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When the hell is Meme Strike being nerf'd? I'm getting so sick of it, it literally is worse than Ember.


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12 hours ago, Magneu said:

This is why Memestrike needs to be calculated after Blood Rush (granted this was with old Shadow Step, but just include an Ivara/Octavia and you're golden)

Ivara stealth cancels slide attack, Octavia works but either way at that point of level 80+ enemies that aint infested just use block combo of Crimson Dervish/at 100+ use CL dagger forward combo of Stinging Thorn, both with both attack speed and berserker ofc. Remember finishers do damage directly to HP (with CD doing it 3 times as hard) and Covert Lethality is Covert Lethality...

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On 6.02.2018 at 3:33 AM, --Dr.AbaddonicSloth said:

It is as simple as the title. I don't have a problem with the mod per se, but the fact that Atterax, Lecta, Scoliac, polearms and staves can potentially have up to 20m range with rivens.... 20 meters, that is a whole 20 meters ahead of the group of other players. And not even necessarily max 20 meters, possibly even 21 or 22m on scoliac and such. Why can this mod even be used on these weapon types? It completely trivializes the whole game. I did a test earlier just for ####s and giggles, and ran sortie 2 15 times, 9 of those times I had someone, or even a few games, 2 people with a meme strike setup and totally just eating the map of enemies. Completely no challenge or competition.

Like up close most of my melees can easily take on hundreds of level enemies, but in such a wide AOE it completely makes the game boring and ridiculous to watch, a Nekros or a Volt or something just zipping around, Rax Droning the whole area and leaving nothing in 2 seconds kind of makes the game boring, even at high levels. Ember see, is getting her nerf/buff, but the thing is she doesn't scale. This is essentially the same thing, the completely same exact thing that just requires interaction from the player, EXCEPT IT SCALES IN THE LEVELS OF 200+ this is ridiculous.

I can see the mod fitting in the game, it can be very good on some weapons, it just is the range that kills it for me, its stupid. If it were like 5m, 6m maybe then it'd be kinda tolerable. But come on DE please, either make it like a static crit chance, or a multiplicative one like Embedded Catalyzer instead of scaling so high with Blood Rush, thisll at least help a little bit, or just don't allow it on high ranged melees or something. 

I'm expecting a ton of backlash from this post, but being a veteran there isn't much left in the game for me to do, so I run sorties and long survivals, kuva floods and such for some fun and challenge, it ABSOLUTELY pisses me off when I just wanna run a game for some fun and an Ahole is droning around like a buzzsaw killing everything in sight. I can't even hit anything, where is the fun in that??

Sincerely AF, from a long time player, as in the beginning, just hear me out. Warframe has changed for the better definitely, but dozens times worse in bad ways, this is one example that needs to be looked into. Nerf the damn thing please.


Switch games, people like you make this game have less and less players. Stop complaining about stuff that is not essential to the game, Maiming Strike is great power up, but you can do the same thing witohut it, and about atterax and orher polearms range, they have high range with low damage, galatine has lower range, and greater damage, this is so called balance. And for god only knows how many times was this repeated, this is PvE game, so that ,,balance" everyone wants is just stupid, stop nerfing everything. And for the last part, dont like meme strikers? Go solo, this option is there for people like you, if you cant handle not being #1 dmaage of squad, and your ego wont let you deal with it like normal person go SOLO. Cheers, and  maiming strike, which is not necessary for longer runs ,as the Weeping Wounds will help you more. Anyway, if they nerf even this mod, which i was grinding for 3 straight days ill quit this game officially, as whiners will get next thing nerfed. Im getting tired of this so called ,,nicest gaming community" everyone i met is else toxic, or straight up baby crying over not having 1st damage in team, because their titania wont keep up with ember/fidget spinner loki...

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Most people are misconstruing OP's argument. They're arguing against the massive range that whips have, range that is objectively unmatched by any other weapon. No other weapon can deliver so much damage in such a wide AOE, with so little effort. This results in an un-fun game where a player is left hunting for kills, the thing that people actually play the game for (no, people don't load into matches just for loot; they want to have fun as well, it's a videogame).

In addition, all the demands to go solo is ridiculous; this is a MULTIPLAYER game. That's like (sorry for car analogies) there being a racing series for Mazda Miatas, but a Ferrari 488 gets to join and the organizers shrug and say "Well, you should just go to a different racing series/race alone!" When the cause of all this contention is a singular entity (Maiming Strike+whips), you remove or change that entity, not try to balance the entire game just to fit it.

All the ad hominem is out of control as well.

4 hours ago, Rizzcone said:

or straight up baby crying over not having 1st damage in team, because their titania wont keep up with ember/fidget spinner loki...

