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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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1 minute ago, Tricky5hift said:

I watched this entire video and I still don't see where Bungie is involved in all this.

All I see is this scare tactic where you compare DE to the big-bad Bungie to try and prove your point which again, was never relevant to begin with.

When needing to watch a video, it's helpful to actually try and understand what is being said. Being more open minded means you're less likely to miss details.

I even marked the part where Jim brought up the Bungie attitude point earlier where he, himself, explained on what he means with that.

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8 minutes ago, Abekrie said:

When needing to watch a video, it's helpful to actually try and understand what is being said. Being more open minded means you're less likely to miss details.

I even marked the part where Jim brought up the Bungie attitude point earlier where he, himself, explained on what he means with that.

DE has literally never said anything about splitting the packs apart. They never promised anything.

Yet you make it sound like DE owes us something. They're providing a service, its as simple as that.

Also I'm pretty sure Jim isn't even referring to the situation in the present tense. He just hopes DE never makes empty promises like Bungie does.

If you really want to make sure DE doesn't follow the "Bungie attitude", then I suggest they be more transparent about how unvaulting is going to work.

Just give us a simple yes or no answer. I couldn't care less about what they actually end up doing, just if they tell us or not.

Edited by Tricky5hift
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Again: A customer is only entitled to the the purchases they make. Your attitude is overflowing with self entitlement. DE doesn't owe you world peace just because you give them money for their goods and services.


The "Bungo Attitude" argument would be valid if they were actively  ignoring us. But have DE done that? No! They's told us a resounding NO and then mentioned that they were looking into ways we could get these oh so game ending cosmetic items via a in game party aka: Baro. The people who are espousing the "Bungo Attitude" narrative are self entitled grown adults throwing their toys out of the pram like a spoilt child. Sad.

Edited by LupisV0lk
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2 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

DE has literally never said anything about splitting the packs apart. They never promised anything.

Yet you make it sound like DE owes us something. They're providing a service, its as simple as that.

I'm not making any of that sort of claim. Never have I ever said that DE owes us this change. What I am speaking for is that it is something that I see as beneficial for everyone.

The people who very much do want these accessories separate want to give DE their money without feeling like it's mostly wasted on stuff they already own.

I've seen various methods of how it can go, but the general point shared would be for the accessories to be able to be purchased with money by themselves or without overlap.

DE can provide a service, or they can provide a service that has more customers happy with giving their money for. It would be a win/win situation for everyone.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Whatever the hell he wants. He’s the customer. He’s the one with the money. Man I’d like to see you run a business.

Lol this is what's wrong with society now.  Too many opinions too much animosity.  When you cater to one demographic you lose another if not many.  You have to pick a middle ground and hope for the best.  If what you want gets put on the side line then that's for a reason.  If the majority shared such opinions it would be rectified.  Such was destinies problem.  They weee overconfident and complacent.  The real question is have you ever run a business with a multi million customer base?  Your argument might be a little different then. 

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Tldr;DE is nothing like bungi-vision,relax my dude.

Hilarious. I was one of the fools that pre-ordered the first destiny months before release,season pass and all.  Never had I felt so robbed and lied to in my life before that cluster of a mess. They lied nonstop about the game as they shoveled it out,it was no mans sky before lieing about your game was cool.
Not once did I ever think they knew what they were doing as the game was in a never ending buff and nerf state by the week and they usually never tested patches or content which made the game plagued with bugs and if any gun was "alright" in the pvp,it would be nerfed into the ground for anyone who just played it for the pve. The game was handled terribly by devs who didn't have a plan from the start and theyve made it up as theyve gone along even through destiny 2. I tried so hard to stay on the destiny train sweeping the bs under the rug when it happened but I don't have an infinite amount of patience.

Coming into Warframe from destiny was like stepping from night into day. Almost every problem destiny had,warframe was correcting on and doing better by strides.
Devs actually seem to give a crap about warframe here,they do frequent bug fixes and updates and pour new frames and weapons into the game all the time.  
I joined around the time plains of eidolon dropped and let me tell you,this has been one of my favorite gaming experiences in a long time.

