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Developer Workshop: Saryn Revisited 2.0


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21 minutes ago, Jackel7 said:

Ok a few things I tested and notice while in simulacrum: (disclaimer: I went up against Level 100 Corrupted)

  1. Spore can no longer be cast on Molt
  2. Maisma "stun" last only 3 seconds* regardless of if spore was cast on said target(s)
  3. Recasting spore didn't cause a "explosion" of spores furthermore the spore counter disappears (unknown if UI bug)
  4. Time between casting and the Warframe ability taking affect seems off by a few seconds-I don't know for sure for I was casting spore within a group of 5 corrupted butchers and only saw 1-2 with spores on them. 

Recasting spores DOES an explosion dealing x2 dmg, it doesn't SPREAD the spores even further, it only make them explode  = disappear = UI counter will disappear aswell intended. It works fine.

Edited by CabezaCC
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appears to be extremely based on line of sight, they can be super close to you, but if you aren't looking at them, or they are right around the corner, no spore propagation, furthermore, if you lose sight of the target after roughly 5 seconds the ticks stop. 

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I did a few maps with my 30 saryn prime and then tried leveling it back to 30 from 0.

The initial feeling I have is that spores are only effective when my weapon or my team is not. Spreading them seems to be hit or miss and I do not see a reason to explode the spores since if I would need to do that, the spores would kill them soon without killing the tick damage.

I would rather that recasting spores would lower tick damage to 0 or to half and also spread spores from where they are now. Otherwise there isn't a good way to put spores in front of you and behind you without having high range mods.

The current changes only seem good for very old players doing high difficulty.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Saryn Revisited 2.0 is now live in Update 22.20.0 on PC! 

We'll be closely watching for your feedback in the dedicated Saryn Megathread below. We encourage you try out the changes thoroughly first before you leave your thoughts/reactions/concerns/etc. 

Thank you! 

Fingers crossed that we can give positive feedback. ^.^ (and that it isn't too strong I guess, cuz I know in that case it will get a "fix" 😄 )

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Thanks for the work, DE. I like the Toxic Lash change, and the new propagation mechanic is smart I think.

I find Spore is awfully difficult to use now though. I watched as spores didn't spread to target B who was roughly two meters behind spore target A on death. No obstacles.

And my main gripe is that, unless I'm somehow missing it, toxin doesn't spread over spores anymore. That was half the fun, in my opinion. Without that and the synergy with Molt, Saryn feels a bit bland now.

I hope this isn't too much complaining. Just sharing my thoughts.

Edit: I just managed to spread spores to myself (Saryn) while I was in operator mode. 😂

Edited by katflag
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While i like most of the updates, please change spore explosion ability. I like to infect multiple groups of enemies at the same time. The explosion for x2 damage is a nice thing, but it should only activate when HOLDING the button so that i get to choose when to explode and how many enemies i want to infect. Also i have the feeling that the damage i deal with spores decreased, and also that the spores are not spreading effectively anymore. 

1 hour ago, Jackel7 said:

UPDATE: Within (normal) Onslaught its possible for Sayrn's spore ability to become "locked" it will appear to be active like a toggle ability. This has happen to me and a teammate still investigating. 

Yeah, i had the same error too after casting spores on a Nullifyer enemy. He deactivated my abilities and i jumped into another conduit. When trying ot recast spores, it shows to me that i am actively using spores (like a duration ability) . I could neither explode nor recast spores. 


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On 2018-05-10 at 11:00 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

Recasting Spores will detonate all active Spores and will deal 2x the damage on an infected enemy based on the number of active Spores and their current damage per tick.

of ALL the changes to saryn...i HEAVILY dislike this the most now that I've played it.....EVERY other power in the game that is a one DOES NOT have a cast to be made useless like this one does.....IF the damage ramp up wasnt nuked to nothing each time and instead was say, 1/2 of w/e the current is...and then recast on an unaffected target...well it would be far better than now.

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why have forum and "talk" about it when DE dont listen us. many complained about spores rework and yet they do change it regardless. put some vote system for intended rework at least. this is total miss of rework no mater of polishing, thanks for ruining game. pls shut down forums and do as you please

Edited by -HoB-AngelofRevenge
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3 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Saryn Revisited 2.0 is now live in Update 22.20.0 on PC! 

We'll be closely watching for your feedback in the dedicated Saryn Megathread below. We encourage you try out the changes thoroughly first before you leave your thoughts/reactions/concerns/etc. 

Thank you! 

was the feedback thread pulled?

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So let's get started:

Her kit feels very well balanced for elite onslaught:
Spore spread and damage in combination with toxic lash are good enough for solo play and weak enough to not disrupt team play (because more squad members kill enemies faster and stop spores from spreading).
This doesn't feel like an early cheese-warframe for new players, because getting her to do what she does in onslaught requires some serious modding and will be locked behind days of grinding or a lot of platinum in trade chat.
Infested: Very good
Corpus: Sortie levels of good (toxic lash is helpful)
Grineer: Perfect
Corrupted: Somewhere between the upper 3 feedbacks.^^

The infinite duration works just perfect with the current enemy spawn system, although a bit more enemy density would be appreciated in all tilesets (More things to kill which equals more fun, allows for more spore damage build up, prepares enemy factions for similar upgrades to other warframes).^^

Also, Molt speed buff feels great, it's very useful and the buff is short enough to not rival Volt-Speed.