 OP never complained about their damage, you put those words in their mouth.The closest it comes is a complaint about not being able to even attack anything because Mr. FidgetSpinner is busy annihilating the entire map before anyone gets to shoot, and that's a different matter.

4 hours ago, Rizzcone said:

Anyway, if they nerf even this mod, which i was grinding for 3 straight days ill quit this game officially

Yeesh, dramatic much? If this mod is all that keeps you in the game, you might be better off leaving now. Also, I think I can see exactly why you don't want it removed


4 hours ago, Rizzcone said:

And for god only knows how many times was this repeated, this is PvE game, so that ,,balance" everyone wants is just stupid, stop nerfing everything

 This is atrocious reasoning. If every player got a weapon that one-click wiped the map, is balance still not needed? PvE needs balance passes for a healthy, long-lasting game. Otherwise, you get stale metas like old damage 1.0 where it was Flux Rifle/Acrid or GTFO. You can't have a game where one player can singlehandedly ruin a match for the other three; that just leads to frustrated players that don't want to play public, and Warframe is a game designed for public matches. The whole game is not designed to be played solo.

In any case, if you could stop lashing out at people against things you like, that would be conducive to a more constructive argument, instead of devolving into "no u".

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@OP: Any time I see someone meme striking I put them on the Ignore list, and so far the game has done a good job of not pairing me up with those players again. Segregation is useful when it comes to issues like this in video games. With the mod being hard to get as well as being perpetually overpriced, I suspect not many players have it, so it's possible to keep them out of your missions with the steady use of Ignore.

It's not a perfect answer of course, I'd rather not have to block players, but at least now I don't run into 2 meme strikers every game like I used to, it's more like 1 in 10 games now, and I can always just go the opposite direction from them if it's in a survival mission. (until they decide they want to kill everything on my side too, anyway)

Gamers have radically different gameplay ideologies, browsing every game forum ever proves the different groups will never ever agree to anything or coexist peacefully, so just let them break off and enjoy their own kind's company.

Edited by MechaTails
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4 hours ago, Magneu said:

Most people are misconstruing OP's argument. They're arguing against the massive range that whips have, range that is objectively unmatched by any other weapon. No other weapon can deliver so much damage in such a wide AOE, with so little effort. This results in an un-fun game where a player is left hunting for kills, the thing that people actually play the game for (no, people don't load into matches just for loot; they want to have fun as well, it's a videogame).

In addition, all the demands to go solo is ridiculous; this is a MULTIPLAYER game. That's like (sorry for car analogies) there being a racing series for Mazda Miatas, but a Ferrari 488 gets to join and the organizers shrug and say "Well, you should just go to a different racing series/race alone!" When the cause of all this contention is a singular entity (Maiming Strike+whips), you remove or change that entity, not try to balance the entire game just to fit it.

All the ad hominem is out of control as well.

 OP never complained about their damage, you put those words in their mouth.The closest it comes is a complaint about not being able to even attack anything because Mr. FidgetSpinner is busy annihilating the entire map before anyone gets to shoot, and that's a different matter.

Yeesh, dramatic much? If this mod is all that keeps you in the game, you might be better off leaving now. Also, I think I can see exactly why you don't want it removed


 This is atrocious reasoning. If every player got a weapon that one-click wiped the map, is balance still not needed? PvE needs balance passes for a healthy, long-lasting game. Otherwise, you get stale metas like old damage 1.0 where it was Flux Rifle/Acrid or GTFO. You can't have a game where one player can singlehandedly ruin a match for the other three; that just leads to frustrated players that don't want to play public, and Warframe is a game designed for public matches. The whole game is not designed to be played solo.

In any case, if you could stop lashing out at people against things you like, that would be conducive to a more constructive argument, instead of devolving into "no u".

You literally saw that guy state that maiming strike and such should be nerfed because they make game for him not enjoyable, and now you accuse me of lashing at other people for not liking stuff that i like? 

And for Maiming strike keeping me in the game, its not that it keeps me in the game, but i wasted whole 3 days to get it, and now some crybabies are doing whatever they can to take it away from me, and the thing that is constantly pushing me away from the game is this toxic, angry and constantly moaning community, people start to play warframe, they realize DE makes many things happen when people suggest them then they get that idea, ,,hey i can make this into my fantasy game" and then they proceed to try and force DE into making this game into their liking. What i want is everytime they want to remove some so called power creep tool ,they should make poll about it, and any changes should be suggested by people that have at least 500 hours in missions, make it 700 even, so people that know how this game works later cna decide what is actually ,,TOO OP" 

And i still think that if you dont like someone taking your kills go solo, for me when im paired with Fidget Spinner volt i dont even shrug, he does all the job, and we all share rewards. Maybe DE could make different type of matchmaking, like match me with simmilar MR's or something like this, this way MR9 people can avoid this unpleasant spinner of doom experienc at least for as long as they realize that the spinning is not something entirely bad...

