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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Khora Feedback Megathread


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Beasts of the Sanctuary: Khora Feedback Megathread


Beasts of the Sanctuary is live on PC! We will be using this thread to home your feedback on the newest Warframe Khora! Expand the spoiler below to read about her abilities:



PASSIVE: Beastshield - Increased Armor for each Pet in range.

WHIPCLAW: Send enemies reeling with a deafening whipcrack.

ENSNARE: Bind a hapless target in living metal, entangling others who stray too close. Disperse the trap with a crack of the whip.

VENARI: Summon a ferocious, gleaming Kavat. Use again to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures.

STRANGLEDOME: Weave a dome of living chain that ensnares and strangles any enemy within, and any foolish enough to approach.


We encourage you to play with Khora before providing feedback. Please be constructive and detailed to the best of your ability, thank you!

If you came across a bug in the Beasts of the Sanctuary update you'd like to report, please visit our Beasts of the Sanctuary Bug Report Megathread.

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•Her 4th ability is the biggest disappointment i had so far in the 4 years i've been playing, not only its range scales poorly with range mods, but it does a poor       job even at cc'ing, damage-wise it's ok.
•Her 3rd is cute, a pretty new ability, but pet AI is so bad that the skill itself is merely useful to increase Khora's armor.
•Her 2nd is just bad, such a slow skill in such a fast paced game? Just bad.
•Her 1st while being strong, is boring, Wukong has the same ability, and Gara has a superior version of it.

I just wish you guys kept the Exalted Whip.
I think i will just wait some years for DE to rework her, and then play her again.

Edited by Nakrast
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I kind of like her but, as Nakrast (and all the people i met online while leveling her) said her 4 is the major disappointment. It's so tiny that you actually have to clash against the enemies you want to cc if you want them to be picked up, and even then he doesn't always pick up everyone. It would be cool if the enemy pickup would be guaranteed at every cast and/or to have some way to interact with the ability. Like casting 2 on the cage will make the dome pick up the enemies near the dome. Or increase its size.

As it is right now it's just bad.

Anyway I like its 1, 2 and 3. Whipclaw is very satisfying to use and the AOE range seems pretty spot on;

Ensnare is very nice, I'd love it to be just a little faster but I can live without further tweaks to it;

Venari is been working fine for me. I can't tell if she prioritize targets affected by ensnare but if that's not the case it would be a nice addition.

Edited by RennyManJr
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so lvling Khora right now loving every second of it,   but i do wonder if the pet mods i got on the now 2 pets are supposed to be the same ( as in i got the same exact mods on both like example: Bite Maul and so on.

side note .. damn ppl are salty about the Whip being removed :/  just equip a bloody scoliac or atterax and go ham .. how hard can it be ? Also pet AI might not be the greatest ever but i rarely have any problem with that my normal cat kills stuff just fine and just gets stuck every now and then maybe once every 20-40 odd mission tops. 

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So far heres my impressions:

Her first deals acceptable damage and theres somekind of synergy with her second, i think its atleast double damage.

Her second works good as a cc ability and can hold crowds fast and close together, but it seems to disappear fast if you damage the targets.

Her third is good and all but after some testing i gotta say the damage seems lacking. Nice decoy and with a good setup it can heal too.

Her ult while its fancy and all it doesnt really do a good job. Its hardcoded to not clip throught anything so no chance to reach the full coverage if you have a door or a box infront of you, the damage is low and the cc while works it makes stuff spin which is not good for aiming.

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4 hours ago, Haynox said:

Wasn't she supposed to have a quest or something?

That would be Sanctuary Onslaught it seems.

Edit: Why am I being "downvoted" for this comment? I was making an observation on the situation we have now - not that I was agreeing with it.
Yes a proper quest would have been nice and consistent, but this is what DE chose to do :/

Edited by MirageKnight
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Please change the rate for the Kora parts.

Khora Chassis Blueprint (8.33%)

Khora Neuroptics Blueprint (7.69%)

Khora Systems Blueprint (5.64%)

Khora Blueprint (5.64%)

Those are the current drop rate numbers. That is some really brutal rates. Even more so when the drop table is 75-80% Relic drops.

