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Would Dual Skana Prime or Aklato Prime be allowed or would that be cheating?


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As with the ever-discussed Excalibur Prime, the Skana and Lato Prime are also Founder exclusive.

Aklato and the Dual Skana are Tenno weapons and therefore automatically have the criteria needed to have a Prime variant.

However, to have a Dual Skana Prime or Aklato Prime in the Prime Access would mean that players would have access to DUAL-WIELD FOUNDER EXCLUSIVE WEAPONS that not only doesn't require Founder status but also (presumably but essentially) does more damage than the Founder-exclusive weapons due to their dual-wield nature.


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Paired weapons don't typically do more damage, they just have higher attack speed. For melee weapons that means building the combo meter nicely, but for firearms it mostly just means spending more time reloading than firing.

Edited by SteamlordD
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Dual primes for melee do have higher damage sometimes though. Look at Dark Split Sword vs Dark Sword, or Nami Skyla vs Nami Solo.

Anyway, Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime? Technically they are different weapons, like how Umbra is different from Excal Prime. So no real issue putting them in, really, other than a few whiny founders who actually don't have a case if this is considered. Aklato might be a bit shakier, but Dual Skana Prime would be mechanically different from Skana Prime and use a separate stance mod so there is really nothing there to complain about.

But why prime those or double them up when you could have things like Aksicarus Prime or Dual Dakra Prime...

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9 minutes ago, SteamlordD said:

Paired weapons don't typically do more damage, they just have higher attack speed. For melee weapons that means building the combo meter nicely, but for firearms it mostly just means spending more time reloading than firing.

Not really, you generally get double mag capacity as well, so you fire twice as long for a slightly increased reload time.

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13 minutes ago, CaptainZgred said:

You already know the answer

this ^^ 


and why is this even allowed to honestly remain as an open thread. Anytime we talk about founders items  or something which includes them somehow it has to get locked or it gets out of hand.

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Is there any advantage in giving us Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime over other Prime version of Orokin weapons? No.

Would it be controversial for some Founders if DE did it? Possibly.

Is there any reason for DE to do something with no advantage and possible controversy? No.


Seriously, while we can stay here and discuss endlessly on whether DE's promise about the Lato Prime also applies to the Akimbo version... why should DE give want to risk it? If they want to give us an Akimbo Prime weapon, they have options by the dozen. AkMagnus Prime, Afuris Prime, Akjagara Prime, Aksomati Prime, Akvasto Prime only for the secondaries, for instance.

This discussion is somewhat pointless, I think. DE has no incentive in risking angering part of the Founder community (who will not buy the argument "it's not the same weapon, see, it's two copies of the same weapon, it's completely different") while they can release dozens of other weapons.

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Just now, Dhrekr said:

Aksomati Prime

10/10 better than Aklato Prime ... of course.

1 minute ago, Dhrekr said:

This discussion is somewhat pointless, I think. DE has no incentive in risking angering part of the Founder community (who will not buy the argument "it's not the same weapon, see, it's two copies of the same weapon, it's completely different") while they can release dozens of other weapons.

Lato Umbra time?

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Here's the problem with AkLato and Dual Skana (Primes): they would, theoretically, need two of their original Prime weapons to build.
Unless you're going for an Akbolto Prime and Nami Skyla Prime in the way the weapons're made.
A list of other Prime weapons which nobody has been thinking about that don't yet exist:


The real question is, where's Dual Zoren (basically, cut a Scindo Prime in half), (A)Furis (to go with Sybaris), Tiberon, and Kunai Prime?


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Because the majority of the founders are against it then the answer is pretty much yes. If they just get rid of the exclusivity then it is possible to make these items but then these needs advanced stats and some dedication "like the meele balance pass soon" to make the skana prime for example worth to use. They most likely will be jelly because they don't feel they are special if the devs introduce their weapons dual variants to the publicity. I personally would not mind but as a collectionists the whole game is broken if there are exclusive items and mods. This is just simply silly not to let others to use it or pay for it if the founders already got it and enjoyed it. 

I would like btw a dual pangolin and pangolin dual pangolin primes.

Edited by Cleopatranikea
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The subject was raised before when a trailer showed Rhino dual wielding Lato Prime and the answer then was that the person who made the trailer thought it would look cool but it didn't mean it would happen.  While DE does have the right to release Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime as they are technically separate weapons they wont do so as they don't believe it to be in the spirit of the agreement made with the Founders. 

As a side point regarding the 'whiny Founders' comments, whether or not Founders would actually have an issue with it is irrelevant (as the decision was made by DE staff) and unknown (as DE has never asked the Founders to give their opinions on it).

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Just now, Katinka said:

The subject was raised before when a trailer showed Rhino dual wielding Lato Prime and the answer then was that the person who made the trailer thought it would look cool but it didn't mean it would happen.  While DE does have the right to release Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime as they are technically separate weapons they wont do so as they don't believe it to be in the spirit of the agreement made with the Founders. 

As a side point regarding the 'whiny Founders' comments, whether or not Founders would actually have an issue with it is irrelevant (as the decision was made by DE staff) and unknown (as DE has never asked the Founders to give their opinions on it).

Hey not all of us are like that man . Id be fine with it

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37 minutes ago, Cleopatranikea said:

majority of the founders are against it then the answer is pretty much yes

Sadly, some "founders" are just bought accounts at this point. 


33 minutes ago, EndermanBeast said:

It wouldn't be cheating, but it wouldn't happen.


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1 minute ago, puppycorpse said:

Hey not all of us are like that man . Id be fine with it

I think you must have misunderstood what I was saying.  I'd didn't say anything about whether or not Founders would be okay with it.  I said DE didn't feel it was right and therefore already said 'no' without even asking us.

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14 minutes ago, Valiant said:

It is kinda a slap in the face to founders... There isn't really any need for it anyways.

But is it really a slap in the face to us? I can see the Aklato being a bit like it, yes, but the Dual Skana wouldn't really be the same thing. Besides the extra mastery.

In the end it doesn't matter though, DE already took the position when one of the consoles launch trailer (I think the Xbox One launch trailer) arrived and someone noticed a Volt holding Dual Skana Prime -- which was of course because it looked cool, but wouldn't be coming.

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Answer is no. In addition to promising that Founders gear would never be available again, Steve said that dual versions of the weapons will never be available because it would be cheating/a low blow to founders whose gear would forever remain exclusive.

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