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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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I really like the changes to all the frames in this thread. Some changes that I may recommend for Zephyr, Atlas and Chroma.


Bulwark - when petrified, the boulder that is launched at enemies should petrify enemies its passes through instead of ragdolling them. The explosion at the end of the bulwark boulder animation, when petrified should also AOE petrify there as well similar to the AOE petrify from Rumblers. This would scale with power range and the petrify duration would be the same as the duration from the petrify ability.

Rumblers - While enhanced/healed by petrify, thrown rocks from Rumblers should petrify enemies hit, and when the Rumblers are detonated, the AOE blast should petrify as well. But when Rumblers are enhanced/healed, their punch damage should scale similar to landslide mechanics with petrification.


Tornado - The size of the tornado should increase when combined with other tornados, while the damage increases by combining tornados and other damage sources focused on the tornados. Air burst should give zephyr the ability to remove tornados similar to how frost can remove snow globes with freeze; however when air burst is used on a tornado, the enemies that were in the tornado should be effectively slammed to the ground at the location of the tornado and the damage of the slam is equal to the final tick of damage from the tornado (same with the damage type of the tornado).


Vex Armor: (this is a request more than a recommendation) Change vex armor to a channeling ability similar to spectral scream. This would allow Chroma to be better and survive longer without having to worry about losing the damage and armor from stacking it. But I understand if this makes Chroma have little to no weakness.

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Spectral Scream:

Even with it being buffed by Vex armor, it's range, damage and energy cost is still subpar.

It needs to be removed in favour of a better ability or buffed in some way to be more in line with the better 1st abilities in the game. 


Vex armor:

Because duration is so vital to chroma, almost everyone runs narrow minded.

I am very very worried that even if his Vex armor buffs allies, the default range and warframe's mobile gameplay will cause the team synergy to not be worth sacrificing duration.

Please give it a larger range, or tie it to affinity radius like Harrow's powers.



His effigy needs help, please DE.  

It's extremely costly to keep up and not worth it. It dies too easily, does not scale, and drains his energy pool while not providing consistent CC or damage. It also doesn't do anything for the team to make it worthwhile to bear the upkeep, especially with the armor penalty.

It is THE ability all chroma players will agree that is in need of a rework.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something for effigy to make Chroma more fun and more dragon like and let him finally have a great ultimate.


Quality of Life requests:

1)Combine his elemental ward and vex armor


1)There is no situation where it is desirable to cast one without the other

2)Both have the same duration

3)Both contribute to his survivability

4)This will allow Vex armor to take advantage of elemental ward's augment and buff his teamplay aspect.

5)Currently Chroma is one of the least active frames to play, opting for a cast and forget approach for all his powers. A new, more engaging power can be introduced in the empty power slot generated by this change.


2)Let elemental ward and vex armor be recast, wiping previous fury and scorn buffs


Both need to kept up at all times to ensure Chroma's survivability. Not letting the buff be recastable creates a window of vulnerability that disrupts the flow of combat and feels clunky, and is inconsistent with recent warframes that are able to recast buff powers such as Harrow's penance and thurible.

This does not remove the tactical part of keeping track of his duration and managing his energy pool.


3)Allow Elemental ward to be cast on the move like Vex armor


Elemental ward looks really bad and feels disruptive to cast because whether you're in the middle of bullet jumping or strafing enemies it stops whatever you're doing and makes you do an aniimation unlike Vex armor, which let's you continue moving.


4)Let Chroma switch elemental alignments on the fly

Y'all knew it was coming with Khora!

This will greatly boost his usage of his other elemental combinations.

An idea is to introduce the option to cycle elementals as his first power, merging vex and elemental into a single power and bumping down spectral scream to his third power slot, justifying a more substantive buff for itself.

Make the switching give him and the team some short buff, such as health regen for heat, faster shield regen for electric, slowing aura for cold and faster sprint speed for toxin, etc.


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They can state it was "rework" as many times as DE want.
It is a nerf and a brutal one too! Ember might as well be trashed now.
May I get a refund for Ember Graxx skin? I am not going to use it anymore.

