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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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I can solo the game mode but due to spawns and the way the decay works, I cant seem to make it past stage 6. I can get up to the point where the stage 7 gates spawns but my effeciny goes down befor I can enter it.


I crash EVERY single time when I am playing with people. Or the host crashes and my team losses everything.

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Thought I'd post it here instead of the megathread since it will likely be seen by more people and get noticed by DE. 


Firstly, the reward pool is far too diluted with relics for both game modes. Farming Khora, the vandals, perculiar bloom or the captura scenes is too much of a chore (as evidenced by the maths on the wikia page for khora). 100+ runs for a single part is roughly 500+ mins at 5 mins per rotation. It's even worse for B and C rotations. 

I feel like reducing each rotation to 1 onslaught, and increasing the time of each onslaught to 3 mins instead of 2.5mins is a decent compromise to this (as opposed to reshuffling the loot table). 

Either this or a token system redeemable via simaris. Let the game mode give you simaris rep, and have the simaris rep pool max out at 494k like Nakak in Plague Star. Then have each of the new weapon and frame parts purchaseable from Simaris for something like 200k rep per frame part, 100k rep per weapon part (just spitballing numbers here).

The game-mode:

Instead of giving you 10% flat efficiency, have the efficiency boost actually boost the amount of efficiency you get per kill. They are currently useless at the start of the game, and useful later when only 1 of them spawns. 

The efficiency decrease is also too steep at later levels. You can either fix this by increasing spawns (which isn't what I'd recommend, since that would just turn the game-mode into more of a zerg rush than it already is), or by combining my earlier statement with a more tempered decrease in efficiency per kill. 

Furthermore, a brief invulnerability period when you first load in to a new area should really be considered. It's ridiculous to die to an enemy before you can even move your character. Either this or freeze the enemies in place till you make a move. 

In conclusion: I've played this game mode a few times solo, and all times the game has come to a halt because I didn't have enough enemies to kill, NOT because I wasn't killing fast enough...which is pretty outrageous. 

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I would prefer if DE removed the low level version of onslaught, compiled all the drops (which means reducing some relic chances to squeeze in captura scenes), and changing the way the rotations work. I seriously enjoy this game mode, so I had no trouble extensively farming. I do understand that it can get repetitive though. 

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12 hours ago, KilluaWalker said:

What you said here just shows you know nothing about DE, their not Activision, their not EA they aren't a mobile developer, they don't try to underhandely  nickel and dime their player base. 

*slithers back under bridge*

Oh you are so correct.  They're not Activision, they're not EA, and they are not a mobile developer either, but....

...they are in fact PWE.

...in some odd and convoluted way.

*crossing over the bridge* j/k

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One rotation in onslaught is every 2 rounds. (2, 4, 6, etc.)  However, the rewards for your rotation, are not technically earned, until you step into the conduit at the end of these rounds.  In other words, when solo, if you clear round 2 but don't enter the conduit, then the rewards will say you have made it to zone 3, but you will still not get any reward aside from credits+mission points.  Now, if you're in a group, any one person from the party can enter the conduit, and the rest of the party will still get their reward.  So, if host enters conduit, and the rest of the party do not, at the end of zone 2, then every player in the group gets their reward.  It only takes one person to trigger the reward for the whole group, so long as one person enters the conduit.  Unfortunately, due to other bugs, if the host refuses to enter the conduit at the end of the zone, anyone who did enter the conduit can kiss their rewards goodbye as it will fail to host migrate, and thus all rewards are lost.

This is a big deal, because it's almost like going into defense or survival, clearing the 5 wave/min mark, and then you have to tell it you do not want to extract, in order to get your reward.  With the host migration bug, this is a huge concern.

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3 hours ago, DingusGinger said:

They're kinda right, I think it's nice to have this and it's easy to farm focus, but my game keeps freezing at random times. It's depressing, and I want to be able to play the Sanctuary Onslaught. I do hope the bugs are fixed soon.

