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What are some Enemies in the game that needs balancing the most?


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The Grineer Commander became more fair with their Switch Teleport thanks to the update with the Inaros Deluxe.

However, these are some enemies I feel that needs a balance rework:

  • Grineer Napalms: Their fireball AOE is larger than Ember's 1. On higher levels, they become a death sentence to light-armored frames and companions (Pets & Sentinels). I find it odd that their fireballs turn invisible after travelling a certain distance (the Plains for example).
  • Comba/Scrambuses: On open tilesets like the Corpus Outpost (Venus, Neptune, Pluto), they're not too troubling. In close range tilesets (Corpus Ships, somewhat the Gas City), the lack of a visual and a more audible indicator of their helmets plus some of their weapons (a homing Detron) makes them more dangerous than Bursas.
  • Seekers: Why do their Krakens/Vipers deal out an absurd amount of damage? They're more dangerous than Troopers (maybe even the Kuva Trooper with the Hek).
  • Shield Lancers: Same issue with the damage output of their Vipers/Mareloks(Kuva & Tusk). That also comes to the damage and the lack of a cooldown of their shield bash.

Are there enemies that you guys feel that need some balancing like the Juggernaut and the Commanders?


Using Harrow with around 10.5 secs of Covenant, I decided to test out a close range damage output from some of the Grineer. Enemies will get Codemned (1) then once it ends, Covenant gets activated.

Seeker: Level 35

7A6C9A27C87FAEEB3368BFF8BFD83E4BC70F5DC1 (1280×720)


Heavy Gunner: Level 35

1B8850415ACC7E12E6C01BC4182B7FEB3D3EDC08 (1280×720)


Kuva Trooper: Level 35 (sorry that I didn't get the Trooper on screen)

B26EFB29591390C939C05CA630DBA2708EDC4482 (1280×720)


Dargyn Pilot: Level 35 (They suffer an accuracy penalty up close oddly, so I had to do it at range)

3A90E74E57D073C1C65BB30E6F06593A9ADF4050 (1280×720)


Shield Lancer Viper: Level 35 (Staying on the same elevation as them encourages them to shield bash you. They fire in bursts with an animation of them moving their shields aside to shoot at you then to move it back)

1F069174F13DD29995011C4C77C96186988411FD (1280×720)


Kuva Shield Lancer Marelok Level 35 (Same testing methods)

108AF36D454E4FB35D6AA2801401D811C05E7043 (1280×720)

Corpus Tech: Level 35

315AFBC1C77AFB51B26A7BD978D5AC12A0541F79 (1280×720)


Edited by Duality52
Damage Output Test
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Commanders need counterplay such as being able to dodge their teleport, or at least to either loose the confusion effect or make us invulnerable during it, oh wait they actually already fixed that good,


Nullifiers need to have their bubbles be on a longer cool down, 10-20 seconds at least,

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If you start discussing enemy balance you know with it will come weapon balances right?

I swear, when they fix armor scaling they're going to nerf corrosive projection to be like a 10% armor strip and make corrosive only apply once thanks to you guys.


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35 minutes ago, Cryptix123 said:

If you start discussing enemy balance you know with it will come weapon balances right?

I swear, when they fix armor scaling they're going to nerf corrosive projection to be like a 10% armor strip and make corrosive only apply once thanks to you guys.


How it should work anyway, since using the right element against the right armor already ignores 75% of that armor's total value while also increasing the damage of that element by 75%.

As far as enemies... hrm.

Napalms: Keep the damage, cutdown the blast radius of the big, obvious, slow moving projectile to match the fire patch it lays out, and make sure the blast isn't ignoring cover/walls/whatever and it'd be perfect.

Nullifiers: Swap their Lanka for an Arca Scisco. They already have the area denial and shielding allies covered, reducing their burst damage and making them more deadly if you stay exposed to them at range would probably be a fair trade.