Edited by Kako_Kako
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I've maxed her and used her in some higher level content (Sorties, MOT, Kuva survival) and may main issue with her is what other people have said here, that being her range is far too small. Strangledome feels like a more clumsy and energy hungry version of harrows condemn that doesn't give overhshields, it needs a serious range buff if frames like nezha and volt can do effectively the same job with less hassle. The rate at which Ensnare traps enemies as well is very, very slow, by the time it reaches enough enemies to be an effective CC the duration is over which kinda defeats the point of using it in the first place. Venari is cute/fun, I don't mind  investing in the kavat -if- its worth it, but as it is right now the kitty needs some love, I'd highly suggest making it so that heal creates a health regen aura when team mates walk past it that slowly decays sort of like chromas elemental ward but said buff stays active on Khora no matter the range as long as its active, switching to protect would offer a 60% damage reduction to all in coming damage with the same decay effects, I don't think this is overpowered by any means since Gara and Chroma would both offer superior versions but Khora would have the utility.


She needs some Quality of life changes, mostly to duration and range  due to it being fairly underwhelming right now and that Venari's effects need to be greater or apply to allies within range (preferably both).

I love the design of her and love her kit of kittens, this isn't me saying X frame is better, just think our newest roster to the neko space ninja club needs some TLC.

Edited by Judge-R3d
Grammar >w>!
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I am really enjoying playing Khora, but visually she seems a bit.... shiny, and not in the best way. Her skin reflects very highly, giving her body a kind of washed out, dull look under bright lighting, as seen in these pics comparing her in a relay, to on the arsenal screen.



...that's the darkest black on smoke colours looking like a shiny grey.

I'd like to be able to make her look actually dark for fashionframe! :)

Also, I think an Exalted Whip really would have been fun, it's a real shame it was scrapped.

Edited by MissAlkali
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As most have already said, having issues with 2 and 4 mostly. If 2 is going to slowly bring in enemies over time, may I suggest that the pull range be massively increased, and maybe even have the first target only vulnerable to Khora's 1st ability? I'm getting some Inaros 4 vibes, where enemies die before the skill is ever useful.


Oh and for Venari's heal, it seems a bit unreliable. I notice an ally is low on health, but by the time Venari actually starts healing them they're already dead

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I find Khora to be somewhat interesting when it comes to the twists her abilities have. They are decent but lacking when compared to others.After a good while of testing, I came up with these suggestions to help her be better :


#1 Whipclaw

Overall it is not a bad ability, but it scales poorly after a while. Since it's her main damage ability, it shouldn't suffer like it does now and instead work like the other exalted abilities. Here are my suggestions :

  • Allow for it to add to the melee combo multiplier. As of right now, it doesn't and it forced Khora to constantly use melee in order for her ability to do decent damage. It should work like Atlas's 1. 
  • Shift the IPS a little more towards Slash to allow for more constant bleed procs when modded for status, allowing better scalability at high levels
  • Increase crit chance to allow reliable use of Gladiator Set Mods. 

#2 Ensnare

  • Increase the speed at which enemies are ensnared
  • Disable enemy weapon usage upon ensnaring

#3 Venari

  • Change damage type from Impact to Slash to allow her to deal damage when in damage mode. Even with armor removed, because of the type of damage, she barely scratches high level enemies.
  • Increase base damage


Edited by aligatorno
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Yet another frame where Natural Talent is a mandatory mod.

Also, as much as I love her 1, her 2, 3, and 4 lack a hell of a lot.

2 and 4 are far, FAR too slow and too short to be of any use unless you're directly on top of them.

Venari's stats are way too little to be useful for even sortie 2 level enemies, and this was with every defensive mod put on her.

And why doesn't hunter set work on Venari? Why? WHY?!

Edited by Xaxma
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Disclaimer:This is my personal feedback and proposed changes

with the current test at given time,subjects may change with further testing.

Current Build:22.19.1



Khora started to improve as of update 22.18.8,I'll try to keep this post updated as possible.

 - After 6 formas on Khora and 5 on Venari,I started to feel like Khora is now the "new Oberon before rework",she is greatly improving but currently has no designed role.

    She still energy hungry when trying to do damage (maybe increase Khora's energy pool or ?) ,Ensnare+Whipclaw combo is costly to maintain even more when the fun police is around (Leech Eximus),this needs improvements or some kind of energy refund.Whipclaw turns out to be a very satisfying ability to use it can deal heavy amounts of damage on light armored enemies,but starts to fall on heavy armored enemies.

