sonic boom...

It's all about steps towards the operator.

DE seems hellbent on changing this game into "Operatorframe." 

If they didn't, Operator's would be as optional, as: loadouts, fashionframe, syandana's, mods, weapons, missions, warframes, squads...

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Only use for Operators:

- Zenurik proccing
- Extra energy per energy orb (Zenurik again)
- Madurai damage buffs (phoenix somethings)
- Zipping through big maps (Naramon void dash range buffer)
- Affinity spike
- SOME spy usage

Overall, VERY situational

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3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

I like the operator a lot, specially when it comes to fight the stalker. (all passive unbind and active) 2-3 shots and stalker is no more

So you see being able to 2 shot, a meaningful encounter as :thumbup:

I mean it's nothing new, but generally player's needed a heavily forma'd weapon, or Warframe, or both. To 2 shot the stalker. Let the faceroll begin. 

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33 minutes ago, StabbyTentacles said:

So you see being able to 2 shot, a meaningful encounter as :thumbup:

I mean it's nothing new, but generally player's needed a heavily forma'd weapon, or Warframe, or both. To 2 shot the stalker. Let the faceroll begin. 

T3 amp, virtuoso strike arc (full set), it's easy to acquire

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On 1/28/2018 at 8:32 AM, StabbyTentacles said:

What would players prefer? A kickass Warframe? New weapon? Bug fixes? Or an interesting Operator hair style? 

Wow Operators are awesome!!!

all of them. what about that.


"Oh no they are making new hair. know what that means WARFRAMES ARE NO LONGER GETTING COSMETICS!"

-in the art stream stream where most shown stuff was directed at warframes-

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if only we could mod our operators as we can our weapons and frames :/
amps do no damage
survivability is very low
and focus nodes that are focused on damage dealing effects with operator do not scale at all
mobility is clumsy

all flaws being said
I still use operator frequently for void dashing across maps
invis on crouch is handy in spy and reviving teammates
and void blast is nice small cc in a pinch

I would hope DE would improve operators
in a number of ways

1.being able to switch focus schools on the fly would be quite amazing changing tactics as the situations call for it
2.mod system for operators and amps.... seriously..
3.more interactivity with warframes while in operator mode
something like remote controlling or ability to turn them into auto pilot 
this would be awesome in puzzle solving and tag team style fighting

just throwing in some ideas

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1 minute ago, Twistedsparkle said:

if only we could mod our operators as we can our weapons and frames :/
amps do no damage
survivability is very low
and focus nodes that are focused on damage dealing effects with operator do not scale at all
mobility is clumsy

all flaws being said
I still use operator frequently for void dashing across maps
invis on crouch is handy in spy and reviving teammates
and void blast is nice small cc in a pinch

I would hope DE would improve operators
in a number of ways

1.being able to switch focus schools on the fly would be quite amazing changing tactics as the situations call for it
2.mod system for operators and amps.... seriously..
3.more interactivity with warframes while in operator mode
something like remote controlling or ability to turn them into auto pilot 
this would be awesome in puzzle solving and tag team style fighting

just throwing in some ideas

All that would be good. But some people are against that they shouldnt do more damage, because somehow they would "replace" warframes...they will never replace warframes because warframes are too fast and powerful not including their weapons.

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5 minutes ago, Aleksi134 said:

All that would be good. But some people are against that they shouldnt do more damage, because somehow they would "replace" warframes...they will never replace warframes because warframes are too fast and powerful not including their weapons.

There are some people that think that making something more powerful means that they can't use anything else.  

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