Ok, that was a little overdramatized but i guess you get the picture.

Edited by DarkRuler2500
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Why not make Fire Blast apply heat procs by default and have 2 mutually exclusive Augments:

One offensive augment that causes Fire Blast to melt enemy armor, reducing it and dealing damage equal to ' armor melted mutiplied by X '

One deffensive that causes Fire Blast to disarm enemies by heating their weapons and burning their hands.

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7 hours ago, S0V3REiGN said:

Are mods outside of Steel Charge even supposed to work with bladestorm to begin with?

I mostly run combo duration/addition mods with Ash since getting to 2/3x significantly increases bladestorm damage. Drifting contact and relentless combination in particular.


1 minute ago, Evanescent said:

4)Let Chroma switch elemental alignments on the fly

Y'all knew it was coming with Khora!

This will greatly boost his usage of his other elemental combinations.

An idea is to introduce the option to cycle elementals as his first power, merging vex and elemental into a single power and bumping down spectral scream to his third power slot, justifying a more substantive buff for itself.

Make the switching give him and the team some short buff, such as health regen for heat, faster shield regen for electric, slowing aura for cold and faster sprint speed for toxin, etc.

This is a great idea but Chroma needs a proper passive to replace it in that case (he needs one anyway mind you).

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17 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

So from being able to cover the entirety of Io's battlefield, it'll drop to just half of that, while still offering the option to pick up energy ball and dealing 2 times the damage. It's a step in the right direction towards fixing her WoF usage in higher level missions, but that's about it. Linear progression missions will have the same playstyle, empty hallways and rooms littered with cinder.

On the other hand,

17 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Resonating Quake (augment) - Upon cast, places a Quake that does not require channeling to maintain, meaning Banshee can move freely. Has a short duration, and does not move with the player. Has double the range of a regular Soundquake, but does more damage near the center.

Banshee’s abilities fill both offense and support roles, offering damage boosting, crowd control, and area of effect capabilities. But for many, her gameplay has become centralized around an augment for her ultimate, Resonating Quake. Since sound waves can hit through walls, the humongous area of effect can prevent enemies from getting anywhere near the objective, while the casting player is left with nothing to do but wait. From our own public play experiences, Resonating Quake is what we as creators of Warframe find to be the most unfun ability- “I want to enjoy this horde shooter, but where are the hordes?”

Instead of creating a less effective version of the same augment, Resonating Quake will now offer an alternative playstyle, providing a stationary Quake that does not restrict player movement. The augment will still lock down a very wide area, but with a short duration and less damage on the outskirts of the Quake, it should be less effective at killing enemies your squadmates cannot yet see. Effective usage will now require frequent casting and strategic placement, encouraging a more active playstyle.

while I agree that Quake badly needed to go - the way it is working - Banshee'll still be denied the energy pickups. On top of that, the quake will not deal increased damage like Ember's WoF (which is funny, seeing how heavy units, ancients and eximus fellows are suffering from 17 to 170 bug-bites damage during the curent, 20X Resonating Quake. That means, Banshee's 4 will basically turn from a damage dealing capability to an aoe CC one that an Ember will just waltz through scorching everything into fine powder while other classes will still wonder what are they doing there :D.

Both Ember and Banshee are frail frames, but the latter will just delay her demise, while the former will have very little reason to equip any weapons unless she's going into wide open areas.

I would suggest implementing a higher base cost for WoF to start with, as doubling a what?! 2 energy per second cost - when you can run around picking up energy balls - isn't doing much in terms of limiting the ability spam :) Resonating Quake would eat up 10 energy/sec while the caster is grounded and vulnerable to ospreys or groups of enemies approaching under the protection of a nullifier field.

Bottom line, Ember gets a cheap and powerfull 'burn down' World on Fire (with the added CC abilities generated by heat procs) and Banshee just another wide area cc with a longer effect, but with less damage output that doesn't scale with duration no more and much smaller area where that damage might have some meaningfull effect. That means, Ember will continue sporting a brain-afk playstyle and Banshee will become a support warframe and even there, she'll be of much more use spamming the sonar than "strategically" placing a resonating quake.

