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Relics not only on Cetus!


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47 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

Not everyone has $1000 to shell out for a computer. The computer I have cost me $250, and has a dual core processor, no graphics card, and only 4 gb ram. It is all I can afford. I can play everything just fine on this with the exception of PoE. The fact that the only reasonable way to get these relics is basically locked behind a paywall (that is how I see it) is just ridiculous. I don't even own a car, so I'm in no place to invest in upgrades to my pc

You clearly have bigger issues then , you can take a break off warframe and work on fixing them . Just my 2 plat .

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hace 6 minutos, krc473 dijo:

Try this site, I do not know how reliable it is. But it has many GPU’s that are not overly expensive. GPU

I suspect if you want to spend a little more you could just get a whole new computer (sometimes this is the best choice, esp. if you are not confident opening yours up and playing around).

I've built and dismantled at least 3 computers before. I'm familiar with them. The only thing is that it was before SATA cables were introduced and I used the long flat gray bands. Also getting the parts now is no easy feat, especially a matching motherboard and case for me

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Here are a bunch ranging from $45 to $200, although I wouldn't buy the cheaper ones (I wouldn't go lower than about $80). None of these is a powerhouse, but they should work better than your integrated graphics. 

https://frys.com/search?to=19&cat=-73022&sort=price asc&nearbyStoreName=false&resultpage=0&from=0&query_search=&pType=pDisplay&rows=20&fq=a Regular Items-101536 Video_Cards-100911 2_GB-100961 nVidia

With that said, I'll just point out that while my machine is considerably better, it didn't get that one all at once. I changed a piece at a time over a long period, upgrading in chunks when I was able. I understand that you might not be able to do any upgrading, and I've been there. I was there for a long time. However, you can't honestly expect the company to change their plans based on your hardware capabilities.

If you don't want to play on the plains, then don't. Go farm relics elsewhere, sell the parts for plat, and buy the Loki/Frost/Ember/Wyrm/Bo parts from people who are farming them. I don't see why that is so difficult. It would likely be 50x faster anyway.

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1 minute ago, LabMan95 said:

I've built and dismantled at least 3 computers before. I'm familiar with them. The only thing is that it was before SATA cables were introduced and I used the long flat gray bands. Also getting the parts now is no easy feat, especially a matching motherboard and case for me

How is getting the parts not easy? Are you serious? A case, in particular.

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hace 2 minutos, NullSaint dijo:

How is getting the parts not easy? Are you serious? A case, in particular.

Mainly matching the motherboard with the case, in my situation. I've been in situations I've had to scrap computers because I got motherboards dirt cheap and couldn't find a case for it

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4 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

I've built and dismantled at least 3 computers before. I'm familiar with them. The only thing is that it was before SATA cables were introduced and I used the long flat gray bands. Also getting the parts now is no easy feat, especially a matching motherboard and case for me

I guess the other thing to look at, which is more expensive: getting your PC to be PoE ready, or just buying the unvaulted stuff outright? (Obviously, PC upgrades would be better long term)


One thing I would suggest considering: is Warframe worth the money it will cost you to be able to play PoE?

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hace 1 minuto, krc473 dijo:

I guess the other thing to look at, which is more expensive: getting your PC to be PoE ready, or just buying the unvaulted stuff outright? (Obviously, PC upgrades would be better long term)


One thing I would suggest considering: is Warframe worth the money it will cost you to be able to play PoE?

I've recently been getting into other games and stuff too, save that for half the programs I use in college my current computer can't handle such as NX and AutoCAD

I'm getting too off topic. If you feel like talking to me about computer stuff, just PM me

As for the PoE, it seems fun but locking relics just there isn't a good idea. Relic packs have an abysmal rate of dropping them, and there's no other way to get them besides those 2 ways. At least let Baro have them or something

Edited by LabMan95
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5 minutes ago, LabMan95 said:

As for the PoE, it seems fun but locking relics just there isn't a good idea.