DE isn't without their share of mess ups,they aren't 100% innocent angels as no devs are but I can see DE tries pretty hard to not only make money but keep the playerbase happy and coming back. Money that without,a business would fail but they aren't scummy about it like bungi-vision are(all things must be lootboxes with real cash etc lie to make a buck etc)

 I've put in around 700 hours and powered through to MR 20 in a few months and i'm still having a blast and when they get money from me I don't feel like I'm fueling bad habbits or getting robbed. I WANT to give my support so warframe can become the best it can be.  

I can see you finding similarities though with having to buy destiny base game+its dlc to get the exotic cosmetics they had tied to rebuying everything to having to buy ember prime whether you have her or not just to get the sydanna but those two instances are far from being the same thing. Hopefully after all the feedback they're getting we'll see smaller packs just with the cosmetics because i'd like to get the sydanna myself but if they don't do that it's fine too either way for me,I've more than gotten my moneys worth out of warframe and i'll spend more if I ever get a 75% off plat...still waiting for that daaaay.

Comparing DE to bungi-visions actions is pretty ridiculous.  Apples to tomatoes yo.


Edited by wizardeiges
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They literally only ask for hard currency in a single instance. Cosmetics. Slots, a seemingly necessary part of enjoying the game as much as possible by having the right frame, weapons and companions for missions, are Plat purchases, but you can get the Plat from trading sought after items. Events and holidays usually mean a variant weapon which means a free slot if you don't care for the weapon. New Prime frame rolls out and you can instantly go and find the Relics to farm for the frame and weapons and build them without spending a cent.

You are given a choice. Take the offer DE has given you or walk away. If DE thought they would get more people to buy it at the lower price, then it would be the lower price. Given the price hasn't changed and there is no separate bundle for the flashy bits, DE isn't going to be swayed by ridiculous amounts of hyperbole or linking to the same video 100 times to show them how obviously wrong they are and <insert "popular" youtuber here> knows DE's business better than they do.

Do you know what sways DE? Hard data. If there was truly a widespread sentiment that the bundles are overpriced, there would be changes. The game is dying by gaining more people than ever. Perhaps the community doesn't know what is best?

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While DE doesn't exhibit Bungie / Activision / EA levels of anti-consumerism, as players we need really need to question their logic and motives at times.

We can get accessories separate from Primed Warframes and Weapons via every Prime Access. That's fine and good. But when something gets un-vaulted, you can only get said accessories WITH the Primed Warframe and weapons.

Now, if you already have the Primed Frame and such and just want the accessories...you're throwing a lot of money for a pack in which 75% of what's in it is going to be tossed in the bin. That's TERRIBLE value for money and the video (and other players for that matter) are spot on for saying "What the heck, DE?"

If however, you could buy accessories separately for say $25 or so, that would be far better value for the money and people would jump on that like no tomorrow and be extremely grateful. DE doesn't HAVE to do this (they don't have to do squat for us), but offering previously released accessories as separate, purchasable items would earn them more money and a better reputation as a dev that listens and acts on good feedback and does f2p right.

And players get the swag they missed out on without paying too much money for a bunch of extras they don't want or need. 

Win / win situation. 

And that's exactly what the video is talking about.

What about this do some of you not get?

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It is kind of a nose-wrinkling 'really?' if those cosmetics aren't farm-able with the new temporary relics. At the very least, there should be an optional pack that only includes the cosmetics; they're already offering Ember, Frost, Loki, and a Dual pack, no reason why a Cosmetic Pack couldn't be a thing.

That said, it's hard for me to get angry because.. well, Warframe is free, and these are cosmetics, and Jim Sterling has himself stated on many occasions that this kind of economy is fine in free-to-play games.

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Starting WF in january this year, and im starting to see that there are 3 kind of people in forum.

1. DE isnt wrong, stop with entitlement and deal with it

2. Writing a valid points that criticizing how our game works, and offer a solution that could benefit the playerbase and DE

3. anyone else

just like any other game forum tbh, nothing special.

anyway, from my experience with their support, i dont really think they are "listening". but of course my experience doesnt reflect the whole community, which is probably has better experience with their support or maybe... worse.

