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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: General Feedback Megathread


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Sanctuary onslaught bugs.

1. Host migration currently fails when the host leaves 4-23-18. This results in other 3 players getting no rewards. 

2. After a new zone loads sometimes killing mobs does not reward any efficiency. (Can we change this name. Call it Stability instead.)

3. Energy obs are disappearing after only 3 seconds. Killing mobs quickly seems to cause this to happen. I think the drop item amount is set too low. 

4. Ammo is not being reset between rounds. 

5. Mobs are sometimes spawning in an unaware state and aren't attacking or moving. 

6. Rewards are not granted when a new conduit opens. 1 player has to go through in order for players to receive a reward. This combines with bug #1 is causing a lot of lost loot and frustrated players. 


C1. Drop chances for systems and BP are too low. Rotation C takes a significant longer time investment than rotation A and B. The drop chances should go up not down. 

C2. Rewards do not scale. Players have no reason to continue past round 8 in normal mode or elite mode.  (please add scaling rewards to all endless play modes).

C3. Players have no choice in what rewards they get. Please add a token system so that we can claim our reward of choice from Simaris. 


Thanks for the awesome game and GL on this weeks work.


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reward not  given until someone facechecks portal - check

get white screen or a mosaic screen until next map - check

if a teammate crashes and rejoins the session, the portal to next level will not open until that player leaves game - check

endless migration if host didn't enter the portal to next level - check

timer goes out, portal ain't spawning for 10-20 seconds, or doesn't spawn at all and you fail - check

possibility to get any part of a frame or weapon - about 3 times lower, compared to get any specific relic on a regular mission - HALLELUJAH GRINDFEST!

and after that you wanted me to buy a ticket for a tennocon? 


Edited by -10no-MipMioPin
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1. We need a more carefully curated selection of rooms. Unlike Survival, the room layout is make or break in the Onslaught, because you need to kill dozens of enemies EVERY SECOND in waves after 10 or so.

There are Kuva fortress rooms with like four labirinthine layers that neither players nor AI can move around quickly.

There are incredibly long rooms like the cave with the lake from the Grineer Settlement.

There are rooms where you get caught on every piece of debris as you try to move to the Conduit before it shuts down.

Better yet, we need new rooms for just Onslaught. It's not a full tileset, it doesn't have to connect to every other room in that tileset - get some level designers, have them make a couple of nice, tight, clean rooms per tile style. You brought the pyramid room back, we can have more custom ones. Mobility and small-medium room size matters IMMENSELY in Onslaught compared to other game modes. You can afford to derp or chase enemies in all other game styles - not in Onslaught.


2. We need better rewards. I'm MR25. I have every single piece of Prime equipment except Founders pack. I don't need relics. I barely need Endo. The only thing I'm getting out of Onslaught right now is that it's a not-mind-raping focus farm, and I still need Khora and Vandal parts. After that it's going to be just focus farm. And no, I don't need 59 Corpus Freight captura scenes. Synthetic shards are a nice touch but I still haven't found out what exactly are they worth because the only time I had one drop host crashed and I lost all progress. Considering their drop rate, Tridolons (I can do 3 full cycles per night with a group of friends reliably) seem like a more reliable source of Shards than Onslaught (although Onslaught does give much more passive focus gain) (but then again Onslaught doesn't drop Arcanes).
We need stuff dropping from actual enemies. We've been conditioned to this by the entire rest of the game loop. I know it's all Simulacrum and Matrix and so on. Have enemies drop tokens for Simaris Reputation, like Sentient Cores and Quills. "Peculiar Data Nodes", or whatever you want to call them. Give Simaris a token-redeeming store where we can spend our tokens on what we would actually want - Endo, Shards, new dual stat mods, a Riven for 9999 tokens, SOMETHING INTERESTING.

Since we are ripping the unmentionable fantasy RPG with their unmentionable Rifts anyway might as well rip their out-of-dungeon token shop. 

Peculiar Bloom is new, but it's not meta-shaking. It's not the Acolytes mods that threw everyone sideways. It's not Corrupted mods. It's not Nightmare mods. It's not even Index or Rathuum mods.



3. You've rushed it. I can understand why you did it. Sacrifice is nine months old from announcement and it's War Within all over again and Tenno are rabid for a content drop and IPS 2.5 fell through and Khora got screwed over as a result and you needed to push something out of the door, but we could have held on for couple more weeks if you didn't announce it. This is the most bug-riddiest update I've had to endure so far, and Plains of Eidolon wasn't this bad. Group play is completely unmanageable. I'm forced to play solo and solo is boring. It's back to podcasts and mashing same buttons.


4. PUBLIC! TEST! SERVER! I've been playing this awesome game for four years now. I love it. I know it's roots, I know where it came from, I know all about close community engagement and feedback. But you can't treat all 28 million losers as your beta testers. The community has grown too big. The game has grown too mainstream. So many bugs at once is just not good. Your wallet of things people can let slide is big, but it's not infinite, and if this goes on it's going to run out.