Scrambas: No more ranged weapons for the speedy ones, they become the sole province of the slower Combas, while Scrambas get the melee weapons. Better tell for when they're about than just the audio cue, given folks that are hard of hearing are kinda screwed by the current implementation.

Railgun MOA's: Little more attention grabbing on their charge-up/shot wouldn't be too bad.

Tusk Reavers: Give them their armor, it's obviously not working at the moment. They're ultra squishy melee units. Adjust spawn rates if they become too overwhelming.

Ancients (all): Ripline removed, grapple attack moved to stretchy arm, wind up/tell slightly increased, each Ancient gets a special effect on successful hit from arm, blocking nullifies special effect and pull. (Disruptor: Magnetic proc, no longer randomly magnetic procs on other attacks; Toxin: Toxin proc; Healer: Heals self and allies around it).

Scorpions: Better animation and overhaul of ripline, tighter cone of fire to reduce instances of it coming out sideways/backwards.

Shield Lancers: Longer cooldown on shield bash to eliminate edge cases of chain-bashing targets.

Probably more stuff, but I'm a bit tipsy and can;t remember anything that jumps right out at me that's related to enemy balancing.

Edited by TheGrimCorsair
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Well, here's something to start off with.

  • Nullifier's Lanka needs tuning for sure.
  • Nullifier's Lanka should do Electric damage not Puncture.
  • Napalm AoE or Mechanics in general are broken.
  • Ancient Disruptors ignore armor with their energy drain scales into one-shots.
  • Hyeka Master Firebombs need a better visual / audio queue.
  • Nox damage gates Status Effects.
  • Scrambus audio needs to be heavily increased.
  • Kuva Shield Lancer's Marelok might need some tweaking. 80k in 2 seconds at lvl 270 is a bit much.
  • Kuva Heavy Gunners need to bother with charging Drakoon at times otherwise they're not very dangerous.
  • Corrupted Crewman could use a decrease in damage output.
  • Sniper Crewman should have to make visual contact before laying their Ratel drones.
  • Prod Crewman need a speed increase or gap closing improvement. They're not dangerous at all.
  • Railgun Moa should not have infinite Punch-Through but instead do more damage.
  • All Hook attacks for every faction needs to be polished and reworked both in targeting and frequency.
  • Lesser Infested units should have their speed increased. Possible wall run.
  • Spit attack should be removed from Infested. Replaced with speed and leap attacks.
  • Infested Crawlers should not be Eximus.
  • Ground Based AOE like Tar Mutalist and Napalm should not bypass barriers like Snow Globe and cover.
  • Infested Osprey Power Cell holders need their damage output reduced.
  • Infested Ancients should charge attack much faster.
  • Volatile Runner should be Volatile and actually do notable damage.


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Lech Kril - because fighting against him is more of a waiting game than actual fightning not to mention him bugging out.

Ancients - the grappling hooks of the infested bypassing shields does need to be look upon.

floating or flying enemies - needs better hit box, sometimes melee attacks miss even when they are in arm's reach.

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11 hours ago, Xzorn said:

Ancient Disruptors ignore armor with their energy drain scales into one-shots.


2 hours ago, Akoneon said:

Ancients - the grappling hooks of the infested bypassing shields does need to be look upon.

Strange, I thought only the Toxic Ancient does that due to having an aura that grants bonus Toxin damage (scales in level).

I do agree how strong they are, especially in an Physical/Elemental Enhanced Sortie though. 

Edited by Duality52
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Toxic Ancient: Nerf that godforsaken breath attack

Toxic Crawler: A short countdown and means of anticipating if a dead TC will release a toxic AoE

Tusk Bolkors: Need serious revision on damage output and armour/health, especially on Bounty 5

The Sergeant: Still waiting on this kid's rework. Too easy for his own good

Swarm MOA: Magnetic Proc...why?