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The whole "if you don't like something in the game, get out and play something else" mindset is fairly immature, but sadly most people in communities like this seem to fall into that category. Feedback is what makes the game better in the future.

Obviously, a lot of people find this play style fun. But, if it trivializes a lot of the game's mechanics, then it does upset the game's balance (lol balance amirite). People don't seem to realize that, even in a non-PvP environment, balance of challenge needs to be maintained to keep players interested.

As for maiming strike, well... I think the problem is bigger than just a single mod, and it goes with the fact that some weapons have huge ranges when paired with prime reach (prime mods are another huge complaint of mine, but that's a story for another time)

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Please you people are delibrately ignoring my post. This is a community hence a system of give and take is needed. Since you people are so eager to take away the mods that many people have farmed hard for and even shelled real money, I suggest that you people pool together the creative juices and come up with a fair compensation for the people that have been affected by the your need for a nerf to maiming strike. Please stop being selfish and expect everyone to follow your views. I myself do not want maiming strike nerfed as I farmed hard for it. If DE nerfed maiming strike without fair compensation I will offically quit game too as being given a big middle finger as compensation is too much for me to just swallow down and accept and not because I am a fan of maiming strike

If you manage to come up with that by all means nerf maiming strike. But if you dont just STFU until you come up with one

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1 hour ago, VortexInfinity said:

Please you people are delibrately ignoring my post. This is a community hence a system of give and take is needed. Since you people are so eager to take away the mods that many people have farmed hard for and even shelled real money, I suggest that you people pool together the creative juices and come up with a fair compensation for the people that have been affected by the your need for a nerf to maiming strike. Please stop being selfish and expect everyone to follow your views. I myself do not want maiming strike nerfed as I farmed hard for it. If DE nerfed maiming strike without fair compensation I will offically quit game too as being given a big middle finger as compensation is too much for me to just swallow down and accept and not because I am a fan of maiming strike

If you manage to come up with that by all means nerf maiming strike. But if you dont just STFU until you come up with one

Just give up and embrace the nerf as I have brother. DE will always nerf. No sense in fighting it.

Just give in and you won't feel the pain in the loss.

Edited by (PS4)RenovaKunumaru
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Imo, the easiest nerf would be to reduce the damage multiplier of the alt attacks on whips. They use momentum to attack regularly, so why does a spin attack get a 2.0x multiplier? Reduce it. Then the range has a trade-off.

For a Maiming Strike nerf, I think it should be just like Seismic Wave, in that it increases Slide Attack damage by +200% For a weapon like the atterax this means that it will no longer get a roughly 14x damage increase, but rather a 6x damage increase. Generally giving Tonfa and Dual sword based weapons a build path to slide attacks.

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I don't think the problem is Maiming Strike and more so a whip and polearm problem.

Why not just make it so whips and polearms do maximum damage in a certain radius of its attack range, and then doing downwards to 40% of its potential damage to enemies when up close? It would prioritize positioning over pure stats.

It doesn't seem to make sense when the polearm's handle or the middle of the whip is capable of doing the same dmg as the spear head of the polearm or the flanged end of a whip.

Edited by Xaxma
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On 2/6/2018 at 1:23 AM, Sorise said:

Don't really see the issue here. Maim is useful for focus farming w/ multiple weapons(including favorites) w/o putting forma on any of them and how often does range on Riven come up for huge radius weapons and whips?


Also don't see people slide attacking a lot either. Maim sounds fun to use as well as condition overload or w/e that status mod is.


There are no shortages of ways to trivialize gameplay.


As usual, when something gets nerfed, another thing gets buffed to replace it.


Nerfers are constantly fighting a losing battle.

There are no nerfers, these people want balance and it seems we're winning by a landslide.

Maiming strike is probably the last thing we still need to get toned down.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

There are no nerfers, these people want balance and it seems we're winning by a landslide.

Maiming strike is probably the last thing we still need to get toned down.

Nerfers is a shorter term

Maim Strike would only need toned w/ Riven mod in use otherwise it stays as is.

Focus farm is bad enough w/ it.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

There are no nerfers, these people want balance and it seems we're winning by a landslide.

Maiming strike is probably the last thing we still need to get toned down.

Warframe is a horde game. There’s also no power fantasy, but also no real semblance of true balance. If one thing gets nerfed, another efficient method of killing will take its place and we’ll be back to square one debating about similar nonsenses on the forums.

Just be thankful we haven’t reached Dynasty Warriors’ level of horde-wiping. I feel that we’re alright where we’re at in gameplay, especially with the current proposed changes in the Dev Workshop. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Warframe is a horde game. There’s also no power fantasy, but also no real semblance of true balance. If one thing gets nerfed, another efficient method of killing will take its place and we’ll be back to square one debating about similar nonsenses on the forums.

