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Why Saryn?


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19 hours ago, Thaylien said:

See, this is something I really have to scratch my head about... Warframe doesn't have 'ultimates' like other games. Literally just Ability 1, Ability 2, Ability 3 and Ability 4. Energy cost is kind of related, but not always since there are abilities like War Cry that cost less than a 1 ability, but are on the 3 button, and then there are abilities like Anti-Matter Drop, which is the highest single-cast damage in the game per shot on the 2 button (yes Nova has a better cast on her 4, but her 3 isn't better than her 2, not by a long way). Nidus has his Heal on 4, but his other three abilities are all better, all of them, and the same with Octavia as her 4 only serves to boost the range and damage of her other three casts.

Warframe is not cut-and-dried enough to say that a frame has an Ultimate.

Ultimate mostly refers to the hierarchy of leveling the frame.. You don't start of with 1 2 3 4 abilities..

But yea.. Some frames abilities are better than 4th ability

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7 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I really don't think AFK is going to be a thing.  The spores won't be out right killing people immediately.  that takes time.  Until then you should be moving around popping spores and killing. 

It would seem to be the opposite actually. There is no need to move around killing because the damage keeps ramping up without the player having to do anything. There is no need to reapply any spores because they have infinite duration. There is no need to re-apply the proc because the effect of the corrosive status is permanent. There is no need to cast spore again because it breaks process by popping the spores. There is no need to equip particular weapons or perform a skill shot because the spore is spread if the enemy dies, and this seemingly works even if your teammates do it. This also means that even if someone accidentally breaks all the spores in one go, that enemy will get new spores as soon as his buddy next to him dies.

This reeks of the same bait and switch that happened with Tailwind but whatever, I think my interest is expended at this point.

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Lots of long texts, read all thinking to maybe learn something new but seems that there is no new info.  

And seems to me that people who only do low level content to kill weak enemies (sortie/ onslaught) think that with this rework saryn will do more damage as corrosive on spores strips armor and viral on miasma - that's going to be much better.

People who were fighting against high level enemies (200+...500+ etc) know that she already was very effective in scaling up damage and helping the team with kills. That's why this planned rework is worrying as best case scenario Saryn will be just as good against high level enemies afterwards with QoL changes to her molt and toxic lash. Worst case scenario she will become worse (energy efficiency, having to cast more often so at that time cant use weapons, spore range, troubles to keep spores active - all potential intended or unintended problems we could expect)

And tho molt and toxic lash changes seem quite good, the new mechanics of spores is a big unknown value now.

As of right now Saryn is very good with Condition Overload melee, spores and Toxic Lash giving her 2 guaranteed status effects, which boosts condition overload damage a lot. That increased damage also can transfer to nearby enemies as Saryn with Toxic Lash procs toxin and bursts spores.

The "afk" playstyle with molt is usually done by players who dont know how to play saryn or if you are running a starchart mission and just feeling too lazy to spread spores by actually casting on enemies and shooting / hitting them but i doubt it ever was a serious problem as it wasnt really afk anyway.

And current spore mechanic allowing to stack status effects on enemies and boosting condition overload actually on the contrary motivates player to move around and attack those enemies.

So yes, we can only hope the new Saryn will be good, can kind of expect that Pablo wont ruin Saryn as he usually makes good frame concepts but this (except maybe molt and toxic lash QoL) for sure isnt really needed for her while there are some neglected warframes that sit in a corner for years. (One of them - Wukong - just got a small change tho...a nice nerf. If making minor changes is so easy, why couldn't these be minor good changes once in a while.)

Also if you are using Saryn specter it's hard to predict how that would work with recasting spores resulting in them detonating.

