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Buff Exodia Contagion


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RIP Exodia Contagion. Don't understand why they would change something that is suppose to be for endgame into something that I cant even kill a enemy in the tutorial with. It did lots of damage, but it also could 1 shot me. The risk vs reward was a big part of it and now it was just a waste of time farming it. It went from one of the best arcanes to rock bottom with 1 "fix". It makes sense that they would nerf it right after the event ends so that people will waste all their time to acquire it and then get screwed over. If you wanted the best timing to have changed this bug then you should have done it right when it was released. The bug has been here the whole time but just now getting "fixed". For big changes like this you should make a poll or something and get the community input before screwing over so many people. Now I just feel like during the entire plague star event I was wasting my time and I know many others feel the same way, that it was a massive waste of our time and resources. Daggers are already one of the least used weapons in the game, why can't we have at least 1 or 2 things that are fun to play with while whips are over here killing entire rooms of enemys in under 1 second. This arcane should either get reverted back or a buff to at least be usable because as of where it sits now, I'd rather run no arcane this this hope breaker. 

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You know,  after years in this game and some thousands of hours playing, one advise I have for any players starting or new is: dont grow attached to anything in the game. 

Almost everything that existed years ago is different now, the meta shifts from time to time. 

The changes may be related to bugs or reworks but the true is that what is good now, most probably wont be tomorrow. It will be replaced with some other new shiny thing.

Maybe CL and contagion was a bug but it was a fun one. Problem is that most exodias are garbage hidden behind a huge grind which doesnt make sense.

Lets move to the next thing. 

But never forget: enjoy while the next thing lasts. And move on again. Its how I lived my almost 5k hours in the game.

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if Contagion is dealing poo Damage, that means your Melee Weapon would do even more poo Damage. since it uses your Mods and base Stats.
have you considered some different Mods? you can probably figure out what Mods affect it (most of them do) and make a Loadout that will make it deal a lot more Damage... you can probably figure that out.
unless - there's more Bugs you have to report, where you aren't loading up your Melee Weapon with Mods that the Arcane doesn't take, and end up with much lower Damage than should be expected.

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PLEASE REMEMBER I'VE PLAYED AND BEEN AROUND A LONG TIME I HAVE EVERY ITEM IN GAME AND MAX RANK POSSIBLE (other than a login item, I have everything and have done everything) We need end game items in game which are extremely time consuming or grindy to get and I appreciate them and love them, BUT they need to be actually worth the time and not a huge slap in the face of your time spent in game. 

Reward players TIME SPENT in game, such a item should be amazing and kick ass, why nerf this item so much no one will ever use


Please DE can you explain to me the reasoning behind nerf'ing the EXODIA CONTAGION in to the ground, before they were not that powerful, but they where worth using, they where a little bit of fun and would come in useful sometimes...

The amount of cost, meaning resources and time put into crafting 10 of these and the fact they are from a limited time event is huge. These arcane's which are also classed the rarest arcane too are now completely pathetic, please look into this else you might as well just remove them from the game they have no reason now being here, and as a "END GAME" item which such huge time sink and resource cost into them, one would think they could at least do a little damage or be somewhat useful in game... 

The last patch did something to these, I'll note the one bullet point from recent latest patch a few days ago

[quote from update 22.19.0]

"Fixed Exodia Contagion's interaction with Covert Lethality, resulting in the +100 damage being applied to the projectile damage multiplier instead of the base projectile damage."

Something else whether it be a mistake or purposely DE has changed this in other ways, because other that a couple of times I have used this with my ZAW dagger which used Covert Lethality, I mostly use my max rank, which is 10 of these arcane Exodia Contagion on my Infested ZAW

I haven't used my Exodia Contagion for a week ish been using Exodia Force max rank (which I could make another thread about since this too is weak as hell but I digress)

I put my exodia contagion on while I jumped into a alert earlier for the poatato and I was solo agasint level 16 enemies and found myself unable to even damage these with the exodia contagion, I was very surprised. So like everyone else to the simulacrum 

Below are screen shots showing builds used on frame and zaw against only level 60 enemies which isn't even sortie level (you know end game stuff not really anyone can but you get the point)




This shot below shows damage against level 60 heavy gunner and also with bonus damage because the infested grenade's damage is increased after travelling 30 meters, the damage is pathetic 912 and 133 are the damage numbers


Up close






I hope you see above this is terrible... let me remind you of what it takes to create 10 of these, that's after you managed to play enough when the Operation: Plague Star event was on POE and you get enough standing to get to the level to buy these and buy 10 of them, which isn't too bad at all.Excluding the basic resources and credits which is always a thing you will need 100 Cetus wisp and 30 Radiant Sentrium. A lot of resources, and after all this time effort and resources for the END GAME items we get nothing... this has to be fixed and its sad to see its becoming the norm now in game that END GAME ITEMS are no longer "end game" worthy at all!

I love this game and the dev's but this is becoming a joke now, and as I said though they have not said these where changed in the update notes the fact these have dropped from 100p each to 30p each in the last 2 days shows the the community sees them as worthless now.... 

