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UPDATE!! We Are Getting Accessories Only For Unvaulted Packs Starting This Pack. THANK YOU [DE]!


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44 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

Actually he did mention prices, even shows images of said prices. You did admit your mistake up front: you didn't watch the whole thing. Well, instead of bashing Jim,  maybe put more constructive insight, and actually watch the full video, you'd be taken seriously. 

Never said he didn't mention prices. Just said he conveniently didn't point out that it was cheaper than prime access. He kept comparing prices to the price of a full retail game, or even trading it with another player in game, which can greatly vary. Of course I could have missed it, I did go back and finish it, though never rewatched it to see if I missed anything. It'll be the first and last time I watch a video someone "shares" in the feedback section.

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18 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

This is sounding very close to ''It's just cosmetic'', so I'll take that excuse to toss in a bit more Jim:


You can toss in as much Jim as you want still doesn't change the fact that it is in fact....just cosmetic. Like i said i agree separate access packs should be a thing but accusing DE of becoming like one of the worst players in the game is far to harsh. Opinions and what not.

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Perhaps there is no need to compare developers.

All players ask is for more options; options that if implemented right, can leave players satisfied with their purchase while giving DE a substantial profit

Ember prime access was the first to have no prime accessory pack; it was either 200 smackeroos for the whole set or tough luck

Subsequent P.A. gave the prime accessory pack from feedback

Good system: Prime bulk accessory pack with a (flat) discount

Better system: Prime accessory pack with individual options to purchase, discount variable based on items bought (although not as substantial as the dual packs, etc.)

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Just now, ----Legacy---- said:

 If DE offers a single pack for 1/4 of its price, they need to ensure selling at least 4x times more than they currently do to ensure the same revenue, otherwise it's nothing but lost income for a company that, you know, has to make money to keep the game alive

How is it lost income? Enlighten me.

The way I see it, they're still making money. Not all the money in the world, but it's still money. Also, their revenue doesn't start from x number that goes down based on sales, it starts from zero and goes upwards. Therefore, it's not lost revenue, it's gained. Doesn't matter they make 60 a pop or 15 a pop, it's still revenue. Cause here's the thing, unlike the in-game trading, where you have a limited number of trades per day, DE isn't limited on how many sales they can make a day, so they don't have to optimize for best amount of revenue per day. So any sale, regardless of price, is still revenue for them.

Also, how do you know they will not make more money from these 15 bucks Misa Primes than they would from the 60 bucks packs. If anything, look at Patreon and how their change in policy against the 1 dollar patreons made everyone realize just how much money the little guys can add up to. Most patreons live on the 1 dollar guys, not the 60 dollar guys. So, you know, lower prices lead to more sales is what I'm getting from that.

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4 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

1- that's not how free works. it's free because I don't have to pay 

2- if I want to pay them for this amazing game (which I do and will), I'll do it via PA, since we both profit

I get new items I don't have before, and they get money. instead of I only get 1-2 items I don't have and they get money 

your statement isn't an excuse for an obvious unrewarding deal to the majority of the playerbase 

They aren't threatening to take a single thing from you. They are offering something else, but it only comes in a package with the rest. You still get new items you didn't have before, and items that you do have. 

So one PV pack is $40. It includes 400 platinum, which is $20 right there, leaving $20 to cover the other items. If you think that is too much, then don't buy it.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)dZy_dEviL said:

No worries...just pointing out lots of ex-Destiny players like myself don't jump to extremes like this :highfive:

You're right, you're right. Some even specifically thanked the devs for being the exact opposite of Bungie. Amazing how a single word can change a sentence, eh?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)BLOOD-LINE-01 said:

Every time an Unvaulting happens, people ask for the cosmetics to be sold seperately. Each time we are apparantly ignored. For those of us who have the gear but not the cosmetics, this is a really crappy practice. 

We do not want to have to pay for items we already own, we just want the cosmetics.

This is probably the only microtransaction you guys do that is just a straight up rip off and a middle finger to veterans. Please show us that you’re listening to your community DE, and seperate the gear from the cosmetics instead of just ignoring the request outright, like Bungie with their Eververse rubbish.



I get you point but the comparison is irreverent. 



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The other thing to remember (which keeps being missed in all these threads) is they have mentioned they are looking at the unvault process, that there would likely be other ways that they will unvault in the future including Baro, and they had listened to the feedback.  posting 6546 threads with the same video wont change that.  

What it will do is make a moderator's job harder so, good show there. 

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1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:

DE not selling them separately has nothing to do with Bungie, and they already ARE a good deal. 

