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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Here's a big question about this change, why was the dev workshop for this change only started when the update had already been sent to cert? I thought the dev workshop threads were to get feedback and ideas about changes like this beforehand so that it gets implemented well rather than as an absolute failure as this change has been. Imagine the backlash you would've got if you tried to pull this with the impact/puncture/slash changes you were originally thinking about.

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so they think a cursor and extra clicks helps console vs just clicking one button for say upgrading i have to move the cursor over and click upgrade instead of just hitting triangle ? 

i don't understand the logic at all here so you add more clicks to simple steps instead of sticking to the easy way ?


I'm still on the fence on saryns rework but i just hate the UI changes and if we had an option to revert back then that would be a good option but from the sound of it they won't do that, its too easy instead lets force every console playing to adapt to our way much like they nerf/rework frames.

we have to drag and drop mods now too which is kinda meh

Edited by (PS4)SlyFox5679
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I like the cursor...ish. I can certainly find myself getting used to it - but some of the new UI changes are really unnecessary. Like removing button shortcuts on arsenal - and drag and drop mods. These are very painful tasks to perform on a controller, even with cursor sensitivity turned right up. Speaking of which: it is so easy to overshoot an option now with this cursor and is pretty frustrating, especially in chat. Navigation is also ridiculously clunky now and has too many quirks. Hoping you guys will polish it up soon!

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23 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

That tweet was issued when this thread was well under way as a direct response to a request for a rollback. It's as explicit as you're getting for now.



"It's as explicit as you're getting for now."? 

Dude. You realise that you are currently reading as though you are making the decisions and statements for DE? I've read your contributions, and I understand that you are trying to play devil's advocate, but seriously; they started the dumpster fire by issuing an "update" that's pretty clearly a significant UI downgrade for most people, let them respond for themselves. 

Many of the changes are counterintuitive, take significantly more effort for what used to be simple tasks, and the main supporting claim that "well if you use a M&K on your console it works pretty well, most of the time" is really ridiculous for most of us. 


Even the helpful response that I'll paraphrase as "hey if you want to change the settings to speed up the controller for the UI it makes it suck less" is indicative of the fact that they recognise that the system doesn't work well with a controller. 


People have said repeatedly that just giving us back the hotkey bindings for the arsenal/inventory lay out would be an improvement. People have said that being able to toggle "move the cursor around by pretending that you have a mouse, when it really makes no sense to have that cursor in those interfaces unless you have a mouse" would be an improvement. 

Let's leave it at that for DE to respond to, or at least recognise, mmmmmkay? 

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This cursor nonsense is literally and unequivocally terrible.  Everything takes 50 extra clicks (exaggeration, kinda, a little).  As I saw someone say before this isn't PC, this is console, a cursor is stupid and not intuitive to a controller whatsoever,  and glad to see that we are now stuck with this nonsense.  Literally couldn't keep playing last night cause of this.  Had multiple friends stop an hour into playing.  We didn't ask for this, and it isn't welcome.  Will I still play?  Yes cause fashionframe and my now even more savage saryn keeping everyone in single digit damage percentages in every game mode. Will I be happy coming back to my orbiter after being a badass?  Not ever, ever never.  There's my feedback, a rant, cause it doesn't deserve anything better.


Edit: the worst part about this all is we are now stuck with this crap until probably another update is sent to cert to implement whatever changes to make this "suck less", so that's a good job, in the mean time lets all just be miserable.

Edited by (PS4)ArchangelX3Z
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We aren't PC and all this has done is add 3-4 more steps to basic functions.


NOBADY LIKE THE NEW UI ! understand that ! you force us to use the new UI cursor !


and please explain to me the logic in removing shortcuts and making most of the menus inaccessible using the D-Pad!

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Ok - Am I pissed at the changes - yes.

It's a horrible design error on the UI/UX team. That being said - I also genuinely do understand the reason for harmonising the codebase - it does make sense and makes on-going expansions and changes far easier.

The issue for me is 2 fold.

The first, is that this is clearly a half-baked UI implementation - irrelevant of what will come and how it will be "amazing" when all the new UI is implemented. It's like buying a car with 3 wheels - being assured that when the 4th one is added in 4 weeks time, the steering round bends is going to be amazing. I just don't get it. In my honest opinion, there's an element of "whatever" in a lazy environment that's been created from DLC and "hotfix" capabilities. When you bought games back in the day - i.e. PS1 and even 2, you bought a CD/CArtridge with the game on - that was it. IT had to be a tailored, finished product or your entire investment would burn....horribly....as there was no way to get a "hotfix" through. Honestly, I wish the industry would stop this mentality and actually treat updates in a similar way - it should be as polished as possible - end of story.

