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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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Thank you for the changes to all the frames they are coming along really nice!  

Banshee needs a little more work imo.

Can you decrease the cast time of soundquake?  She is very vulnerable in her casting state and doesn't flow well.

Can you make sonic boom a one handed cast please?  Having to stop all the time to cast also makes her feel clunky.

Finally can you please loose the sound muffle on Silence?  As a player sound is an integral part of the wf experience..this ability shouldn't affect your own frame as it doesn't affect teammates.  Being muffled all the time while playing Banshee is not fun and is a big hindrance.

Thank you for listening!

Edited by (PS4)I420t
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:awkward: anyone can tell me why my Banshee prime has stopped working? if i press 4 it instantl stop the quake after 3 seconds, wth is that? means that i can trash my Banshee prime as i did with my Mirage prime since DE loves to kill the Frames instead of letting the Players just PLAY!


Edit: Never mind i retestes in Sorties and on Hydron with 160% effi, 160 % Range , 180 % Strenght no single energy plate needed in 10 waves and all died instantly with 95% damage dealt and over 600 killed enemies its even more OP then the old qauke was.

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Zephyr needs something to control Tailwind, right now it's awesome to travel in the plains but that's about it. You should let the thrust to be stopped some way (recasting or keeping 1 press) and the hover should be accesible that way too, not only when jumping from the floor.
Airbust is not bad but neither great, it should have a better cc than ragdolling since the control of the tornadoes is still lacking.
I think restrincting the area where the tornadoes roam and giving the posibility of moving that area recasting (like chroma effigy augment) would be more useful.
Happy to see changes tho. Keep going that way.

Edited by Shivenis
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Really nice feature and surely helpful, but the thing is, the rubble needs to be literally in CROTCH length to be able to pick it up, and if you kill a stoned enemy in the air or a corpus camera it just sticks in the air, so my suggestion would be to either increase the pickup radius drastically or to make it be able to be vacuumed by your sentinel

Oh, and make it drop to the floor

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Vex Armor buff range is 18 meters affected by Range mods, isn't that a bit too much?

The most similar ability we have is Total Eclipse (Eclipse's augment) but excluding the fact that the bonus damage is lower, that you get the bonus damage only on the light and that the bonus % depends on light intensity (AKA a source there's no way to measure), it has a radius of 5 meters affected by Range mods.

In other words, Mirage and her allies MUST stand still if they want to benefit of the buffs (this usually implies death for the already fragile Mirage) while Chroma has no malus at all, he even gives armor %!

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vor 38 Minuten schrieb TonnoTuna:

Vex Armor buff range is 18 meters affected by Range mods, isn't that a bit too much?

The most similar ability we have is Total Eclipse (Eclipse's augment) but excluding the fact that the bonus damage is lower, that you get the bonus damage only on the light and that the bonus % depends on light intensity (AKA a source there's no way to measure), it has a radius of 5 meters affected by Range mods.

In other words, Mirage and her allies MUST stand still if they want to benefit of the buffs (this usually implies death for the already fragile Mirage) while Chroma has no malus at all, he even gives armor %!

no uts not becuase noone will run overextended on chroma because it just ruins his abilities even more.





but i gues at this point that wouldnt change much either. i mean his 3 is S#&$ now

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18 hours ago, Yperkeimenos said:

Hi all,this is my feedback: 1) Volts rework is lackluster and lacking in every way. By halving stun time,Discharge is not a control ability, by increasing damage but making it have a distance falloff of 50% and with no armour ignore/reduction, it's not a damage ability either. Actually it doesn't know what it wants to be, it's a jack of all trades but master of none , it's effective in low level missions, but so was before the update and it's ineffective in higher level content. All in all a step in the wrong direction.

Ok after further testing i must admit that i was a bit hasty in drawing my conclusions concerning Volt. The ability works, damage wise, quite well against tight clusters of the Corpus and the Infested but is quite useless against the Grineer,mainly due to armour, and isolated enemies,due to the Tesla coil effect. Control wise it's quite weak against all factions and especially so against distant enemies, but since the Devs stated they don't want it to be a control ability, i can understand it. If Discharge was to reduce the armour of enemies by a percentage value that can be increased with Strength mods and do damage to isolated enemies that aren't close together, then it would be in a very good place. My feedback on Ash,for those of you who read it, remains the same.

EDIT : Forgot to mention that i tested it in the Simulacrum against level 100 Infested,Corpus and Grineer. In low to mid level missions, such as Hydron/Sedna it gets the job done, but not so well as it did before.

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My Zephyr feedback:

  • The charge mechanic doesn't give any real benefit in terms of bonifications. You could achieve almost the same effect of hovering with a bullet jump + RMB. If you are going to use it to "Fly" is inefficient.