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4 hours ago, blacklusterseph said:

It would seem to be the opposite actually. There is no need to move around killing because the damage keeps ramping up without the player having to do anything. There is no need to reapply any spores because they have infinite duration. There is no need to re-apply the proc because the effect of the corrosive status is permanent. There is no need to cast spore again because it breaks process by popping the spores. There is no need to equip particular weapons or perform a skill shot because the spore is spread if the enemy dies, and this seemingly works even if your teammates do it. This also means that even if someone accidentally breaks all the spores in one go, that enemy will get new spores as soon as his buddy next to him dies.

This reeks of the same bait and switch that happened with Tailwind but whatever, I think my interest is expended at this point.

Spores won't spread after the initial cast unless popped or unless the enemy dies.  It takes time for the damage to ramp up  So spore popping/killing should be happening until the damage on the spores has ramped up enough to kill.

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On 2018-05-13 at 1:46 PM, Thaylien said:


Just adjust where you think you're going to be with Saryn, you may be surprised to find that you're a murder machine above and beyond anything she's currently capable of. But don't tell Pablo, he'll have to nerf it.

There is a chance that this rework will be a nerf to how Saryn is played right now. Maybe the rework will make her as good as she already is (therefore not really needed), maybe it will make her worse (therefore we certainly don't want it) or maybe it will make her even stronger, so she would be overpowered (therefore soon after she got a nerf and again - we don't need it then).

In my opinion all we can do for now is pray. Too many unknown variables on this rework and it is quite scary 😄 

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17 minutes ago, DjKaplis said:

There is a chance that this rework will be a nerf to how Saryn is played right now.

Heh, I think that's the point. Saryn's play right now has a lot of mechanics that people either don't care about or don't understand properly, and there's been consistent debate over whether some effects are bugs or features.

What will be a buff is to 'the Warframe known as Saryn', meaning that a lot of what we do will have to change, just like we had to change when she was first reworked. We're going to get a better frame, but so much of our tactics with her will have to change to allow for it. It'll actually be 2-for-2 on that count ^^

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On 2018-05-11 at 4:30 AM, Datam4ss said:

For those people complaining about spreading viral, anyway, now you can do it with a max range build with high efficiency and completely ignore duration. Just pressing a different button to halve all enemy HP isn't that strenuous, considering now blind rage is no longer needed ... and Fleeting Expertise can go in there.


Miasma still ticks over time right? And regenerative molt has it's healing tied to duration right? Also toxic lash is duration based right? You'd have to be completely braindead to think duration doesn't matter.

Edited by Rankii
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3 hours ago, Rankii said:

Miasma still ticks over time right? And regenerative molt has it's healing tied to duration right? Also toxic lash is duration based right? You'd have to be completely braindead to think duration doesn't matter.

If you are using Miasma just to apply Viral, the Viral Proc does not scale with power duration. Hence, you definitely can dump duration if you are planning to build Saryn for the sole purpose of spreading viral PROCs. I am not talking about building Saryn effectively for a balanced build here - I am simply addressing the people complaining about the "ugh I cannot spread my viral because my Saryn is only for spreading my viral". Hence, why would you care about Miasma's power strength and duration in this case?

Regenerative Molt's healing maxes out at 10 seconds of healing. Anything more than that isn't going to give more healing unless you recast molt. Basically it still will give the full heal at 25% duration currently. If you don't cut your power duration beyond that, Regenerative Molt is not affected AT ALL. Hence, Regenerative Molt is not as duration constrained as you think it is.

Her new Spore isn't going to care about min duration.

Toxic Lash is the only thing that is going to suffer if you dump duration. However, if you are using Saryn to spread viral, why would you care to use Toxic Lash to increase damage or pop spores?


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2 hours ago, Rankii said:

Miasma still ticks over time right? And regenerative molt has it's healing tied to duration right? Also toxic lash is duration based right? You'd have to be completely braindead to think duration doesn't matter.

I'm both with you, and a little thinking you might not be correct.

