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Warframe Battle Royale as New PvP With New Tiles


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Waste of development resources as this is a mode that requires a lot of players to be able to see what each other does correctly. No "assuming" which is what the current dedicated servers do for relays to allow for a lot of people.


Waste of time as most players play Warframe for PvE, so it will be dead quickly.


Oversaturated and shallow game mode; battle toyale is a gaming fad that has no depth to it, and like all shallow gaming fads, it will fade in 1 to 2 years, only tying into it being a waste of development resources.

Edited by Sean
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There are a few PvE games with PvP elements that actually work, because there are many players who get bored after farming for a long time.

Problem is, PvP is still unpolished in Warframe, and doesn't give you enough rewards for it, almost like the Syndicate missions. Except, you can actually use Syndicate missions, but PvP is useless for progression.

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Warframe so far has strived under pve but i do wish Warframe would have some sort of "viable" PvP under the comunity to further spice things and add even more longevity :/

If they ever find the time or space to look at it maybe they should analyse what turns so many players away from pvp and try to come up with something that improve on that

Personaly... If it meant to have more people invested in it... i wouldnt even mind playing a "dumbed down" version of what we have with like some sort of cover system and stuff like everyone playing grineer in prol of "easy to get into"

Im "max rank" in conclave, i have traveled the road... if a beautiful shiny syandana some other free skins etc  dont bring you to the arena i dont know what DE would have to add to incentivize people to give it a try :/

Warframe is a pve game mostly (atm atleast)... but i actually doubt allmost all of that comunity is made of casuals :/

One day one can hope but till then a good game to chill casually

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It seems with Warframe if you want a large portion of PVE players to try PVP you need to incorporate very interesting PVP game modes that are fun and are geared towards their interests, not the standard bland death match that every game has and the latest fad isn't going to do it unless it's blending in off the wall mechanics. 

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  • 1 month later...

I don't mean to be rude, but I have to say no. Battle royale has become one of my least favorite and one of the most annoying game modes ever since almost every games out there implemented these. Fortnite, Call of Duty and even Dota! A frickin' moba! Not to mention it appears everywhere, from Facebook, Youtube, news, emails, ads etc which makes it unpleasantly obnoxious. I pretty much prefer normal PVP we have already, despite the low use.

Edited by (PS4)Frostelus
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On 2018-04-14 at 5:31 AM, Lumenblood said:

There are a few PvE games with PvP elements that actually work, 

Keyword here being "few" and not "many".  It only works if done by a dedicated large enough dev team with enough time and resources and most importantly if it was planned in on day 1 when development started. The current conclave was added in as an afterthought much much later into the game's lifeline with no proper consideration of balance in mind. It never stood a chance to bloom and it simply did not have the desired numbers in its favor vs. the numbers they wanted to have.


On 2018-04-14 at 5:31 AM, Lumenblood said:

 because there are many players who get bored after farming for a long time.

Those players just move on to play other games. No matter what our favorite games are, we will never keep playing them forever. We will eventually go to the next thing. I doubt anybody is still blowing in their Super Mario Bros cartridge today playing their NES. :crylaugh:

pvp is A game mode, not THE game mode.  It is not a mandatory content that all games must have yet the pvp addicts insist in going from forum to forum demanding all pve games they lay their eyes on must have a fullblown high-populated pvp mode in it otherwise the game will dieeeeeee!  :thinking:  *sigh*


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an idea to create a Battle Royale mode in Warframe where you start the game as a Tenno then you could find Warframe Skins and therefore have their abilities. However on the weapons I'm not sure if it should be Melee and Primary weapons or just Primary Weapons. However I believe it will be a great addition to create an open world PvP as currently people who finished all quests and all maps most of the time have nothing new to do. It will make the game more exciting. What do you think?

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8 minutes ago, omaraawar said:

I have an idea to create a Battle Royale mode in Warframe where you start the game as a Tenno then you could find Warframe Skins and therefore have their abilities. However on the weapons I'm not sure if it should be Melee and Primary weapons or just Primary Weapons. However I believe it will be a great addition to create an open world PvP as currently people who finished all quests and all maps most of the time have nothing new to do. It will make the game more exciting. What do you think?

if i wanted to play a BR game i'd be playing one. WF has (hopefully) better things to do with their dev budget than making a gaming fad that's going to likely be dead before the next holiday. I'm already slightly miffed by 'frame fighter' possibly taking up focused development budget, but that at least has the added bonus of not being based on a fad.

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15 minutes ago, Gandergear said:

I'm already slightly miffed by 'frame fighter' possibly taking up focused development budget, but that at least has the added bonus of not being based on a fad.

As long as it's an alternative way to earn Conclave Standing, I think I'd be okay with it.

I agree with your stance on BR as well. We know this fad in gaming won't last very long at all.
Makes me wonder why Treyarch decided to gimp single-player in the upcoming Black Ops 4 in favor of BR... > _ > (when there's still a market share for players who enjoy CoD campaigns. Or at least play them.)
We'll see how long that lasts.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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