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1 minute ago, Xylyssa said:

If people use Slash only then so be it

They aren't going to release content that is guaranteed to not be seen by anyone. It is a literal waste of resources.

2 minutes ago, Xylyssa said:

What exactly about this new kit follows the dominatrix theme the original had?

Whips and chains and you can't find the dominatrix theme?

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1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

They aren't going to release content that is guaranteed to not be seen by anyone. It is a literal waste of resources.

Whips and chains and you can't find the dominatrix theme?

Harrow is more of a dominatrix than Khora. His chains hit multiple enemies without needing to slowly grab other enemies, sure Khora has a whip but it is obviously an afterthought and that laughable "Strangle Dome" thing? Actual jungle gyms are more dangerous than hers. Like I said, Nezha's ultimate with a dome skin over it.


Damage type switching and Exalted Whip were much better ideas and DE should be ashamed for this lackluster kit they made for her. Not to mention the Kavat relies on the broken companion AI.

Edited by Xylyssa
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I think their original plans for the whip was to give it more of an arking beam that could have possibly added and AOE attack in the flare since whips are much different then swords so the energy could have been more malleable when thrown out during attacks.

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7 minutes ago, Xylyssa said:

Harrow is more of a dominatrix that Khora. His chains hit multiple enemies without needing to slowly grab other enemies, sure Khora has a whip but it is obviously an afterthought and that laughable "Strangle Dome" thing? Actual jungle gyms are more dangerous than hers. Like I said, Nezha's ultimate with a dome skin over it.


Damage type switching and Exalted Whip were much better ideas and DE should be ashamed for this lackluster kit they made for her. Not to mention the Kavat relies on the broken companion AI.

"Harrow" "Dominatrix"


Yeah,  no.

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Her new 4 is obviously Harrows 1 in a sphere. Exact same chain vfx too. It also makes her 2 pointless an vise versa, you'll never use both. 

Chains are harrows things, whips were meant to be Khoras... She should have a special exhalted whip (not to mention she now has 4 useless whip handles sticking out of her back for no reason).


She was dubbed by the community dominatrix frame. Clearly her original design was around her creating whips out of her spider like theme. With beast master thrown in.


Chains and punishment are Harrows gig. It just makes her kit very bland and boring tbh. Her 3 is now her only original move and it comes with tech that should already be in the game with all pets!

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why couldnt she have shipped with damage 2.5 changes exclusively? Wouldn't that have been the easiest solution? They couldve just explained it as her WF powers affected the way IPS works for her abilities.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I think the damage stance switch should be applied on the 1st ability to make it different from Gara's 1st. I don't know whether Exalted weapon 4th ability is going to be so fun... Because everybody knows whips right now are the most OP stuff and you don't even need to give Khora exalted weapon only ability to wipe out rooms filled with enemies. Yes Strangle Dome is quite cheap and pretty much copy of Bastille it is at least worthy to be some kind of place holder for something that is much more worthy to be 4th ability for Khora.

An idea to replace 4th ability: Some kind of AoE buff to increase armor, shields OR health, movement speed or chance of evading a hit when on the move or ignore knock down effects?

Edited by AlendasNaro
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2 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

Honestly DE can keep the rest of her kit as is, but I would really prefer they go back to exalted whip because I really didn't want to play Khora as a CC/support frame :/  People were saying that her new Kit will synergize well with other frames....Um, I don't understand, more CC over CC? Just take Limbo and be done with it, or Vauban....I just can't see any reason to be excited for Khora now, like my original statement...mastery fodder :/

yeah. too much CC kind of makes CC not feel all that unique of a trait for a WF to have. 

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That whole pull enemies together could also be compared to vauban’s 4th. Even though the methods are different. Abilities are gonna be similar to another. It is unavoidable. So as long as they’re  not nearly identical like ember, frost, and bolt 1st ability and 1st augment mods, then I just don’t care. DE used about every type of skill and element. There won’t be a new ability that won’t be compared to another. Even the kavat would be compared to another warframe ability. 

It’s simple. Don’t like the warframe, then don’t use it. Simple as that. 

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I always took her for the cat and whip spider beast master frame. Quite offensive really.

Chains and tying people up are Harrows gig. Now her 4 is the exact same as harrows but in a sphere with the same chain vfx. Making her 2 redundant and vise versa. 

Her 1 and 2 were fine as they were but just add additional attributes to her different attack types. Wouldn't have been that hard.

Her 3 is now her only unique partof kit that has tech in it that should be standard for all pets (aggressive, defence and heal.. please thats like saying you've coupled her to pets 2.0)


Now she has for whip handles sticking out of her back for no good reason, she does have the theme of using silk to create whips... she's become a D rate knock off of NidusxHarrow in the most boring way.

There was so much they could have done. 

- Give her hold 1 damage swaps additional attributes that benefit her.