So, with the changes as proposed, there's something I noticed; with the extension of the duration on Lash from 30 to 45 seconds, you won't need to put as much Duration on her for that... and there's the Miasma Stagger that we believe is staying the same duration of 3 seconds, even though the base duration of Miasma is being upped to 5 seconds.

They pointed out that enemies affected by Miasma can only be staggered once with the new version, meaning that you might actually want to not mod for too much duration, because you might need that stagger more than once in a short space of time.

Well... unless the duration increase on the ability also extends the stagger... that would be very, very useful.

But looking at this, a simple Continuity might actually do enough. Although you could... hmm...

Aura, Virality, Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, Stretch, Streamline, then Transient Fortitude and Intensify, leave Regenerative Molt for the Aug, with Power Drift for the Exilus... You'd get +27.5% Duration, with +30% Efficiency, +100% Strength and +45% Range... With this you'd get a guaranteed status on the new Spores, about 60% Toxin damage from Lash on your primary and secondary, with 120% on your melee... you'd get 57 seconds of Duration on the new Lash, and 6 seconds, or 7 ticks of damage, on Miasma.



On the new Spores, if the base damage, and therefore the scaling, is based of Strength, we could see them being double as effective as they were on the stream on this mod setup. And, if I recall, it did rather significant armour strip and damage to level 1000 gunners, and killed enemies on Mot (base level 40-45) after only a few seconds the few times Rebecca actually manage to get it to spread. So that could be very, very interesting to test out.

On Molt you'd get double damage and extra duration, but that's not really going to be an issue with the new scaling it'll have...

The real power is going to be Lash, with the mods making it 60% Toxin damage and guaranteed Status on all damage you deal... That could add huge, I mean, huge amounts of damage to your effective DPS, especially since it would last nearly a minute without needing to be refreshed.

And then I think I actually used maths on the new Miasma in another comment somewhere; so with this mod setup you'd get 1000 damage per tick, for 7 ticks, for a total of 7000 damage, with DE saying that this will also deal double damage on enemies affected by Spores, for 14,000 damage.

This is at base, and before enemy health/armour type has an affect. On stripped enemies, like Corpus or Grineer, this will then do 50-75% extra damage due to weakness to that type, either 21,000 or 24,500, but on the base Infested Flesh type (chargers and so on) this will do 50% less damage, so back to 7000. When you count in the Viral status on the first tick, this means that you'll be getting to kill any Grineer or Corpus with up to 49k health, and... well, we'll have to ignore the Infested for this, it's not as exciting...

Using the Enemy scaling calculator, a level 94 Heavy gunner has just under 49k health and could be one-shot, if they had no armour after being stripped by Spores... If you count in the damage that Spores would have been dealing as it scales up, a level 100 could be within easy reach too.

That's pretty cool, when you think about it. Current Miasma, even with the 200% damage on it from having Viral and Toxin on enemies, caps out at around 15,000 Corrosive damage with Strength and Duration both maxed out...

Yeah, every time I look at the comparisons, I keep thinking i'm going to love this. We'll need to see.

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I will see this thread after the changes are live cause my stance on it is clear I will say that it is a nerf due to players won't be able to have multiple spore instances running on the enemy units unlike before. Damage swap is still up to debate yet obviously spores will lose their damage dealing ability unless you decide to detonite all them up and kill everyone. Even tho it is basically against the "spread the disease" thing if you kill the spores and clashes with the playstyle and how players play with her. 

Also a note also saying that it is a buff is as pathetic as saying that it is a nerf.

Less fanboying over before actually playtesting! Thanks have a good day! 

Edited by Shidonia
Needed to throw some shade.
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20 minutes ago, Shidonia said:

I will see this thread after the changes are live cause my stance on it is clear I will say that it is a nerf due to players won't be able to have multiple spore instances running on the enemy units unlike before. Damage swap is still up to debate yet obviously spores will lose their damage dealing ability unless you decide to detonite all them up and kill everyone. Even tho it is basically against the "spread the disease" thing if you kill the spores and clashes with the playstyle and how players play with her. 