Take your time. Set it up. Organize a Public Test Server. Do it however private you want, however small you want, we'll sign NDAs if you want. BUT LET US HELP YOU. I'll test your Onslaughts, I'll test your IPS changes, Melee 3.0, whatever insane stuff you want I'll tell you all I think about it, but please, please, please set up the Public Test Server.

Currently you seem stuck between the rock and the hard place - you are either keeping everything back, because it has potential to ruin the game (IPS 3.0, univac, etc), or you rush stuff out of the gate to meet to constant updates requirment, and we get this. If we have a PTS, actual players, actual veterans can test your wildest ideas without having to then roll all of that back for the entire community.

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22 hours ago, Eienlanzer said:

10, maybe less, runs and I got all parts (Not Elite). I'm not convinced that drop chances are bad. RNG is still rough when it's plugged with so many unwanted rewards in the table. 

Great argument "*I* got lucky in 10 runs thus no problem".

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I just experienced my 4th host to intentionally leave and laugh at the group because they know their leaving will kill it for the rest of us. Until you guys can fix things like this I am staying solo. Should have waited on releasing this mode I get you really wanted to get it out there its been a while since we had an MR laden update but its buggy and allows people to intentionally troll and screw over other players.

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Bugs aside, after finally getting and testing out Khora...I have to say I'm...not impressed with her over all. So far I love her overall stat balance, not too squish, not super tank, but...durable. So far Venari, her current power 3, is my favorite power of hers. Power 1 is right behind that at "tolerable", with power 3 and 4 being "These need to change."

But even Venari needs tweaks, specifically...well it should be her passive, IMO, with her power being Tap to switch modes and hold to target enemy/ally for attack/defend. Venari's attack is solid, Healing is solid and don't need changes, Protect should provide more than just knocking down 1 enemy and removing their gun...if it provided an armor buff and/or mini stun to a group it would be a lot better. With the "hold to target" part, it would essentially...well command Venari to attack a target, protect a target(if team mate is targeted it buffs armor, if enemy is targeted it does the AOE stun) and finally the Heal, where it...well heals your targeted ally.

On to her power 1...the whip. It needs to build combo counter, and make it have the increasing damage like rhino charge/atlas punch have, other than that...well personally i'd rather this get reworked into an exalted whip, if that could happen i'd love it, otherwise just these changes would bring it up to more usable levels. For some Synergy how ever, if you use the whip on Venari it should transfer over the damage types of the whip(which is dependant on mods) to Venari. (Though this could possibly be an augment mod for later.)

Power 2 Ensnare...Honestly it needs more range and to activate faster, I feel like it should work kind of like Nidus larva, but instead of pulling them in it just chains from one to another to another, making a "web". And if you hit 1 enemy a % of that damage transfers to the others, with the whip crack doing more damage to ensnared enemies.

Power 4, Strangledome, if we have to keep this...meaning I'd rather this power get removed and replaced with my Ensnare idea or exalted whip. But if Strangledome is here to stay it needs to, along with doing its DoT, do status. Honestly it should do slash procs to enemies trapped inside of it, but you could add other status effects to this by using the whip on it, transfering over not the damage but status procs of the elements on the whip.

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I'll add my points, as many others already stated.

  1. Please change the drop tables or add a token/reputation system 
    1. Remove the Endo (or increase it)
    2. Add Kuva, a small amount but more then we can get on kuva survival (itis supposed to be an endgame mode)
    3. Add Riven mods (veiled with higher chance and unveiled with a low chance)
    4. Add things like reactors, catalysts and exilus adapters
    5. Scale the rare rewards with higher zones
    6. Remove certain rewards if a player already got them once (kora, captura scenes)
  2. Add modifiers to the zones
    1. Energy drain
    2. Only Primary/Secondary/Melee
    3. Eximus only
    4. Ranged enemies only
    5. Melee enemies only
    6. Create suitable rooms and add a "the floor is lava mode" <-- This would be something new
    7. Nightmare modifiers
    8. Headshots give increased efficiency
  3. Add new objectives
    1. Hack a console all X secondes to gain efficiency and continue to the next zone
    2. Defend a target
    3. Race from point a to point b to continue to the next zone
    4. Charge this nullifier bubble with shields
  4. General
    1. With new objectives decrease the enemy level scaling
    2. Remove rooms that are to large, in some rooms efficiency never drops below 99% in other rooms even with nuke frames it dips below 70%
    3. Increase the spawn rate of enemies (adding more challange and increasing the chance of longer runs)
    4. Tweak the efficiency scaling, beyond zone 10 it drops to fast
    5. Maybe add a posibility to start onslought from the orbiter

And as some others wrote, please DE add a public test server, or a closed test server. I'm sure there are many players who would like to give you feedback on new updates, changes and new gamemodes. Add all mods/weapons/warframes to these test servers and let us help you find issues and tweaks for new things. We can find more ways to screw with damage systems and warframe abilities than you can think of.

