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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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Since the latest update regarding the inconsistent enemy stats in Sanctuary onslaught, it seems like a lot of issues has come up

  • Fixing the level stats for enemies increased the difficulty a lot, even though the levels were lowered to balance things out.

Since the update I have for example gone from taking down enemies in 1 or 2 hits at lvl 100, to struggling with enemies at lvl 70. Mostly because of the increased armor values (I think). This has led to a extreme decrease of enemies killed during the 2 minutes and 30 seconds you get before the next conduit appears and also during the first 45 seconds in the next zone, meaning much less focus gain. ( I went from getting about 25k at some zones, to 6-8k) Also for clarity's sake, I have been using a Gladiator build with Rhino prime and Nikana prime, both with an Eidolon lens and Naramon focus way for the 45% extra affinity with melee kills.

  • There is somehow much less enemies now?

I do understand that with the increased stats for enemies since the update also means less kills (probably), but I find myself looking for enemies much more since the update. Before the update you didn't even have to look for enemies because they would show up a whole bunch either infront of you or withing view. With a squad of 4 I have gone from about 600 kills in total during 8 waves to about 250, and like I said in the point above, this has led to an extreme decrease in focus gain.


  • How do we fix this?

I read in the post regarding the hotfix for inconsistent enemy levels that it is kind of a difficult thing to fix for several reasons, and I can understand a bit why. For example the issue with enemy armor values and maintaining a balance in affinity gained in accordance to the difficulty of the enemies faced. Honestly I can't come up with a particular good solution for this myself, but I do suggest that the changes should be reverted back to before the hotfix until a more solid solution is at hand. Because right now I can barely get myself to grind the focus since it would now take me hours to reach the daily cap instead of just less than a couple (Keep in mind, this is with a build used to get the maximum avaliable focus gain without a booster using Eidolon lenses and the 45% affinity boost from melle kills). I hope you guys see this and do someting regarding the issue. 

Thanks for reading and have a nice one :lotus:


Edit: This seems to have been fixed regarding the focus loss! My first game since the neew update and around 100k focus again on regular sanctuary onslaught. Haven't tried Elite yet though. would be awesome with even more enemies though. 

Edited by OrangeAnt
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My new favorite mission. Easily best when you want to enter a mission and just destroy stuff. 

But.... Zone 8, we got Vandal Lato Receiver for the first time since doing all the missions... And then host migration and all rewards lost from 8 zones... 

WTF! And this happened twice today, but only got Vandal once.. 

Are we suppose to play these solo? What is the workaround? And if we all leave at the same time why does host migration happen?

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Need more modes.

"Efficiency" only measures how fast one can kill enemies on the tile.... And most effective ways to do so are turbo repetitive and boring.

  I want "Style" mode that awards melee combos, slide gun kills, headshots and such things. 


Would also love to see some "dexterity bonus" that awards players for not getting hit to much.  And "tankiness" bonus for tanking tons of damage without dying.  Because that is also important.  And that is also efficiency in some way.


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Now that I've done some proper reading...

These conversations are making me think that fanning out and giving us multiple game modes and scoring systems that appeal to people who play different ways would be really appealing to a whole bunch of people who play, to the point where many sorts of 'events'  would be enthusiastically played by a whole bunch of different people.

Going the other direction (Having only one event at a time, and that event using this efficiency scoring system) seems a bit riskier.  The evolution away from 4-spam towards 'whatever other abusive abilities that Simaris isn't disabling' (Spore Saryn, Castana Trinity, etc.) was pretty fast and while I DO think that approach has a lot of flexibility I'm not sure how far it can go effectively (I'm with the group that is shouting 'Make nothing sacred! Disable all kinds of things!  Murder the meta!', but we're a niche and I don't expect the whole game mode to be modified to appeal to me)

If we're drawing out imaginary futures, I find the one with Tenno-Olympics more appealing.  That one has everything from sniping contests to races THROUGH infested to modes where we can only move with combat maneuvers to Parkour races and in some cases frames are even scored separately.  In that mode I also see peculiar mods turning into self-handicapping contests, it's the combat equivalent of fashion frame for a lot of us. 