     Venari no longer feels like just another companion,its way more useful now with her postures and base Kavats mods like Sharpened Claw,Venari needs an overal boost on its damage,as of update 22.18.8 Venari got a great boost on its status chance,I still think that she needs more base damage than a Kavat.should be able to get hunter set bonus,I cant see why Venari cant use hunter set bonus or stack it,as an ability that has to be forma invested it should get the bonus and it would increase her DPS overal,if it stacks bonuses,dont let it get more than 100% if it dont,let it be individual for each kavat.

on a side note,would be nice if Hunter Command worked on abilities that can inflict slash damage,like Whipclaw or Shuriken.

     update 22.18.8 made Strangledome way more useful now,can be a solid CC effectively kills everyone on it (mind that heavy armored enemies are not that easy to kill with whipclaw...yet),it will drop dead enemies from it and now shares damage on all trapped enemies when whipclaw is used on it.In my opnion,strangledome should scale better from range mods. - would be nice to have the orginal casting animation,with the current casting speed or close,the current casting animation lacks on the "oomph" aspect


General QoL: Give back beastshield passive? Display sinergy,ability effects under ability  descritions.


Note:Bellow feedback is from update 22.18.0,they will be updated based on Khora tweaks.

Whipclaw is her mainly damaging skill and needs further improviments. - Further testings reveals that this could be a very good damaging skill with the right tweaks on its core function

Pros:Very unique AoE damage type,as it can proc multiple damage type on a wide area scales from melee mods,you can build a weapon around this ability,it even crits reliable.I can see this ability as an "enhanced channeled melee attack"


- could use IPS damage based on selected Venari posture,as it changes Khora's apperance and Whipclaw too,also with enhanced effects (Stronger slash bleed damage with slash,armor stripping with Puncture with stagger like from electric damage,opens enemies for finisher with Impact damage) - salvaged idea from original design.

- 1.Very low damage on heavy armored enemies

 1.2 could use armor reduction or finisher damage aspect

- Unreliable hitbox,even on ensnared enemies - Fixed,update 22.18.8

- could interact with Pack Leader,so it could Heal Venari and/or equipped pet.



- could use a bit more AoE radius?

- It should deal damage on its path. - fixed,update 22.18.8

- maybe add a tiny cone hit on its range to be more effective.

- It needs a combo window to increase its damage or even scale from melee combo counter. (so it would still be usable on higher levels) - added,update 22.18.8 

- could use consecutive hit bonus,or one based on Atlas Landslide additional combo counter.

Ensnare is her basic CC ability which sinergizes with her Whipclaw,it is mandatory to be effective with Whipclaw.

Pros:Awesome CC capabilities as you can ensnare one enemy and it will drag and cc more,you can ensnare multiple enemies for a mass CC,but current Ensnare interacftion with Whipclaw or any  other Tenno on your squad can limit this ability or render it useless.

- Interact with strangledome

- refund energy if ensnared target is killed before being hit or after 1 second cast

- Maybe add a Banshee like sonar on enemies that are trapped so they can take more damage from all sources.

- Needs a faster pull/propagation speed.

- Should not be dispelled by Whipclaw,or needs better interation - added update 22.18.8

- 1.Should deal damage upon exploding with Whipclaw (but not send enemies flying)

 1.2 - release an Ensnare to the nearest target with the remaining duration. - added update 22.18.8

- maybe store damage dealt with weapons to increase its damage over time and releasing it on AoE explosion when hit by Whipclaw.


Venari for now feels just like a second companion,she could use some lesser form of Khora's abilities,like a mini whipclaw - a trusting attack with her tail with halved Khora's whipclaw area,a minor ensnare to grab up to 5 enemies.All of her abilities should work in AoE; use her special attack in an area,radial disarm,higher heal aura. - Venari should be special as it is,not just a simple kavat.

Pros:As a Kavat it has its utilities mods,Venari has different postures Attack mod can ensnare a single enemy,Protect can disarm and knockdown,Heal mode can recover health and knockdown - it is a bit usefull but it doesnt feel as powerful enough,as an Warframe ability,Venari should be the "behemoth" companion,dealing massive damage or at last some good amount.Can still use suggested IPS changes on different Postures.

- Should not be dispelled upon falling over map - fixed,no longer a casting ability,update 22.18.8

-1. Pack Leader does not work - fixed,updated 22.18.8

 1.2 Pack Leader should be able to heal Venari through Whipclaw



- 1. ensnare multiple enemies at same time,3 or 5

 1.2 any enemy ensnared by Venari should take increased damage from all sources.