With the number of people vocal about not being able to access PoE, it seems strange that DE would put the relics in bounties. They cannot not know about the issues. To me, it just seems like DE are either saying "we do not care about X portion of the community" or "lets do a money grab and get people to buy the vault packs because they literally cannot farm them". I suspect/hope it would be option one (or another I have not considered).


I can play PoE just fine, I get no PC issues at all (I have a high end one). But I hate bounties. I am not going to farm them for relics, simple. I would far rather them dilute the other drop pools a bit with the relics. 

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I would of much rather had the drop tables diluted than have the relics in those god awful bounties. There’s not even enough bounties to have each relic in its own bounty so they have to rotate. It’s not even a guarantee that the relic will rotate ever day/night cycle. 

It could stay the same relic for several hours in a row on each bounty and you could possibly never even get a chance to farm the others. At least with them being in defense, interception, or survival I know that I have a chance each time for every relic, depending on the level. 

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Yeah this is a needless and rediculous grind. Now I have to make sure the relic I want to farm for is up before I can try and farm for it through the bounties (which takes far longer than getting the relics previously). At least before you could potentially get any time provided you were in one of the missions that the relic could drop from. Now your at the mercy of bounties and even if you get the right bounty, the likelyhood of getting the relic you need is slim. And thats not even mentioning the various problems on the plains...GG DE

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sooooooo to actually discuss the topic since people haven't been doing that.....

yes, Players shouldn't be required to play Bounties for Keys that are otherwise available anywhere in the game. no good reason why they should not be able to play whatever Missions they want.

regardless of hardware. that's completely irrelevant to the subject.

1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

Just stop.

Here's a 4GB graphics card for $150.
A 2GB graphics card for under $100.

out of stock.
out of stock.

35 minutes ago, NullSaint said:

Here are a bunch ranging from $45 to $200, although I wouldn't buy the cheaper ones (I wouldn't go lower than about $80). None of these is a powerhouse, but they should work better than your integrated graphics. 

most are out of stock or not worth purchasing for any price (the only Media Accelerator to even remotely consider buying is the 1030 and that's still borderline a ripoff at any price - the lower end media accelerators are equal to or inferior to most iGPU's).
there are a few usable cards in stock though, great! there are a few that are actually available shipped, so you've got something. they are still price inflated, though.
however i must note that a substantial portion of Fry's products are walk in only, which requires living in a particular location where stores are within reasonable distance.


- - - 

overall, please don't spread misinformation. Graphics Cards are all prohibitively inflated over MSRP. if you can buy them at all. which requires trying to buy one before an entire shipment is purchased wholesale.
buying Media Accelerators isn't really much of a solution either as for gamers these products mostly exist as a scam and for people just looking to have more video ports for basic application work, are drastically overpaying for that.

i can only highly encourage anyone else to not make the same mistake of saying anything otherwise. and any suggestions you do make, please follow them through thoroughly, and account for that you're looking to help everyone, not just yourself specifically. otherwise it's not really helping at all.

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1 hour ago, krc473 said:

Try this site, I do not know how reliable it is. But it has many GPU’s that are not overly expensive. GPU

I suspect if you want to spend a little more you could just get a whole new computer (sometimes this is the best choice, esp. if you are not confident opening yours up and playing around).

Do NOT buy anything from that site... those are mostly fake GPU's

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A player posts a complaint about the fact relics are only obtainable in plains of Eidolon bounties and forum people start bashing him for not meeting system requirements or for not buying what he should otherwise be able to farm in a reasonable amount of time. Before you know it the whole thread has devolved into a hardware rant, great go guys i hope you enjoy it. I would say that you're tro@@@ng but that would be against forum rules.

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

sooooooo to actually discuss the topic since people haven't been doing that.....

yes, Players shouldn't be required to play Bounties for Keys that are otherwise available anywhere in the game. no good reason why they should not be able to play whatever Missions they want.

regardless of hardware. that's completely irrelevant to the subject.

out of stock.
out of stock.

most are out of stock or not worth purchasing for any price (the only Media Accelerator to even remotely consider buying is the 1030 and that's still borderline a ripoff at any price - the lower end media accelerators are equal to or inferior to most iGPU's).
there are a few usable cards in stock though, great! there are a few that are actually available shipped, so you've got something. they are still price inflated, though.
however i must note that a substantial portion of Fry's products are walk in only, which requires living in a particular location where stores are within reasonable distance.