How 'bout giving Ember a 5-10 seconds timer-based ability that has scales up damage over time while the range starts at 50% of current's (maybe even better if the skill's range would be carved in stone at some 25m) and decreases over time (to a 5m or so radius). And to still keep her powerfull, ending the ability (naturally or by recasting) she'd cause an explosion that procs corrosive status on the remaining area of effect.

You could maybe make both the time and the range fixed (with a cost that scales with ability efficiency down from 75 or so). In this case, Ember would have damage+corrosive/WoF tick. The damage would increase with ability strength and the ability duration would affect the numbers of ticks per second.

The adding of corrosive status effect would even work on a toggle ability that has the damage scaling with time, I think, as long as the ability would have a much higher upkeep (not twice as presented) and still a fixed range that can't be bigger than 25 meters at start or smaller than 5. The status proc chance would scale inversely with the ability range, from 50% at max range to 100% at minimum range. Toggling the ability off will apply a corrosive+blast effect on the current area range.

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Now you know what Ash players got.

Anyway, I'm sympathetic with your cause.

I think the half range is not needed. I think World on FIre should boost the damage/effect of ALL of Ember's abilities as it goes but ramping up the energy drain of it dramatically as the % increases, and this % be reduced when WoF is off at the same rate it grows, so Ember playstyle would feature juggling WoF to make abilities more effective but keeping a reasonable energy drain. Of course the buff vs drain numbers should be tweaked to be worthwhile.

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1 minute ago, FrostedMike said:

Strategy is something else. I usually have less trouble getting close to them as I don't even bother, I just headshot the bombard and don't wait for WoF to catch up and burn him.

Why do I even keep trying? This argument is useless.

Dude with all due my respect, I don't know what "you are trying", but you are speaking giberish for the last hour.

If WoF currently kills enemies up to 50-60 on it's own, after the "double damage" change it won't kill enemies into 100 range, the enemy scaling does not work like that.
WoF and FQ are already barely working due to the enemy cap, and the change is nerf "nah, just get closer" - with all due my respect, you don't seem like a person that has encountered head first post 100 content.

A) With all EHP available to her, Ember still gets one shot by level 100 enemies)
B) You don't run range on FQ due to the enemy cap.
C) You don't run high power, because you need to balance Eff and Duratation
D) Cutting the effective range of WoF (which is 15 meters on default) under the range of polerarms or god forbid Whips, means that you will get a lot more of one shots.

If you insist on paper stats, I will ask of you to show non Paper, non Co Op sortie results with your Ember before the nerf, otherwise you are just speaking or the sake of speaking.

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As I already mentioned in this thread, I am cautiously optimistic about the changes being made to Zephyr, my main and favorite frame. I now wish to offer some detailed and constructive thoughts and ideas about her rework. I hope the devs will find them worth considering.

Firstly, although it has promise to be very useful, I foresee some problems with the hover aspect of Tail Wind if it isn't done right. Warframe has a lot of enclosed spaces or areas that have deceptively low vertical "out of bounds". There are a lot of places where a vertical Tail Wind will get you nothing but a black screen and a teleport back onto the ground. If you can't control the height at which she stops to hover, there may be some trouble there. Also, please do not make it a charge input. Charging  involves standing still and doing nothing for a moment, which in Warframe is often a great way to get killed. One thing more: Are the damage elements of Tail Wind and Dive Bomb being buffed? They need to be.

