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Khora's Planned Changes


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3 hours ago, Diarmut said:

I felt this exactly when I saw these changes, how can Wukong go unchanged when this ability will scale superbly now. RIP Monkey King, your form in Smite fares far better.

I feel the pain, waiting for the day trinity gets a looking at; no words from devs at all about this, though good to know they are looking at older warframes. Maybe Wu and Trin are both up on the next block? Who knows.

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

Also Idk if Venari has to be forma’d separately. But if she is. That should be changed too. Venari should gain polarities whenever Khora does since she’s part of the Warframe technically.

I've forma'd venari more than Khora and, while it costs mroe forma, it's pretty okay, because modding Khora and Venari can be different to what mods u going to put anyway, so its quite reasonable. Like Frame mods is dominated with V (Madurai) polarity and - (naramon) polarity but pet mods is dominated with D polarity (survivability) and V polarity (maul, bite, pack leader, hunter mods), so there's a reason why it should be separate, i guess.

Not to mention 2 slot of warframe mod is for a dedicated mods (Aura and Exilus), while Venari straight up have 2 more mod slots than the 8 basic modding slot every equipment has,

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3 hours ago, Diarmut said:

I felt this exactly when I saw these changes, how can Wukong go unchanged when this ability will scale superbly now. RIP Monkey King, your form in Smite fares far better.

Its cause when DE first said they were releasing Wukong.... they told the community in a livestream that after he was release that was it..... it was supposedly ONLY MENT for the China community/Client, Their reason was  'China is very very anal on what happens to that frame specifically just cause he is based of one of China's biggest and most well known story's ' Journey to the West ' Hell I'm actually surprised DE actually went as far as making augments for said frame

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Mostly good changes and welcome addition to always having Venari active.. buuut I think that when he dies he should ohase-out and disengage combat, and the reappear X sec. Later..

the whole perma-death sounds well sound like too big of a penalty:j

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or how about this.

Venari being a permanent as Passive but Khora's 3rd when hold-casted (instead of tap to cycle attack mode) can teleport Venari next to Khora (not usable when Venari is downed), or can be used to revive Venari with extra energy cost in case Venari died, instead of having the pet system permanent bye-bye unless the frame also dies.

and for the cost, it uses 75 energy (at max rank Khora) at the moment to summon Venari and no energy cost to cycle its mode/precept. to fit with this idea how about making it like this:
Cycle mode: 10-20 energy
Call Venari (Hold cast while Venari is still around and not downed): 50 energy
Revive Venari (Cycle mode being locked when Venari died, hold/tap cast will Revive it regardless): 75-100 Energy

Weighting Venari Revive on the frame's Revive will make people either avoid using Khora or people going back to the era of comitting frame suicide just to revive the one and only vacuum sentinel back then. Again, aren't Venari supposed to be special?

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great changes, thanks for the update.


wish there would be changes to venari's protect stance since it doesnt seem very...protective


also please please please less screen shake on the whip (1) ability. I know it seems coolish, but screen shakes give me headaches, so it has been preventing me from using the ability, and Im sure others are the same way too

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Or, remove her 3 and have Venari automatically switch modes based on you and your teammates, and Venari's health. Then make it so when Venari dies there is a short period before she is automatically revived. "Revival on a timer" This would clear up the managing of Venari and allow you to focus more on attacking while also freeing up an ability slot for an exalted whip ultimate that people wanted.

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So Venari becomes a passive. But what about the current one? Does it stay? If yes, then Khora NEEDS armor and health buff. With Venari only she gets whooping 48 armor. With 2 pets it is around +100 armor. Considering she doesnt have any form of damage reduction, armor and health buff would be appreciated. 

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3 minutes ago, Moltres said:

Can Whipclaw have a chain of combo attacks (2 or 3 combo attacks in total) like Atlas' Landslide?
It could be nice and works as a compensation for those who eagerly waited for the exalted whip weapon.

yeah instead of only having a small hitbox on the end of the whip.

or can be hold to cast like Gara 1 for horizontal sweeping attack.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:



  • Ability casting times have been shortened across the board - Natural Talent is always great, but the base animations needed shortening.
  • Venari
  • Venari is now a passive ability - Venari is simply there, no casting required. When she dies, she will be revived when you Revive (*it's very likely you'll have the opportunity to revive Venari like other companions, but in the event you miss that window it'll be gone until you revive)
    • Venari fights independently until she receives a command. Khora’s third ability overrides Venari’s target and changes her battle posture at an energy cost.
    • Kavat mods like Animal Instinct have been fixed so they will work properly on Venari.
    • Venari deals slash damage to enemies instead of impact damage.