DE please sort these "END GAME" items also make the time sink and resources sink these are worth it, and not kill them after a little time, and make them honestly worthless and pointless in game now they serve no point, we are badass space ninja's but starting to feel like side kick 




TLDR: Exodia Contagions have been nerf'd into the ground and are far from end game items now even max rank they do no damage at all, fix please else honestly you might as well remove them

Edited by DelBoyJamie
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4 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

What’s going on is that DE does not agree with your position on the exclusivity, potency, or end-game nature of arcanes. 

then they shouldn't of put them in and put such a huge resource and time sink into making. Its a shame really it is. Its not something I even used much but feel like something has gotta be said because its sadly becoming a trend now where DE requires you to put such a huge time sink and resource sink into a item to in the end of all that time hard work, what you get is laughable. I know they don't think like this, I watch every stream and follow all the dev's on twitter and they say (especially my Fav Steve) they value players time spent in game therefore I want to make them aware that sadly what they say and do here are two different things and hopefully they look into it 🙂

Edited by DelBoyJamie
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That's a massive nerf - I can understand the Covert Lethality change, but this is a very significant change in overall performance. I can only hope this is a bug - I never used it on a dagger, I much prefer polearms and staff weapons for the reach in every day situations, but I could easily kill groups of enemies across the plains (and myself) with a Contagion throw. Like a lot of weapons, the high-damage, high-self-damage-potential balance felt right. But if it doesn't kill, or even damage enemies at range then there's no point in using it. I'll give it a test out in the wild... can't always rely on simulations.

Edit: I just tried it on a Meso fissure mission - I was clearing groups of enemies fairly easily... needs more testing but I'm not sure if it has been nerfed at this point.

Edited by dstrawberrygirl
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Exodia Contagion is end game?
One of two arcanes you can just buy, the only difficulty being the limited time within which to buy them, not even to build them?
Also sold during the event is the materials to build them.
There's not even any RNG to getting the rep to buy the mats, just running the mission repeatedly.

This is a tissue-thin, poorly thought out, and ill-reasoned springboard into a much larger conversation about Arcanes.

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45 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Exodia Contagion is end game?
One of two arcanes you can just buy, the only difficulty being the limited time within which to buy them, not even to build them?
Also sold during the event is the materials to build them.
There's not even any RNG to getting the rep to buy the mats, just running the mission repeatedly.

This is a tissue-thin, poorly thought out, and ill-reasoned springboard into a much larger conversation about Arcanes.

All arcane are “end game” hardly ill reasoned, when its a clear issue in the game. And saying “you can just buy” means nothing, you can buy almost everything in game. That has nothing to do with reward for time spent, grind etc. And being able to buy Cetus wisps has on just been introduced in the recent event when they first came out you could not buy cetus wisp. Me like many others grinded out to make a max rank without just buying them or the items.  Also I do mention all arcane’s really need looking over. Exodia contagion just happens to be seriously bad now therefore warrants what I say. These are items which are put into the game for people who have completed the star chart and want to go that extra mile to make your tenno more powerful and sadly after all that hard work, grinding, time and or plat you are left will a sinking feeling once again like why did i bother. Sorry this is a clear issue which opens up a wider problem currently in Warframe that whether you think its a issue or not needs looking at. As i said reward for time spent is so low currently with “end game” stuff its painful. 


Fyi if anything in this post looks weird or what ever im literally replying to this on my iphone half a sleep in bed as its 5am and through the app lol and it looks all messed up the text etc so yeah forgive me on this single post. Good night trying to get couple more hours sleep before work lol 

Edited by DelBoyJamie
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Arcane were seen as "end-game" because they came from Raids. Which at the time were the highest "official" requirement of the game.

Much like Prime parts. They've been demoted and really the only thing that made them a commodity was the daily time gate for Raids.

If it wasn't for that daily limit, I don't think Arcane would be held in higher regard than Primed mods given how long raids were in the game.

At any rate. End-game is what you do; Not what you get.

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I'll just quote myself.

On 2018-05-04 at 2:34 PM, uxx0 said:

So after some more thinking and testing (thanks @Gaia) I have a theory as to why Contagion damage is weird.

Exodia Contagion deals 400% damage after 30m. Which (roughly) equates to damage * 4. With Covert Lethality it probably was damage + 100 * 4, which explains the absurdely high damage. The fix might have been (damage + 100) * 4. The problem is that the damage now jumps all over the place, with only CL equipped, regardless of what else is modded and where Contagion is thrown from. So maybe there is some kind of random damage component that multiplies with CL's damage now, like (damage + 100 * randomdamage) * 4. Maybe it even has something to do with the explosion. Whatever it is, it isn't consistent. So right now I'd consider Contagion bugged instead of nerfed.



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I think Contagion before was pretty powerful and worth using (maybe borderline OP on a few frames/combos), but not OP enough as to be game breaking like some other stuff in the past (or back when it was interacting with Iron Vault). The problem is that after the nerf it became pretty much useless garbage like Exodia Force is as well. For a piece of gear that costs so many resources to make and comes from a time gated event, its current performance is pretty disappointing to put it mildly.