The big deal is her tornado change, which will allow "100% of the damage of shooting the tornado to be transmitted to enemies trapped within it". Again, there are a lot of details here that could determine how good this actually is. Does that mean EVERY enemy will take 100% of the damage, effectively multiplying it many many times? Or will 100% of the damage be split and distributed between enemies as-is? I am assuming the former, as the latter would be extremely weak and essentially pointless, especially if large numbers of enemies are caught within the funnel. By contrast, allowing each enemy to take full damage would give Zephyr a powerful new offensive support role within groups. Also, currently there is no way to critical-hit the tornados, or to status-proc them. Will this be changed so that those will also transmit to enemies? A lot of damage will be lost if they aren't. Lastly on this subject, the notes say that tornados will do "a better job" of keeping enemies confined in the funnel. It really needs to be "a 100% reliable job", or we still have the same problem we always had. (Another question just occured to me: How will these mechanics interact with bosses and/or other large enemies that cannot be lifted by the tornadoes?)

Then there's her new ability, Air Burst. Zephyr absolutely needed a brand new power, and it needs to be a very good one to help raise her profile. All we know is that it's a projectile that will explode in an AoE and ragdoll enemies. Honestly the dev stream did an extremely poor job of showcasing this ability, it was impossible to see what it looked like or how it worked in detail. How much damage will it do? How forceful will the ragdoll be? Direct-damage warframe abilities are often weak, because their power simply does not scale up appropriately to match higher level enemies. PLEASE ensure that this ability offers substantial and scaling damage; lack of respectable damage output is one of the main reasons Zephyr has been in the basement for a long time. As to the CC side of the ability, as we know from Tornado, ragdolls can actually be a bad thing, knocking enemies around instead of killing them and actually making it harder to do so.

Finally I wish to bring up her largely unused augments, Funnel Clouds and Dive Bomb Vortex. Funnel Clouds has a good foundation to it, I personally love the idea of summoning a large number of tornados and just filling an area with windstorm chaos, but unless they can also still capture enemies, it will remain pointless. Rather I propose a complete redesign whereby the movement speed of the tornados is DRASTICALLY increased, such that they can easily keep up with Zephyr as she runs through a mission, yet they will also remain at a close, fixed distance from her. This would give Tornado an "on the move" role functionality that is completely different from its normal use, as it is a very stationary ability by default.

Dive Bomb Vortex was a very bad augment for a very bad skill, and the best use that can be made of it is for it to become an augment for the new Air Burst. As the ability is new and at this point could still do lots of different things, there's plenty of room for experimentation here, but I have a specific suggestion based on some old ideas of mine about a Zephyr rework: let the augment be called Slicing Gale, and allow it to give Air Burst a flat chance to inflict slash procs on enemies caught in the blast. As I already mentioned, Zephyr badly needs buffs to her offensive capability, and in addition to the raw damage I hope to find in Air Burst, an augment of this kind would give her an offensive status capacity as well.

Thank you for finally giving Zephyr some attention. It was long awaited and badly needed. I hope this feedback seems useful and reasonable, and I would be delighted if it were influential in your decisions regarding her rework. Thank you for reading.

Edited by Cryssoberyl
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)DevilishSix said:

Delegitimize someones opinion like they shouldn't have one.  You feel better and like a big man, do ya.

You can have all the opinions you want. But what does that have to do with us? Comments like this pop up all the time. "You just lost a customer" "I'm unsubscribing" "I'm not buying any more of your products" etc, etc. What on earth makes you think that has any interest to anyone other than you.

If you don't want to buy somebody's product, then don't buy it. If you want to unsubscribe from somebody's YouTube channel then click unsubscribe. But for God's sake don't announce it to the world like your making some kind of heroic sacrifice. We ... don't ... care!

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6 minutes ago, atejas said:

I mostly run combo duration/addition mods with Ash since getting to 2/3x significantly increases bladestorm damage. Drifting contact and relentless combination in particular.


This is a great idea but Chroma needs a proper passive to replace it in that case (he needs one anyway mind you).

Chroma HAS no passive, as far as I am concerned. Saying his elemental alignment is his passive is like saying Atlas' passive is that he punches things, Frost's passive is that his powers are themed around ice, etc.

Note how Limbo, Inaros and Nidus all have additional passives in addition to unique gameplay mechanics. 

Nidus has health regen and undying in addition to his mutation stacks.

Inaros has health leech on finishers in addition to his sarcophagus.

Limbo regains energy on kills in additions to his roll taking him into the rift.

