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How are 'leechers' an issue?


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Does it slow down or stop me from progressing? Then I don't like it. For instance plains bounties where the rescue target teleports to the AFK guy. 

I really don't get it anyway. The game is completely trivialized by its own mechanics. You basically don't have to do anything in any mission aside from going invisible, invulnerable, or doing a few slide attacks, or just ignoring enemies. AFKing is probably the least efficient way to get rewards/completion. 

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Where have you been all this time? Plz free to invite me to your tridolon runs and sorties, because I am too lazy to do them myself. You get the fun, I get rewards, it's win-win. Also you could farm me some kuva, I'm very willing to leech, plz.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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1 hour ago, NSDBL said:

I don't see what's so terribly tilting about having leechers who either AFK or do minimum work. Like, how does it impact your gameplay so negatively? If anything they just increase the amount of enemies for you to kill which I'd love. 

..which is fine in Survivals or Exterminates, since the point is to kill as many enemies as possible to win, but for anything that requires defending an objective (defense, MD Excavation etc.), it's just an unwarranted difficulty spike, as you get extra enemy spawns but no extra assistance in taking them down, and you slowly but surely get overwhelmed and fail because the objective is destroyed. unless you're already expecting such a scenario, there's no way out of it, but that doesn't mean people should have to bring Frost every single time just because he can carry Leechers in defensive modes.

sorry, but if you don't understand why people hate Leechers, then you've either never experienced a bad case of them, or worse yet, YOU are the Leecher.

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59 minutes ago, CupcakesMoo said:

What does that make spastics who never group up?

Spastic who never group up.

51 minutes ago, Jakorak said:

This times a #*!%ing billion. I get way more annoyed at people playing a coop game as if its a single player or that their teammates are repugnant and must be avoided at all costs thus spreading loot and affinity far far away than I ever will at some jackass afking in a game that is ludicrously casual

Kinda depends doesn't it?

I'd personally rather have the spastic player who feels the need to area nuke whenever they see a single enemy go find a happy corner far away from me than I would have them in my vicinity carpet bombing every small fry they see.

The leach, on the other hand, just makes more work... And since leeches tend to like crates, they have a nasty habit of wrecking spawns in large missions as it is. 


4 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Would your opinion change if instead of in a game its a group assignment or in a work environment? While these are different situations one being entertainment while the other is work, its the same attitude & behaviour. and its toxic as hell.

In essence, they are the same things really...

Someone profiting from another's efforts.

It's both disgusting and a fact of life unfortunately.

If you see it happen, just report it (put as much relevant information as possible in the report) and keep it moving.

People who pull stunts like that tend to do it in the same missions... If enough people report them for the behavior it will probably make it easier for DE to address the issue appropriately.

While the OP and others like to make out like game leeches are basically beneficial, they aren't as beneficial as a cooperative player actually contributing utility or dps.


Personally, If I had my druthers...

DE would create a character called The Leech and sick it on players getting multiple reports for leeching.

...That mob would have no drop table.

...Offer no achievements for killing.

...Would be invulnerable to the players it wasn't specifically sent to target

When it hit the field it would immediately make every mob in the field target that one player and that player would have to survive long enough to kill The Leech before the mission resumed.

If they survived... The mission resumes and the player enters whatever DE's warning cycle is.

If they didn't survive...The player's toon gets yanked from the mission and all their toons get chucked in a holding cell for a week, upon release they enter a modified DE warning cycle instead.




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30 minutes ago, MadMaximoff said:

Depends entirely on your definition of leech.

To me a leech is someone whom afks at spawn and never bothers to lift a finger.

Someone whom is lagging behind a bit or might be a bit undergeared isn't a leech as long as they're trying to contribute, some frames are just ridiculously fast for instance and there's no way in heck the slower frames are going to be able to keep up with them so they come off looking like leechers.

imho they just need to add an inactivity timer to the starting area, if you're in the area for more than a minute, the game boots that person back to space, this would encourage the majority to actually play the game and only the most persistent to keep trying to afk at that point.

You just gave my definition of leech; the people who afk and just move only to gather the rewards everyone else worked to get. Someone who tries to contribute is not a leech; they're just not 'carries'.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

sorry, but if you don't understand why people hate Leechers, then you've either never experienced a bad case of them, or worse yet, YOU are the Leecher.

I probably never experienced a bad case of them then, cuz I hardly go to defense missions except Akkad where there's always one guy who does all the damage anyway or excavations since they're such a bother.

Otherwise I am in no way a leecher since I find fun in doing stuff and if I need to afk I tell the squad something like "sry brb afk 1 min" or something along the lines of that

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There is karma even if you don’t see it. I work with a leech that got his leg broken. He had to go through physical therapy and now has reduced capacity for work/strength 

If you act like a cripple then you may actually be what you are pretending to be. 

I also know of a guy that slept through his work, now he spends a lot of medical/travel money trying to repair his vision. 