2nd is you're trying to incorporate 2 entirely different platforms (in the whole) to a single UI environment and want the controls to operate the same. It's always going to be messy no matter what you do - but changing very logical, common sense button strokes from a console to match the PC just doesn't make sense. As with all of these things, from all over the years when people have tried to do this, you inherently end up with a mediocre environment for all - and this hurts far more. Trying to be all things to all people is never a good outcome or strategy. If I were to try to put this in to an analogy, I would probably pick Homers Car.



Finally - just a thought for @SilentMobius

I understand where you are coming from and the comments you make. I'm running several large software programmes and have just completed several this year already in an enterprise environment. As you no doubt know, rushing something ahead of 2 or 3 major updates or implementations never bodes well. It shows a level of panic, desperation and no doubt a senior level push where they don't always know/have to deal with, the outcomes - even when pre-warned, forewarned, screamed at, etc. To have a "half backed" implementation, prior to an expansion, prior to TennoCon, Prio to a possible new planet, etc. etc. etc just seems incredibly bad PM rollout and asking for trouble - and here we are - trouble... *shrugs*

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Hate this new UI it's a disaster. I'm not even logging in to get daily rewards anymore. The whole thing feels so slow and tbh I'm not waiting around for 3 hours while everyone in my squad changes their loadouts and does their colour matching. The new menu looks cleaner but the cursor is awful. If DE aren't going to revert it then atleast give us an option to use d-pad. It's unnatural on console. 

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il y a 3 minutes, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami a dit :


I'll accept this response from Steve. 

Ok, this is what i wanted !

No "oh just quicken it in the menu" but "ok, we screwed and we're working hard". Humility, good attitude.
I'm sure they'll make it great again ! There are already a lot of constructive feedbacks here and somewhere else 😉

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@[DE]Danielle I understand you implement hotfixes in the game, and I believe I speak for most of the community when I say that all we want is the option to use controller /or/ keyboard and mouse. Perhaps a hotfix where you implement the option in the controls menu? Because to be frank, the old UI was perfect for what it was. Fluid, responsive, if you hovered over an item it would show a preview, this new one just feels slow, clunky, and completely counter-intuitive. The Tenno operate on the principles of duality and versatility, and so should the new UI.

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The new UI is absolutely horrendous. Everything takes twice as long to do. Changing mods on frames and weapons is such a pain to do now, to the point of being a chore and is just not fun at all. Please revert these changes, I want to keep playing Warframe, I really do, but if it starts being ''unfun'' I'll have to look for other games to play.

I think I'm not alone here. Almost everyone hates the new UI changes.

Edited by (PS4)sebcreed
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1 minute ago, (PS4)ClockworkRhino29 said:

@[DE]Danielle I understand you implement hotfixes in the game, and I believe I speak for most of the community when I say that all we want is the option to use controller /or/ keyboard and mouse. Perhaps a hotfix where you implement the option in the controls menu? Because to be frank, the old UI was perfect for what it was. Fluid, responsive, if you hovered over an item it would show a preview, this new one just feels slow, clunky, and completely counter-intuitive. The Tenno operate on the principles of duality and versatility, and so should the new UI.

Hmmm My tenno operated on the principle of...


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8 minutes ago, (PS4)OeilCeleste said:

Ok, this is what i wanted !

No "oh just quicken it in the menu" but "ok, we screwed and we're working hard". Humility, good attitude.
I'm sure they'll make it great again ! There are already a lot of constructive feedbacks here and somewhere else 😉

This is why I love DE they listen to their players feedback better than any other company and they are quick to respond when and error is made, I went away to get a snack and they had already adressed the issues when i returned 

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)Tatakai no Kami said:


I'll accept this response from Steve. 

I would rather wait a year for updates than attempt to use this system one more time.

I would pay full retail price just to revert to the old system, and I'm a broke POS.

Focused suggestion? Beta test before release. Don't  release half of an interface before a blackout. At least look at another console game for comparison or, you know, the native interface of the system you're developing for. Keep a rollback option for when you screw the pooch.

I could've waited for particles and tennogen. This would be like removing all the textures from the game a month before the next tileset came out. In fact, I'd rather play the game with no textures than with no interface.

That's what this is, no interface. Maybe console interfaces were handicapped (I don't think so) but you just demolished the wheelchair ramp and told us stairs work for everyone else so go fys.

This is not outrage, these are facts. Roll back five years if you must, at least then you could call it nostalgia mode. This is foolish.

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