P.S We are also making some FX changes to simply have more oomph and visceral feels! 

Thank you so so so much. Can you please make The pack Leader Mod apply to her? It would help a lot with her survivability if my melee hits were able to be of some use. Also, is there any way to boost her healing ability? Maybe make the heals per second affected by power strength? I know steve was talking about her being able to fit any role, but her healing ability is kind of useless as it is. It's legitimately more useful to leave her in attack and use the hunter recovery mod to heal Khora. Other than that, I'm so thankful that you rushed her out for us. Though we're like ungrateful children asking for more. Thank you so much


Side note: Whipclaw doesn't always land. Sometimes it just plain out misses. Any fix in mind for this?

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The way to get it seems to be a little bit ... unrewarding.

While the new mod is kinda fun in some way, farming Khora in it is very frustrating for newer players because they still need resources to farm in general and playing [insert whatever dark sector 2.0 is now called , I lost track sorry :-)] uses a lot of time, gives nice XP boost but has no resource drops at all.

So I don't propose to add resources to the mod at all, but maybe it should be easier to get Khora.

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My concern is with Venari ability, rest looks good.

Make the summon cost and duration the same as now, have holding the ability change stances, and tapping the ability while Venari is out cost some energy to force target and summon to you if more then 50m away(or stuck).

I feel like the changes to this ability should be in the stances and the attack/buffs they provide. 

Attack stance should increase Venari's damage ability by increasing damage, crit, and status chances. The Attack Venari gains in this stance should also hit targets in a Area around when it does the spin pounce attack not just the single target. Change damage to Slash damage.

Defense stance should increase Venari's Health and armor, damage resistance and health regen, draw increased aggro. The attack should disarm and knockdown in a area around target hit with attack. Change damage to Impact Damage.

Heal stance should be change to a support stance, granting Venari a Aura that generates a refreshable buff for ally's with things like attack speed, reload, armor, health regen, shield recharge etc. Give this stance a attack that debuffs targets in a area around the target hit by the attack, things like slow, temp armor/shield loss, damage debuff. Change damage to Puncture damage.

Venari should feel more unique then other kavats, and not be just a normal kavat with a stance modified Mod and unique look.



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Here's the excerpt from Khora's Planned Changes

4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • Venari
  • Venari is now a passive ability - Venari is simply there, no casting required. When she dies, she will be revived when you Revive (*it's very likely you'll have the opportunity to revive Venari like other companions, but in the event you miss that window it'll be gone until you revive)
    • Venari fights independently until she receives a command. Khora’s third ability overrides Venari’s target and changes her battle posture at an energy cost.
    • Kavat mods like Animal Instinct have been fixed so they will work properly on Venari.
    • Venari deals slash damage to enemies instead of impact damage.

Looking at this at face value, Venari is now just like your equipped Kavat, kicking down Grate Prime onto the ground and hopping down from the airduct with you right at mission start. Also like your Kavat, if she gets incapacitated, you have a while to get Venari back up (longer with bleedout reduction mods) before she dissolves into metal bits.

Now the problem with this is that your new third ability, let's call it "Command Venari", is entirely dependent on Venari being alive to function in the first place. I don't see anywhere in the proposed changes that the summon Venari function of #3 is staying or going away, but the way they phrased "it'll be gone until you revive" strongly suggests there is no other way to bring Venari back from the dead but to fall flat on your gluts and spend a revive on yourself.

This is the "My Carrier died, don't revive me" issue all over again. And it's limited to 4 (5 if you have a full Arcane set) times per mission. And you lose Affinity in the process. You use it up, tough luck no more cats (as well as locking your 3rd ability) for you. The amount of times spent reviving downed pets in high level missions ought to bring back unfun memories you'd rather forget.

So, Venari should remain summon-able. If you haven't unlocked #3 yet, then you are limited to revives to bring her back. If you do have #3 unlocked, then hopefully you can spend energy to bring her right back from your Orbiter!

How that should work is up to the Devs. I would suggest this for example:

  • Press 3 to cycle between Attack, Protect, and Heal postures
  • Hold 3 for multi-function:
    • If Venari is alive, confirm the selected posture and spend 25~ energy to change her battle posture.
    • If Venari is downed, spend 50 energy to instantly revive her at 50% HP.
    • If Venari is dead, summon her from the Orbiter for 75 energy, already set to your selected battle posture.
  • When Venari is summoned back, she has a brief invulnerable state (1-2 seconds) as though she was revived. That should give her AI enough time to process her surroundings and go do what Kavats do best.
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