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This needs to stop [Limbo]


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I woke up every morning to see what new challenges DE gave me for sortie, but then there's mobile defense, I went into the game only to be standing idle for a few minutes, and then move to the next location, rinse and repeat. Now, I could just solo'd the mission, yea I could but I cant manage to solo every single one of the mission you know. So please, I beg Limbo players to be more considerate with how big the bubble can be . #MakeWarframeGreatAgain

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I mean if you're that concerned about boredom in Sorties with Limbos involved, just politely ask them to disable Stasis once in a while and use it when it's needed for CC, or bring a weapon that can forcefully reach the projectile limit, or use Warframes with strong damage abilities, or bring a powerful melee, or just abort and try with a different group. Many options.

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30 minutes ago, Rabbid- said:

I woke up every morning to see what new challenges DE gave me for sortie, but then there's mobile defense, I went into the game only to be standing idle for a few minutes, and then move to the next location, rinse and repeat. Now, I could just solo'd the mission, yea I could but I cant manage to solo every single one of the mission you know. So please, I beg Limbo players to be more considerate with how big the bubble can be . #MakeWarframeGreatAgain

yea i think the best you can really do is ask them to stop

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17 minutes ago, Nakrast said:

I used Limbo to cheese that MD, i don't regret.
WF has idiotic scalings? So i answer with idiotic perma CC.
Limbo got the job done, if you wanted kills, you could simply leave the bubble.

not always an option if the bubble covers the whole room

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I considered using Limbo for all three sorties today for fun because I haven't used him for a while, but seeing your thread convinced that now I must use Limbo for all three sorties.  >:)  Just kidding, but seriously, did you ask the Limbo player NOT use Cataclysm or at least turn off Stasis?  The problem is you go into a public session expecting people playing your way.  What about other people?  What if you aren't playing the way they want?  They're not mind readers.  How would they know if you're unhappy?

If this bothers you so much (though I don't think it is?), play with people you know or go into recruitment and look for non-Limbo players or, as you said already, go solo.  If you think about it, you can consider playing in public session sortie as a challenge of its own.  How do deal with various play style and get along well enough to finish the mission.  At least at the end of the session, you all go on your separate ways and you won't encounter each other again.

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You cannot ask people or make them play how you want them to. Limbo for Mobile Defense is quite effective, and players who use him that way are just efficient. If you don't want to play with this type of player, you just have to find another group or make one yourself. Limbo is not the problem, matchmaking is.

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aborting the mission and retrying it is not really a good way since every single mobile defense mission has a high chance of spawning limbo with them
Edit:yes I did ask them to stop the bubble for time to time and some of them just straight up got tilted by saying "do i really have to play your way" and afk the whole mission

Edited by Rabbid-
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I bring Mesa, whose Peacemaker is unaffected by Cataclysm.  Or just abort.  


Asking a Limbo might work, but it probably won't.  There are no innocent Limbo players.  Everyone with a sortie ready Limbo knows how hated the frame is and how disruptive it can be.  The kind of person that would bring Limbo to a public game is not likely to be the kind of person who will stop spamming his powers when asked politely.

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1 hour ago, Rabbid- said:

I woke up every morning to see what new challenges DE gave me for sortie, but then there's mobile defense, I went into the game only to be standing idle for a few minutes, and then move to the next location, rinse and repeat. Now, I could just solo'd the mission, yea I could but I cant manage to solo every single one of the mission you know. So please, I beg Limbo players to be more considerate with how big the bubble can be . #MakeWarframeGreatAgain

If limbo gets you bored, then what would banshee do?

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1. people are going to play how they want 

2. telling limbo to stop using stasis or Cataclysm is no different than telling any other warframe to not cast anything 

3. if you want to kill things you can use a number of warframe abilities and  melee weapons 

4. if your playing the sortie your melee weapon should have no problem kill them , i'm aware that you can't all ways bring one due to weapon only conditions check 3 for other opinions 

1 hour ago, PsiWarp said:

I mean if you're that concerned about boredom in Sorties with Limbos involved, just politely ask them to disable Stasis once in a while and use it when it's needed for CC, or bring a weapon that can forcefully reach the projectile limit, or use Warframes with strong damage abilities, or bring a powerful melee, or just abort and try with a different group. Many options.

oh and be sure to sabotage Chroma and Harrow it's so easy so why not

5. don't be like this guy 

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59 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

Don't put words in my mouth. If you have a problem with what I said, say it in your own words.

He's right though. If you don't like being unable to shoot enemies, you might as well not play with a Nidus, Nekros, Nyx, Eternal War Valkyr, Covert Lethality Fatal Teleport Ash, Zephyr, or Titania, because those all need to kill enemies themselves or make it harder to kill enemies.

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Today's sortie is pretty much Limbo turf. I ended up with 3 (three) Limbos in my squad. 

We had fun in chat by making jokes about "stupid" Limbo players. All three were chilled and funny guys. Honestly I had some good laughs.

Yes there was not much to do for my Nova but it was the easiest riven drop I had in a long time. 

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People that complain about limbo cataclysm I find most of the time doesn't know how to work with him.. Yes I'm considerate when it comes to defense type missions to bring a small long duration bubble, but then on kuva floods I bring my extra huge bubble, last night I was asked to disable my bubble, and I obliged, just to find out the - censored- doesn't have the gear nor the frames nor the ability to last a kuva flood and had to run around picking everyone up and and destroy the threads.. I could have just solo'd it and it would have been much easier 

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3 hours ago, Rabbid- said:

afk the whole mission

You got lucky, told mine to do so but he even refused. I mean I can handle the mission and carry just fine, I'm just going public for more spawns.

Also, if you really want to be "efficient" why not just go solo? You don't have to deal with slow players, people that bursts your bubble, laggy host, etc.

Edited by Wesgile
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