Also a note also saying that it is a buff is as pathetic as saying that it is a nerf.

Less fanboying over before actually playtesting! Thanks have a good day! 

If the devs say it's a buff, who are you to say otherwise? You haven't playtested anything. I haven't either, so I take their word for it, for now 😛

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On 2018-05-11 at 5:23 AM, GnarlsDarkley said:

Enemies with 0 Armor (any good premade has 4x CPanyways) won't  be affected by the procs.

Or instead of shoehorning your entire squad's Auras, you could just take a single Saryn and then everyone could use other Auras like Growing Power, Steel Charge, Rifle Amp....

Besides, even if enemies aren't affected by the procs, they're still hit with scaling damage. It's a buff.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

If the devs say it's a buff, who are you to say otherwise? You haven't playtested anything. I haven't either, so I take their word for it, for now 😛

You might be right, but DE showcased it in Simulacrum (not real gameplay) and void survival (3 other players factor is again here missing) and on lvl 1000 units, where do you see such high level enemy units? If you play with ash's 4th ability in solo mode it feels great, but in a team you don't get the joy cuz everyone slaughters anything on their way. Anyways, I will let you know whether it is a buff or a nerf cuz at this point you will receive the update when you have kids. As a console player you should have waited for your turn to have an idea about it. And people's reaction shouldn't be a problem for you unless you are crazily fanboying over every action that DE takes. DE will probably find an other way around if the community really dislikes it or if they're too strict with it it will be a nerf just like ember's WoF. Personally I'm thinking off running a 90% power strength build with 280% range. If DE changes the mechanics I can always come up with something new but we will see if she is still fun, cuz the lose of current spores running on enemies if you recast is a limiter in my book. And unapproved. 

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On 2018-05-12 at 10:46 PM, DjKaplis said:

Well, just because Saryn is actually fine and quite good in her current form and by checking on forum lately I didn't really see people asking for her to be changed this sudden initiative to "rework" her is suspicious..

According to comments from DE staff (I think it was Pablo himself and may have been on last week's PrimeTime, can't recall), Saryn was getting looked at during the Warframe Balance Pass back in February along with Atlas, Ember, Volt etc.; but the designers just couldn't settle on anything in time for the update. She was part of the mass rework, she's just late to the party.

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On 2018-05-11 at 9:08 PM, Thaylien said:

I just watched this back to confirm, starting at the 21:50 mark they Spore a single enemy through a doorway, then kill that enemy and proc a single enemy to the left.

Starts in the Spoiler below at the point I mean.

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That enemy on the left is around 16-18m away.

Further on, at 23:30 they kill a single Crewman and you see Spore ticks pop up on enemies that are around the corner out of line of sight, easily more than 20m away.

I can screenshot it for you if you don't want to actually scan the video again.

The range is still the same, it even still goes through walls.

Stop panicking.

It's not the same.

Saryn is #*!%ing dead. Spores are now completely useless.

We were right about the range.

I have stretch on my Saryn. That's all as I wanted to see what a powerstrength build for spores would do. In short, it does nothing as there is zero range.


That guy on the bottom of the stairs had spores. I killed him and it spread to the second guy on the stairs.

Guy ontop of the stairs was perfectly fine.

This is WITH stretch.

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Posting this here



40 minutes ago, Cibyllae said:



Links are working now



Proof Spore Spread is not affected by LoS


EDIT: This is the Sim. test I ran with equatable results. I apologize for the quality.


1 hour ago, Cibyllae said:

Here is a video in Sim of Spore interacting between two enemies without LoS. I'm working on another one out of Sim.




EDIT: I'll try and fix the quality on the next one





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1 hour ago, xaanos said:

It's not the same.

Hmm, you know, I didn't even try this?

Okay, quick explanation and then some calm talk. Because you seem excitable and worried, so let's bring the tone back down out of shouting range.



