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Daily Log-in Highly Unfair


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6 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

do you all realize how disgusting it is to play a video game every day for 700 days lol

If you're actually playing, yes.  I logged in almost every day for 8 years when City of Heroes was active and played at least 2 hours a day.  I did it out of habit towards the end, not from any actual enjoyment of the game. 

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Other Games have a Weekly login stack, if you haven't loggined in for a week you are able to catch up that way...

There are people who really cannot play on week days due to family & job commitments ... being punished for that is counterproductive... there are so many different warframea to suit playstyles, and so many different missions... that is why they are putting this new system in, because the old one punishes people who could not play every day who did not have that DAILY PLAYSTYLE... get it? It's just a style of play.

Feeling superior and wanting to hog resources exclusively is a sign of immaturity 

Edited by helioth137
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13 hours ago, (Xbox One)mickeyjuiceman said:

I thought people grew out of complaining about "fair" as a concept when they were little children. Welcome to the real world, sunshine, where things don't entirely revolve around your concepts of them.

i agree

so your in agreement with me to get rid of the participation rewards then? because afterall. the idea of being rewarded for just showing up isnt a concept in the real world? you know because after all people dont get paid for just showing to work. they actually have to work for it. 

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9 hours ago, helioth137 said:

Other Games have a Weekly login stack, if you haven't loggined in for a week you are able to catch up that way...

There are people who really cannot play on week days due to family & job commitments ... being punished for that is counterproductive... there are so many different warframea to suit playstyles, and so many different missions... that is why they are putting this new system in, because the old one punishes people who could not play every day who did not have that DAILY PLAYSTYLE... get it? It's just a style of play.

Feeling superior and wanting to hog resources exclusively is a sign of immaturity 

not to mention logging in isnt a sign of deidcation actually playing the game is. which is why i say they should implement the system i proposed and get rid of the log in system. 


theres no reason Player A should get rewarded exclusive items when he plays the same amount of hours as Player B who only plays the same amount of hours but on the weekend while Player A logs in every day. they are both deserving of the rewards because they are both equally dedicated. 


why people dont understand that i have no clue. thanks for being one a few smart people who actually see that @helioth137 

but the people who already argued me are likely going to straw man you. like they do me. since they have no argument.

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I've put 800 hours into this game off and on since the closed beta, and i'm only at like 40 days for the login rewards. You can say that people who got the weapon "earned" it, but all they really did was happen to login more within a certain period of time than me.

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*shrug* i have aaaaaallmost 1500 hrs played and less then 150 days logged in... yeah the system sucks but then again the old system was at best useless , at worst abusive. As in it "abused" people who didn't know how it was tiered and could be abused by people who did. 


Do i wish there was some kind of catchup implemented? some riven style challanges you could do to raise the timer? or some rousource turn in that randomize what you have to turn in each time? yes, sure, it's a good idea i think so i assume it'll get implemented evetually but with how DE moves... sometime @ 2020 maybe *shrug* the benefits arn't exactly gamebreaking, primed fury and to some extend with eidolons primed vigor hurt the most not having

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Um guys, you realise it is not okay to promote playing non-stop the game for a huge amount of hours??? there is a reason why you have a message after an hour of playing to catch a break...

DE will not actively promote that type of gameplay. You want to stay and play 10 hours straight in one go? fine, it's your call. But the game devs have no right to ask their playerbase to become nolife gollums and throw shiny rewards to keep them happy.

DE want us to log daily for short bursts of time like 1-2 hours. Thats like an acceptable form of hobby.

I think the proposed by DE change to login system is fair. you chose your goal and get to it within 50 days, but if you want all shinies, you have to work exact same amount of days as we currently have. 

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- Those of you claiming you logged in for X amount of days before the current system and that those days didn't count. Do you even know why those days didn't count? It was because DE wanted to put everyone on the same place to not leave newer players behind... Kind of ironic of you to want those days recognized which would have meant newer players would've gotten the short end of the stick. But hey, I guess when it comes to you the rest of the players don't matter then, right?
I too logged in for hundreds of days prior to this system and guess what? I didn't care they started from 0. I started login in normally and now I'm beyond 800 days.

- Those of you claiming the current system is unfair. Do you even remember the old system? That thing was unfair, it punished if you didn't log in 1 single day, as it broke your entire chain and forced you to start from 0 again. THAT was unfair, you can take some days off now and then get back and continue from where you were.