Comparison in terms of energy and altitude:

  • Charged mechanic: 25 energy + 3 secs to jump very high(I don't know the altitude here).
  • Bullet Jump + 1 Air dash: 12.5 energy but your initial altitude is lower.
  • Bullet Jump + 2 Air dash(One vertical and one in any direction): 25 energy and you get a higher initial altitude or you cover more ground than using the charging mechanic.


  • You don't have ways to stop if you collide with a wall in other tilesets.
  • Dive Bomb still is a relic from the past and is better to use an slam attack to descend quickly or use the Air dash.
  • Tail Wind augment is very difficult to keep the bonus and is rather weird designed because is only effective if you use the dash on ground(when you tap it).
  • Air Burst is slow, the CC is good. 
  • The animation cast of Vortex is longer than before which gives to the enemy an open window to kill you.
  • Tornadoes are still difficult to control, slow, have a very low enemy retention when the tornadoes move and they don't synergize well with Air Burst, it make them higher but it have a chance to push out the enemies from the tornadoes. Making tornadoes taller doesn't give any real benefit because they still can be dropped from the tornadoes easier.
  • She still doesn't have well settle the "Sky dominance" title, i mean, she can hover and dash like many warframes, but she doesn't get boosted or something while airborne or give her any benefit.

Making a warframe just good for one tileset(Just PoE) doesn't sound good to me.

Edited by chofranc
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41 minutes ago, Yperkeimenos said:

Ok after further testing i must admit that i was a bit hasty in drawing my conclusions concerning Volt. The ability works, damage wise, quite well against tight clusters of the Corpus and the Infested but is quite useless against the Grineer,mainly due to armour, and isolated enemies,due to the Tesla coil effect. Control wise it's quite weak against all factions and especially so against distant enemies, but since the Devs stated they don't want it to be a control ability, i can understand it. If Discharge was to reduce the armour of enemies by a percentage value that can be increased with Strength mods and do damage to isolated enemies that aren't close together, then it would be in a very good place. My feedback on Ash,for those of you who read it, remains the same.

Not totaly agreed with all of your statements about usefulness of Discharge (still weak ability after all fixes, rework attempts, balance changing), but it's kinda interesting. Really, what if it could apply some sort of vulnerability effect on use? Like open finishers with your melee, or armor reduction (as you mentioned), it might work, despite low damage and short duration, tesla coiling etc. Should be possible fix, or some steps to it.

Edited by Cryone
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4 minutes ago, Cryone said:

Not totaly agreed with all of your statements about usefulness of Discharge (still weak ability after all fixes, rework attempts, balance changing), but it's kinda interesting. Really, what if it could apply some sort of vulnerability effect on use? Like open finishers with your melee, or armor reduction (as you mentioned), it might work, despite low damage and short duration, tesla coiling etc. Should be possible fix, or some steps to it.

Yeah i forgot to mention that i tested it in the Simulacrum against level 100 Infested,Corpus and Grineer. In low to mid level missions, such as Hydron/Sedna it gets the job done, but not so well as it did before.

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2 hours ago, DeadlyCreation said:

no uts not becuase noone will run overextended on chroma because it just ruins his abilities even more.

You missed the point: a Chroma with Narrow Minded still has more range than a Range unmodded Total Eclipse, but I think that there're valid points to put even Overextended on Chroma; you'll sacrifice Strength, but you would actually buff your allies within a greater range.

What I meant is that there's no reason to prefer Total Eclipse over Vex Armor as a form of teammate buff, Total Eclipse is way worse in every aspect if seen comparatively to Vex Armor.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb TonnoTuna:

You missed the point: a Chroma with Narrow Minded still has more range than a Range unmodded Total Eclipse, but I think that there're valid points to put even Overextended on Chroma; you'll sacrifice Strength, but you would actually buff your allies within a greater range.

What I meant is that there's no reason to prefer Total Eclipse over Vex Armor as a form of teammate buff, Total Eclipse is way worse in every aspect if seen comparatively to Vex Armor.

why doing that? as soon as you put overextended on chroma rhinos buff would be way way way stronger. and on top of that teammates need to stay in the radius of chroma. looking at PoE a area that is huge and having teammates flying all over the place, staying in one tight circle is not usefull. 

so rhinos buff is stronger and gives teammates the ability to move around freely. on top of that is rhino the better tank atm and has with stomp a real good CC. and yes chroma is one of the hardest frames to aquire and rhino one of the easiest. this makes no sence at all, having a frame earned so late in game being just a worse version of one of the earliest. thats not good gamedesign

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The only things chroma had going for him were his great damage and his tankiness. Now don't get me wrong, I can kinda get behind the damage (fury) nerf, because I can still kill eidolons relatively fast, but why nerf his armor (scorn)? There was no reason for it. His eHP was shredded with the change. Please make the nerf only apply to his damage and give him back is old armor. Ice chroma is now practically useless.