I would agree with that if the Focus farm wasnt so limited...Im usually maxed for the day after 1 or 2 runs to Zone 8

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Suggestions after reading the rules, 15 pages of players feedback and a few gameplay videos about Sanctuary Onslaught.

Please read carefully.

- Gameplay change : Fill up the efficiency gauge to the max to open a portal for the next zone in the restricted amount of time.

- Efficiency stimulus change : Guaranteed drop from eximus enemies. Fills up the efficiency gauge by 4% like life support modules on survival mode.

- Remove the rotation rewards from Sanctuary Onslaught : At the end of each zones we gain a unique currency that allow us to buy the rewards of Sanctuary Onslaught from Cephalon Simaris. The amount of this currency gained varies on the score accumulated at the end of each zone.

- Death mechanic changed for Sanctuary Onslaught : No bleedout in solo/party, you die immediatly but have unlimited revives. Each deaths remove 10 seconds on the timer.

Other changes only for Sanctuary Onslaught Elite :
No ability locks but a increase in energy cost if you use too much of the same ability as a more fair way to penalize the player.

New Sanctuary Onslaught mode, Data Overload :

Same rules as Normal mode but with extra mods added randomly every zones one by one for the rest of the mission that makes the mission tougher, see the list below :

- Enemies run/attack faster.
- Enemies have increased damage of a random damage type + a global increase chance of status procs.
- Enemies drain your energy from each hit.
- Enemies have extra shields, even non-corpus units.
- Enemies have extra health.
- Enemies cannot be slowed below base movement speed, same for attack speed and they are immune to knockback/knockdown/ragdoll.
- Area contain patches of ice + Extreme cold modifier from sortie mod.
- Area contain toxic gaz clouds.
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Ancients.*  (Ancient Disruptor, Healer and Toxic)
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Manics.*
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Bursas.*
- Abilities cost shield/health instead of Energy. (Can't die from them though)
- Damage taken from enemies dispel invisibility abilities from warframes + arcane trickery.
- Abilities duration from warframes are highly reduced.
- Arcanes are disabled.
- Spoiler mode is disabled.
- Primary weapons are disabled.**
- Secondary weapons are disabled.**
- Melee weapons are disabled.**
- Eximus units can dispel warframe abilities/buffs (with a global cooldown shared for every eximus units in the map).
- Companions (sentinels, kubrows, kavats) are disabled.
- Aura mods effectiveness highly reduced.
- Damage, Critical Damage, Status chance and Accuracy from weapons/warframes are reduced.
- Increased damage taken from enemies from all source.
- Less time to fill up the efficiency gauge : 2minutes instead of 2m30seconds

* : They can be all active at the same time.

** : Only two of them can be active at the same time.

Depending on the mod you get during your mission, you get a bonus of currency (multiplicative, based on your total score) as you progress through the zones.


How i feel about Sanctuary Onslaught :

This new mode looks more enjoyable to play because of the map/enemy diversity on each map and seems to be also a good alternative for exp farming to the popular Hydron or Akkad mission. The elite mode has a leaderboard for the competitive aspect of the playerbase, like arcade/time attack mode in other games.

I think for PC players right now it feels terrible to play because of the bugs/crashes but the concept is great and needs some tweaks from DE to make this game mode even better.

Can't wait to have this new mode released on consoles.

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Bugs that are reproduce-able 100% of the time for me:

  • Amps do not gain experience (score screen shows it, resets every zone)
  • If the host does not go through the portal, host migration occurs and everyone else loses rewards
  • Portals 2/4/6/8... do not give rewards until someone goes through the portal (might be intended?)



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29 minutes ago, Tonkatunk said:

One rotation in onslaught is every 2 rounds. (2, 4, 6, etc.) ...

Seeing as my thread was removed from bug reports, to be put in a feedback thread, i'll assume the decision about rewards was intentional then, and not accidental.  Which leaves the question, WHY!?  None of the other game modes do this that i can recall, so why have onslaught be different?  What benefit is there in having us potentially go another wave, risking a char death/affinity, all just to keep the reward we had already worked to earn!?  Especially with the bugs in onslaught at the moment.