- Keep her 2 the same

- Her 3 is good now but it's really nothing special (should already be in game with all pets)

- Her 4 should be a special exhalted whips. Or even 4 exhalted whips. Like Mirrage hall of mirrors but with 4 arms.


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People keep talking about damage 2.5 and Khora... Damage 2.5 was focused around IPS status procs. Khora was based around IPS damage (not their status procs: bleed, weaken, stagger).

Even still they could have just given each damage type additional properties unique to Khora. 

Now her 2 and 4 do the same thing and you wouldn't ever really use them together (also her 4 is useless in open areas, she went from an offensive frame to a defensive frame??). Making one or the other redundant. It also uses the same vfx as harrows one (chaining people up was his gig, whips and cats were Khoras...), except its a sphere aoe cc rather than a rectangle. 


Her 3 is now her only unique move. Which I still love but the changes should already be standard with all pets. Her 1 and 2 now lose the thing that made them cool and extra useful (different damage types). 


Shes gone from very unique cool and interesting to very bland. 

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13 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

why couldnt she have shipped with damage 2.5 changes exclusively? Wouldn't that have been the easiest solution? They couldve just explained it as her WF powers affected the way IPS works for her abilities.

That's actually quite genius of you.  I think that would have worked out well, if they could still work with the current damage system with no problems.

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1 hour ago, Arkanno said:

This,been dreaming with this for 4 months,all hyped and stuff,but now...I'm just a sad Tenno.

Same, hype is definitely killed. Sorry DE. She went from the one thing I was obsessively waiting for to probably not playing WF till Venus or another interesting frame.

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17 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

why couldnt she have shipped with damage 2.5 changes exclusively? Wouldn't that have been the easiest solution? They couldve just explained it as her WF powers affected the way IPS works for her abilities.

Because damage 2.5 is canceled. They said in the latest devstream that they don't have any plans for a damage rework now. They may do one in the future but for all intents and purposed, it's canceled.

EDIT: Reread your post. Misunderstood you. In that state only a third of her kit would be viable. 

Edited by MickThejaguar
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Her core themes were:

- Whips

- Pet cat

- Spider like - making whips from thread kinda thing. She has 4 whip handles sticking out of her back,


Sure we dont need lots of exalted weapons but hers was one a lot of people were looking forward to. Now she does what harrow does but in a dome rather than a rectangle. Chains was harrows thing, she was an offensive whip frame.


Her 1 and 2 now lose that additional interesting component. Her 2 even makes her 2 redundant and vise versa. 

Her 3 got an additional mechanic that should be in the game ready for all pet companions. 

Her 4 went from original exalted weapon (they could have made it more interesting by making her summon 4 like a spider or doing a big whip AOE attack when held). 


instead now she is a not on theme, she isnt interesting and she doesn't have a kit that makes sense. 

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7 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

Not every frame needs an exalted something, ever since Excalibur's rework that's almost been nonstop. I'd withhold judgement until we dive into the unmentioned synergies like Gara had.

But don't you just love original ideas like exalted scythe Nekros, or exalted trident Hydroid, or exalted mace Oberon, or...


Let's be real, y'all just want a built in Atterax don't you?


EDIT : Admittedly the ult showed in the devstream was... Underwhelming. It lacks the immediate power you get from other ults and just doesn't look satisfying. Also a tad bit similar to Vauban's Bastille. I'll still have to see how it performs with a maximized build but I can kinda see why people wanted the whip.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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18 minutes ago, Lanying said:


Her 3 is now her only unique move. Which I still love but the changes should already be standard with all pets. Her 1 and 2 now lose the thing that made them cool and extra useful (different damage types). 

She was indeed going to be the ultimate test frame for new systems. I do hope we get basic commands for all of our pets

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7 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

She was indeed going to be the ultimate test frame for new systems. I do hope we get basic commands for all of our pets

She went from Damage 2.5 to Pets 2.0 and paid the price for it.  Now she is Harrow 0.5

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Thing is her 1-3 were great before. They had depth to them with the damage type change. 

Now she lost all that to get:

- New tech on her 3 which should be standard with all pets in game already

- A new 4 which is the same as Harrows 1 except in a sphere with the same VFX. So she went from whips and cat frame to copy Nidus/Harrow with a Cat. They could have kept her original game play design but given her IPS damage types additional effects; then just spruce up her exhalted whip. That's all they had to do. It would've been easy. 


Now she looses her theme (dominatrix frame was a joke by the community but really the dom/sado frame is clearly harrows gig) of whips and becomes way less interesting. She goes from aggressive to very defensive with her 2 and 4 overlapping hard.

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I'd wait until she is released to pass judgements. People loved the idea of zephyr and yet she's not popular, people hated the idea of harrow and yet he is much more popular. In the end you can't decide whether you like it or not till you get your hands on it.

And, you don't have to like every frame, some frames might suit you (ha), another's not so much. And that's perfectly fine, play with what you enjoy. 

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