I’m not saying this to be indignant or to scare, just sharing karmic retribution stories 

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The only time I leech is when not-leeching means competing for.. well, scraps, against a nuker frame. Which is just going to piss me off, granted, this most commonly happens at Hydron, at which point I usually just decide to kick back and bathe in the shared affinity. Someone who's killing everything with WoF, Peacemaker or RQ is clearly not going to care about someone not carrying their weight kill wise, so why should I?

On the flip side, I personally don't care about leeches in any mission where I can literally one shot any enemy myself.. because they're not needed. Sorties on the other hand, or AXI fissures.. or high level bounties, any supposed end game content, I absolutely despise leeches there. Because their actions can actually cost us the mission, because their contribution is actually needed for us to succeed as a team.

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IMO, leeching is fine if you are also helping your team with buffs, heals, energy or ammo.

Leeching is not fine if you just AFK.

If the mission is an easy 1 and 1 of the teammates is overly equipped for it, at least just move a little and help support him/her.

If the mission is a hard or tedious 1 that can be finished easier with your help then leeching by AFKing or not doing the objectives is just plain rude and irresponsible unless the teammates say they are ok with it.

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Leechers aren't an issue whatsoever.

The issue is the game's total lack of balance. The game is so ridiculously easy that people can afford to leech.

If the game had a proper balance and level of difficulty, as any co-op game should, if it had require participation from every member of the team to succeed in a mission, as any co-op game should have, then there wouldn't be any leechers.

Leechers aren't playerbase's fault, but developers'.

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2 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

Flame-Bait. That's all. The answer to this question is too obvious for someone to actually mean it serious.

I stopped questioning how stupid some people are a while ago. Plus i've seen a few posters here who share the same thought, so yeah i think hes actually serious, which is really unfortunate.

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3 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

Flame-Bait. That's all. The answer to this question is too obvious for someone to actually mean it serious.

Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity, as the saying goes.

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1 hour ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

IMO, leeching is fine if you are also helping your team with buffs, heals, energy or ammo.

If that's classed as leeching, then that's pretty much all that I've done since I got Harrow. I often find my damage stats lacking (though not nonexistent) due to my focus on maintaining the buffs. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

There is karma even if you don’t see it. I work with a leech that got his leg broken. He had to go through physical therapy and now has reduced capacity for work/strength 

If you act like a cripple then you may actually be what you are pretending to be. 

I also know of a guy that slept through his work, now he spends a lot of medical/travel money trying to repair his vision. 

I’m not saying this to be indignant or to scare, just sharing karmic retribution stories 

w a t

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I never do understand the AFK-leecher mentality. I mean, do they even have fun just sitting there or letting the game running in the background? If they don't even find the game engaging, why even bother logging in or even to start up a mission? What do they expect to get from it? Reward for a game that they don't even want to play? Can someone explain this for me, please?

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6 hours ago, Jakorak said:

This times a #*!%ing billion. I get way more annoyed at people playing a coop game as if its a single player or that their teammates are repugnant and must be avoided at all costs thus spreading loot and affinity far far away than I ever will at some jackass afking in a game that is ludicrously casual

I know right? I usually get teamed up with three of those jackasses...and it bugs the hell out of me...look at the map and there they are across the map...and I am like "dudes! if you can't stick with the team...". 

Edited by (PS4)BOSS_TPH76
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7 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

The only time I find it annoying is when I join a mission as a support/tank and not as a CC or Damage Dealer, and get stuck with 3 leeches. Then I'm having to try to do a job that I wasn't equipped for, when if even one more player had brought a CC, Damage Dealer, or even another support then the mission would have gone smoothly.

That's when you quit on them.

6 hours ago, Ninjamander said:

you know what is worst then a leecher? Max range limbo!


6 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

What does that make spastics who never group up?

Very common

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Mr Calverley said:

If that's classed as leeching, then that's pretty much all that I've done since I got Harrow. I often find my damage stats lacking (though not nonexistent) due to my focus on maintaining the buffs. 

That's perfectly fine.

Leeching IMO is to not do the mission you signed up for, leaving your teammates to do it so the team does not fail the mission.

The nice way to do it is to support your teammates in terms of buffs, HP, energy and ammo even though you will not be doing anything that benefits the mission directly (eg. killing enemies attacking the defense target, killing enemies in general, doing the objectives, etc).

The no so nice way is to just do nothing and let your teammates carry you and do a 4 man mission with just 3 people unwillingly.

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2 minutes ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

That's perfectly fine.

Leeching IMO is to not do the mission you signed up for, leaving your teammates to do it so the team does not fail the mission.

The nice way to do it is to support your teammates in terms of buffs, HP, energy and ammo even though you will not be doing anything that benefits the mission directly (eg. killing enemies attacking the defense target, killing enemies in general, doing the objectives, etc).

The no so nice way is to just do nothing and let your teammates carry you and do a 4 man mission with just 3 people unwillingly.

Indeed. Whenever I'm levelling weapons on Hydron (As a measly MR 14), I bring a support frame to be of at least some use.

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