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Some people seem to think I'm exclusively comparing DE to AAA developers, but this isn't the case. I used bethesda as they're the champions of having buggy nearly unplayable games on release, I suppose I could have used Ubisoft but I don't actually like their games so I decided t o be nicer.

Of recent thinking here are some releases that have gone smoother than DE's last several (POE and Onlsaught being the mains ones) that I have specific knowledge of.

Mechwarrior Onlines Solaris 7: released with a bug that was fixed same day that prevented peoples XP from being logged, no crashes though despite multiple new maps, UI overhaul, etc. Small developer team in niche market.

Factorio: All around a solid game and very stable. Veerrrrry small developer team.

StarCraft II coop, basically a perfect release, didn't notice any bugs, but very AAA.

Killing Floor 2: Very solid all around when its beta came out, tripwire isn't a massive company either

There's plenty of games that get released that players are able to play without non-stop game ending bugs such as:

Reconnecting to a game causes the portal to not spawn.

The host leaving makes no one get rewards

The game crashes whenever cuz why not?

Spawns randomly get throttled making progression impossible

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)Silenceform said:

- Enemies run/attack faster.
- Enemies have increased damage of a random damage type + a global increase chance of status procs.
- Enemies drain your energy from each hit.
- Enemies have extra shields, even non-corpus units.
- Enemies have extra health.
- Enemies cannot be slowed below base movement speed, same for attack speed and they are immune to knockback/knockdown/ragdoll.
- Area contain patches of ice + Extreme cold modifier from sortie mod.
- Area contain toxic gaz clouds.
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Ancients.*  (Ancient Disruptor, Healer and Toxic)
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Manics.*
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Bursas.*
- Abilities cost shield/health instead of Energy. (Can't die from them though)
- Damage taken from enemies dispel invisibility abilities from warframes + arcane trickery.
- Abilities duration from warframes are highly reduced.
- Arcanes are disabled.
- Spoiler mode is disabled.
- Primary weapons are disabled.**
- Secondary weapons are disabled.**
- Melee weapons are disabled.**
- Eximus units can dispel warframe abilities/buffs (with a global cooldown shared for every eximus units in the map).
- Companions (sentinels, kubrows, kavats) are disabled.
- Aura mods effectiveness highly reduced.
- Damage, Critical Damage, Status chance and Accuracy from weapons/warframes are reduced.
- Increased damage taken from enemies from all source.
- Less time to fill up the efficiency gauge : 2minutes instead of 2m30seconds

what in the hell are you smoking

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)Silenceform said:

New Sanctuary Onslaught mode, Data Overload :

Same rules as Normal mode but with extra mods added randomly every zones one by one for the rest of the mission that makes the mission tougher, see the list below :

- Enemies run/attack faster.
- Enemies have increased damage of a random damage type + a global increase chance of status procs.
- Enemies drain your energy from each hit.
- Enemies have extra shields, even non-corpus units.
- Enemies have extra health.
- Enemies cannot be slowed below base movement speed, same for attack speed and they are immune to knockback/knockdown/ragdoll.
- Area contain patches of ice + Extreme cold modifier from sortie mod.
- Area contain toxic gaz clouds.
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Ancients.*  (Ancient Disruptor, Healer and Toxic)
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Manics.*
- Area is inhabited by 5 Immortal Bursas.*
- Abilities cost shield/health instead of Energy. (Can't die from them though)
- Damage taken from enemies dispel invisibility abilities from warframes + arcane trickery.
- Abilities duration from warframes are highly reduced.
- Arcanes are disabled.
- Spoiler mode is disabled.
- Primary weapons are disabled.**
- Secondary weapons are disabled.**
- Melee weapons are disabled.**
- Eximus units can dispel warframe abilities/buffs (with a global cooldown shared for every eximus units in the map).
- Companions (sentinels, kubrows, kavats) are disabled.
- Aura mods effectiveness highly reduced.
- Damage, Critical Damage, Status chance and Accuracy from weapons/warframes are reduced.
- Increased damage taken from enemies from all source.
- Less time to fill up the efficiency gauge : 2minutes instead of 2m30seconds

* : They can be all active at the same time.