Why is it that both you and @Yperkeimenos seem to think we haven't been on topic?

If someone cites  their reasoning for asking for a change as outdated hardware then a discussion relating to outdated hardware, minimum specs and upgrading seems entirely on point. Why make DE change the game for a few, when you can save up for a better PC. You're going to need to eventually when new open worlds are released. Outdated hardware is a nonsense argument. 

There are plenty of good reasons why having them limited to PoE is good. Every relic you get from the bounties is guaranteed to be a vaulted one. It reduces dilution in the fissures as well allowing for more direct farming of the items that you want there, especially important for when the new PA is released in a month or so. Finally there's every chance that you will get the relics a hell of a lot faster this way than running an interception for 15 minutes and hoping you get the one you want. Chance for a specific relic every stage vs 15 minutes for a chance out of a super diluted drop table? Come on...

Yes, maybe they are out of stock now, but as with an ''Out of Stock'' label at a supermarket that doesn't mean the product doesn't exist at that price, there just currently isn't any. It proves my point however, $1000 for a gaming pc is hyperbole.

2 hours ago, taiiat said:

overall, please don't spread misinformation. Graphics Cards are all prohibitively inflated over MSRP. if you can buy them at all. which requires trying to buy one before an entire shipment is purchased wholesale.
buying Media Accelerators isn't really much of a solution either as for gamers these products mostly exist as a scam and for people just looking to have more video ports for basic application work, are drastically overpaying for that.

i can only highly encourage anyone else to not make the same mistake of saying anything otherwise. and any suggestions you do make, please follow them through thoroughly, and account for that you're looking to help everyone, not just yourself specifically. otherwise it's not really helping at all.

Overall, nothing I posted was misinformation. You just took it the wrong way. I wasn't suggesting that they immediately purchase what I linked, I was merely showing that you 'can' buy them at that price, unlike the misinformation that was being spread about gaming pc's costing $1000.

I don't want to argue with you taiiat, your heart is in the right place. But when you swoop in, patronise and tell me I'm spreading misinformation despite the fact I was proving otherwise, I'm going to get a lil antsy.

PC's do not cost $1000 to build just to be able to play in the Plains of Eidolon. Using outdated hardware as an argument for DE to make changes is nonsense. There are good reasons for this change.

I've said all I'm going to say on the matter.

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Remember, this is a 2 month unvaulting, which means these Relics have 2 months to be acquired. In that time, we will be closely monitoring how reproducible Performance issues may factor into this round and possibly revisit Relic placement. We do want to keep it the same on all Platforms so we'll need a bit of time to make changes.

This is a direct quote from the update notes, DE knows that POE can stress out people's PC, and if enough people can't get the relics because of hardware issues, they are open to making changes. Please read the notes on these things first.

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6 hours ago, LabMan95 said:

Market relic pack is 70 plat, you'd be better off buying them from trade chat's ridiculous prices

I dumped easily 460-500k standing in relic packs and got 12 relics with frost prime bp and only 1 of each other relic that even has a Loki prime part. The chance to get them is incredibly low, on average 1 vaulted relic in every 3 packs

On xbox is 50 plat not  70

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4 hours ago, taiiat said:

there are a few usable cards in stock though, great! there are a few that are actually available shipped, so you've got something. they are still price inflated, though.
however i must note that a substantial portion of Fry's products are walk in only, which requires living in a particular location where stores are within reasonable distance.

Yeah, the prices are inflated--welcome to the world. They probably shouldn't have been as high as the MSRP to begin with. But you can either work on solving your problem, or accept it. But if there are some in Austin, I'll buy them and ship them to you at cost.