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I watched this and thats a good and fair video.

DE has the ball now like Jim said and lets see what they do with it or if they ignore it again like last year.

Come on DE you can do better.

Another point of critique is the amount of cosmetics who come with the unvaulting.

Lets say we missed a cosmetic out and we want it.How long do we have to wait to get it?

In the Ember pack there is the Pyra Prime Syandana.Thats cool but where is the Verlorum Prime sigil?How much more years do we have to wait to get it again? Both were in the Nova Prime Access.One came back the other not.

Why not bring the atleast the matching accessories back?


Edited by K0bra
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Well to be honest,

1, DE doesnt owe you anything for any money you spend. Is not borrowing your money is a valid trade and service agreement which you have agreed upon signing up your account.


2. Even if it can be sold separately, how many of you will buy ? 49.99 USD for armor, syndana , 2 x 90 booster ?

so lers say half price 25 USD

i for one will not spend on it. with 25 USD i can get like 2000 plat at 75% discount / 5 tennogen


3. They want to make the syndanna exclusive to those prime access.

in marketing point of view, they will not release it again, because they want to maintain the exclusivity to earn more money and more stable income.

if they release it again at cheaper price, who will buy it ?

and if they do release, nobody will buy the prime access. so they will lose it there.


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Just to be clear, until today i dont understand why people keey saying :

" warframe is a copy of destiny " OR " DE a copy of Bungie "


warframe is released on March 25, 2013

Destiny is released on September 9, 2014;

so how on earth something that exist 1.5 year earlier is a copy of the later ?


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17 minutes ago, rudman88 said:

Just to be clear, until today i dont understand why people keey saying :

" warframe is a copy of destiny " OR " DE a copy of Bungie "


warframe is released on March 25, 2013

Destiny is released on September 9, 2014;

so how on earth something that exist 1.5 year earlier is a copy of the later ?


Because hyperbolic manchildren want to lump DE into the same bed as a Lazy Developer all because DE said no to the community.

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14 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

1- in PA, you get new stuff you don't own 

2- for 40, while yes it's cheaper, you only get: 1 prime cosmetic, 2 profile pics and 1 prime extractor (which nobody cares that much about) 

for 50 during the PA, you get 2 prime cosmetics, x2 90 day boosters

3- everything you said can be farmed in game, whether it's slots or the wfs and weps or the plat 

so, what we have is: 

pay 40 for 1 cosmetic and 2 candies or pay 50 for 2 cosmetics and x2 90 day boosters

yea....Imma say the PA is the better deal here 

ofc, me saying it's a better deal, and you saying PV is a fair deal is just subjective, but I've listed down the facts, and it's not as rewarding as you think it is 

actually for extreme end game players, the PV is the better deal. You are a little to be comparing two cosmetics to a cosmetic and the prime extractor since the prime extractor originally occupied a cosmetic slot in its first PA. So really let us relist them.

PA: two accessories items, 2 90 boosters for 50 bucks

PV: two accessories items, profile pics plus 3 free slots( you can sell the free prime items if you do not want them and get the slots back)  and finally 400 platinum for 40 bucks. 

I am MR 25 with everything level and a ton of credits. So if i do purchase the prime access I would do it for the cosmetics.

So by comparing the two items, the value that i get from each pack is the same, two accessories items, but with the PV pack for 10 bucks less i get a bunch of extra which in my opinion is far more useful to me than the boosters. 

So the PV pack is not so horrendously overprice when you compare it to other packs offered by DE. Of course for a new player, i feel they would value those boosters far more. But all in all, it is a fairly balance pack for what you are getting. It is like you said, depending on the value you feel you will be getting, each pack has its pros and cons.

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31 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Because hyperbolic manchildren want to lump DE into the same bed as a Lazy Developer all because DE said no to the community.

No, we want to make sure DE don't get into bed with said developers, by simply letting bad practices slide. Please stop acting like those who are simply asking not to be forced to spend money on content they already own, are "hyperbolic manchildren". This is exactly the kind of attitude Bungie defenders had when people started complaining about how the Curse of Osiris locked off content they had already bought with the base game.

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