** : Only two of them can be active at the same time.

Depending on the mod you get during your mission, you get a bonus of currency (multiplicative, based on your total score) as you progress through the zones.

I like all the improvements you've suggested, except this. Removing the game's rock-paper-scissor mechanics is not going to be fun for everyone. Just throwing you into a hole or deep-end of swimming pool and telling you to swim, isnt an experience that everyone is willing to sign-up for, even if they're the best swimmer they know. Better keep the overall game mechanics, and improve on where they lack, rather than to tack on as much challenges that the everyday casual players cannot meet because hardcore players keep trying to get their next 'fix'.

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10 hours ago, IgnatiuSgaming said:

Positive : Good drop,easy way to farm relic (Radiant),don't need waste much traces to upgrade,best place to farm exp and focus

Negative : Portal do not open,efficient drop so fast when timer 0.00,Crash anytime anywhere,play squad until zone 8 and you realise everyone left without reason (crash too)

Bugframe coming soon

And NO extraction option lol,and simaris never let you spam butter and cheese (skill I mean)

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1 hour ago, VampirePirate said:

Oh you are so correct.  They're not Activision, they're not EA, and they are not a mobile developer either, but....

...they are in fact PWE.

...in some odd and convoluted way.

*crossing over the bridge* j/k

You know i always wondered where the product placement for leyou products were, what do they not have chicken in the future?

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4 hours ago, Podge said:

from what i understood on the devstream, this is completely intentional. the idea is to give you a challenge by forcing you to rely on your weapons more and your abilities less, so you start with your warframe's base energy pool, and you have cooldowns on abilities so you cant spam them.

The only issue with that is you rely on melee weapons more and your guns less. The spawn points for the mobs are so close to you, regardless of your location, having your gun out with the expectation of shooting something far away seems silly... You can swing your improved range polearm/whip/dual-swords and slash through the lot of them in 1 or 2 swings. It would be nice to have thicker spawns, but further away from where the player is standing (like how it is in every other game mode... enemies appearing thru doorways). At least then it gives more expectation to developing a play-strategy cause it makes the game more adaptable. (You can play against patterns found on different tilesets or with different enemy rock-paper-scissor mechanics.)

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3 minutes ago, Xriah said:

I really don't like how you are at the mercy of the enemy spawns in order to keep up. If enough enemies don't spawn, then there isn't much you can do.

that and if the host crashes or desides to leave you get a host migration back to you're ship with 0 rewards after 8+ waves of work and effort wich burns you out VERY MUCH!!!!!!

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Oh FFS, how many times do we have to go through this already? New game mode and yet again, facing the issue of host bailing and losing all my loot again. I have legit pulled at least 9 sets of Khora now and have none built thanks to crashes and host bailing before anyone else is ready because they got that one piece they needed.

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1 hour ago, KilluaWalker said:

You know i always wondered where the product placement for leyou products were, what do they not have chicken in the future?

If you consider the mutated monstrosities we have today being placed on the butchering production lines as "chicken," then yes... there are no chickens in the future.  There are no chickens now, except what people are actually raising on the farms as pets, which is rare these days.

(please try not to vomit. lol)

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Can you make it so that when people decided to disband in the middle of a round, that i don't lose everything I earn? On two occasions, people have decided to disband the squad and I lost everything. I have been farming Khora parts for days and i finally got a drop only to lose it. please fix this.

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It might be me bringing "the wrong frame," but I feel the mode is too heavily dependent on the co-op scene and too reliant on warframes that can cause large area of effect death such as Saryn, Equinox and Banshee.  The efficiency demands feels like it scales far too quickly which, again, requires more players in the party instead of solo.

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