Edited by NullSaint
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4 hours ago, Yperkeimenos said:

A player posts a complaint about the fact relics are only obtainable in plains of Eidolon bounties and forum people start bashing him for not meeting system requirements or for not buying what he should otherwise be able to farm in a reasonable amount of time. Before you know it the whole thread has devolved into a hardware rant, great go guys i hope you enjoy it. I would say that you're tro@@@ng but that would be against forum rules.

No--a player claims that the items are only available in a particular part of the game they "can't" play and don't like, and then when people point out the numerous ways he could improve the situation or work around it, he complains about those too.

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Personally, I love PoE. I enjoy everything about it (except returning to Cetus taking too long for quick farming.) My computer has no issue at all in running PoE... once I connect. The problem is the gate and entering in. It seems everything goes fine until trying to walk out onto the plains, then you're at the mercy of luck and squad internet connections. Countless times since the recent updates I've been stuck in an endless wait at the gate. This problem was briefly fixed then brought back much worse. I've also had problems with glitching and "falling" through Cetus within the space between the gates. The problem (for me and many others I'm sure) is less in the requirements to run the plains and more in the requirements to connect to a random public squad in the plains. I still do it, but I can completely understand why so many people struggle to enter or give up after so many failed attempts.




If you can't enter the plains, don't. You don't have to in order to access the relics, in essence you don't need relic packs either. I only played a handful of missions today in fissures, entering in with normal relics, and each time other players in my random public squad were getting drops from opened unvaulted relics. It takes a bit of luck and patience, but so does Cetus. This is also how I got Mag Prime and Trinity Prime. Public fissures are fantastic and you do not need an unvaulted key to play with others who are opening unvaulted keys.


& this seems very self explanatory but just in case, be sure your warframe has the highest percent bonus regalia sigil for your syndicate so every mission awards syndicate standing towards relic packs should you want them. Also, collect your marks. Always. If you're going into a syndicate mission go for all 8 marks. I use a maxed thiefs wit mod and I have no problem whatsoever collecting my marks. Trade in those marks at the relay and you should get more relic packs quickly. My exchange today got me 8 relic packs total through syndicate.


Last, if your problem is connecting to a squad and you want to do plains, you can always enter solo. In most instances I prefer to solo PoE. If you set your game mode to solo you should have no problem connecting into the plains. You can also do invite only, enter, then invite a friend.

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7 hours ago, Diarmut said:

Remember, this is a 2 month unvaulting, which means these Relics have 2 months to be acquired. In that time, we will be closely monitoring how reproducible Performance issues may factor into this round and possibly revisit Relic placement. We do want to keep it the same on all Platforms so we'll need a bit of time to make changes.

This is a direct quote from the update notes, DE knows that POE can stress out people's PC, and if enough people can't get the relics because of hardware issues, they are open to making changes. Please read the notes on these things first.

Funny how they knew and they just did it anyway. 


6 hours ago, NullSaint said:

No--a player claims that the items are only available in a particular part of the game they "can't" play and don't like, and then when people point out the numerous ways he could improve the situation or work around it, he complains about those too.

Because all of those require real money to be spent. In which case he could just buy all said unvaulted frames. Your solutions will impact him financially. While some of us want a solution that will not require him to spend any money. 

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4 hours ago, Draugurr said:

Because all of those require real money to be spent. In which case he could just buy all said unvaulted frames. Your solutions will impact him financially. While some of us want a solution that will not require him to spend any money. 

One more time: farm other relics. Sell those parts for plat. Use that plat to buy PoE parts. Problem is solved.

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hace 7 minutos, NullSaint dijo:

One more time: farm other relics. Sell those parts for plat. Use that plat to buy PoE parts. Problem is solved.

Only one issue with that: NOBODY on trade chat is buying anything that isn't either currently vaulted or came out in this unvaulting. Trade chat right now is absolutely flooded with buying frost/ember/loki parts and rivens for the top 4-5 weapons with maybe a few maiming strikes and argon scopes thrown in. Trying to sell even full sets of frames or weapons from vauban to mirage prime accesses is basically in vain, and besides the insane grind for cyclone kraken or auger secrets nothing else is available in game worth any platinum besides the recently vaulted stuff

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