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The new Banshee SoundQuake augment is even worse!


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So like hydron farming banshee, yep that's dead I don't think anyone's doing that for lazy focus farming (although super pro-active savage silence adaro banshee focus farming is still the fastest and most stylish/skillful way to cap your daily focus)


but like a few minutes ago (well 15 I guess since i stayed like 15 waves) I hoped onto a lith defence fissure earth. Got met with a banshee, a banshee prime and a mag (they were like MR 9, 14 and 11). And then there was me who was also banshee prime with my sonar/sonic fracture build (and an aksomati and kogake prime I was leveling).

Literally all 15 waves was just , was both banshees just spamming resonating soundquake while sustaining it infinitely with zenurik. The whole time. They did not need pizzas, the thing is so cheap they can just sit in a zenurik cloud and restore it by the time they finish the animations. I got to kill 77 dudes across those 15 waves, only because at waves 5,10 and 15 we didn't have enough reactant spawn so they stopped doing it until everyone hit their 10s and then they immediately went back to doing it.


This new resonating quake augment. I don't like it. It saps gameplay just as badly as it did for hydron, except now it's doing it to low level missions. Just like ember did.

But the original proposed idea of it being a deployable stun field? Why? Why did you just scrap that and then push this generic nuke out? there were so many balance metrics to make that stun field fair. You could limit her to one stunfield, reduce the dmg, reduce the range, reduce the duration a fair bit, raise the energy cost for using it. Personally i would have loved if it was just mag's fracturing crush without the armour strip and with the stun only being 6 seconds instead of 8. It would have fit perfectly into her kit to give her actual defensive cc at the cost of another mod slot (which is premium on banshee since she's already kind of limited since you need augments to make any of her powers worthwhile). Instead you gave her a generic nuke that now starts at a base of 25 energy drain (though for some reason I think it's coded to eat 100 energy then restore 75 back which is really weird). It's just as spammable as every other press 4 to win, and based on that lith defence fissure, definitely lazy 1 button gameplay since all those two banshees did was hang out by the cryopod and slap the ground 100+ times each occasionally restoring with zenurik void dash.

And what's probably worse is that this new banshee meta might work for other lith/low level forms of content (such as low level exterminates).

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EV trinity is always happy to supply more energy for more press 4. I guess DE actually wants you to press 4 to win not toggle 4 on and go do RL stuff

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When I saw them testing this new power I knew right away it was just going to be a spamfest instead of one long cast and nothing would really change.

This is a nice change for Banshee players that actually enjoy playing Banshee tho.  

In the end, wf players tend to get lazy and just turn their brains off..DE just made it so they have to leave one or two brain cells working.

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5 hours ago, Obviousclone said:

So like hydron farming banshee, yep that's dead I don't think anyone's doing that for lazy focus farming (although super pro-active savage silence adaro banshee focus farming is still the fastest and most stylish/skillful way to cap your daily focus)


but like a few minutes ago (well 15 I guess since i stayed like 15 waves) I hoped onto a lith defence fissure earth. Got met with a banshee, a banshee prime and a mag (they were like MR 9, 14 and 11). And then there was me who was also banshee prime with my sonar/sonic fracture build (and an aksomati and kogake prime I was leveling).

Literally all 15 waves was just , was both banshees just spamming resonating soundquake while sustaining it infinitely with zenurik. The whole time. They did not need pizzas, the thing is so cheap they can just sit in a zenurik cloud and restore it by the time they finish the animations. I got to kill 77 dudes across those 15 waves, only because at waves 5,10 and 15 we didn't have enough reactant spawn so they stopped doing it until everyone hit their 10s and then they immediately went back to doing it.


This new resonating quake augment. I don't like it. It saps gameplay just as badly as it did for hydron, except now it's doing it to low level missions. Just like ember did.

But the original proposed idea of it being a deployable stun field? Why? Why did you just scrap that and then push this generic nuke out? there were so many balance metrics to make that stun field fair. You could limit her to one stunfield, reduce the dmg, reduce the range, reduce the duration a fair bit, raise the energy cost for using it. Personally i would have loved if it was just mag's fracturing crush without the armour strip and with the stun only being 6 seconds instead of 8. It would have fit perfectly into her kit to give her actual defensive cc at the cost of another mod slot (which is premium on banshee since she's already kind of limited since you need augments to make any of her powers worthwhile). Instead you gave her a generic nuke that now starts at a base of 25 energy drain (though for some reason I think it's coded to eat 100 energy then restore 75 back which is really weird). It's just as spammable as every other press 4 to win, and based on that lith defence fissure, definitely lazy 1 button gameplay since all those two banshees did was hang out by the cryopod and slap the ground 100+ times each occasionally restoring with zenurik void dash.

And what's probably worse is that this new banshee meta might work for other lith/low level forms of content (such as low level exterminates).


Being a long time Banshee user, I'm not facing issues with reworks that are being done nor it's not my first time either that I faced such kind of rebalances in Warframe too. I've always adjusted & made the best out of it. Literally speaking, I like challenges when refreshing balances are being provided to veterans rather going with easy ones which are my personal preferences though as I learn to solve it like a puzzle & giving up just like that is not my version of playing games at all.

DE main target audiences are new players & casual players which is a good thing if I were in their shoe as a developer, to begin with. I have a humble request, learn to adjust & move on instead because knowing DE very well, they aren't likely to paste previous works at all as far I know. 

Edited by IIWingSaberII
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You guys just arnt going to be happy till everyone stops using abilitys to kill anything and just uses them to buff there guns damage are you? Really tho..you got it so they have to be active and are still stomping ur feet like a child throwing a temper tantrum...let people play how they want to or find a group who wants to play like you to....