Edited by joejoe87577
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Last word from me. Like many mentioned above i feel like you, DE rushed for some reason the content and it came out clearly visible as this. I understand the pressure to release the new content but you have very helpful community which is willing to give you a hand (in this case mouse/controller) to deliver the best they and you expect aka Test Servers. 

Regarding Khora. I'm dissapointed. Not because of her skill set, nor drop chances but the way how the story from the ghoul fragments doesn't relate to what we are actually doing to get her. Story at last fragments mentions Plains of Eidolon and yet we are all smashing buttons in some pixel super bro kill everything simulator like brainless ghouls (one thing relates at least). The way it is, i'm not excited to get her in any way, just the mastery fodder. Even tho Nidus didn't have a big story like Octavia the mission still had some elements and mechanic making it more interactive to get (atmosphere of salvage, creepy voice of infested as u step out of shield, interaction with room at orbiter). Nidus is still having more story without actually having any than Khora. 

So, please DE, don't rush next time, let us help you.



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It's crazy how even with the 4 hotfixes made, spawn rate is highly inconsistent, at least in solo. In the current scheme, for the Elite sanctuary (by zone ; 1. = zone 1, 2. = zone 2, etc.) :

  1. Infested, great spawn, great arena.
  2. Grineer, average- spawn, okay arena.
  3. Corpus, great spawn, great arena.
  4. Infested, average- spawn, great- arena.
  5. Corrupted, great- spawn, great- arena.
  6. Grineer, average- spawn, bad arena.
  7. Grineer, average+ spawn, great- arena. Despite the spawn seemingly good, efficiency drop way too fast, and i already lost a lot in the previous arena. Like i'm at 8x/9x% at the end of zone 5, end of zone 6 i'm at maybe 30/35%.

And i can't tell for the rest since i couldn't yet go past the zone 7 elite in solo, despite using memeing strike on atterax. I'm currently putting 3 formas on it to see if i can manage to finally succeed a damn rota C or not solo. It's also funny that at the end of zone 1 i killed 50/75 eximus and with the 6 other zones, i only killed 55/80 more. Many times, i only found like 5/6 eximus.


Edit : It went a little better with a formatted atterax (2, still one remaining for the complete build). I could finally beat the zone 7 and zone 8 is a great infested spawn w/ great arena. I went to zone 11. At that point i felt my damages weren't that good due to atterax build being uncomplete yet. But Inaros w/ Rage + Life Strike = Epic Win.
Regarding the eximus amount, i recall killing 74 in the first zone, and after it was 6 in zone 2, 16 in zone 3, 9 in zone 4, 28 in zone 5 i think (or it was zone 7 and it was more like 15/16 here), 5/6 in zone 6.

It still feels quite unfair. I mean... If you can survive against the enemies and kill them relatively decently, you should be able to continue.

Edited by Harestation
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-Make rewards per zone instead of per 2 zones. This should alleviate the issues people have with the low chances.

-It should have been like this since the beginning, but please consider adding Khoras blueprint to the market instead.

(Alternative: Make 1 khora part drop from the enemies instead, the neuroptice preferably)

-Please open the door on the bottom level of the early Lua zone (I think its zone 6) or just change it for another Lua tile. Enemies tend to stay down there and very few go up the stairs to reach us.



-Conduit does not open if both the boosters in the zone were not found before the timer runs out.

-Some people get a white screen while remaining in the mission, they are unable to see, but still play (kind of).



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3 hours ago, Harestation said:

Edit : It went a little better with a formatted atterax (2, still one remaining for the complete build). I could finally beat the zone 7 and zone 8 is a great infested spawn w/ great arena. I went to zone 11. At that point i felt my damages weren't that good due to atterax build being uncomplete yet. But Inaros w/ Rage + Life Strike = Epic Win.
Regarding the eximus amount, i recall killing 74 in the first zone, and after it was 6 in zone 2, 16 in zone 3, 9 in zone 4, 28 in zone 5 i think (or it was zone 7 and it was more like 15/16 here), 5/6 in zone 6.

That's what should be bad about Onslaught. All the brain-dead gimmick builds are forced to surface in this new "adventure". Banshee, Saryn, Meme Whips. Everything. Somehow, we seem way too content with this. How we use no skill, no brain and get no rewards. More happy to do this for below average incentives instead of actually struggling in some mission that actually challenges high MR players, that pushes the boundaries of both frames and weapons, that gives good incentive to look for team play. The way it is, with Onslaught DE encourages everything they seem to fight against through tweaks and balances, while slightly shooting themselves in the foot proving most of their previous statements to be false or wrong.