So even if someone were to argue that Chroma does have a legit passive, he needs one or two more. Because other frames built around mechanics like him do. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

I appreciate balance changes especially in regards to your fellow squaddies.   Kill thieves is annoying if you actually want to participate.   I also appreciate trying to tweak warframes to make them more fun to play.  My first priorty would be to deal with troll frames like Limbo, frost, zephyr, mag tho that can and often screw with other players.


I was sad to see no change to Mag's magnetize power.  Its great for what is does but its not squad friendly.   It would be nice if people could shoot through the bubble.

Zephyr's vortex? tornado power is also a nuisance.  Instead of lifting targets up so high targets should just hover off the ground or be knocked down and held there so everyone can keep shooting at them and to keep them from being flung all over the maps.   Maybe jack up the damage and get rid of duration.  Based on your reason for making these changes and not touch this ability is another head scratcher.

Im probably using Valkyr wrong but I love her armor.   90% of the time I use none of her abilities.  I store the energy to go berserk and heal/be invincible.  The squad buff is for melee which is not how i play.  Paralyze i use to debuff and stun and insta kill nuisance stuff.  Zip line i never touch not even when moving.  So 1-3 I would love to see tweaked.  2 could be a more general offense buff.  Paralyze looks like it only affects forward 180 arc,  it would be nicer as 360.   I hate using zip line offensively because u have to aim it.  Same with a bunch of other frames.  They should auto-lock nearest target to cursor like melee attacks can do.

Trying to think of other frames i just dont enjoy any not many come to mind but maybe Nyx.  Loved her psychic bolts but everything else is lackluster.  Nekro spanks her mind control ability.  Why control 1 when u can raise an army.  She has a lame single target attack that once again u have to aim.  I dont even remember other abilities.

Speaking of Nekro,  thats another troll frame.  The raised army should be almost completely transparent.  I dont know if they block shots or not buy they should not.  Soul punch... Aimed single target.  Otherwise pretty dope,  just maxing out Nekro Prime for first time now and gonna do major work on him.

Troll frame... Frost.... Nekros.... dude wtf. Frost is king of Defend and Mobile Defense missions where is the troll? He is a great defensive frame which makes him a support. and Nekros? really? his ult isnt used very often. If you are using him for DPM your playing him wrong, he is used mainly for farming the double drops and keeping himself alive.


Sounds like you want them to nerf anything that out damages you. Ember is fine the way she is, she is ONLY good for low lvl rss farming and high level CC when you put Firequake on her or else she has no purpose and nerfing her range to hell takes away both uses. Fire damage doesn't scale well into later game (ie raids and sorties) due to it not doing anything except damage and they are bullet sponges at high lvls.


Talking about kill thieves in a PvE game... Really? It isnt a big deal in this game. Do you get the xp? yes. Do you get the rss? yes. if you want to do all the work play solo or invite only.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)DevilishSix said:

What I know is the nerf is lousy and Rebecca died immediately in the stream when WoF ran out.  that is all anyone that plays Ember alot needs to see that she is dead now.  To bad because I didn't have her prime version and was going to support DE by getting her Unvault pack, but not after this nerf and no rework of her crappy one or three, that train has sailed.  So they lost out on what $59.95 from me.  Does that make you happy DE, I know it doesn't make me happy, but I am not paying for a frame I won't use now

This is how I feel when I read the balance update.

Too bad cause I was planning on buying all the packs. I guess I will take my chances with the relics and fissure runs :(

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So i was thinking now since ember has been nerfed (WOF) and i understand the reason making gameplay not fun for the other players. But i think it time for embers overheat to return as a part of her 4th ability. So my idea of it would be a the % rises and hits 100 her damage increases, ranges decreases but also overheat activates giving her a armor shell, adding base armor and making her a bit more of a tank.

What do you guys think?

Edited by paul5473
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9 minutes ago, BadWeatherGaming said:

Troll frame... Frost.... Nekros.... dude wtf. Frost is king of Defend and Mobile Defense missions where is the troll? He is a great defensive frame which makes him a support. and Nekros? really? his ult isnt used very often. If you are using him for DPM your playing him wrong, he is used mainly for farming the double drops and keeping himself alive.