Tar MOA: Is a pain for most people that aren't running a Raging Oberon (these guys are irritating on sorties because of the random sidesteps and jumps along with their tar attack) 

Capture Targets: For the love of god, give them more abilities but please, tone down that movement speed, it's unrealistic, unreasonable and downright unbearable on maps like Jupiter and Europa

Hellions: How many rocket swarms can they fire in one hover??? It's worse in the Plains since they home in as well. Even one volley while the Mortar cannon and Mortar Trooper also fire is it for an entire squad on B5

Edited by (XB1)Lightning Silvr
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Lightning Silvr said:

Toxic Ancient: Nerf that godforsaken breath attack

The Sergeant: Still waiting on this kid's rework. Too easy for his own good

I agree with these two. When i did a Nightmare alert for Lethal Torrent i think (It was a Survival), i didn’t go down once but when the ancient did a toxic breath attack on me at lvl 45, i went down. I had full health too. But his hooks do need to be checked because when i played Hieracon with a squad, a Ancient healer grabbed me even when he was in Nidus Larva. The Sergeant is too easy of a boss too.

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4 hours ago, Duality52 said:

Strange, I thought only the Toxic Ancient does that due to having an aura that grants bonus Toxin damage (scales in level).

I do agree how strong they are, especially in an Physical/Elemental Enhanced Sortie though. 


Yea, the Disruptor Aura has an innate Energy drain added to each hit that functions off base damage like a Bleed proc and scales with level.

If I recall a lvl 150 Disruptor will drain 212 energy with it's hook attack regardless of your mitigation. I've had higher level ones tag me and do little damage but fully drain my energy pool from across the map. Given the amount they do their hook attack and their numbers it gets pretty cheese real quick.

Toxic Ancients could use animation and audio improvement. They're often roaring at a player who's already passed and a player behind them gets hit with the blast. The damage I'd argue less but more the player's ability to avoid the damage.

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I don't understand the requests to nerf enemies when warframes are the overpowered ones currently. Plus, it is possible to survive the current "endgame" just by knowing how to jump and shoot.

Grineer Napalm? Nothing much to comment on this. Never even felt that it is of much threat at all to notice any overpowered-ness.

Comba/Scrambuses? Can you be any more reliant on frame abilities if you cannot handle them with movement and gunplay?

Seekers? Shield Lancers? Corrupted Crewman? Enemy damage too high? Enemy accuracy is dirt poor as long as you keep yourself on the move.

Ancient grapppling hook? Keep yourself moving and you're safe. Equip a knockdown recovery mod if you wanna be safer.


Do players want Warframe reduced to a mindless grindfest where enemies pose little to no threat at all, or do we want Warframe to have some challenge to at least mandate some teamplay?

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Nulifiers need fixing with their bubbles clipping through everything, stacking inside other nullifier bubbles and reducing their range. Should also stop deactivating already active abilities, specially buffs. Nulifiers should have their damage and rate of fire reduced as well. The spawning drone should be reworked so we could properly destroy them with slow fire rate weapons. 

Sapping Ospreys needs to have their damage and mines reduced and their spawn rate reduced as well. Ospreys in general are horrible for melee frames and a tinny annoying target. 

Rattel Spawn points should be more visible and shouldnt spawn an infinite number of them. 

Combas and Scrambuses are fine as they rarely appear and add challenge to the game. Plus they are affected by abilities and you can shoot them with your shotgun. 

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2 hours ago, Checht said:

Comba/Scrambuses? Can you be any more reliant on frame abilities if you cannot handle them with movement and gunplay?

Seekers? Shield Lancers? Corrupted Crewman? Enemy damage too high? Enemy accuracy is dirt poor as long as you keep yourself on the move.

Ancient grapppling hook? Keep yourself moving and you're safe. Equip a knockdown recovery mod if you wanna be safer.


Do players want Warframe reduced to a mindless grindfest where enemies pose little to no threat at all, or do we want Warframe to have some challenge to at least mandate some teamplay?

