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My thoughts on Peculiar Mods


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While existence of anime and old internet meme portraits in supposedly dark space ninja simulator already bothers me every day, now I will have to deal with cartoony disney visual effects? I don't want to bash, but I have to bash - do we really need to ruin Warframe's artistic consistency even further?

Hence I propose a toggle somewhere in the options, similar to how you can turn ugly space potatoes off, let us turn ugly cartoon flowers off so other people can enjoy them without bothering those who don't.

I don't think it would be too difficult.

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5 minutes ago, Altagraive said:

Warframe's artistic consistency

Warframe doesn't have artistic consistency. It's clusterfuсk of various designs. Since we have Tennogen, I don't even care about skins we have, you feel free to choose things you want to choose. You want pink Rhino with butterfly wings? Here you go. You want some Grineer stylish skins? Here they are. Warframe will die faster than you thought without fan service content.

Edited by CorpusCrewman
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2 minutes ago, CorpusCrewman said:

Warframe doesn't have artistic consistency. It's clusterfuсk of various designs.

No artistic consistency? I have to disagree - The Orokin and Tenno art style are pretty unique, in my opinion. Also, the Grineer, Corpus and Infested are pretty unique as well. I'd recognize these things anywhere and anytime. Being able to identify anything as being a part of any of these factions points toward artistic consistency, I'd say.

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I am not really opposed to making peculiar mods be clones of existing mods, I am just indifferent to it myself.

The peculiarity of it would be to attach an additional effect to the mod. 

While I don't care for it, I can totally see that this could enhance the perception of value for a broader user base. 

I would prefer to leave them on the zanier side, instead of part of the meta. 

If they are going to have any kind of value to gameplay, I would give them  indirect bonuses rather than direct effects:

All Peculiar mods should be Exilus mods.

Additional XP gain

Mod reduces the mod point cost as it levels up (instead of increasing), or even grants mod point instead of costing mod points, like Aura mods do. This would be a cool way to give some extra mod points for unformaed frames/weapons.



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15 hours ago, LupisV0lk said:

Quite frankly Rob from AGGP's newest video on these mods sums up my thoughts on these mods and the community in general. Here it is:



I completely agree with him. Using the recent augment controversy ("That should have been part of the base ability") as a point of reference was spot on. There's a vocal part of the community unable to compromise or sacrifice part of their min/max builds for anything other than even more power. The concepts of trade-off or compromise to get something in exchange of something don't exist or should not exist based on their complaints. 

Edited by Jarriaga
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1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:

I completely agree with him. Using the recent augment controversy ("That should have been part of the base ability") as a point of reference was spot on. There's a vocal part of the community unable to compromise or sacrifice part of their min/max builds for anything other than even more power. The concepts of trade-off or compromise to get something in exchange of something don't exist or should not exist based on their complaints. 

The problem is that with minmaxing you are already made sacrafices.

My octavia was minmaxed for p.strength what result in sacraficing all kind of ehp or movement mods in order to reach my preferred state. I currently have maybe 4 frames what have free spots in them what could use these mods, but even then that would only work till DE makes a new augment those frames where i throw away them to make space for the augments.

Same goes for weapons there are already a lot of slot locked down to reach the desired work conditions, the situation is soo bad that the "exilus for weapons" type of threads pop-up almost every month because we dont have space to insert QoL mods.

The only weapons what could possibly use these mods are the meta weapons what can work with one less mod but everything else goes without them.


The that should be part of the base ability argument is in fact a very legit concern as for example the equinox energy transfer mod is nothing but a QoL change, it should have never become a mod. Augments are supposed to give new playstyles to players, something unique and new way to use X ability and not give you some weak QoL.

Nyx's assimilate is a true augment what changes the way her ult work just like Mirage's total eclipse while Mesa's new augment is a QoL update just like the equinox one.

The new Mesa mod still locks you into the ability, you still cant change weapons, attack differently or evade damage the only difference is that you can move what doesnt change how would one use this ability at all.

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On 4/14/2018 at 9:02 AM, Gandergear said:

Yo dude DE just merged a bunch of different threads into yours

Thanks for the heads up, I was confused for a sec. I wonder why my thread was chosen as the head and not some of the more popular ones?