The one with only one mode that everyone has to agree on is a LOT less appealing, as is the one that has 'must have' items.  There's already enough to do in this game that I think that you guys can start catering to your niches, and this SPECIFIC mode...with Simaris and the lack of in-game impact makes me see a ton of potential for experimentation that would be pretty dramatic otherwise.

The fundamental thing I feel is causing a lot of stress in this mode is people seem to feel they need to engage in it NOW, that really does force an unrealistic set of expectations.  Maybe only using 'fun' things as lures rather than Khora and Vandal parts would have been less stressful?  If there was nothing to lose then maybe we'd have less salt with all the host migrations.

Edited by FreeWilliam
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WHEN U REPAIR "HOST MIGRATION" im sick of it all time 1 moron who host left team at the end of mission and rest of team don't get reward all time have this problem and not only me do something with it or change team manager !!!!!

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I'm typing this while sitting in a host migration because the host left after 6 zones. Let's see how far into this I get before I get dumped back into my orbiter.

I pride myself on farming every warframe, even if I have the plat, but Khora has just become extremely frustrating.

I didn't mind when Khora dropped from the Elite onslaught - the other rewards were good enough to justify the time; the radiant keys and the closed-beta weapons were good. However, with Khora being moved to regular-only onslaught, it's just become a chore. The drops just aren't good enough.

I'm currently sitting on 5 chassis and 2 1 neuroptics (host migration didn't give me anything, yay), and desperately wanting the Rot C drops. I'm currently only making it to Rot C about 75% of the time, due to crashes / host migrations / efficiency runout, which just adds to the frustration.

Please increase the Rot C Khora drops!

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Better idea, Pull the BP out of Rotation C, give the Systems the Drop rate boost and put the BP in the market. 

Lets be honest here... there is only 1 other Warframe BP that is not in a quest or the market, thats Ivara... Every other Warframe BP is market or quest. 

p.s. Iv Fully farmed every Warframe in this game... Khora was by far the most tedious farm experience i had ever faced... especially with all the host migration and crashing issues that have plagued the game mode.

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Yeah I can feel you OP, lost my only neuroptics drop since release because the host decided to leave at 6 without saying anything and then getting stuck in a host migration.  Even more annoying is I got the previous 2 rewards but not round 6 one when it finally cleared itself....

Haven't seen anything rot c other than relics so far... it is quite simply the worst frame to farm so far imo and that's ignoring bugs and crashes which make it even worse.

Edited by LSG501
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Ivara sure, Harrow maybe, but Ash? He is very easy to farm so long as you go to missions where Manics spawn. Unless you are unlucky, you shouldnt need to kill too (15~20) many as they have a 1/3 chance of dropping a part. And if you use a frame that can increase loot drops(Nekros, Atlas, Hydroid, Ivara) you have even more drop chances.

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I agree remove bp from drop table and give system higher chans to drop. The BP could be added to Simaris rewards you buy for 125000 Simaris faction points. For his reward store would need more stuff any way.

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12 hours ago, Druid40 said:

The drop rates are fine. Harrow and Ivara took longer. Even Ash took longer.

Can't comment on harrow, bought that as I wanted the riven.  Ivara only took me a long time to get because it was spy and well I don't like spy missions that much but the number of runs specifically trying to farm ivara wasn't that many.  

Ash, admittedly I'm pretty sure I got ash prime before I got ash but that was purely because I wasn't doing maps that had manics spawning, the parts drop like candy if you kill a manic though. 


As others, I'd change how we get the bp, I'd settle for it being in rotation A, we have to go past it everytime we try for something from rotation C anyway.  Rotation C already requires 20 minutes minimum per run, has the largest drop table, has 2 drops we need from it which have the lowest drop chance in that rotation AND of any parts in the entire drop table from onslaught...  I've said it before and I'll say it again, the entire design of onslaught is to push people to buy it with plat, it has nothing to do with 'balancing the grind' as said.

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I've posted before how enjoyable this new Sanctuary game mode was. Well, it took 2 fixes and that's gone to the crows. Here's why:

1. We can't even get to the drop rotation (C) anymore as a solo player. While some of it may be attributed to aptitude, I submit to you that I have a score in my profile that says  it could be done and it cant. So a maybe Solo Player Level adjuster could be worked into Sanctuary? I don't care about the points, I don't even care about WHAT drops, i just want to get to C and make focus. Otherwise its just another failed Sortie game mode.