Frost is actually a troll frame for his Snow Globe blocks our bullets as well. Although you can't aware of on the most situations, but in the Infested missions he is annoying as infamous Limbo. No one beats Limbo as the best troll frame, though. Note that I am fully aware that both Limbo and Frost are masters of defense and they are good on right uses, but don't forget that they have the potential to hampering us - and these two are the most annoying teammates in the most times(Frost causes the problem significantly lesser times, though).

Also, someone are annoying to having the summons by the shadows. It will block the bullets and screening the enemy. -_-;;; Sometimes it is not easy to recognize it as an summoned ally too. It is good at distracting the enemy, but it is also somewhat annoying too.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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Just now, paul5473 said:

So i was thinking now since ember has been nerfed (WOF) and i understand the reason making gameplay not fun for the other players. But i think it time for embers overheat to return as a part of her 4th ability. So my idea of it would be a the % rises and hits 100 her damage increases, ranges decreases but also overheat activates giving her a armour shell and making her a bit more of a tank.

What do you guys think?

Shield does not work well, it has to be Flat DR in order for tanking.

But this is outside of the fact that WoF was never a damage source for higher content, it was always used for proc and FQ.

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8 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

Damage: +100%

Range: -50%

Efficiency: -50%

So it's + 100 - 50 - 50 :D



But yea, it’s a nerf......BUT it’s not like any nerf......do you know what kind of nerf this is? 


Its a viver gate kinda nerf! The worst kind. For you newbies that don’t know what viver gate is, go look it up. It’s one of the black dots on WF’s history book 


  You can just see it. Rushed, unbalanced, untested, unfun and is solely implemented to kill the OPness of the frame in certain situations, alongside the frame it self 


  Now a rational move is to upright remove the ability, since it’s concept is broken in the first place. No amount of stat changes or mechanics can save it...but just like viver gate, they took the short way out 


  You’d think I’m salty but I’m kinda not. Yes, ember is my fav frame but I’ll still use her, cos she looks beautiful and badass....it’s just sad, that’s about it :/ 

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1 minute ago, DroopingPuppy said:

Frost is actually a troll frame for his Snow Globe blocks our bullets as well. Although you can't aware of it not so many times, but in the Infested missions he is annoying as infamous Limbo. No one beats Limbo as the best troll frame, though. Note that I am fully aware that both Limbo and Frost are masters of defense and they are good on right uses, but don't forget that they have the potential to hampering us - and these two are the most annoying teammates in the most times(Frost causes the problem significantly lesser times, though).

Also, someone are annoying to having the summons by the shadows. It will block the bullets and screening the enemy. -_-;;; Sometimes it is not easy to recognize it as an summoned ally too. It is good at distracting the enemy, but it is also somewhat annoying too.

So you are mad Frost is protecting the target and you cant be in a field somewhere hitting the targets from far away? Frost needs to stop bullets to keep the enemies outside the globe from shooting the target. Not to mention the slowing effect of any enemy that enters it. You are the only person I have ever heard talk of Frost in a negative light. its not hard to be on the target you are trying to defend.

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I kind of feel bad for ember, as if the range reduction isnt bad enough as a drawback, her 4th energy drain is also raised, and her damage is nowhere scaling with how ruthless health/armor scaling the enemy have.

And if u want to keep a same high range functionality u have to retoggle once per 5 seconds, she probably going to spend more energy reactivating the skill than having only energy drain of 5 seconds itself. It's like killing the endgame viability she possibly have for the sake of pleasing the rest of the crowd. It doesnt make her sound promising to play for high level.

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1 hour ago, Dark_Roxas said:

So Chroma is now a better buff rhino bat has an aura where people have to stand next to Chroma to get the dmg buff

Rhino's buff scales with other warframe abilities too. Wish they'll make it possible with chroma too somehow. But overall, It will be a good aura for the teamates nonetheless

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