I agree that this is nothing like Bungie and the Eververse, but a good deal? Only a good deal if you want/need all the items otherwise it is a pretty raw deal. £27 for a Syandana is not a good deal by a long shot.

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15 minutes ago, RawGritz said:

Honestly I dont understand why things are vaulted. I did in the past where it was a bit harder to find places to put the relics. But there are so many corners of this game where DE could tuck the relics for everything.

Things aren't vaulted because they don't have somewhere to put them. Also, in case you didn't know, rare tradings cards aren't rare because they only have so many. 

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16 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

How is it lost income? Enlighten me.

Companies have costs to cover, hence need to earn a minimum of money before they can start talking about earnings. The way they price their products is based on their sale expectations, so if they know that the current system sells X amount of units and generates Y amount of income which serves to fill Z costs, they can use that data to plan ahead and set a floor for the upcoming periods of time. Changing the system for one that requires selling 4X units to still generate Y amount of money and probably not make enough money cover the Z costs becomes lost revenue when compared to their expectations based on previous experience, and forces them to lower their floor and slows down company development. I'm sure we all want warframe to keep growing after all.

Edited by ----Legacy----
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32 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

But here you're buying 2 fully equipped houses by paying slightly more than the oven's original price, and less than half than the original price for a single house.


5 minutes ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

I agree that this is nothing like Bungie and the Eververse, but a good deal? Only a good deal if you want/need all the items otherwise it is a pretty raw deal. £27 for a Syandana is not a good deal by a long shot.

60 bucks for the ember+loki.

You get 1200 plat with that. 1000 plat alone cost 50 dollars. So you get two prime Warframes, 200 plat, all the weapons and cosmetics for 10 dollars. How is that not a good deal?

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1 hour ago, Gabbynaru said:

Yes, that's exactly what they should do. Just cause you paid for it way back when and it was part of a bundle doesn't mean everyone else should today. That's like saying I have to pay full price for a 2002 car in 2018 just cause you paid full for it back in 2002. Doesn't work that way.

As you said, people will pay 10-20 bucks for a Misa Prime. So then, what's the excuse. No one is asking for Misa Prime for free. They're willing to pay for it. Real money. That DE will receive. Passing on that is just stupid.

Or Suck it Up Buttercup and just play the damn game?
It's a cosmetic, if you are so uptight about this one thing, then that's just sad.

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11 minutes ago, NullSaint said:

They aren't threatening to take a single thing from you. They are offering something else, but it only comes in a package with the rest. You still get new items you didn't have before, and items that you do have. 

So one PV pack is $40. It includes 400 platinum, which is $20 right there, leaving $20 to cover the other items. If you think that is too much, then don't buy it.

I never said they’re threatening me...


  and like I said, in a PA, all you get is new stuff, so you both profit. No need in getting stuff that you have in order to get stuff you don’t have 


  Also, plat and all that crap doesn’t really count since you can get it ingame. I’m talking about exclusive here. In PA, you pay 50 to get 2 exclusives, in PV, you pay 40 to get 1....that’s not a rewarding deal 


  This whole fuss comes down to this Q: 


  Do you think DE will lose money if they did a separate deal for the cosmetics alone? If they do lose, they tell us that with facts and numbers....don’t just do the same crappy thing next PV and never talk about it because your answer isn’t good enough. It’s that simple. If a professional told them they’ll lose money if they add a separate cosmetic pack supported with facts and statistics and numbers then I and many others will be convinced and understand 

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4 minutes ago, rune_me said:


60 bucks for the ember+loki.

You get 1200 plat with that. 1000 plat alone cost 50 dollars. So you get two prime Warframes, 200 plat, all the weapons and cosmetics for 10 dollars. How is that not a good deal?


11 minutes ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

 Only a good deal if you want/need all the items otherwise it is a pretty raw deal. £27 for a Syandana is not a good deal by a long shot.

Also, what have people really got against there being just an Accessory Pack? I mean, really, what harm is there in having such an option?

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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2 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

  Do you think DE will lose money if they did a separate deal for the cosmetics alone? If they do lose, they tell us that with facts and numbers....don’t just do the same crappy thing next PV and never talk about it because your answer isn’t good enough. It’s that simple. If a professional told them they’ll lose money if they add a separate cosmetic pack supported with facts and statistics and numbers then I and many others will be convinced and understand 

I don't know if they will lose or not. I would assume that, as an actual company, they have people with actual financial knowledge who look at all of this and work it out. And even if they do, they are under no obligation to tell you jack about it. Why you would basically assume that they just pulled this out of their butts instead of that they made a reasoned decision is what I don't understand. 

The corresponding question is this: have you bought every PA since you joined? If not, then why are you complaining about this?

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