Just be thankful we haven’t reached Dynasty Warriors’ level of horde-wiping. I feel that we’re alright where we’re at in gameplay, especially with the current proposed changes in the Dev Workshop. 

Woudn't mind a lil Dynasty Warriors in Warframe so long as its not that brain dead.

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2 minutes ago, Sorise said:

Nerfers is a shorter term

Maim Strike would only need toned w/ Riven mod in use otherwise it stays as is.

Focus farm is bad enough w/ it.

The worst part is the interaction with Blood Rush.

C'mon, a weapon with 0 crit chance, shouldn't be able to hit the likes of 600% in slide after a few hits.

Then you have the range problem. They should just reduce whips range on slide, there's no other way i can see this getting better.

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Just now, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

The worst part is the interaction with Blood Rush.

C'mon, a weapon with 0 crit chance, shouldn't be able to hit the likes of 600% in slide after a few hits.

Then you have the range problem. They should just reduce whips range on slide, there's no other way i can see this getting better.

Then Blood Rush effect combo w/ Maim Strike would need to be toned down. Separate, they retain their full affect...Together, their effect is lessened.

And well, Maim Strike can be given a range effectiveness that can be extended by reach.

Ya see, you attack the the problem at the root.

Think people who play Castlevania would dislike whip range reduction, it makes whips different.

It's all about compromise. W/ this, there would be plenty of nerfs avoided due to combos w/ other things.

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You're putting the fault on the wrong mod, mate. It is the perfectly rolled riven that allows players to obtain such fantastic stats (i.e. range). Maiming strike, on its own, does nothing of that sort. And who came up with the genius idea of riven mods? DE. So rather than looking down on players who spent countless hours farming kuva to roll the perfect riven, you should fault DE. Hard work should be rewarding, no?

I've opposed rivens since its proposal, but DE failed to listen to its playerbase. And now they want Damage 2.5 without taking into account the new complexities of riven mods. Good luck with that.

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8 minutes ago, WolfTitan said:

You're putting the fault on the wrong mod, mate. It is the perfectly rolled riven that allows players to obtain such fantastic stats (i.e. range). Maiming strike, on its own, does nothing of that sort. And who came up with the genius idea of riven mods? DE. So rather than looking down on players who spent countless hours farming kuva to roll the perfect riven, you should fault DE. Hard work should be rewarding, no?

I've opposed rivens since its proposal, but DE failed to listen to its playerbase. And now they want Damage 2.5 without taking into account the new complexities of riven mods. Good luck with that.

Not even the grind for these Rivens was enough for you to be ok w/ it, I see :)

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What's wrong with using Maiming Strike on polearms, whips, etc? Those weapons exist for a reason. Players want to optimize their weapons for a style that suits them. 

I really don't see why MS needs to be nerfed just because some players are able to use it in combination with a set of other mods efficiently. Slide attacks have always been stronger than regular attacks (AFAIK) and people will slide regardless of MS or not. It might not be your definition of fun, but it could be someone else's. Just because your two gameplay styles don't match up doesn't mean that there is something that is breaking the game.

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Better lobby matchmaking is much longer term solution to the endless "nerf such and such this is 'unfun'" that cycles around. People will always learn to use the best tools in very efficient ways, and other people will always tell them they don't deserve to play in a way that interferes with their own way of playing, despite demanding other players way of playing be permanently removed and yet having the tools and means to entirely avoid them in the first place. Using recruiting chat and playing solo are both reasonable alternate suggestions to players looking to play without someone 'ruining their game' all the while actually asking to have someone else's gameplay removed. I mean doesn't that ruin their game? But if we simply had a way for players to find players they actually like playing with a little more simply and intuitively wouldn't both types not have 'their games ruined'?

I mean you're also more likely to get the players who actually use these methods end up with each other all of the time and say 'things could be more fun if this was nerfed in this way, or changed in that way'. And you'll actually have the problems solved by people who use and care the tools instead of people who just hate the tools existence (not that they'll notice since they won't even have to deal with it anymore).

You'll also find the people who realize everything everyone else does 'ruins my game' learn that maybe blaming tools and methods other players use isn't why they're bothered they actually really do like just playing alone or with a specific group of players (that maybe could become a clan since they all share opinions on who and what playstyles they want to play with, which would also benefit that system) or just exclusively with players weaker than themselves.

So instead of endless nerf threads frustrating players and endless easy win players frustrating players, I suggest putting energy into 'please add more helpful lobby and matchmaking features for players to help find like minded players. '

tldr; Better matchmaking and lobbies solves all of your most common 'these players don't get along' issues, cooperative yet competitive balance, improve clans, mission recruiting, and more in the long term. Sooner the better

Edited by Sasuda
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