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Server Troubles (+ Boosters).


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1 minute ago, zensucht said:

Unless they're using a distributed network of machines to attack the system. Set the attack running, sit back and giggle. The (relatively) hard part is actually setting up the distributed network, once that's done the amount of effort on the part of the attacker is minimal and the attack can run without intervention until the method of attack is determined and eliminated.

Every hour of running attack increases chance of losing botnet - infected users start to get curious why their connection gets wrecked and send some samples to antivirus devs.

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2 minutes ago, Kegaren said:

In reality how hard is it to track down the people behind an attack like this? How much resources would DE need to commit to make an example.

There are different types of  attacks, they all end up the same but start differently, I'm not going to go into details, it comes to what kind it was, certain ones are hard to look at because it looks like an ISP (internet company) did it to you, those are harder to look at but that is all I will say but I think DE will get this bolted down, we just gotta give them time they have tons of staff but I am sure not enough on this kind of thing, you gotta have time to investigate, its been only 3 days since this started, it could take weeks to find out who where and why.

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I hope they fix it soon... I was on the tail end of some resource boosters for prime farming (traces), as I'm trying to pay off my student loans even a $10 purchase in the game is hitting me hard and now it feels wasted :/  I know it's not their fault, but I sure hope they make a script to extend all boosters by the 2 days I've been unable to properly use them.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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vor einer Stunde schrieb SchattenBach:

hmmm rather aggressive of you ,tho dont assume what i said won't happen ,my roommate has deleted it like an hour ago .so eat your own word back :D 

he really did? omg breaking news ..

i can top this... in my garage is a mouse... HA!!!

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31 minutes ago, AttiasBarak said:

for layman's terms:
Say you change you loadout, it will send a request and wait for respond 
Say attacker send many requests the server will process only the first one and drop the others

So you will be able to change your loadout but an attacker wont be able to send tons of requests per sec


if they knew which requests were the attackers, why not just filter out all of them?

your post makes no sense

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16 minutes ago, AttiasBarak said:

Who said that DDoS are hard to fix?

Each case got it's own stuff, DDoS in WF is pretty much nothing while DDoS in PUBG would shutdown the game

Some times its hard, even impossible but some times it's easy as flipping 1 switch

in WF its easy which prove the point that it's not DDoS attack, and you can obviously see that the update to the dojo break the game

How are you going to identify the incoming connections without handling them? sure you don't have to send out account info when a connection is invalid but you cant block a connection unless you have identified its source, and that means you HAVE to process the connection. If you just block all follow up request regardless of the source then you are going to ignore valid login requests as well. Servers do not have a magic door that only lets through what you tell it to let through. If you say that some IP i now on a black list after a false connection and 100 connection attempts follow it, then the server is going to process each and every one of them checking them all with the blacklist. in the end its all still traffic for that server. not to mention that DDoS attacks are performed from a large array of sources (a lot of the time infected) rather then a single point.

Are there better ways to handle it? Sure. Separate login servers from the account servers and pass a token from the login server to the account server so that everyone in the game can continue without issues and then add a queue system to the login server. (this is somewhat how most popular games these days function)

But as for Warframe, this is not in place. and to flip a single switch, you must first create the infrastructure to install that switch.

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Pretty much, the community can't speculate anything, it could be anything at this point, our only option is to hold tight and wait to see what happens. If they are willing to be nice to extend Baro, and look at the boosters, we should be cheering them for even thinking about their player base for this. When sub games get knocked offline they don't ever tend to think about the 'lil guys who send them money. They will be like 'Yup, servers are down NO ETA, hours maybe days, we will keep you posted' and they leave it at that, you lose time and money that you gave them and when its fixed 'Online now, come play' --what about our missed time and payments you gonna do anything about that, 9 out of 10 they say No. I will give it to DE for trying to think of a way to help us when we had issues of staying or getting online that affected our gameplay and so on. That is really great to hear from them, I give them tons of respect for that. I know tons of AAA titles that won't ever think about even working with us like this. We just need to chill and wait, nothing we can do from our side :L

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1 minute ago, henry216monster said:

is the chat up ?


Last tried about an hour ago; game worked but was very sluggish. Chat was offline. Got trapped in the relay (when you tried to leave, it just sent you back there). 

Cant speak to more recently. 

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Getting trapped is still a thing, though I have been able to complete regular mission nodes, seems to be a chance that you do get booted off at the end though, I'd say you can play right now but don't try to do anything important.

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24 minutes ago, Zilotz said:

I expect it stop under 3 days.

Usually attackers do not have patience to attack longer than 3 days. 

Or if DE will be able to defend well from this attack it can stop sooner.

FFXIV had one from August-October of 2017. There's only so much the developer and datacenter can do. DDoS attacks hit a lot of links on the internet chain and from a lot of different angles. There's a reason they're a pain in the tail.

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1 minute ago, Zilotz said:

Every hour of running attack increases chance of losing botnet - infected users start to get curious why their connection gets wrecked and send some samples to antivirus devs.

Which is also why you don't run the attack continuously. Do it in bursts during peak times. Use a combination of zombied machines and instances on AWS, Azure, Google's cloud or something similar. Easy enough to set up a bunch of free EC2 instances across multiple regions using stolen credit cards, run the attack below the maximum allotted throughput, and shape the traffic. Though the AWS networks are monitored pretty damn well, so I imagine those servers would get taken down pretty quickly... Hell, a cron job on an isp that allows shell access...  If they were serious about taking DE down rather than just increasing their server latency there are a million more effective ways of doing it.

Either way, it seems pretty asinine to attack DE. I can't imagine what there is to gain... Which makes me wonder, for the amount of effort involved, if they have a purpose beyond trolling, what they're getting out of it... 

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Thank you very much for the update Rebecca.
You're an angel <3

And thank you for the hard work to solve the issue.
Most appreciated <3

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Just now, Calteru said:

FFXIV had one from August-October of 2017. There's only so much the developer and datacenter can do. DDoS attacks hit a lot of links on the internet chain and from a lot of different angles. There's a reason they're a pain in the tail.

Yea I've seen it happen to Blizz on their games, Minecraft, tons of games have had it happen. They can only do so much at certain times. People assume it is easy to fix and case closed because of TV Shows and stuff telling them otherwise. It's not that simple guys

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