2. And while I was in there failing miserably, I noticed that my focus gathering (operating at 85%efficiency) was a couple hundred compared to 10x that before,  in the same situation. So on top of not getting anywhere rotation-wise, the focus was cut back. The focus cap is made redundant (some might even find it insulting) if you can't stay long enough to matter. 

3. Someone needs to learn manners and stop cutting off Simaris in the middle of his rant during the "You failed go home" loading screen. Either shut him up or change the script, but it needs attention. It's rude.

I realize it's your game. I also realize I am one voice. My goal is not to gain from whining about my shortcomings, but to make you aware that once i could get in without crashing, it was fun to be In Sanctuary. Now it is most assuredly not.

I will not return to Sanctuary, just like I never returned to Sorties, since 95% of my time is solo. There's always fishing in the Plains.

On a positive note, that new frame looks sick.

Does anyone ever read these? I think not.

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As I posted in the update thread, this latest update did not do much (if anything) for Normal, Solo onslaught

- Drain at levels 1 - 8 is close to if not exactly the same as before the fix: way too high

- Spawns in levels 1 - 4 are still too slow, leaving me running around the map looking for things to kill

- Efficiency timer keeps running after the portal opens (absolutely sure of this), but killing enemies doesn't seem to contribute (not 100% certain of that)



Edited by FenricFox
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I am very disheartened with how Sanctuary Onslaught works.

I prefer solo-play over anything else and I feel like this mode is forcing me to play specific Warframes and/or weapons (which I don't like or want). Sitting there, spamming slide attack (because let's face it, it is the most efficient thing) is not what I want to spend 20 minutes each day on.

I will stay away until some serious changes affecting solo-play are taking place.

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Honestly, I kind of wish that you could get standing for Simaris when playing this game mode, and the standing you got would depend on your rank in each round, as well as if you were playing Elite Onslaught or just regular Onslaught.

Maybe cap it at 2,000 standing per S rank in Elite Onslaught, decreasing by about 250 per rank lower, and for normal Onslaught, cap it at 1,000 standing per S rank with each rank lower decreasing by about 125.

I would be a nice alternative to having to repeatedly scan things over and over just to get standing for him, and would be fitting, as you are doing something that Simaris wants you to do for him.

Edited by Anima_Messor
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Not entirely sure what was changed but something feels off since the latest hotfix...

  • As soon as you go in to it, from the get go, the enemies seem much tougher in Round 1-4.  I know stats were changed at later levels but what went from a semi-easy ramp up has now effectively become a royal pain in the butt.
  • What did you do to focus? I was of the understanding this was meant to supplement focus farming and it feels like it's been nerfed into the ground. 10k focus in a GOOD performance in the first 45 seconds of opening has now gone down to 3k at best.
  • Stop the efficiency counting down while waiting for the portal to spawn i.e. if someone has bad latency "Conduit is forming..." can last for a good 10 seconds until it appears. I've sat in groups and watched our efficiency rating plunge from 100% to 60% or worse during this period.
  • ...Where did all the mobs go? Not only do you make them turn in to health sponges, they barely even spawn on certain maps. D:
  • Probably an intention nerf but the affinity gain when bringing in another weapon to level e.g. I don't tend to use my offhands so I bring one to level, has been massively decreased. 8 Waves used to give it a hefty chunk of affinity and now it seems to provide next to none.

Solo play is now impossible in Onslaughts current stage due to maps, spawns and efficiency drain.  The mobs also seem to be pure health sponges from the outset, even in the non competitive mode which means that what should be a slow ramp up into insanity at later levels is now a tedious grindfest unless you have weapons equipped to one shot. 

If you wanted people to run around with cookie-cutter weaponry and warframes then you've probably achieved your goal, but I don't find the meme strike playstyle very engaging.

I've yet to fully encounter a host migration at this point as I've been deliberately leaving the groups (I'm never host on it fortunately) each time I get something I want to avoid the inevitable moment when the host gets bored, exits, and then ruins everyone's day...

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