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2 minutes ago, (PS4)TayevionTheGamer said:

Those peculiar mods kind of sound wasteful unless they give them there own exclusive spot, kind of like arcane's now.Just wonder if someone actually exploit one of these mods in the future.

That's their purpose. To be wasteful. They're not supposed to be useful or benefit you in any way. They're more of a meme.

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mine too... waiting for her for 4 months now... liked the idea of a exalted whip so much... and now... I don't know - her first 3 abilities seem great...


Khora is my main reason why I'm disappointed from WF... couldn't wait to get her. loved all of her abilities... now her 4 seems like a disaster...

I wouldn't need damage 2.5... yeah everyone would have chosen slash... until dmg 2.5... where would have been the problem? 

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8 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

Exalted warframes are special. A multiple-arrow bow

Cernos Prime would like a word.

8 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

If you wanna experience a true exalted warframe, instead of complaining that valkyr is about using her 4th and spamming melee, go give titania, ivara or excalibur a try.

"True exalted warframe...Excalibur" What? How is Excalibur different from Valkyr in this regard? Do you not just start up EB and throw waves at enemies with your... melee button?

You literally ignored the majority of what I wrote. My point was that there is nothing radically different with these frames. 

11 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

Exalted skills are also known as INTERACTABLE, as in you toggle them on and you can choose WHAT to do with them.

You are speaking nonsense. Toggle abilities are not... interactable... (interactive?) and you no more choose what to do with Valkyr in Hysteria as you do with Primal Fury on Wukong. Is it a melee weapon? You melee with it. Is it a gun? You shoot it. (Bows are really just primitive guns in this regard.)

You no more need to aim with the Exalted weapons than you do in regular gameplay.

16 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

They are unique

There are claws. There are guns that fire wide waves. There are multi-shot bows. There are staves. Don't even need to use Valkyr, Excal, Ivara or Wukong.

Unique would be the case if there were not 6 or 7 frames with toggle weapons that scale off their regular counterpart and add special effects.

Unique would not be one more, only this one being a whip.

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2 minutes ago, Hixlysss said:

Her power 2 is more like harrows power 1, but yeah I see what you mean. her 4 looked...awkward to use, I saw it go up but it did like...nothing? I think they should have just left her with the exalted whip. IMO They should have just left her as she was and released her without damage 2.5 instead of reworking her.

The reason they reworked her is because she was built around the damage 2.5 changes. She needed them to function as they originally intended. I personally like some aspects of the changes but I do agree that the ult is lackluster. 

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Not sure what people are complaining about.

Her 1 is a pseudo-exalted weapon, free from the cancer that an exalted whip would have been (seriously, screw memeing rush). It'll scale just fine because it's effectively an exalted weapon, just without the headache exalts normally have.

Her 2 is a contagious CC. Something we actually don't have much of in-game. The Bind and Pull effect is somewhat similar to Nidus's 2, sure, but Nidus's is LoS at time of cast only. This one grows over time. The S Y N E R G Y with her 1 is honestly something every frame should have- internal synergy is a Very Good Thing.

Her 3 is a mixed support dream, being able to go between offense, defense, and support on the fly

And her 4 is basically an arachnoframe ability but in a way that won't trip people with arachnophobia up.


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we already have Exalted Swords( Excalibur), Claws (Valkyr) , Staves (Wukong), Bows (Ivara), Archwing (Titania) and Guns (Mesa) featured in the game, we don't really need any more.

I never liked the Exalted whip idea honestly, but we're reaching a point where just about any sort of power you can think of has already been implemented into the game. there's going to be some design overlap at some point. if Khora is fun and scales well, than that's enough in my book.

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The ult seems mediocre and if they improve it there's danger it gets instanerfed like gara's...

Also synergy between powers seems off, would prefer a swordwip exalted weapon as her ult, how she was originally seemed interesting, having all her powers coyes of existing ones feels much as DE scraping the bottom of the barrell for lack of ideas

Edited by Ikusias
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vor 7 Minuten schrieb MickThejaguar:

The reason they reworked her is because she was built around the damage 2.5 changes. She needed them to function as they originally intended. I personally like some aspects of the changes but I do agree that the ult is lackluster. 

I don't think she needed damage 2.5...

just to make people use other dmg types than slash. but frames often deal only one dmg-type. they could have release her and after releasing dmg 2.5 maybe do some fixes for the damage types

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Just now, Nacond said:

I don't think she needed damage 2.5...

just to make people use other dmg types than slash. but frames often deal only one dmg-type. they could have release her and after releasing dmg 2.5 maybe do some fixes for the damage types

They aren't doing damage 2.5 anymore. So she definitely needed some changes. 

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I mean I get the whip being like a 2 in 1 deal (new frame and new weapon, whoop!) and helps fulfill the BDSM fantasies. If it was added Acolyte mods still won't work since they don't affect exalted weapons, so Maiming Strike is off the table, and you'd expect the whip's slide attack to be its main source of damage.

In place of that we got a spider web, not the most original idea, but I'm willing to give it a chance before we know what her whole kit can do in depth.

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Personally I'm happy with fewer Exalted weapons in the game. Pulling a melee weapon out and spamming your melee button isn't any kind of gameplay I'm interested in.