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I'm thinking it might be high time Banshee just gets a new 4 outright, because this just doesn't seem to be working at all.

At a baseline the bog standard Sound Quake is still just as much of an AFK tool, but alike prior it doesn't do enough damage to be really useful for anything.  It's an anti-interactive ability.  The old augment had the problem of taking that same AFK nature and expanding upon it by giving the ability the power to reliably kill lots of things.  The new augment removes the full AFK nature of it, but replaces it with easier sustainability for the same end result.  Standing still in one spot, autokilling enemies in an uninteractive manner.  For all intents and purposes all that happened moving the problem without fixing anything.

Trying to fix how an augment works unfortunately ignores the core.  That Sound Quake itself is fundamentally a bad ability.  While it does fit into her kit thematically, it doesn't fit into her kit on a mechanical level.  And that's just simply not okay.

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2 hours ago, IIWingSaberII said:

DE main target audiences are new players & casual players which is a good thing if I were in their shoe as a developer, to begin with. I have a humble request, learn to adjust & move on instead because knowing DE very well, they aren't likely to paste previous works at all as far I know. 

For DE's target audience to be new players. Why increase the MR of potentially fun weapons? Why leave the early game in an informative mess of "figure it out for yourself" or "Go ask a veteran player for helpful tips on how to play warframe"? If DE wants to focus on new players, fix the early game. Give them actual tutorials on how to mods against enemy armor/shields. And most importantly, tie in warframe events with player progression. Example: Operation: Breeding Grounds, False Profit, Mutalist Incursions. All stuff I and many others never got to play.     

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2 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Yeah, the new augment is just as easily abused. The only difference now is that players just mash 4 instead of pressing it once and alt-tabbing.

What happened to the initial idea for RQuake's change?

Jokes on them I've got two monitors I never needed to alt+tab *muahahahahahahaahahahaaa~* 

30 minutes ago, Bobtm said:

I'm thinking it might be high time Banshee just gets a new 4 outright, because this just doesn't seem to be working at all.

If it was about her 4 they would have changed her 4 not just the augment. It was always about getting people to "engage", now people have to press the button more, mission accomplished. 

That said I tend to agree, it seems pretty disingenuous to go on about how the whole thing is "unfun"  and "boring" when what they really meant was "lazy" and then leave the base mechanic that was supposedly unfun/boring in the game. 

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1 hour ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

For DE's target audience to be new players. Why increase the MR of potentially fun weapons? Why leave the early game in an informative mess of "figure it out for yourself" or "Go ask a veteran player for helpful tips on how to play warframe"? If DE wants to focus on new players, fix the early game. Give them actual tutorials on how to mods against enemy armor/shields. And most importantly, tie in warframe events with player progression. Example: Operation: Breeding Grounds, False Profit, Mutalist Incursions. All stuff I and many others never got to play.     

First of all, I concur with your opinion here not that I'm overlooking on it because I've been in that spot thinking a long time ago, for your information. 

Perhaps, if I understand correctly, DE style of creating game & what I've seen so far till now.They want to be authentic rather than copy other typical developers out there of doing it which I see it very often & being self-aware, it doesn't come easy towards their target audience. Remember, it's a possibility of following their own path of creating games as a human being that they feel convient as per their own desire & respect them for that. 

About your questions, I'm not an official employee of DE that I would be taking sides for any matter. I've got a real life as my top priority rather the game itself. I would honestly recommend direct these questions towards Community manager so that she can forward your questions in order to get an official answer/ use customer support or contact moderator in getting your answers for these things is all I can say. 

However, lastly, as stated from earlier from me, personally which you choose to ignore me as I can see clearly. You are most welcome to ignore my previous comment at your leisure because I was trying to ease your thoughts which I failed as a veteran & ordinary player just like any out here. :facepalm: 

Sorry, my humble apologies for intervening. I've seen many topics as a reader such as these which lead to nothing in fact while everyone kept moving forward rather judge them each everytime is a personal preference given to the individual as a human being. 

I hope you get answers personally soon from DE directly instead. :satisfied:

Good luck!, Cheers & Take care. Tenno :highfive:

P.S. I only tried to share as you know from my previous comment & now as well from my own personal experience as a player of Warframe. Peace! :thumbup:

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Could someone kindly explain to me the logic behind arguments that essentially claim that a single weapon or ability should be able to carry a mission or that the game should be played that way. Especially at the higher end of available missions. 

No one forces anyone to just spam one ability or one build. If anyone burns out while doing it to reach some arbitrary number goal then that dissatisfaction is entirely their fault. There's an entire catalog of toys to choose from and I am still amazed that there are some who in this analogy, basically press a single button on a single toy in a fully stocked play room.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Not gonna lie, I miss the intense chaos from old Draco. It was a lot of fun. A lot of fun.

I never cared that it was the best spot to affinity farm. That map was the epitome of hard content on the starchart.

Agree. Back then if anyone go to draco unprepared and expected to be carried. They gonna have a bad day.

Compare to today hydron...


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3 minutes ago, Dreadwire said:

Agree. Back then if anyone go to draco unprepared and expected to be carried. They gonna have a bad day.

Compare to today hydron...


Hydron, Akkad, Berehynia. They’re a joke. Lots of cover, walls, chokepoints. Old Draco had a lot of open access with mass amounts of adds swarming in.

Laugh all you want, haters, but old Draco was THE Grineer map that defined chaos, clutch plays, and tenacity of player skill. It was amazing.

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