- Those of you claiming that "all those people did was to log in 1 minute for 800 days, they didn't play as much as I do". First, you have no idea how much anyone plays after login in, so stop generalizing. Second, if it's "just login in for 1 minute" as you said then why didn't you do it? If it's something that simple it shouldn't have costed you anything to do it. And if you don't have even 1 minute to log in every day... I think you have more pressing concerns to be worried about than a bunch of virtual items, don't you think?


Before anyone says something about it, I will repeat that I don't mind if DE changes the current system to the one proposed letting people choose what reward to get after each 50 days. I don't mind it because I really don't care if people have easier access to some virtual items (because that's all they are). But reading some comments in here talking about how -unfair- the system is and how it should change to allow -you- to catch up because -you decided to take some time off-... yeah no. This current system is not unfair, it's a --daily log in-- system, it rewards people for login in, nothing more and nothing less than that.

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14 hours ago, cookieknife said:

do you all realize how disgusting it is to play a video game every day for 700 days lol

If it comes down to watching TV like a vegetable in a patch or playing video games, I choose playing video games. 


3 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

not to mention logging in isnt a sign of deidcation actually playing the game is.

DE is the one that said that. I never worried about it. They put in a mechanism that gave me stuff for doing something I was going to do anyway. 

That's why I don't have an issue with it. Moreover, they've stated they're going to change the system. I'd quit worrying about what other may or may not do and see to your own end of things. 

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DE actually recognise people like the OP's problems and want to help them, guys. Their new plans for the system were all detailed in one of the dev streams, though when it actually gets here, we have no idea.

The system was to be changed to several 50 day stacks that you can choose to pursue, ending in something like one of the log-in weapons, or one of the boost bundles that are currently in the rewards list. After you get that 50 day reward, you then get to choose one of the other 50 day stacks to pursue. So, you could work towards the Zenith, then the Zenistar, then one of the bundles, and it will be your choice what to pursue and in what order.

People screaming that their Investments will be invalidated are being very selfish, and this is coming from someone with almost 700 days worth of log-ins under his belt.


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4 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

im not a special snowflake. how can i be when i want the system replaced with something that rewards people for actually playing the game?

Let me explain. He asked what makes you special snowflake, because you are quite literally asking for these rewards to be easier to obtain for you, than they were to everyone else. Your so called challenges could be redone by me today, in a single day. You are essentially asking to replace 800 days with 1 day because you don't feel like waiting, so you do consider yourself special snowflake.

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On 2/20/2018 at 3:56 AM, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

 And when I miss a day I feel as if im being punished. 

That is ... your problem?

I sincerely think you worry too much.  

I suggest you look at it this way:  Log in and play the game because you want to.  Those little tributes are just there as a "thank you".    If you miss day, don't sweat, because who cares?!  It's a GAME.  It's pixels on a screen.

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They should simply separate the rewards into 400 day tiers. Every 100 days you get to choose from the current tier. 

I don't see how that's unfair. At worst you have a player getting an 800 day rewards at 500. 

Its not as bad for those of us that are current because we're growing with the system. It didn't feel bad to wait 2 years to find out what Tenno were, but it would be a ridiculous wait for newer players to go through. It's the same with the current unfinished quest. We're experiencing the loss of lotus in real time, future players won't know what it's like to have months of glitch Lotus mocking you. It's different when you grow with a system. 

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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

They should simply separate the rewards into 400 day tiers. Every 100 days you get to choose from the current tier. 

I don't see how that's unfair. At worst you have a player getting an 800 day rewards at 500.

They've already talked about doing something like that, but in 50 day stacks instead with no tiers, and that sounds perfectly fair to me.

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4 hours ago, KokoroWish said:

They've already talked about doing something like that, but in 50 day stacks instead with no tiers, and that sounds perfectly fair to me.

They never said there you could select anything, there are going to be paths... Which would be essentially the same thing as tiers.

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On 20/2/2018 at 10:07 AM, Suncake said:

Those who got their Sigma & Octantis logged in daily and totally earned it. Just deal with it.

wow, what a shock, spending 2 min for day to log , that's an huge sign of loyalty, but what about those who don't log for 2-3 days but spend triple the amount of time on the others?