I have other stuff to use, so whatever, but I think DE has yet to strike the right balance when it comes to exodias. Epidemic and Hunt are pretty useful in niche situations, I wish all others had this kind of utility at least. 

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I totally agree with you, DelBoyJamie! For something that takes so much time and resources to craft, Exodia Contagion and  Epidemic are now annoyingly not very good. 

I still hate Arcanes even with most of the super useful bonuses they give. The two main reasons are that they take so much time to get (for a full specific set) and their effects are RNG based (and aren't reliable in a tense combat situation). 

How would you like it if your body armor would only stop 40% of the bullets in an actual firefight? Another example would be if in a car crash, the airbags had a 40% chance of working, but only if you had your radio on? That's how I feel about Arcanes... 

I also forgot that they could only be acquired from Raids originally; and those were terrible. It really felt like an insult to spend 10x the amount of time as getting and leveling up a weapon AND Warframe just to get a full Arcane set that only works 60% of the time! 

Nerfing Arcanes in any way, besides for bugs is a terrible idea, especially when you had to put in a lot of time to get them! Kind of like the new 900 day login reward: Primed Disappoi... I mean Primed Sure Footed! 

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3 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

i think it was supposed to be, and now is: (damage + 100)*4        --- as you mentioned
but the absurd damage came from it being: damage * (100 + 4)

at least, this is how it sounds from the changelog

And that's what I'm saying. damage + 100 * 4 is not equal to (damage + 100) * 4. It also explains how it came to be as an oversight.

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9 hours ago, uxx0 said:

I'll just quote myself.



8 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

I think Contagion before was pretty powerful and worth using (maybe borderline OP on a few frames/combos), but not OP enough as to be game breaking like some other stuff in the past (or back when it was interacting with Iron Vault). The problem is that after the nerf it became pretty much useless garbage like Exodia Force is as well. For a piece of gear that costs so many resources to make and comes from a time gated event, its current performance is pretty disappointing to put it mildly.

I have other stuff to use, so whatever, but I think DE has yet to strike the right balance when it comes to exodias. Epidemic and Hunt are pretty useful in niche situations, I wish all others had this kind of utility at least. 


7 hours ago, (XB1)ZenithLord 42 said:

I totally agree with you, DelBoyJamie! For something that takes so much time and resources to craft, Exodia Contagion and  Epidemic are now annoyingly not very good. 

I still hate Arcanes even with most of the super useful bonuses they give. The two main reasons are that they take so much time to get (for a full specific set) and their effects are RNG based (and aren't reliable in a tense combat situation). 

How would you like it if your body armor would only stop 40% of the bullets in an actual firefight? Another example would be if in a car crash, the airbags had a 40% chance of working, but only if you had your radio on? That's how I feel about Arcanes... 

I also forgot that they could only be acquired from Raids originally; and those were terrible. It really felt like an insult to spend 10x the amount of time as getting and leveling up a weapon AND Warframe just to get a full Arcane set that only works 60% of the time! 

Nerfing Arcanes in any way, besides for bugs is a terrible idea, especially when you had to put in a lot of time to get them! Kind of like the new 900 day login reward: Primed Disappoi... I mean Primed Sure Footed! 


7 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

i think it was supposed to be, and now is: (damage + 100)*4        --- as you mentioned
but the absurd damage came from it being: damage * (100 + 4)

at least, this is how it sounds from the changelog

appreciate the replies I do hope something is done with them as of right now there is no point in all the hard work DE has done to make and code arcanes when many much like contagion does nothing now, I do hope Contagion is a bug.

In regards to Exodia Force I feel is very weak too but no so terrible as Contagion hence why I brought it up

Rewards players time spent

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this is a bit off topic but anyway i had a rank 3 Exodia Contagion on my zaw then i haven't played in a while and i go to play with the zaw just now and my Exodia Contagion is no longer on it has this happened to anyone besides me? and why did i put all that grind in for nothing? 1675 hours in game and what do i get for it missing time apparently bc i dont have my rank 3 Exodia Contagion thats for sure... :(   

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On 2018-05-05 at 11:34 PM, peterc3 said:

Exodia Contagion is end game?

There is no endgame, and there most likely never will be. On the two occasions they could have added some endgame, they forsook it.

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8 hours ago, xAlwayzhigHx said:

this is a bit off topic but anyway i had a rank 3 Exodia Contagion on my zaw then i haven't played in a while and i go to play with the zaw just now and my Exodia Contagion is no longer on it has this happened to anyone besides me? and why did i put all that grind in for nothing? 1675 hours in game and what do i get for it missing time apparently bc i dont have my rank 3 Exodia Contagion thats for sure... :(   

Acanes where changed to be more like mods so you equip them in same place.

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If we really want “end game” in warframe it NEEDS TO START WITH MR! Just like weapons are MR lock some items (not any of the stuff out now) when ever they come out needs to be MR locked as well for the people that put in the work! And none of this MR 7, 9, or 12 BS set the MR high like 19, 21, or 24

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