Overall, I give this rework a 10/10. Getting every warframe to respond that well to mods and to be weak enough in it's basic, unmodded state would be a crazy good change. It's really fun to play her and see all the damage numbers pop up. Fun frame is good frame.:thumbup:


Edit: Will post on megathread

Edited by Dark_Sp00n
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Spores don't seam to be working properly. If understand correctly, upon the death of an enemy that is afflicted the spores propagate to all enemies withing the listed spread radius. Despite running with 250% range, I am only seeing them spread to close enemies (maybe 10 meters range) rather than the listed 40m. I suspect line of sight or something is bugging out unless ive missed something here.

Love the rest though.

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So. It seems de has banned me from having any say or opinions on the megathread. That or its a glitch

So ill share it here. 

Right of the bat this character is not easy to spread spores with. Especially during teamplay. With countless suggestions to counter this it seems nothing has been taken to heart. Even if its just corrosive dmg (which I guess we can live with) its the fact that the spreading is horrible on open maps. You can only attach it to 1 character at a time. Before you could spread it to multiple, closing the distance. Now you can't. So overall 1 needs a lot of work in its flexibility... The UI needs a little fix when switching between operator mode and such. And the ability sometimes sticks... So yeah, not a good start for spores. 2 is decent besides it not being able to explode by miasma anymore (more synergies gone). I can appreciate the speed boost and invulnerability so i have no problems on that. 3 is pretty good considering it does what is intended. I dont use 4 much, but it just seems like a last ditch nuke again. I dont mind 4 even as is. Its just, 1 needs some fixes. Overall I dont really love this initially, going through builds and ideas will help put some perspective into playing her better.

Edit: my apologies, it was pulled.

Edited by Jebbers
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why have forum and "talk" about it when DE dont listen us. many complained about spores rework and yet they do change it regardless. put some vote system for intended rework at least. this is total miss of rework no mater of polishing, thanks for ruining game. just bring old spores and thing will be just fine. why are you so stubborn? many are dissapointed with spore rewok still you presist? cmon DE do 1 good thing. 

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saryn rework is fine, but the only complaint i have is make her one(spores) able to be repeatedly castible on targets increasing the number of spores out in the map, and change the "on press detonate" to a "hold to detonate". other then that i feel i really really could like her alot

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb -HoB-AngelofRevenge:

dont get confused pls, player are complaining about spores rework.  not rework of saryns other ability. spore rework s****. if spores are excluded from rework than i do agree with you. and we all do agree that spores rework are very very ver bad. 

i disagree, the spores rework is great but whats sad is the fact that u cant reapply it during its own duration.

currently the issue with saryn is pretty simple in terms of spores: the spores dmg escalates quicker than enemies scale. at some point spores do so much damage that they kill enemies too quickly and it basically resets itself (speaking in terms of normal content right now, endless MoT might very well outscale spores escalation).

the spore turret with molt should be returned but not the way it was. molt should be able to store spore that cannot spread but instead it allows spore to keep its current dmg by having one always active. molt has a duration so it would require the reapplication to enemies before molt runs out or is killed. also this would be more energy heavy depending on the build than current spore but it would allow us to actually make use of spores escalation. its still not "perfect" in a sense that it has a "counter", bing molts durability so to say but at least it would give us a way to solve spores innate issue right now.


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1 minute ago, Xydeth said:

i disagree, the spores rework is great but whats sad is the fact that u cant reapply it during its own duration.

currently the issue with saryn is pretty simple in terms of spores: the spores dmg escalates quicker than enemies scale. at some point spores do so much damage that they kill enemies too quickly and it basically resets itself.

the spore turret with molt should be returned but not the way it was. molt should be able to store spore that cannot spread but instead it allows spore to keep its current dmg by having one always active. molt has a duration so it would require the reapplication to enemies before molt runs out or is killed. also this would be more energy heavy depending on the build than current spore but it would allow us to actually make use of spores escalation. its still not "perfect" in a sense that it has a "counter", bing molts durability so to say but at least it would give us a way to solve spores innate issue right now.


i do dissagre with you, spore spam on molt was one of reason for rewok. spores was just fine. if you run out of enemys than no more spores to spread, thing in def mission. than all dmg stack are gone. we will have some hot fixes still to go.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb -HoB-AngelofRevenge:

i do dissagre with you, spore spam on molt was one of reason for rewok. spores was just fine. if you run out of enemys than no more spores to spread, thing in def mission. than all dmg stack are gone. we will have some hot fixes still to go.

...i was explaining that issue and a possible solution for it. maybe reread my comment u quoted.

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@Xydethi do respect your opinion and suggestion, thing is that many player have their own suggestions and DE still push what they seem to be good. we are by passed in actual reworks so we can talk all night about rework and possible solution and end up with none. we as players are leaved with broken stuff and 2+ hot fixes after update. and we agree that spores are broken at this point and not productive, expecialy in term of corrosive nature. so yeah this rework is bad...

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