But that is just a futile discussion, you like it or not, DE will add a selection system, it's just a matter of time.


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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)Madinogi said:

i agree

so your in agreement with me to get rid of the participation rewards then? because afterall. the idea of being rewarded for just showing up isnt a concept in the real world? you know because after all people dont get paid for just showing to work. they actually have to work for it. 

Ha!  You've never worked a union job, then ;---;

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5 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

They should simply separate the rewards into 400 day tiers. Every 100 days you get to choose from the current tier. 

I don't see how that's unfair. At worst you have a player getting an 800 day rewards at 500. 

Its not as bad for those of us that are current because we're growing with the system. It didn't feel bad to wait 2 years to find out what Tenno were, but it would be a ridiculous wait for newer players to go through. It's the same with the current unfinished quest. We're experiencing the loss of lotus in real time, future players won't know what it's like to have months of glitch Lotus mocking you. It's different when you grow with a system. 

I think this is a fair compromise. I still don't see why it is different for the new people. I was new two years ago and I'm on day 666, yucky evil number. I liked this game enough to play it for this long. Also, with exceptions of Primed Vigor, Primed Shred, and Zenistar what are new players really missing out on?

I'm asking the following with sincere confusion and without malice.

What happened to the ideal of starting at ground zero and working our way up? I've noticed in other games as well this trend of demanding rewards in the beginning that traditionally were only given to players that had advanced further in the game. It seems like the gamers of today want everything within the first 90 days of playing a game. 

What happened to rewarding players that have advanced further in games? Remember GTAV Online, you basically just had to get to level 100 to unlock everything, even though the player level can go well beyond 1000. On Warframe, all you get are extra loadout slots after MR13, and access to high MR rivens. How is that rewarding? I'm proud that I passed the MR24 test, it didn't come easy for me, but what do I got to show for it? Bragging rights doesn't do much for an anti-social hermit crab like myself. It's true the reward is mainly in beating the challenge, but still, it's kind of a let down.

I know why developers have given into this new way, but I won't dare broach the subject here. But why are the players moving towards this new way?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

I know why developers have given into this new way, but I won't dare broach the subject here. But why are the players moving towards this new way?

Because there are a lot of new players coming in for the (really good) new content, and they feel that many of the rewards - some of which are quite good, like the primed mods, the Zenistar, and the Zenith - are way out of reach. And, frankly, I agree with them. No matter how much time or effort you put into obtaining those login rewards, you, as a new player, cannot get them any faster. This makes new players lose enjoyment and helps drive them away - and having more players who enjoy and play the game is better for everyone.

I don't like feeling pressured to log in while I'm out camping in the woods or have the flu (can't fall behind on the logins!), and I don't think it's good for the community, the game, or DE's revenue to keep up with the current system. You aren't "earning" something by logging in every day for 800 days - you aren't improving the community, you aren't playing the game, you aren't providing any revenue. You aren't even "putting in the time". You're simply starting the game and closing it 10 seconds later.

And if I'm going to a business conference, why should I feel pressured to bring my personal laptop with me just to log in to Warframe for a login reward? It's silly.

Myself, along with plenty of other veterans, played our asses off before the login rewards even existed - by the time they showed up, many of us were pretty burned out. But we "put in the time" and didn't get anything for it, except that we got to play the game that we enjoyed. I guarantee you that I've contributed more to this community and DE's wallet than 90% of the people here, but I'm barely halfway through the login reward system because of silly things like "education" and "working a job" and "not having internet access". So changes to the login reward system aren't just for new players - they're also for people like me, who helped make Warframe a successful game and DE a successful company right from the beginning.

Something to bear in mind: this is a digital world, and you can't trade the login rewards. Someone else having a shiny toy doesn't make your shiny toy any worse or less valuable. It does, however, make another person happier. If someone absolutely falls in love with the game, then they shouldn't have to wait 800 days to get all the login rewards.

Exclusive content - time-gated or otherwise - is bad for the long term health of the game. Allowing people to actually put in effort (not just log in every day!) to accelerate login rewards is the right move. Allowing the community to help new players accelerate their login rewards would also be a good move. In addition to their proposed "select a reward" system, a catch-up system - probably involving some sort of tradeable but non-farmable time-credit tokens - would be a smart move.

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