It is worth noting though that the preview of Khora is still just a preview and she isn't actually finished yet. Her 4 might be close to her finalized version but we won't know that until we actually get her.


As far as comparisons go there are a lot of abilities that function similar to others. Vauban's Vortex and Nidus' Larva for instance. You can even make comparisons between Harrow's Condemn to Stone Gaze, sleep effects, Divine Spears, etc.

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34 minutes ago, TheBlueJelly said:

Not sure what people are complaining about.

Not complaining; simply observing and providing constructive feedback.

This kit is fine, but the loop of pulling enemies into a big CCed group with her 2 and smashing them with an AOE 1 is pretty Nidus-ey. And since you bring it up, the growth over time aspect seems problematic. This game is really fast. If a bunch of enemies are shooting me, I don't really want to be standing around waiting for Ensnare to slowly grab them up. Nidus' Noodle Monster seems superior as it immediately stops large groups of enemies from attacking, leaving the  player instantly free to dispatch them in a manner of their choosing (usually a teammate blasting the whole ball with a memeing strike slide attack and leaving me with no mutation stacks).

Edited by Knowmad762
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38 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

Agreed ... Dang near everyone that was hyped for Khora was for her Kavat and her Exalted whip .... I think I speak for a large portion of them when I say " We Want Her Whip Back !"


This,been dreaming with this for 4 months,all hyped and stuff,but now...I'm just a sad Tenno.

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I know the devs said that it wasn't working well in cramped spaces, but even when imagining how it works when it's functional, it seems so redundant when she already has her 2 doing basically the same thing. They're far more similar than Oberon's 1 vs. 4 abilities, so that is a problem. Also, she's a cat-and-whip frame, not a spider frame. Strangledome really does not look fitting for her kit: not visually, not functionally. I'm probably just another blip in a large crowd by this time, but I would like to see her exalted whip come back. Some are concerned about Maiming Strike, but I believe most acolyte mods don't work on exalted weapons to begin with, so I don't see an exalted whip as game-breaking.

I would like to see a Jorōgumo-esque spider frame, though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jorōgumo

EDIT (note): This was an original thread of its own but was eventually merged into this megathread.

Edited by Raspberry
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basically it's a geodesic dome with each of the points where the triangles meet being a point where a 'chain' can tangle up an enemy (seemed like it was just singular).  More of a large area version of 2, how effective it could be depends on how many triangles etc as more triangles mean more 'chains'.

Edited by LSG501
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5 hours ago, MokutoBunshi said:

I agree with this, must feel bad on consoles. On PC I would just jump/glide/use.

Yeah that's awkward to do in both PC and PS4.


4 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

So much this. I love upper body animations that let me keep moving. Gara's Shattered Lash thrust, Mag's 1, 2, & 3, Octavia's weird but good sliding, all good stuff.

Exactly this. I've also wanted the sweep on shattered lash to be fixed as well.

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I have not and am not able to see the devstreams these days, but if what everyone says is true, about the removal of the exalted whip, then i really can't express how disappointed i am.

I would rather wait longer for Khora's release, and have them do things correctly, rather than substituting things with other things.  This feels like War Within (if i named the right quest), back when they hyped it up for months only to not deliver what they promised.  Sort of kills our faith in the devs' abilities, to me.

I happen to like melee-based warframes too.  Would have been fun.

Oh well...


Edit: On second thought, they could have just made a different warframe.  This one could have been a spider theme.  Then release that.  Then they could have finished Khora and released her later, instead of half-stepping.

Edited by VampirePirate
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Just plug her into the current damage system. If people use Slash only then so be it, that just means that when you guys eventually make the other types worthwhile she'll be in a better place. Her new kit is boring and laughably dull. You took away everything that made her unique and now she is just going to be another Gara, except Khora basically has reskinned abilities of existing Warframes.


I implore you guys change her back. The ability to change damage type on both her and her Kavat was really cool and unique, as well as her Exalted Whip. Dear god why did you get rid of the whip? Strangle dome looks stupid and and unless enemies caught in it strangle themselves to death it is not worth it. It basically is a reskin of Nezha's ultimate.

Please DE, Scott, Steve, change her back. I can;t be the only one who thinks this new kit for her is dumb. What exactly about this new kit follows the dominatrix theme the original had?

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14 minutes ago, Raspberry said:

They're far more similar than Oberon's 1 vs. 4 abilities, so that is a problem.

How is his 1 and 4 similar? They both proc Radiation? Have you actually used Oberon? This is a problem because it is a problem isn't an argument.

16 minutes ago, Raspberry said:

Also, she's a cat-and-whip frame, not a spider frame.

Oh yeah, that old chestnut. You know, that cat-and-whip trope.

17 minutes ago, Raspberry said:

I would like to see her exalted whip come back.

17 minutes ago, Raspberry said:

Some are concerned about Maiming Strike

Maiming Strike is an addition to the issue, not the issue itself in this case because, as you point out, Maiming Strike wouldn't even work. Spin attacks would be the most used attack. You would likely never see a Khora use anything but spin attacks using a whip. She still uses a whip, it's just on her 1, like Atlas.

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