Basically I saw that Duration is now not as necessary, and tried out a Range build instead. You can get a 42.5m range on the spread of Spores now, and still keep around +27.5% Duration, +10% Strength and +30% Efficiency. That build took me to wave 16 of regular Sanctuary Onslaught solo when I'd forgotten to equip Zenurik, I barely even used my melee weapon until the last four rounds, just pinged the spores with my primary when they started running low.

I then tried it with a Strength build, for +102% Strength, and only about +90% Range, which took me to round 9 of Elite Sancturay Onslaught solo (although this time I remembered Zenurik to keep me going).


I genuinely didn't get time to just check out only Stretch, I was too busy enjoying the absolute powerhouse she is with a full build ^^ I'm working with limited time, and so are you, there still needs to be testing done, and I'm perfectly willing to check it all out.

However, I will be absolutely adamant in my assertion that Saryn is not dead. I absolutely love how this plays now, and I can assure you that I've hit some decently high level with the tests I've done to check. Molt, with the new speed boost, is fantastic to play with. Lash, with the effect on all weapons and double-effect on melee, is better than ever, and exceptionally good for a self-buff and for spreading spores at range rather than just up close. Miasma genuinely does feel and damage better than it ever did before.

And Spores, for me, with the builds I was trying, absolutely wrecked face at everywhere from level 30-40 up to level 100+ in the short time I had to work with. The armour strip in the first three second on armoured enemies with the Strength build was so strong that my time-to-kill on level 100 enemies was seconds even after the Zone reset removing my melee combo counter. With the Range build (at only +10% Strength) the damage I was seeing regularly got to ticks of 2500-3000 per spore before the enemy spawning rate stopped keeping up with how fast the spawns would die and would reset the ability. Corpus and Infested died so fast I was at 100% efficiency for every round they featured in...

But for consideration, Spores range has not been changed with this patch. The base range of Cast is still 60m and the base range of Spread is 16m, meaning that with a Stretch you're still getting 23m of Spread on death of an enemy, whether you pop the spores or the enemy dies naturally. Further to this, multiple people confirm, and provide evidence for, the fact that it's not had the line-of-sight nerf. Prominently Rob from AGayGuyPlays has posted a recent video describing it, and immediately provides debunking of that one.

There are mitigating factors on this; first, what was the rest of your build?

Second, 23m is actually not all that far, it's only a little better than the base range of Miasma right now, so the enemy at the top of the stairs (who is a melee unit who is running towards you) may legitimately have been out of range when the spores were burst, and then run into range for this picture. I can't tell, this is a still, and your two example enemies have already had time to ragdoll to the floor, there is no place in this picture where I could (unlike the Prime Time video) actually pinpoint where the Spores spread and estimate how far that is.

And finally, one of the things I've maintained throughout this whole thread is this:

Saryn has undergone the same kind of change, maybe to a slightly lesser extent, that she did when they changed her last time. She's legitimately not going to play the way she used to, you genuinely will have to change the way you treat her to get the most out of her builds.

Spores, as an ability, is now just as effective with a nearly max-Range build as it is with a Strength build, and I spent most of my time last night watching Spores travel from one end of the map to the other on Onslaught, where there's a lot of spawns to counter how fast they die.

As a side note, I actually spent most of my time confirming that the line-of-sight nerf on melee slides actually also affects regular melee attacks, and this is bad because Enemies count as objects so now a regular melee attack can't hit your enemy if it's standing behind another enemy... that one was a real kick in the teeth.

Now, I'll genuinely go away and take some time over the weekend to explore and test all the base abilities, their properties and find out how viable they are on their own, with budget builds for newer players, and then post as many results for you as I can.

But rest assured, Saryn is not dead. Saryn is more powerful than she ever was. But you have to adjust what you expect from each cast, and how you play around it.