Edited by The_Legend27
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Just now, The_Legend27 said:

The only things chroma had going for him ere his great damage and his tankiness. Now don't get me wrong, I can kinda get behind the damage (fury) nerf, because I can still kill eidolons relatively fast, but why nerf his armor (scorn)? There was no reason for it. His eHP was shredded with the change. Please make the nerf only apply to his damage and give him back is old armor. Ice chroma is now practically useless.

This is what I'm asking for, at the very least. 

At most we could add 50% of his original damage potential back? Not to one shot eidolons but to make him somewhat useful damage wise.

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Hello DE,

I would like to say great job on the Zephyr and Atlas reworks. You have made these two frames very enjoyable to play, and taken care of the zephyr tornado problem. I'd like to see Zephyr's airburst to be a bit more offensive, perhaps adding a slash proc or have it carry enemies with it, with each enemy adding to the final damage when it runs out of range or hits an object. If Zephyr's one could stop when she hits a solid surface, preferably exploding on contact, it would give her more damage and fix the divebomb problem. Essentially just let her divebomb in any direction. With these changes I see her being complete, capable of some damage with defensive options and CC utility. She has quickly become one of my preferred frames with this change. I think you nailed Atlus, no changes needed there.


Keep up the good work.

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1 hour ago, Yperkeimenos said:

Yeah i forgot to mention that i tested it in the Simulacrum against level 100 Infested,Corpus and Grineer. In low to mid level missions, such as Hydron/Sedna it gets the job done, but not so well as it did before.

There's one more faction, that might be the biggest problem for the endgaming. Personally had some difficulties in AXI Survival, trying to test min./max. Discharge builds, where i experienced problem of the current Volt's state. Since Discharge is now affected by range duration reduction, it affects alot Capacitance build, and it means that your survivability is significanly reduced, not only by overshields replenishment, also by lacking of CC. So, as the consequence of it, in later stage of the game, you should probably forgot Discharge as a ability, you should stay focus on your Electric Shield's timer. So maybe adding some feature mentioned early can probably fix it.

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Just tried the new Atlas.


He is much better now, but the decay rate, time after which bonus armor decay begins should be increased a bit (decay 5/s, starts decaying after 10s). Quite hard to sustain the bonus otherwise. 


Also considering Atlas base hp isn't very high, max bonus armor could be a bit higher (like 3000), With max Vitality and Steel fiber giving him 740hp, bit under 4k armor (ehp around 10k-11k which still isn't too much). 


Right now you need to keep killing petrified enemies constantly to not lose the buff, as soon as you stop, it goes away very fast. Problem with that is that it reduces diversity of gameplay a bit. It takes quite some effort to build the buff up and as soon as you stop petrifying things and immediately killing them it goes away. Not that good bonus against high lvl enemies especially.


And therefore while the new petrify is nice for crowd control, the rubble mechanic doesn't make as much difference as I hoped it would.

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14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

This is what I'm asking for, at the very least. 

At most we could add 50% of his original damage potential back? Not to one shot eidolons but to make him somewhat useful damage wise.

I mean even if they don't give the damage back, it's kinda really important they give his scorn back. They already said he had a small playerbase, but now hes just worse than other tanks like inaros or rhino. If they don't want to kill chroma entirely they need to give the old scorn calculations back, if not just make it better than it is now, cause right now hes just not tanky in comparison.

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9 hours ago, HyokaChan said:

Iron Vault build can deal amazeballs damage in the limited places you can actually use it.

Augment modded ability....limited places you can actually use it....

*distant concern*

So...can we not get the ability fixed? Cus when you say "fine as is", that generally means what it sounds like it says it means.

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Just a console scrub here, I haven't been able to try the new changes personally yet, but I thought I might throw my hat into the ring with Zephyr while it is still fresh. Complete respect to the developers, but I think Tailwind needs a big change. Before it's change it was pretty hard to control, and I've seen tons of forums and comments on it being hard to control after the changes. When I've played Zephyr in the past my biggest problem with her was that I didn't feel like I was in control of her movement. I would activate the ability then launch, and then try to improvise and course correct in the air and hope I don't crash into a wall. For a frame that is supposed to excel in mobility, it feels clunky. I know that scrapping abilities is something that generally doesn't happen in these revisits, but I think an exception could be made here. Excal had his Super Jump and that was scrapped, there isn't a whole lot of difference between the two.


I thought of one idea to replace it that I think might be pretty good. Basically when you activate it, you hover in place. (Like what her new charging mechanic does now) It would be a toggle based ability so that you could stay in the air as long as you want. And then when you hold the sprint button you fly off in the direction you're facing (like tailwind) Then letting go of sprint would put you back into hover mode and stop momentum. This would let her stay in the air indefinitely and also let her have more control. Essientally giving her flight, which has probably been the most asked for thing for Zephyr for years.

Up in the air like that she could guide her tornadoes from a bird's eye view. Hopefully her Air Burst will vacuum enemies together from the point of impact. So she could group enemies together from above, and then have a tornado scoop them up.

Just the idea I had for her. Thanks for reading

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