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On 4/14/2018 at 10:12 PM, Gandergear said:

If you read it youd know rewards werent a part of my argument. All the peculiar posts have peciliarly been lumped into one peculiar forum thread. The post was about the mistreatment of the veteran community. Some of us wanted rebalance, this isnt it.

I can already tell half my drops will be wasted by pec mods and later by khora pieces once i earn them. But if your dumb butt was patient enough to read not 6 posts later the discussion of rewards starts.

You're telling me that I should get more information outside of your post when I was arguing only your post?

So you claim that veterans want rebalance. OK. How does this argue the existence of peculiar mods? If you say these mods you find to be useless would clutter the drop table then you still haven't answered *what* you think should be on the drop table. Because they could easily cluttered it with endo and Ammo Drum. So, in summary, you really have not said anything other than "I don't like this new thing" and has offered no solution or alternative.

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On 4/13/2018 at 3:25 PM, The364thOnion said:

Edit: This was originally a separate thread (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/944947-peculiar-mods-and-the-issues-they-present/) I created that was removed and placed here.

So in the most recent dev stream we were shown "peculiar mods" mods that add visual effects upon a trigger (e.g. impact proc).

These mods are slated to be rewards for the new void onslaught mode as rewards for "veterans". This represents several problems;

1: Useless rewards: These are mods with no utility for our already cramped builds. In this game we already struggle to fit every mod we would like on our builds, there are very few builds that have a spare slot to add a gimmick even with the given example of rivens. 

2: Diluted reward tables: Should these be added to the AABC rotation within reward tables then there is an RNG chance for a "reward" that is at best a gimmick. Although you could add them to the drop tables of enemies within the void onslaught mode however that simply reduces the problem rather than removing it 

3:Disconnect from veterans: These are supposedly for "veteran" players. I cannot think of a single vet I have met who would use these let alone be happy to get one of these as a reward. The fact that DE seems to think this is something veterans would enjoy makes me think they do not understand what vets mean when we say we "want more content". 

4:Gimmicks: As I have already mentioned these mods are a gimmick and all gimmicks get old even those who will enjoy these mods are unlikely to care about them after a month.

5: Optimization: The additional particles WILL cause performance drops and for some players this potentially could push their system out of what they consider to be playable performance. There is a precedence for particles caused by weapons causing crashes (think old mirage kohm) and even with the great work DE has put in to optimize the game this has a large chance to cause issues.

Disclaimer: All of the above is my opinion if you disagree more power to you but this has made me and many others I know extremely disappointed. 

Sad because your comment is better than this whole thread

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Ya know. People think I'm crazy when I tell them Infested actually used to be kinda scary.

It's hard to explain the difference in atmosphere Warframe has gone through. It's kin to the original Diablo and Diablo3. I guess most people like a more clean and neutral theme to their games or developers wouldn't do it but I think Peculiar mods are the final nail in the coffin for what was once a pretty intense game.

Here's some old memories for us to all cherish...


Infested Grineer tileset 2015 Vs 2013:






2013 Infested Gameplay:




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I don't know what kind of flower power bs these mods are but I surely don't want to see these as an "END GAME" reward. That's what Void Onslaught was meant to be, correct??

I'll tell you what will happen to Onslaught.. we'll farm the Khora parts and move on with our day. Just like the Eris Salvage mission dropping more mods we already have than relics, it's not a viable place to farm, so we grab the Nidus part and never return. Just like the Cetus bounties, you nerf the relic drop rates and we end up getting more Sinking Talons and Augur Messages than we can deal with..so, bounties become unrewarding.. we move on. You see a pattern here?? This is a looter, shooter. If the loot is rubbish, we move on. 

I understand you are afraid of power creeps. I get it, I understand this is a Freemium Game (not free for me, I've spent over $600 being on Xbox and then PC on this game over the years) so things can't  be TOO rewarding, but something has got to give. ALL the loot tables in this game need to be looked at, and honestly I believe most mods should be removed from drop tables and dropped from enemies exclusively.