Edited by Thaylien
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37 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

The base range of Cast is still 60m and the base range of Spread is 16m, meaning that with a Stretch you're still getting 23m of Spread on death of an enemy, whether you pop the spores or the enemy dies naturally.

Its late, but I'll put up a video tomorrow confirming the spread range is halved on death. Ran a short test in the Sim. but didn't capture any of it.

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42 minutes ago, Cibyllae said:

Its late, but I'll put up a video tomorrow confirming the spread range is halved on death. Ran a short test in the Sim. but didn't capture any of it.

Hmmm... I seem to recall this was actually a thing on the original Spore rework, where the spores did spread on death, but only to half the distance if you didn't use Lash and the death spread was taken away because of how it negated the need for Lash on a high Range build...

I could be wrong, but they may just have put that system back in, and not made the notes official on that. So 'spores spread on death' is a fact from the bare statement, but they haven't told us the full details of it, I wouldn't actually put this past DE ^^

Still, testing for all builds commences this weekend.

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1 hour ago, Thaylien said:

Hmm, you know, I didn't even try this?

Okay, quick explanation and then some calm talk. Because you seem excitable and worried, so let's bring the tone back down out of shouting range.

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Basically I saw that Duration is now not as necessary, and tried out a Range build instead. You can get a 42.5m range on the spread of Spores now, and still keep around +27.5% Duration, +10% Strength and +30% Efficiency. That build took me to wave 16 of regular Sanctuary Onslaught solo when I'd forgotten to equip Zenurik, I barely even used my melee weapon until the last four rounds, just pinged the spores with my primary when they started running low.

I then tried it with a Strength build, for +102% Strength, and only about +90% Range, which took me to round 9 of Elite Sancturay Onslaught solo (although this time I remembered Zenurik to keep me going).


I genuinely didn't get time to just check out only Stretch, I was too busy enjoying the absolute powerhouse she is with a full build ^^ I'm working with limited time, and so are you, there still needs to be testing done, and I'm perfectly willing to check it all out.

However, I will be absolutely adamant in my assertion that Saryn is not dead. I absolutely love how this plays now, and I can assure you that I've hit some decently high level with the tests I've done to check. Molt, with the new speed boost, is fantastic to play with. Lash, with the effect on all weapons and double-effect on melee, is better than ever, and exceptionally good for a self-buff and for spreading spores at range rather than just up close. Miasma genuinely does feel and damage better than it ever did before.

And Spores, for me, with the builds I was trying, absolutely wrecked face at everywhere from level 30-40 up to level 100+ in the short time I had to work with. The armour strip in the first three second on armoured enemies with the Strength build was so strong that my time-to-kill on level 100 enemies was seconds even after the Zone reset removing my melee combo counter. With the Range build (at only +10% Strength) the damage I was seeing regularly got to ticks of 2500-3000 per spore before the enemy spawning rate stopped keeping up with how fast the spawns would die and would reset the ability. Corpus and Infested died so fast I was at 100% efficiency for every round they featured in...

But for consideration, Spores range has not been changed with this patch. The base range of Cast is still 60m and the base range of Spread is 16m, meaning that with a Stretch you're still getting 23m of Spread on death of an enemy, whether you pop the spores or the enemy dies naturally. Further to this, multiple people confirm, and provide evidence for, the fact that it's not had the line-of-sight nerf. Prominently Rob from AGayGuyPlays has posted a recent video describing it, and immediately provides debunking of that one.

There are mitigating factors on this; first, what was the rest of your build?

Second, 23m is actually not all that far, it's only a little better than the base range of Miasma right now, so the enemy at the top of the stairs (who is a melee unit who is running towards you) may legitimately have been out of range when the spores were burst, and then run into range for this picture. I can't tell, this is a still, and your two example enemies have already had time to ragdoll to the floor, there is no place in this picture where I could (unlike the Prime Time video) actually pinpoint where the Spores spread and estimate how far that is.