Onslaught can still be made fun and challenging. That is, right after it is made stable. It can be made rewarding too with various tweaks to the loot tables. Khora still has a chance to get a story - even if one totally unrelated to PoE's fragments lore. Problem is: if bugs will take long to fix, the community might end up being content to just having a stable, functional Onslaught, completely forgetting all the other aspects, lowering the bar.

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@Himenoinu : It's not Onslaught the problem. It's the armor scaling. Changes will come at some point, but for now, killing armored enemies lvl 150+, better have a killing machine in your hands. Especially since you have to kill fastly on top of it.

About the rewards, the focus earned is already a decent reward imo, even if i understand that some players may want something else than mostly relics.

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1 hour ago, Harestation said:

@Himenoinu : It's not Onslaught the problem. It's the armor scaling. Changes will come at some point, but for now, killing armored enemies lvl 150+, better have a killing machine in your hands. Especially since you have to kill fastly on top of it.

About the rewards, the focus earned is already a decent reward imo, even if i understand that some players may want something else than mostly relics.

The problem is the Onslaught missions. Why: They just recently adjusted some warframes to counter the one-button-to-rule-them-all playstyle... or try to. Yet right after that, they bring a game mode that specifically rewards this kind of play style. So when you need to butcher heaps of dumb mobs in large areas, to counter an insanely punishing efficiency mechanic (taking all issues into consideration here - from AI path-finding to lack of spawns, arenas layouts and silly efficiency "boosters"), it's obvious that you'll pretty much have to resort to these gimmicks.

So we have a focus farm area that rewards brain-afk play style. I can't complain about them separately. It is a skinner box. Poke the button to receive candy. High value rewards can't be distributed for doing nothing. Sadly, among all the endos and random relics, you have Khora... By pushing her components in this place, they pretty much both devalued her and butchered any chance for a decent background story/quest involving her. I'm starting to fear what the OW Venus area will bring.

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The more I play onslaught, the more I am convinced that it's just survival with faster enemy scaling and different rewards. I believe I would enjoy it quite a bit more if we had a flat 1% efficiency restored per enemy killed on all rounds. You must engage the content to progress, but your engagement is rewarded very consistently. The strength of this mode is its variety, but that strength only becomes apparent over long sessions. I can easily play any of the available survival missions solo to 40 minutes, but it can become dull because I'm killing the same enemies in the same tileset. Just let me run the intentionally endless mode endlessly instead of getting kicked from fighting a percentage bar!

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I tried farming some focus.

-We got nothing but relics, predictably.

-Zone 7 was NOTHING but Grineer drudges, and there were so few of them we went from 100% efficiency to 6% by the end of it. So, really problematic spawn rates in places.

-Zone 8 had a host migration in which I am currently stuck, and I think I'm probably going to lose what little I got out of it.

...this update is really a disaster :|


Edit : I lost all the focus.

Sigh. I...ugh.

Edited by starMute
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I played the mode some more, solo and group. I have to second those who bashed it on day 1, I was probably just lucky.

As of now the problems are the following:

1) Large tilesets are bad luck since enemies spawn where they want to and don0't come looking for the players. Most of the time in those tilesets is wasted looking for enemies while the counter drops;

2) Sponges like Nullifier bubbles and Nox units appear in early waves, those make lose efficiency extremely fast;

3) Reviving allies is a waste of time; not a good thing for a cooperative game;

4) Meta is encouraged and strategy or gameplay are killed: try not going with a CC frame or weapon and you're fried. Spamming Banshee power-toot becomes less of boring and more of necessity (note: I sold Banshee as soon as she hit 30 because I don't like her, and I'm annoyed when Banhsees steal all the fun power-tooting their way in a mission.)

5) Starting from Zone 6 enemies spawn more slowly and apart than the efficiency timer goes down.

Currently the quality of life of this game mode is terrible, and for all this the rewards are garbage (wow a dozen capture scenes, useful) and come in too slow. Fast paced mission (on words alone) but slow paced rewards... all for a frame that is underwhelming, unoriginal, rarer than Equinox and requires one of the most annoying materials to build it.

This game mode at this moment is boring, frustrating, useless and buggy. The only good thing that came in this update is the Hystrix, a nice weapon all in all despite some minor defects (either it shoots too fast or the magazine is too small, and the quill travel time doesn't help at all).

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Good things:

  • less crashy now
  • Level 30 required, i'm sick of leechers in other exp places

Not that cool yet.

  • enemy spawns are super random. i had a grineer-earth zone with a very very little amount of those "grineer slave" guys spawning in the corners and not moving
  • losing against enemies that can't survive one hit or pose any danger just because the map is big and missing enemies is not challenging or fun
  • dullest possible gameplay seems to be the best option right now
Edited by CortiWins
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