- Needs higher base attack power

- Could use different type of IPS damage on different Postures

- Maybe add an internal (or from current warframe melee) combo counter on its attacks so Venari could scales well on higher level enemies (this could be applicable to any companion

- Needs higher status chance (improves damage and utility) - status increased from 7.5% to 30%,update 22.18.8

- All postures should proc their effects more often

- 1.Change damage type to slash when in attack mode,for better efficiency. - changed to slash,update 22.18.8

 1.2 Venari should also deal increased damage on ensnared enemies,and also on ensnared enemies by Venari - Venari deals increased damage on ensnared enemies by Khora or herself,update 22.18.8

- 1. Keep impact damage type when in defense mode to stagger and annoy enemies.

 1.2 Disarm should trigger more often.

- 1. Heal mode seems unreliable and is capped at 50 - changed,now it scales from power strenght,update 22.18.8

 1.2 Needs more utility still,maybe add a Decoy to increase allies survivality,or a Cat's eye kind of life steal buff.

 1.3 Add puncture damage to Heal Mode would be great to increase survivability as it reduces enemy damage output.

- Hunter mods are not working,except Hunter Recovery and Hunter Sinergy(intended?). - set bonus not applying.

- QoL : Display damage



Strangledome should be more damaging,as an "ultimate" it needs more sinergy with her kit.I can see it now as an defensive ability,like frost snow globe,but with a strong offensive capability thanks to Whipclaw,still too much energy on this combo though.

Pros:Hard area of denial and medium-strong area wipe.

- .It has a bit long cast time making Khora vulnerable to any attacks and wont provide any protection while doing so - changed casting animation and improved casting speed,update 22.18.8

- Ensnare one enemy on strangledome should propagate to the entire dome,making it highly effective

- Also share status effects on all enemies if initial target gets proc'ed by Whipclaw

- 1.Should not disperse enemies,so whipclaw would be more effective

 1.2 - add damage to the dome when using whipclaw inside/on enemies - added,enemies takes shared damage from whipclaw if trapped on strangledome,update 22.18.8

 1.3 Drop off killed enemies  - added,update 22.18.8

 1.4 maybe add % of the killed enemy health to the dome for increase its damage

-1. Overal stat improve,be more affected by mods,range,damage (needs scaling?)

1.2 Hold 4 for a stronger strangledome,tap 4 to a standard one or Exalted Whip (I tried xD)

- enemies should take increased damage while in Strangledome,even more from Khora's abilities. (maybe adds finisher damage or all enemies inside/trapped takes finisher damage)

- Negate/reduce enemy damage from outside the dome?

- additional effect upon kill,a tiny propagation from the enemy death spot (with remaining duration?) or  (extra health/energy). - added update 22.18.8,enemies killed on strangledome has increased chance of dropping energy orbs

 - Empower all abilities?


In my opnion she needs a rewarding aspect when using her skills,as she relies on her Whipclaw and Ensnare,it should discount/refund energy of keep increasing damage.

(Update 22.18.8) My Proposed Changes for Khora:


Khora could be so much more.

I do appreciante the upcoming changes for Whipclaw,Ensnare and Strangledome.

But just improving her current kit wont make her appealing like other frames.

I Have some Feedback too:

Whipclaw: is becoming a fair scalling damaging skill,the melee combo counter interaction is just great,with better hitbox ofc.

Ensnare: Great improvements but killed enemies dispell it,squad mates can greatly reduce ability functionality.

Venari: is becoming her passive,they could implement posture changes on Whipclaw with additional hold function to toggle between them.

Strangledome: Venari is now a passive,this could free up an ability slot,move strangledome to her 3,the upcoming interaction with whipclaw and turn this on a nice CC/small aoe nuke.

Exalted Whip: This could still be her 4th ability from the original idea,Exalted Whip should work on her abilities just like Whipclaw does;but instead of every enemy taking 50% damage when in strangledome they should take 25%.

Charge attacks cause a minor ensnare and automatically forces Venari to attack them

Melee combo damage multiplier could also strengten Venari's damage output,slide attacks just grant 1 towards combo counter no matter how many enemies are hit.

Slam attacks uses the same Whipclaw damage and effect,but costs half energy.

With this kit,I think Khora would be the kind of DPS that Nidus are;good CC and heavy damage if work with combos.