Please consider removing these mods from the drop table and having specific enemies drop these ridiculous mods like Assassination targets do on the plains. You can have a grineer covered in flowers running around like say, a loot goblin does in Diablo, I heard something about a pec mod that does some silly sound effect when shot in the foot or face or some rubbish, so have one running around making that sound and he only takes foot or head damage, whatever. 

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As per title, cosmetic granting perks should remain purely cosmetic. 

I would suggest taking a page out of the recent arcane rework, which rightfully decoupled power granting enhancements from the cosmetic system, like syndanas and helmets.

Perhaps allow 2 peculiar enhancement slots to be allocated to each warframe / weapon etc.

That way you get to keep your build loadout, retain power, and not inundate the community with excessive VFX . Imagine a full loadout of 10 or 20 perculiar VFX. That's a whole different problem.

TL;DR : Create peculiar VFX slots per weapons or warframe, decouple cosmetics from power granting mod slots.

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But why? What's the problem that your suggestion is aiming to solve?

I personally love the idea of peculiar mods, and I think it fits well in the game where the players are already massively OP without even trying to optimize their builds. These mods are meant to demonstrate your badassitude - instead of putting on dragon keys to increase the challenge, you have another option to do it in style.

<rant> I don't understand all the whining about this topic. It's not like you will be forced to use these mods. Don't like it - don't use it, problem solved. </rant>


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7 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

But they're not cosmetics, they're silly mods for fun. They'd hardly be special or as entertaining if you could slot them on everything for free.

Well peculiar mods are meant to be fun or "ePeen" type mods. But I'm sure plenty of people won't find it very amusing to have a party member cluttering the screen with VFX and flowers , coupled with the fact that he could have been more effective with a properly modded loadout.

 Best scenarios I see is:

Gimped builds with a perculiar mods used to run through low level areas.

Troll frames with full perculiar mod loadout and very little effectiveness on the battlefield.

End game players who would sacrifice some power for a bit of lulz, and revert back to their original builds.

Either way, perculiar mods taking up a mod slot will most likely not see much constant  use among the community after the novelty wears off. 


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vor 25 Minuten schrieb --Q--Ascended-Seraphim:

As per title, cosmetic granting perks should remain purely cosmetic. 

You don't understand what the system is supposed to do...

With something like that, if everybody whould use it it whould hardly be "pecuiliar"....

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5 minutes ago, Iludra said:

But why? What's the problem that your suggestion is aiming to solve?

I personally love the idea of peculiar mods, and I think it fits well in the game where the players are already massively OP without even trying to optimize their builds. These mods are meant to demonstrate your badassitude - instead of putting on dragon keys to increase the challenge, you have another option to do it in style.

<rant> I don't understand all the whining about this topic. It's not like you will be forced to use these mods. Don't like it - don't use it, problem solved. </rant>


It's a suggestion to allow a wider portion of the community to enjoy all aspects the game has to offer e.g. building powerful frames, looking good via fashion frame, and enhancing damage VFX. Rather that having them choose between one or another.

The typical rebuttal of "don't like it , don't use it" is extremely weak and does nothing positive to provide workable alternatives for the developers to improve the experience of their community.

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The excuse of it will cluster the screen and view with nonsense vfx is cheap considering all the eyesore that goes down in this game. I highly doubt someone will even notice.

As for the excuse of efficient/efective builds and gameplay there is a solution: friends/clan or recruit chat.

As the devs stated there is no point in using the mods aside from novelty or if you want to get yelled in chat by players for no reasons that think that you should play the game as they want.

They also have another use and its to dillute the loot pool of the new mode.

I for one will use the flower one for eidolon caps to tribute Terry, Garry and Harry sacrificing for our focus system

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5 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

You don't understand what the system is supposed to do...

With something like that, if everybody whould use it it whould hardly be "pecuiliar"....

The peculiar system as it currently stands, serves as a reward for end game players.

It is also somewhat of a reward that is supposed to entice the community to work towards. 

With 5 years of warframe gameplay under my belt, I am quite familiar with Digital Extremes' aim to create content that will be enjoyed by the most people within the community. Hence the Raids were scrapped because not enough people were playing them.

Interfering with a modding system which sacrifices power for a cosmetic benefit will most likely create a disjoint in the community.

Therefore more people will tend to use them if they were a seperate slot.

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