You probably don`t play to higher levels very often don`t you? Don`t even begin with "I`ve played for 3000 hours blablabla" because I already know its a lie. All the issues above are really troubling when playing squishier frames, the enemie`s accuracy and damage scales off the chart at higher levels and none of us wants to "just use tanky frames for high lvl missions" because thats not the point of the game. 

Combas and Scrambuses are a trouble in tight maps since they can remove, say, your beloved Vex Armor all of the sudden, which was the thing that was keeping you alive. 

Enemy damage scale really fast as they reach level 80 and their accuracy becomes pinpoint at some point. I know it because it happens quite often of my Ivara getting one-shot by a Seeker even though I`m bullet jumping and rolling around like crazy. 

I don`t mind the grapling hooks that much but then again they get worse as their level raises. Had once an Ancient one-shotting my Ivara even though I had literally jumped over his head and he was swinging his arm to the OTHER side. Its something that will sometimes grab you no matter what (and deal damage). 

These changes wouldnt make warframe a mindless grindfest, which already is on low level missions. What we ask is a decent challenge/teamplay instead of having a game where we die because enemies can one-shot you accross the continent while you are spinning in the air. The current teamplay to avoid this is using the same cheesy tactics we all know like having a vauban throwing 5000 bastille, a trinity to give vaubs energy and other boring stuff of the sort. 

Edited by Nitro747
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12 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

You probably don`t play to higher levels very often don`t you?

He only play in lvl 100 instead of 150 - 180+. The enemy scaling becomes pretty bad at that range.


12 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

Enemy damage scale really fast as they reach level 80 and their accuracy becomes pinpoint at some point.

The only time this is true is when you try to do 1 hour+ in MOT. The Corrupted Crewman's Strun scales very quickly past 150.

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10 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

He only play in lvl 100 instead of 150 - 180+. The enemy scaling becomes pretty bad at that range.


The only time this is true is when you try to do 1 hour+ in MOT. The Corrupted Crewman's Strun scales very quickly past 150.

In mot a crewman obliterates a fully stacked Nidus in seconds. The nulifier spam doesn`t hepl at all specially when their bubbles catches you by surprise because it cliped through a wall besides you. 

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6 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

In mot a crewman obliterates a fully stacked Nidus in seconds. The nulifier spam doesn`t hepl at all specially when their bubbles catches you by surprise because it cliped through a wall besides you. 

I used a 299% Power Strength Valkyr Prime with Eternal War in MOT before and a lvl 155 Corrupted Crewman nearly one shot me. That's with a Ton of Armor. The difference about the Crewman and Nullifier is the Crewman is a lot more Common so he's more dangerous.

Edited by VPrime96
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Scambus cannot be heard from a distance and the moment they cancel a Defensive ability they're effectively doing 20-200k damage to you.

Such a sever punishment would be fine if the player had a fair way of dealing with it but since it works through walls and can't be heard clearly, it's just cheap and unfair. Shooting their helmets off is clearly the design counter but the player doesn't have a realistic window to do this in a multilayered tileset with 30+ other enemies.

All enemy Aura effects should be subject to line of sight.

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2 hours ago, Checht said:

Grineer Napalm? Nothing much to comment on this. Never even felt that it is of much threat at all to notice any overpowered-ness.

Comba/Scrambuses? Can you be any more reliant on frame abilities if you cannot handle them with movement and gunplay?

Seekers? Shield Lancers? Corrupted Crewman? Enemy damage too high? Enemy accuracy is dirt poor as long as you keep yourself on the move.

Ancient grapppling hook? Keep yourself moving and you're safe. Equip a knockdown recovery mod if you wanna be safer.


Do players want Warframe reduced to a mindless grindfest where enemies pose little to no threat at all, or do we want Warframe to have some challenge to at least mandate some teamplay?