Edited by Arkanno
Update 22.19.1,New suggestions,Updated info ,new testings,Suggested Abilities changes
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Her 1, while a very solid ability, seems to struggle with hitboxes. I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to give her a 360 "lasso" swipe with her whip on hold (in a way similar to Gara's 1) to maybe circumvent the problem?

Also her ability animations seem to be a bit slow and clunky. They are amazing but they tend to get a bit old when they are too long.

Edited by Kurambik
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She feels lacking and rushed tbh.

  • her passive only applies to her pets capping at 30% from what I noticed. Even if you allowed it to apply depeding on applied pets 120% armor as the best case scenario is not that big of a deal and helps her survive more
  • Her one is decent but is really hard to hit sometimes while moving because of the hitboxes. It also doesn't seem to ramp up the combo counter which is probably a bug.
    You also can't seem to hit enemies trapped in the strangledome if you aim at them unless you hit them with the tip  (aka the 5m explosion).
  • The ensnare attraction radius is way too low and the delay on the pull is too slow even with duarion mods for a fast paced game but that's not even the problem: Sometimes, as soon as you hit them (even without her 1 aka a simple melee attack) they break out of the snare effectively making it a weaker sleep without the threshhold and the finnisher and horrid range on top of that. In addition, I don't know if ot's only visual or not but the attracted ennemies are just pulled and passive until hit (once) and not actually ensnared. It also doesn't seem to disable weapon usage for the attracted ennemies.
    I also don't understand why the whipclaw breaks the CC since it's not that good to be gamebreaking if it stays for the full duration.
  • Venari bugs out way too much and has 0 survivability if she's not on attack mode (fast animation). Overall she feels like a weaker kavat since she can't use charm or cat's eye (main reason why people even use kavats) and has a hard time surviving without decoy or reflect on 2/3 modes
    I also don't see the point og having duration and hp on Venari.

          Heal mode is absolutely worthless from what I have seen so far since she priotizes attacking over healing.

          Defence mode is also just sending her to die since the animation is way too slow.

          She also can't seem to proc Sharpened claws or pounce effectively. Animal instinct doesn't seem to be working all the time.

  • It also feels extremely weird that she swaps forms and gains no benefit from it at all. Feels like you guys just had those assets and forced them in there. :(
  • Strangledome brings imo nothing new to the table and is buggy almost all the time (letting enemies walk right through). The range and duration on it feel extremely bad and the damage feels just forced there since it doesn't really do much.
  • She's also overall extremely selfish which could be solved by allowing ensnare to buff all sources of damage.


Some possible changes ideas:

* Passive:

- Allow her to gain armor from all pets in the squad. +120% in a squad full of khoras (best case scenario) is not that big of a deal since she is supposed to be close-mid range.


- Buff the base damage and allow it to build up the combo counter (not just benefit from it, seems like a bug)

- allow the radius of the explosion to be modded with a cap.

- Make the animation a bit faster and if possible with some light targetting because it feels really bad to use right now.

* Ensnare:

-The "synergy" between 1-2 is completely detrimental and should be changed imo.

like scott said on twitter, 1 spreading her 2 could be a good idea.

- Allow ensnare to buff weapon damage vs those targets so that she doesn't feels as selfish as she is now.

- Check the bug where impact procs break the ensnare please.

- reduce the delay on the pull

* Venari:

- Whipclaw heals Venari for a % of the damage done

- Venari feels like a weaker kavat rn without the precepts and the surv mods.

Allow her to equip one of cat's eye or charm / decoy or reflect and disable the ressource buff on charm for her if that's that big of a deal (even if the chances of a double proc are abysmal anyway)

- Check some mods not working on her correctly.

- Attack mode's damage should be buffed against ensnared ennemies.

- defence mode is too slow and just ends up getting her killed for a disarm on a single target. Make it so the disarm is an AOE and little bit faster.

- Heal mode should be an AOE too and the AI in this mode should be checked.

- It also feels like Khora needs to get some bonus from form switching and having venari out. Maybe a damage boost in attack, some DR in defence and AOE regen for allies in heal mode.


- buff the base range and duation and limit to one dome if necessary.

- Venari deals more damage inside the dome

- targets that die inside the dome are dropped (everything looks like a corpse dangling)

- targets are hard CC and not dangling.

- the damage feels like it should be % hp of the targets trapped damage to keep it viable at all levels since it already seems to have a drawback to counter any exploit (a target limit seems to be present since some enemies walk right past it if every node is filled, maybe wrong)

Edited by SSI_Seraph
possible changes
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