And finally, one of the things I've maintained throughout this whole thread is this:

Saryn has undergone the same kind of change, maybe to a slightly lesser extent, that she did when they changed her last time. She's legitimately not going to play the way she used to, you genuinely will have to change the way you treat her to get the most out of her builds.

Spores, as an ability, is now just as effective with a nearly max-Range build as it is with a Strength build, and I spent most of my time last night watching Spores travel from one end of the map to the other on Onslaught, where there's a lot of spawns to counter how fast they die.

As a side note, I actually spent most of my time confirming that the line-of-sight nerf on melee slides actually also affects regular melee attacks, and this is bad because Enemies count as objects so now a regular melee attack can't hit your enemy if it's standing behind another enemy... that one was a real kick in the teeth.

Now, I'll genuinely go away and take some time over the weekend to explore and test all the base abilities, their properties and find out how viable they are on their own, with budget builds for newer players, and then post as many results for you as I can.

But rest assured, Saryn is not dead. Saryn is more powerful than she ever was. But you have to adjust what you expect from each cast, and how you play around it.




Okay, I kind of take it back. Adjusting my build for max range instead seems effective. But the spread of spores still seem buggy to me. Sometimes it cover the map and sometimes it only seem to jump to a small group.

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14 minutes ago, xaanos said:




Okay, I kind of take it back. Adjusting my build for max range instead seems effective. But the spread of spores still seem buggy to me. Sometimes it cover the map and sometimes it only seem to jump to a small group.

It probably has to do with these three things:


19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Inflicts target with a pox of Corrosive spores. Spread spores to nearby enemies by destroying them or killing their host (*Specifically by the spores themselves or by the hand of the Saryn who owns those Spores)

19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Q: Can companions spread Spores? 

A: Yes! If they target and burst the Spores, they can spread. 

19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Q: Can you only spread Spores by having an enemy die while inflicted? 
A: That's one way of doing it! Destroying a Spore and dealing damage to enemies while Toxin Lash active will also spread Spores to surrounding enemies. 

Spores may not spread when infected enemies are killed by teammates. This has not been tested even a little bit by me. It's just a hypothesis.



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1 minute ago, xaanos said:

Okay, I kind of take it back. Adjusting my build for max range instead seems effective. But the spread of spores still seem buggy to me. Sometimes it cover the map and sometimes it only seem to jump to a small group.

Thanks for taking this a little more calmly ^^

The player above, @Cibyllae actually made a good point; the inconsistency could be due to a stealth-stat that I remember being a thing from old Spores; on death by natural means, as in, without using Lash, a Spore's spread radius may be half the distance it lists.

They're testing too, and hopefully they'll have a video for us (as I don't have any installed capture or editing software to do so myself) to demonstrate.

If that's the case, we'll riot at Pablo for an answer ^^

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I had only time to test her in the simu against lvl 100+ enemies.

But damn, lash is just insane. This together with viral pox, you dont even need ticks of spores to kill every enemy within seconds.

I would say shes definitely not weak or got a nerf in terms of damage.

Shes now even more than before a creeping powerhouse for endgame 200+ lvl enemies.

I would say, she gets in trouble of keeping the damage up in starcharts missions or sortie 1 & 2.

But in those level areas you kill everything without a sweat with your weapon, so its not a big deal.

I hope they dont nerf the damage from spores or lash, this would turn out pretty bad.


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On 2018-05-16 at 10:21 PM, SenorClipClop said:

According to comments from DE staff (I think it was Pablo himself and may have been on last week's PrimeTime, can't recall), Saryn was getting looked at during the Warframe Balance Pass back in February along with Atlas, Ember, Volt etc.; but the designers just couldn't settle on anything in time for the update. She was part of the mass rework, she's just late to the party.

You are probably right.

Well, now that she is here, how you feel about the update? (Personally after testing except having a few bugs she still seems quite  good, just a bit different mechanics now)

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