The Napalm AOE is one of the deceiving things and more annoying things to deal with in clustered tilesets (take the Grineer ships for example). Recently, my Carrier got wasted around 2 revives from Primed Regen thanks to those Napalms from yetersday's Sortie 2 (Kuva Fortress MD, Eximus Stronghold).

There are frames that rely heavily on survivability [Loki with Invis, Chroma with Vex Armor & to a lesser degree (Ice/Fire) Elemental Ward]. In enclosed spaces, your movement becomes more limited (Corpus Ships).

Seekers and Shield Lancers are support units; their damage should not equal or even exceed a Heavy Gunner. As @Nitro747 said, enemy accuracy scales and most of the time you're fighting in enclosed environments. Ever want the Kuva Fortress filled with just Kuva Seekers?

The grappling hook on the Ancients seem inconsistent at times plus this applies to the Scorpions/Predators too. I prefer something more unique for the Ancients than just recycling the same hook. Plus, was not too keen on the fact that an Ancient Healer manages to almost kill me as Loki. The hook is not a kill weapon, much like the shockwave from the Heavy Gunners, Bombards, etc.

Look at how the Juggernaut and the Commander got nerfed. The old Grineer Commander is a "challenge" where you can't control your actions for 3 seconds plus add on to how better their version of Switch Teleport is to Loki's. Move out of range to avoid him? Are you going to spot him prior to engaging him in a midst of a crowd of Grineer? The Juggernaut's rapid two-shot burst of its quills is an instant death for most frames in the game at around level 30. Frames like old Chroma and probably Rhino will get badly wounded from the fight.  

Edited by Duality52
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44 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

You probably don`t play to higher levels very often don`t you? Don`t even begin with "I`ve played for 3000 hours blablabla" because I already know its a lie. All the issues above are really troubling when playing squishier frames, the enemie`s accuracy and damage scales off the chart at higher levels and none of us wants to "just use tanky frames for high lvl missions" because thats not the point of the game. 

Define high level. I am arguing all these points with the current "endgame" at around level 80-100. If these enemies need to be at high levels, let's say level 150+, to be enough of a threat, they are not overpowered to begin with, are they?

And yes, I do play high levels, I've reached 110 minutes on Mot with Volt, where enemies scaled up to level 300, and the reason we extracted was because my friends have already ran out of Axi relics to open. However, I don't enjoy it, because the difficulty purely comes from enemies being able to one-shot you, and players rely mostly on brainless abilities like CC-lock or invis to survive. I'd much prefer the game to be balanced at around level 80-100, where players can still respond to attacks. Thus, I've been arguing with level 80-100 enemies in mind.

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15 minutes ago, Checht said:

Define high level. I am arguing all these points with the current "endgame" at around level 80-100. If these enemies need to be at high levels, let's say level 150+, to be enough of a threat, they are not overpowered to begin with, are they?

And yes, I do play high levels, I've reached 110 minutes on Mot with Volt, where enemies scaled up to level 300, and the reason we extracted was because my friends have already ran out of Axi relics to open. However, I don't enjoy it, because the difficulty purely comes from enemies being able to one-shot you, and players rely mostly on brainless abilities like CC-lock or invis to survive. I'd much prefer the game to be balanced at around level 80-100, where players can still respond to attacks. Thus, I've been arguing with level 80-100 enemies in mind.

Try saying that to Endurance Runners like LifeofRio. Besides getting rewards from Sorties and kuva Floods, there's no point in playing lvl 80 - 100 when we can play against way higher level enemies and figure out how good a Warframe or Weapon is.

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5 minutes ago, VPrime96 said:

Try saying that to Endurance Runners like LifeofRio. Besides getting rewards from Sorties and kuva Floods, there's no point in playing lvl 80 - 100 when we can play against way higher level enemies and figure out how good a Warframe or Weapon is.

I don't watch LifeofRio so I don't get your point. If you're saying that you want to play high levels to seek more challenge, then why are you advocating for enemy nerfs then? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

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